Written by Mathew Naismith
Because I have never studied in or followed any isms,
ideologies or concepts in my life, it is becoming apparent that this lack of
influence by these isms, ideologies and concepts, is setting me apart from most
other people's views. My posts and blog's are becoming more and more
conceptional to a different way of being, a being that seems to be beyond
present human perceptions a lot of the times.
This post, I thought, was going to be about why we are
embracing love so much and justifiably so, however, we need to also realise how
destructive and negative love, especially when expressed to an extreme, is to
other existences. I will get back to this topic but I obviously needed to touch
on the topic of why my views are often unaccepted accepted by many people.
The following is a reply I gave to someone just recently in
regards to subjectiveness being plainly not of our true being, I think this
gives a clearer perspective of my views and insights.
My Reply:
Because we have
been conditioned by certain ideologies and isms that are based/influenced by
human perceptions, this view that everything has always existed and has always
been apart of us is hard to acknowledge and accept. We bag the ego, which is
time, space and matter, we are therefore anything other than what we bag, and
egotistically so. We egotistically want to be just of all this light and love
or nothingness but where not, not in my mind.
In my mind, we
need to consciously ascend/evolve from our present consciousness that is
primarily based on human perceptions. Basically, we need to format the hard
drive to ascend/evolve, this means becoming unconditioned to our present
consciousness based on human perceptions, ideologies and isms:)
Thinking that
subjectiveness is ego, therefore not apart of our truer being, is not true for
me, this is an old human perception we need to format/delete for it no longer
has relevance, or should not have relevance if we are going to ascend/evolve in
my mind.
Now back on to what I initially thought was going to be the
topic of this post.
Looking out into our garden from our veranda, I sit a watch
birds flutter quite merrily and contentedly in our garden, they seem to be in
utter bliss void of any emotions of love or hate, bad or good, right and wrong.
They seem to be just being, a being in a heavenly state of existence it would
It is hard to imagine that any existence would be heavenly if
we took love out of an existence, especially extreme expressions of love; in
our present circumstances, this is understandable. You see birds do not have a
perception of chaos, hate and destruction; they are just being void of these
perceptions. Because we experience and perceive these things, especially to
excess, we valuate that any other heavenly existence would have to be full of
love, in actuality, any kind of bird like existence would seem like heaven to
us in our present circumstances. We often cannot perceive or imagine this so we
go to an extreme in opposition to our present reality of chaos, hate and
We are however embracing love for a vary good reason, it's
healing to start with plus it takes us away from all this chaos, hate and
destruction in the world around us. It is nurturing and peaceful and gives us a
sense of security in a very insecure world. No, there is utterly nothing wrong
with this. I should point out at this time I am not comfortable with extremes,
one extreme always creates the opposite extreme, as of all extremes, they are
destructive, especially towards each other and anything else in between.
Now how is love destructive? Love is negative towards
negatives to start with, it's also destroys hate within it's own presence. Hate
cannot exist in the same space as love. Again, there is nothing wrong in love
negating/destroying hate within it's own presence, the point is, love is
destructive and negative especially when expressed to an extreme. To me, our
true being in a peaceful heavenly state cannot be destructive, even towards chaos,
hate, destruction, and even negativity.
This is a prime example why I, like the birds in our garden,
do not express a black and white mentality of negative and positive, love and
hate. Today, I do not even judge myself being positive; I do not have to for it
no longer has a purpose in my life anymore. I am more like the birds in our
garden these days, just being within my present reality void, to one extent or
another, of one perspective or another. As of any life existence, there is a
life and death struggle for which we in the end lose, this is the same with
birds, however, their existence is a lot more heavenly than a lot of us have
ever experienced.
Yes, we can experience this kind of heavenly reality but we need
an extreme in opposition to another extreme to do this, we need to destroy or
have negative thoughts against an opposite to feel like this. This is not like
these birds in our garden in any sense. Yes, love, especially when expressed to
an extreme is negative towards chaos, hate and destruction, love is anti-hate
within it's own existence and expression.
Yes, I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite of love,
then what is the opposite of hate? Love, all of what is has an opposite like
our states of oneness, pure awareness, nothingness or what ever, has an
opposite. As time is the opposite of timelessness, finite existence or being is
the opposite of infinite existence or being, one creates the existence of the
other. Our truer being or self also has an opposite. It is said that our truer
being is pure awareness, I call it wisdom. The opposite of this is of course ignorance,
which many of us have judged as being an illusion or of a fake existence, I
find it strange how the controlling ego wants to be something more grander than
what it is so it judges everything it doesn't want to be an illusion or fake!!
It really seems we are going to continue on the roller-coaster
of extremes, this is very much unlike the birds in our garden that are not
expressive of any extremes.
A state of heavenly existence does not rely on extremes; it
relies on a balance existence with all of what is. Yes, it is quite
understandable that while experiencing one extreme that we will be enticed to
express another counteractive extreme, however, this reaction will only keep on
creating counteractive extremes. One motion creates a counter motion like a
pendulum; it is ongoing until one finds true balance between opposing motions
just like a pendulum while motionless. Like a pendulum while motionless, it's
this quietness that creates heaven, not extreme opposing motions!!
I would rather exist within my reality like a bird, for the
bird is free of human extremes and opposing diversities. This is me, neither
one or the other for I am free of one or the other.