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Showing posts with label extremes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extremes. Show all posts

Monday, 16 December 2019

Exasperated Egoistic Extremes

Written by Mathew Naismith

One can never be too positive!!

In a known age of false prophets, if the cover is not all glossy and glittery, what is in between the covers can't be positive. You have to play up to each others ego's to be positive it would seem, otherwise you are simply negative, something to penalise and/or incarcerate in some way. Yes, it is the same old consciousness being played out. The responses I receive at times is, well, hmmm. I responded to this as below.     

"We think quite differently on this matter PL. It is well known in psychology that one can become too positive for a number of different reasons. Also, leaders like Hitler and Trump are/were well and truly overly positive, what about multinationals, etc!!

How many people who think they are truly positive separate energy into positives and negatives? I couldn't think of anything more negative, to separate energy into various parts even further, most often to do with escapism which is another factor.

How many truly positive people ignore the negatives to retain a positive? Usually at the cost of people being abused, Yemen and Palestine come to mind.

We often use the positives to feed the ego even more, nothing more, you can't do this while being in a neutral state of consciousness. In a true neutral state, which I haven't attained myself, it is just energy, not negative and positive energy. If you think in negatives and positives, you think in black and white, which includes people. Often the conscious is unaware of how the subconscious works so will deny this, as expected.

I won't build up other people's ego on a lie, but I am often helpful in getting people to look at life in a different way. Getting away from separating energy more is but one of them. Yes, we could sit within our own created humour and build up each others ego's, but not on the back of the abused, which in all honesty is occurring even more today.

Sadly, a lot of people in the west can't comprehend what a true neutral state is, actually, a lot of ego's just simply don't won't to. Also, the fear of being negative is purely based on fear, which a lot of excessively positive people have unknowingly got themselves into. Actually, they simply don't won't to know and deceptively deny it to the bitter end.

The ego will often judge by the cover. Even when between the covers have been read, the cover still takes precedence. Often so-called self-proclaimed positive people will only read the cover to feed their ego's even more, this is too obvious.

The funny thing is, I am personally known as a light hearted humorous person. It has been known that women will come up to my wife and I and state I wish my husband was like me instead of a grumpy bum.  My own cover isn't all glossy and sparkly, so is often misread, but between the covers is another story. Very few excessively positive people desire to know my story, proffering to read the cover instead for obvious reasons. The reason for this is very interesting.

In what I have gone through in life, if I was anywhere near as negative as these people need to believe, I wouldn't like to think where I would be now. It takes a lot of honest collective conscious awareness to be were I am now, considering the circumstances. In the end, our own ego's will only believe and desire to know what feeds the ego, all else is penalised or incarcerated in some way, a sign that a consciousness has not evolved for thousands of years. I never penalise or incarcerate people into negatives and positives, as a lot of excessively positive humourous people do. A lot of times, it is simply a consciousness lost within its own creation."

I recall a time that people feeding off of each others ego's was deemed to be also positive, all else of course being negative to this extreme positive. As I recall my past lives lived to some extent, people feeding off of each others ego was nullified or neutralised, this act of balance is just not occurring today.

In days of past, excluding empires built up feeding off of each others ego's, people of wisdom were revered. Today, any sense of wisdom, which includes honest truth, is penalised and/or incarcerated in some way, usually by people who are excessive within their own positiveness or negativeness. When a consciousness becomes expressive of extremes, extreme ideological views are understandably created.

It is the way the collective consciousness has chosen to go, it is what it is what it is. As I try to often relay, make the best of what you have, not the worse. Making the best of what is, isn't of some extreme expression of positiveness or of feeding off of each others ego, it is simply of awareness and wisdom, if you like, honest commonsense reasoning. Commonsense reasoning must be of the absence of bias or desire therefore honest truth.

I am bewildered that so many people have put themselves in a predicament as to dreadfully fear being negative in any sense. We often read of wisdom and awareness while only taking on that for which serves the ego the most. The present state of the human collective consciousness determines this, this can be averted. 

This reminds of the question have humans created their present extreme weather occurrences, or, is this just a part of a natural cycle? A bewildering question of separatism created by bias. Extremes are a part of natural cycles, as is extremes of human consciousness. The answer of course is that our present extreme weather is a part of a natural cycle, but a cycle we are making far worse through our own actions and inactions. You would think that a consciousness guided by wisdom would counterbalance this natural cycle of extremes, instead, in the absence of wisdom, we exasperate it to an extreme. 

Yes, our natural environment can be of extremes, this doesn't mean we have to exasperate these extremes to become even more extreme. Yes, consciousness is influenced by its environment, but a wise consciousness knows not to exasperate these extremes even further. Sadly, human consciousness is seemingly going right along with the present natural extremes, further expressing extremes to an extreme.......                  

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Balance Creates Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

To me, a true sense of balance creates love through a natural process in states of balance, the reason I think this is explained in the following post I posted on a forum. Balance/moderation is simply bliss which creates a sense of love of everything void of bias or prejudice. A moderated thought process negates all extremes thus creating a true sense of balance that then creates a true sense of love.

As we go within, extremes have less of an influence over us, the extrication of these extremes are simply replaced with a sense of love. The reason for this is simple; extremes denote imbalances and lust/desire, by becoming less influenced by extremes bring balance which allows a truer sense of love to influence us instead of extremes. Influences from extremes are simply replaced by the influences of love.    


This is interesting, is a true state of balance of divine consciousness (spirit) or human consciousness (mind)? 

Considering that humans have always and probably always will express extremes, it is unlikely a true state of balance is of human consciousness; it's probably why human consciousness struggles to maintain some kind of balance in life.

When we presume and perceive that divine consciousness is love and that love is above all else, is this not an expression of an extreme. It's very human to desire the opposite of what one is existing in, especially if one is not physiologically happy with their present environment.

Consider this, is not saying that divine consciousness is primarily of love not stating an absolute? If we took away all the love and hate within the world, all we would be left with is bliss, the reason for this lies within these extreme expressions. There is no true sense of balance within extreme expressions, in one trying to over power the other all the times, a true sense of balance simply can't exist within such an existence.

So why do we perceive that divine consciousness is only of an extreme such as love?

Psychologically looking at this, human nature perceives what it desires to be of, not what it doesn't desire to be of, especially if it has any kind of disdain (contempt) towards it's present environment. It is simply natural for humans to desire something to be what it's not just to escape from its present environment.

It is natural when a state of true balance exists bliss and love are present, however, when a state of imbalance exists, chaos and hate are present and naturally so. So is divine conciseness (spirit) primarily of and expressive of love or balance?  If the spirit within all things was of an extreme, everything would also express and be of extremes but there simply not.

So if everything of the spirit within all things is balance, why isn't everything of balance?  Where you have yin and yang, is where you have balance but you also have imbalance, it's simply a natural law of existence as a whole.

Human represents imbalance where divine consciousness represents balance. To me, we presume too much while collectively in a state of chaos and mayhem. The divine consciousness, unlike ourselves, is not of an extreme of any kind, we simply perceive it to be so because of what we psychologically desire.

As of many Eastern teachings teach, balance/moderation is the key, not love.

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.” 
Lao TzuTao Te Ching

 “Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 
Jalaluddin RumiThe Essential Rumi

You can be still and still moving. Content even in your discontent.

Ram Dass

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Conditioned to Incomprehensibility

Written by Mathew Naismith

My lovely wife came across the following rhyme after hearing me speak of how wisdom is no longer apparent within our daily existence. My wife only observed the wisdom of the rhyme, not what the rhyme was actually portraying, that men do not hear or listen enough. The wisdom being that we can speak too much and not hear enough of what we are speaking about, this was basically what the discussion with my wife was about. My darling wife did not observe the actual meaning of the rhyme but the wisdom of the rhyme. There was no depiction of a negative or positive, black or white, within her observation of the rhyme. This kind of observation is very rare it seems, observing the wisdom in things before anything else.           

"There was an owl who lived in an oak tree. The more he heard, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Oh, if men were like that wise bird."

The following was in response to the question of making allowances for people who are unable to comprehend anything beyond their own conditioning. The conditioning here is pertaining to expressing extremes as opposed to expressing balance.  

In the west in particular it would seem, we are conditioned from birth to exist in separation with our environment, is this a relative excuse to ignore what our natural surroundings can teach us about balance?

When you also consider a lack of being conditioned to wisdom, I think this is a relative excuse to ignore what our environment can teach us.

However, I think many of us are at the stage where we are deliberately ignoring what our environment can teach us. Of course when we gain wisdom, we see it quite differently as you seem to have done. Wisdom is an important relative towards observing the balance in our environment.

We seem to have gotten to the point of deliberately ignoring instead of just being unaware, probably because of the lack of wisdom.

I think any consciousness existing void of wisdom is going to be imbalanced therefore extreme and destructive by nature. There is nothing wrong with existing like this, however, if we are serious in changing our ways, we need to be aware and more conditioned to wisdom than separation it would seem, this clearly isn't occurring.

The reason I say this isn't occurring, is we are obviously still fixated to extremes.  Any expressions of extremes indicate that the said consciousness is any thing but conditioned to wisdom. All extremes to me indicate separation to excess; it is obvious this kind of existence/consciousness is void of wisdom thus unable to observe balance within the environment.

Basically, we no longer have the tools to observe and learn balance from our environment any more. We instead replaced wisdom with separation through excess expressions of extremes.


The following is another response I gave in relation to comprehending anything not of our own mind set, especially words of wisdom. Wisdom is certainly being replaced with extreme reactions and counteractions these days. 

The means of learning from wisdom is still there, it's just we seem to have gotten to a point where we no longer able to comprehend wisdom as this, particularly in the west.
We might become aware of this kind of wisdom, but we don't truly comprehend its meaning, we have lost this ability through our fixations to extremes it would seem.

Spirituality is being used and abused once again as a feel good practice; it was never intended for this. Spirituality to me is about connections beyond human conscious understanding, feeling good comes at best to this, actually, feeling good is apart of the natural process of becoming connected. We have indeed abused this once again for self-gratification.         

Wisdom is the ability to observe without bias, at no time is this kind of observation a state of excessive thinking and analysing; it's a pure state of observation. As an example, there are no true black and white's, negative and positives; there is only observation of motion void of analytical analysis. There are no true wrong and rights, only expressions of motions.

As spirituality is suppose to be about connections, it's also supposed to be about wisdom, this again is no longer the case it would seem. Extreme expressions and self-gratifications have nothing to do with a true sense of spirituality and wisdom to me. It's sad to see spirituality being once again abused in this fashion.


I also wrote the following in response that all validation is of external sources. Also, the mind is a doorway to other worlds, realms and realities; we often comprehend that the mind is just of a physical spectrum.    

Indeed, to know you are abundance takes a balanced mind to realise this in the first place. A mind focused on extremes will never realise this abundance, only the abundance found externally which is often transitory. All extreme expressions are external.

The mind to me is a doorway to external and internal worlds/realms. We often make the mistake and think that the mind is of external worlds only, of the physical worlds.

Having balanced views assists us to use the mind as a doorway to our inner world, a world we have often forgotten about.

External validation isn't quite correct because it's the mind that needs validation, and it's but a doorway to all worlds. If this doorway is not balanced within itself, the worlds we experience through these doorways will be the same.

How many people look upon the mind as being a doorway, a gate to other worlds and dimensions? It's obviously important we have a balanced perceptions/mind.

The mind is a stargate, this is obvious for the mind still exists after so-called death. The mind indeed transcends realities, if the mind is imbalanced, so is the realities experienced, even after death.

We look upon the mind as an external entity that needs external validation, big mistake in my mind. My mind receives more validation from internal sources than external sources these days, only because my mind is open and aware to all I am, not just to all I desire to be of!!

How many people truly comprehend that the mind is but a doorway to other worlds, realities and realms? We have been conditioned to think the mind is only a physical entity and anything of the mind is of the ego mind. Everyone's mind is indeed a stargate, a gate/doorway to limitless infinite conscious occurrences. 

Yes, most of what I write about is incomprehensible to a lot of people; this has been stated to me a number of times. As the ego mind often does, anything incomprehensible, especially when it questions our own perceptions, is often refuted and denounced. If I did this myself, I would be aware of very little these days.

We desire to be free from our environment around us, but we are at the same time unwilling to let go of extreme expressions that negate wisdom. Only in and through wisdom will we truly be free, the problem being, one has to be wise to some extent in the first place to start being truly free of our own extreme expressions.

Can a consciousness become that extreme within there expressions, that the said consciousness will be unable to free itself from these limiting extreme expressions? I have observed that many of us have reached this stage, in the process, denounce any wisdom in the contrary to their own extreme expressions. Collectively, we are in a mess, a mess we have created ourselves, however, there is an answer to this, but we must be willing to free ourselves from our extreme expressions.     

Monday, 23 January 2017

Just Like the Birds in Our Garden

Written by Mathew Naismith

Because I have never studied in or followed any isms, ideologies or concepts in my life, it is becoming apparent that this lack of influence by these isms, ideologies and concepts, is setting me apart from most other people's views. My posts and blog's are becoming more and more conceptional to a different way of being, a being that seems to be beyond present human perceptions a lot of the times.

This post, I thought, was going to be about why we are embracing love so much and justifiably so, however, we need to also realise how destructive and negative love, especially when expressed to an extreme, is to other existences. I will get back to this topic but I obviously needed to touch on the topic of why my views are often unaccepted accepted by many people.

The following is a reply I gave to someone just recently in regards to subjectiveness being plainly not of our true being, I think this gives a clearer perspective of my views and insights.        

My Reply:
Because we have been conditioned by certain ideologies and isms that are based/influenced by human perceptions, this view that everything has always existed and has always been apart of us is hard to acknowledge and accept. We bag the ego, which is time, space and matter, we are therefore anything other than what we bag, and egotistically so. We egotistically want to be just of all this light and love or nothingness but where not, not in my mind.

In my mind, we need to consciously ascend/evolve from our present consciousness that is primarily based on human perceptions. Basically, we need to format the hard drive to ascend/evolve, this means becoming unconditioned to our present consciousness based on human perceptions, ideologies and isms:)

Thinking that subjectiveness is ego, therefore not apart of our truer being, is not true for me, this is an old human perception we need to format/delete for it no longer has relevance, or should not have relevance if we are going to ascend/evolve in my mind.


Now back on to what I initially thought was going to be the topic of this post.

Looking out into our garden from our veranda, I sit a watch birds flutter quite merrily and contentedly in our garden, they seem to be in utter bliss void of any emotions of love or hate, bad or good, right and wrong. They seem to be just being, a being in a heavenly state of existence it would seem.

It is hard to imagine that any existence would be heavenly if we took love out of an existence, especially extreme expressions of love; in our present circumstances, this is understandable. You see birds do not have a perception of chaos, hate and destruction; they are just being void of these perceptions. Because we experience and perceive these things, especially to excess, we valuate that any other heavenly existence would have to be full of love, in actuality, any kind of bird like existence would seem like heaven to us in our present circumstances. We often cannot perceive or imagine this so we go to an extreme in opposition to our present reality of chaos, hate and destruction.

We are however embracing love for a vary good reason, it's healing to start with plus it takes us away from all this chaos, hate and destruction in the world around us. It is nurturing and peaceful and gives us a sense of security in a very insecure world. No, there is utterly nothing wrong with this. I should point out at this time I am not comfortable with extremes, one extreme always creates the opposite extreme, as of all extremes, they are destructive, especially towards each other and anything else in between.

Now how is love destructive? Love is negative towards negatives to start with, it's also destroys hate within it's own presence. Hate cannot exist in the same space as love. Again, there is nothing wrong in love negating/destroying hate within it's own presence, the point is, love is destructive and negative especially when expressed to an extreme. To me, our true being in a peaceful heavenly state cannot be destructive, even towards chaos, hate, destruction, and even negativity.

This is a prime example why I, like the birds in our garden, do not express a black and white mentality of negative and positive, love and hate. Today, I do not even judge myself being positive; I do not have to for it no longer has a purpose in my life anymore. I am more like the birds in our garden these days, just being within my present reality void, to one extent or another, of one perspective or another. As of any life existence, there is a life and death struggle for which we in the end lose, this is the same with birds, however, their existence is a lot more heavenly than a lot of us have ever experienced.

Yes, we can experience this kind of heavenly reality but we need an extreme in opposition to another extreme to do this, we need to destroy or have negative thoughts against an opposite to feel like this. This is not like these birds in our garden in any sense. Yes, love, especially when expressed to an extreme is negative towards chaos, hate and destruction, love is anti-hate within it's own existence and expression.

Yes, I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite of love, then what is the opposite of hate? Love, all of what is has an opposite like our states of oneness, pure awareness, nothingness or what ever, has an opposite. As time is the opposite of timelessness, finite existence or being is the opposite of infinite existence or being, one creates the existence of the other. Our truer being or self also has an opposite. It is said that our truer being is pure awareness, I call it wisdom. The opposite of this is of course ignorance, which many of us have judged as being an illusion or of a fake existence, I find it strange how the controlling ego wants to be something more grander than what it is so it judges everything it doesn't want to be an illusion or fake!!

It really seems we are going to continue on the roller-coaster of extremes, this is very much unlike the birds in our garden that are not expressive of any extremes.

A state of heavenly existence does not rely on extremes; it relies on a balance existence with all of what is. Yes, it is quite understandable that while experiencing one extreme that we will be enticed to express another counteractive extreme, however, this reaction will only keep on creating counteractive extremes. One motion creates a counter motion like a pendulum; it is ongoing until one finds true balance between opposing motions just like a pendulum while motionless. Like a pendulum while motionless, it's this quietness that creates heaven, not extreme opposing motions!! 

I would rather exist within my reality like a bird, for the bird is free of human extremes and opposing diversities. This is me, neither one or the other for I am free of one or the other.