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Showing posts with label heaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heaven. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Heaven and Hell!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

“You go on being

reincarnated until you

reach the actual Truth.

Heaven and Hell are just a

state of mind. We are all

here to become Christ-like.

The actual world is an


I should state that in the west Christ like for a lot of people represents a consciousness of enlightenment and illumination. Illumination means to be aware in the absence of what keeps humans unaware as I will explain.

Refreshing, don't hear this a lot, “Heaven and hell are just a state of mind”!!

Heaven and hell are a state of consciousness, a particular consciousness, where heaven and hell are perceived to exist. Often of what we desire or simply perceive becomes reality, a made up reality inline with what is desired or perceived. I worked as a social worker twice over in my life, I found that so many people often live by the reality they have created, making the created reality real for them. Now, is a created reality inline with what we desire or simply perceived to be real of actual reality?

Tricky, because now you have to perceive, in the absence of what we desire to be true, what is meant by actual reality. The more we desire as a collective, be it material, spiritual wealth or whatever, the less the reality we create to be of actual reality. Actual reality is not what we desire or perceive to be true, actual reality becomes apparent in the absence of what is desired or perceived. Like I said , very tricky, for a consciousness conditioned to creating realities based on desires, lusts and made up man made perceptions.

I should add that hellish like consciousness seems to exist, a consciousness created by distorting consciousness, usually in line with what is desired, perceived or has came about due to excessive trauma. What reality will the present created trauma create, or we will allow to be created?

A book titled, “ Universal Trust Fund Baby”, written by Tawnya Love, might suite some people. I have not read this book by the way, it is just that I am in indirect communication with the author.

Monday 5 November 2018

Passion of the Eastern Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

William Shakespeare's, "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;"

A Western minds dramatisation of life; to go on suffering or to cease the suffering by death or to cause death onto what is causing the suffering, in actuality it's the same thing. To abandon life and human existence for a better existence is the death of suffering; of course it is well known to the Eastern mind we cause our own suffering. To commit suicide or to cause the death to what is causing the suffering is the same thing. So to desire to create a better existence than an existence of suffering is suicidal; for one has to cause death onto one's own dramatisation of suffering, we would in fact kill a part of ourselves off. Is this the answer?

The answer to the Western mind is to separate itself from what it no longer desires to be a part of, to separate itself from the undesired for the desired. The desired is to suffer no more, even though to stop suffering one has to commit suicide, to cause death to what is causing the suffering which is ourselves. In a reality of variable polarities, we have a choice to either suffer with these variables, thus focus on suffering, or to let these variables pass without attaching ourselves to the suffering they may or may not create. To be, or not to be!!

So how does this help the people who are really suffering, the victims of war and civilian depravation? As I have done myself, you stop focusing on the suffering of variables for the only part of us that is able to suffer is the ego. The more the ego is in control, the more suffering we will suffer with thus creating a world that is destructive onto itself and chaotic within  it's environment. Yes, our environment, in actuality the universe itself, can be destructive and chaotic but as of ourselves it can also be constructive and passive.

I came across something recently I found interesting, the first part is my reply to what I found so interesting. A heavenly state of being is simply a state where the ego has no control; even in an existence of opposing variables this state is accessible to us.   

Very well articulated. It's not easy for the Western mind to comprehend what is written here sunday ivy. 

The reason for this is the lack of control as the Western mind in all of us desires control. To control takes the abuse of energy, be it physical and/or mental. What will be will be is not acceptable to the Western mind in any of us. 

Is it a wonderful life no matter what goes on? It is what it is as man is no more destructive or chaotic than the natural environment can be, however, we can also be as constructive and passive as the natural environment can be as well, the choice is ours. 

The Western mind in all of us needs more of this, in my mind anyway.

Persistent Motivation Comes from the Longing and Pursuit of a Wonderful Life

(Translated by Tongxin and Edited by Kaer)

What promotes everyone to live day by day?

It is the Tathaga (nature) which has been the designed program ever since LIFE was originally created during the beginning of creation. For each LIFE, whether they like it or not, must run around in circles to survive for several decades after being born, and this is not controllable by anyone. As people, we must run around solving the problems of eating, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, sickness, and death, although these are reluctant choices which lead to tragic lives.

These are reluctant and tragic lives within the realms of necessity. If people cannot escape from the bondages of the realms of necessity, then no matter how they may live, trouble, pain, worry, anxiety, and fear will follow them forever. Life will rise and fall, set in sorrow and joy, and bloom and fade like flowers, until one reincarnation of LIFE is finished and a new one begins anew.

Coming back to the original point, after several years, many decades, or even centuries, these are the reincarnations of the realm of necessity. If we do not escape from the bondage of the realm of necessity and enter into the realm of freedom, then whatever we do and however glorious a state we can reach, everything is as futile and transitory as passing clouds. Nothing is worthy of being pursued or owned.

Although the road leading forward is tortuous, it is only by targeting an eternal direction and goal and by walking firmly towards it, that we can ever hope to walk out of the realm of necessity, out of the rises and falls, and out of the reincarnations of life, that we might taste and enjoy the scenery and joys along the road.

Everything we pursue and own in the human world will eventually melt into emptiness or burst like bubbles. They are absolutely illusions and dreams. If everything in the human world eventually disappears, then what is worthy of being pursued? What is worthy of being owned? What is worthy of being strived for by consuming the energy of LIFE?

Either swim with the tide and do not care about truth or falsehood, sincerity or deception, beauty or ugliness, kindness or cruelty, good or evil, or what is yours or mine, because everything will disappear into silence when one eventually disappears from the world; or move forward, firmly toward the realm of freedom which exceeds this human world, and exceeds space and time.

Where is the realm of freedom? Where is the way leading to the realm of freedom?

The human world is not the realm of freedom because our bodies push us to run for survival. The realm of freedom is heaven, and the ultimate realm of freedom is the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

The road leading to the realm of freedom is the longing and pursuit of a wonderful life, and this is the source of persistent motivation.

What are wonderful lives?

They are states of no death, no pain and sorrow, no worry and fear, no trouble and misfortune, and no fighting and deprivation, but there is always joy, happiness, sunny life like beautiful springs, eternally green mountains and clear rivers, and one has the freedom to do whatever they want to do forever. What is fortunate is that we have found the way that directs us forward to the realm of freedom in which a broad, beautiful world is already waiting for us. The question is how can we reach it? Can we keep going? Did we delay too much on the road, feel powerless like sighing before the sea, and get pulled back into the realm of necessity because of sluggishness?

So many people have fallen down because they lost, do you still have the motivation to move ahead?

As long as you strive for and pursue the good life continuously, you will have persistent motivation, and can overcome all difficulties and finally reach the destination. But if your pursuit and longing are reduced or stopped, then you will stay in the same place and miss your opportunity to enjoy a truly beautiful life.

Monday 23 January 2017

Just Like the Birds in Our Garden

Written by Mathew Naismith

Because I have never studied in or followed any isms, ideologies or concepts in my life, it is becoming apparent that this lack of influence by these isms, ideologies and concepts, is setting me apart from most other people's views. My posts and blog's are becoming more and more conceptional to a different way of being, a being that seems to be beyond present human perceptions a lot of the times.

This post, I thought, was going to be about why we are embracing love so much and justifiably so, however, we need to also realise how destructive and negative love, especially when expressed to an extreme, is to other existences. I will get back to this topic but I obviously needed to touch on the topic of why my views are often unaccepted accepted by many people.

The following is a reply I gave to someone just recently in regards to subjectiveness being plainly not of our true being, I think this gives a clearer perspective of my views and insights.        

My Reply:
Because we have been conditioned by certain ideologies and isms that are based/influenced by human perceptions, this view that everything has always existed and has always been apart of us is hard to acknowledge and accept. We bag the ego, which is time, space and matter, we are therefore anything other than what we bag, and egotistically so. We egotistically want to be just of all this light and love or nothingness but where not, not in my mind.

In my mind, we need to consciously ascend/evolve from our present consciousness that is primarily based on human perceptions. Basically, we need to format the hard drive to ascend/evolve, this means becoming unconditioned to our present consciousness based on human perceptions, ideologies and isms:)

Thinking that subjectiveness is ego, therefore not apart of our truer being, is not true for me, this is an old human perception we need to format/delete for it no longer has relevance, or should not have relevance if we are going to ascend/evolve in my mind.


Now back on to what I initially thought was going to be the topic of this post.

Looking out into our garden from our veranda, I sit a watch birds flutter quite merrily and contentedly in our garden, they seem to be in utter bliss void of any emotions of love or hate, bad or good, right and wrong. They seem to be just being, a being in a heavenly state of existence it would seem.

It is hard to imagine that any existence would be heavenly if we took love out of an existence, especially extreme expressions of love; in our present circumstances, this is understandable. You see birds do not have a perception of chaos, hate and destruction; they are just being void of these perceptions. Because we experience and perceive these things, especially to excess, we valuate that any other heavenly existence would have to be full of love, in actuality, any kind of bird like existence would seem like heaven to us in our present circumstances. We often cannot perceive or imagine this so we go to an extreme in opposition to our present reality of chaos, hate and destruction.

We are however embracing love for a vary good reason, it's healing to start with plus it takes us away from all this chaos, hate and destruction in the world around us. It is nurturing and peaceful and gives us a sense of security in a very insecure world. No, there is utterly nothing wrong with this. I should point out at this time I am not comfortable with extremes, one extreme always creates the opposite extreme, as of all extremes, they are destructive, especially towards each other and anything else in between.

Now how is love destructive? Love is negative towards negatives to start with, it's also destroys hate within it's own presence. Hate cannot exist in the same space as love. Again, there is nothing wrong in love negating/destroying hate within it's own presence, the point is, love is destructive and negative especially when expressed to an extreme. To me, our true being in a peaceful heavenly state cannot be destructive, even towards chaos, hate, destruction, and even negativity.

This is a prime example why I, like the birds in our garden, do not express a black and white mentality of negative and positive, love and hate. Today, I do not even judge myself being positive; I do not have to for it no longer has a purpose in my life anymore. I am more like the birds in our garden these days, just being within my present reality void, to one extent or another, of one perspective or another. As of any life existence, there is a life and death struggle for which we in the end lose, this is the same with birds, however, their existence is a lot more heavenly than a lot of us have ever experienced.

Yes, we can experience this kind of heavenly reality but we need an extreme in opposition to another extreme to do this, we need to destroy or have negative thoughts against an opposite to feel like this. This is not like these birds in our garden in any sense. Yes, love, especially when expressed to an extreme is negative towards chaos, hate and destruction, love is anti-hate within it's own existence and expression.

Yes, I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite of love, then what is the opposite of hate? Love, all of what is has an opposite like our states of oneness, pure awareness, nothingness or what ever, has an opposite. As time is the opposite of timelessness, finite existence or being is the opposite of infinite existence or being, one creates the existence of the other. Our truer being or self also has an opposite. It is said that our truer being is pure awareness, I call it wisdom. The opposite of this is of course ignorance, which many of us have judged as being an illusion or of a fake existence, I find it strange how the controlling ego wants to be something more grander than what it is so it judges everything it doesn't want to be an illusion or fake!!

It really seems we are going to continue on the roller-coaster of extremes, this is very much unlike the birds in our garden that are not expressive of any extremes.

A state of heavenly existence does not rely on extremes; it relies on a balance existence with all of what is. Yes, it is quite understandable that while experiencing one extreme that we will be enticed to express another counteractive extreme, however, this reaction will only keep on creating counteractive extremes. One motion creates a counter motion like a pendulum; it is ongoing until one finds true balance between opposing motions just like a pendulum while motionless. Like a pendulum while motionless, it's this quietness that creates heaven, not extreme opposing motions!! 

I would rather exist within my reality like a bird, for the bird is free of human extremes and opposing diversities. This is me, neither one or the other for I am free of one or the other.