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Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Going Beyond Time Based Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Once you are able to perceive beyond time based realities therefore consciousness, having a discussion with people, whose consciousness is only of time based realities, about life as a whole becomes quite difficult or awkward. Should you expect to have a reasonable discussion with an atheist or a scientist conditioned only to time based realities, consciousness? Time limits our consciousness to only part of life as a whole, so discussing life as a whole, which includes realities and consciousness beyond time, is going to be difficult in some way at times. When you realise this, having a discussion with other people about life as a whole becomes a lot easier. At no time expect a consciousness, conditioned only to time based perceptions and perspectives, to comprehend what you are trying to relay to them.  

The discussion continues.......
Man naturally bases his perceptions and perspectives on bias, often in line with his desires, this is also of natural law in regards to bias and desires. Natural law isn't just to do with 100% pure, natural law is to do with everything natural, as it is natural for a bias consciousness to perceive everything around it in a certain way, often inline with its desires or conditioning. You seem to desire that natural law is only to do with 100% pure, or in this case 100% truth, a huge mistake in my mind.

I would prefer 5% honest truth, a truth in the absence of bias, to 100% truth based primarily on bias and desires. This is the big difference between you and me. Another big difference is that natural law to me isn't based on 100% pure only. There are deep sea fish that will deceptively lure their pray to their death. As of bias and desire that naturally creates human deception, so it is of creatures of nature. It is as natural to be of deception as it is to be of truth. The laws of oneness don't deceptively separate one from the other, just because one is desired to be 100% pure and the other not.

What you seem to be totally ignoring is a state of timelessness, where all of what is, is only in the present. Reason is only effective in time, not timelessness xxxxxxxx, therefore there is freewill, the will to choose which scenario one will experience, however, no matter what the scenario is, it is already written as the Koran points to.

As there are states of time and timelessness, there are states of freewill and states in the absence of freewill. You can't ignore or throw away yin in favour of yang, in other words ignore an undesired in favour of a desired 100%......

You can't also base natural law just on the material world or environment as a whole, no matter how natural the material world proves your points. You seem to be only basing your points purely on time, the material world. The material world around us doesn't prove too much of the immaterial, as it is of natural law that one can't be in the presence of the other, for one would neutralise the other. However, one is never not of the other!!

We exist in different worlds, but worlds not disconnected from or in opposition to each other, we really need to leave it at that xxxxxxxx.

OK, look at it like this in relation to freewill. Our motion is determined by our environment, this means our will is always determined by our environment, giving us a perception that we don't have freewill. Now, imagine that you are not a separate entity to your environment, no matter what the environment is. This is how Yogis, shamans and alike can influence their environment, they become aware that their environment is who they are, it is all of one entity making real choices, not separate entities influencing your choices. The external environment is seen as your internal environment as well, no matter what we desire our own separate environment to be of. I have lost count how many spiritually aware people describe their external environment being separate or different to their internal environment.  

If you perceive you are separate to your environment, that the environment you are experiencing is a separate entity to you, your choice is made up for you, giving a perception that you don't have freewill. If you think that you are a separate entity to your environment, yes, there is no freewill. 

So many so-called spiritually aware people today make this fundamental mistake, that they are a separate entity to their environment, often in line with their desires/bias. I have lost count how many people are trying to escape their present environment, or, refuse to become aware that they are their environment, even of environments they are unaware of. 

It comes down to this xxxxxxxx, you have to be aware of when to move on from a discussion and when to continue a discussion. 

You are not getting it xxxxxxxx, either not willing to get it or unable to become aware of where I am coming from. Yogis, shamans and alike are able to become apart of any environment, either that be of a past, present or future. When everything is of the present, destiny has no influence upon you, but you have an influence upon destiny, however, when you are influenced by all the laws you mention, destiny influences you. The laws you so often refer to limit consciousness to certain variables, however, a consciousness not governed by time therefore destiny is of infinite variables.  

"Can you give me an example of an action that is based on my freewill at any moment? An example like: I want coffee or tea now, do I have freewill? Do I have a choice?"

You still want me to produce material examples based, not just primarily on time but purely on time!!  Forget about time, destiny, past and future and all the so-called natural laws xxxxxxxx, and then come back to me. All that you are referring to time and time again is a consciousness purely based on time. Unless you can make reference to a consciousness beyond time based realities, this discussion is only a one sided discussion, as it always has been. I am actually showing you a great deal of patience, more than you could imagine. No yogi or shaman would continually become involved in a one sided discussion like this, especially with the same person over and over again on the exact same topics.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when after how long you still want me to produce examples purely based on time? I am either failing you or you are failing yourself, failing to go beyond time based reality!! As I stated before, once you can perceive past time based realities, come back to me, not before xxxxxxxx.