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Showing posts with label eglessness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eglessness. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 July 2018

The Beauty of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is important not to simply look at the ego as being negative. Yes, the ego can be destructive and create a reality of chaos and misery, however, the ego can also be highly constructive and creative. Simply labelling the ego negative in anyway isn't the truth of the matter, in truth; the ego can be exceptionally beneficial to all of creation.

Western mind = ego

Eastern mind = egoless

Is the Western mind simply negative? No. Being that the Western mind represents ego in all cultures and its people, labelling the ego simply negative in any expression is only of half truths.

Considering that the Western mind dislikes being questioned about its own behaviour and takes any questing like this as an insult, truths, especially about itself, becomes unacceptable. Basically, half truths and lies become the order of the day, accepted over and above truths.

In truth, the Western mind, void of the balance of the Eastern mind, is a monster (destructive) unto itself and its environment. Considering that the Eastern mind doesn't take questioning about its own mind as an insult, you can see why, especially at present, why the Western mind needs the Eastern mind for balance. In truth, the Western mind needs the truth of the Eastern mind, especially in relation to itself. I have simply lost count how many Western minded people have taken what I say as an insult, while at the same time the Eastern mind seriously considers what is being said.

One simply wants to know of a desired truth; a truth that will enhance its stature, while the other considers all of what is said void of desire. Of course a mind of the balance of ego and egoless, the Western and Eastern mind, will also express desire but in a moderate way. In truth, the Eastern mind is of truth where's the Western mind, void of the balance of an Eastern in an ego reality, is of lies and deceit. It matters not if you are in an Eastern part of the world, if the main dominance is of a Western mind, lies and deceit will be present.

Western mind = lies and deceit + motion

Eastern mind = truth and honesty + motionless

Remember, the Western mind in all of us will naturally take offence to what is being said here, this is unless the Eastern mind in all of us is influential upon the Western mind. Within a reality of ego, the Eastern mind is needed to quell the desires of the Western mind. In actuality, it's the Eastern mind that should be predominant in an ego based reality, not the Western mind.

Having spoken to a number of Hindus from India, it would seem the teachings in relation to the ego are becoming less and less at a young age, in effect, the Western mind is becoming more dominant, even in India!!

You have to realise that the Western mind in all of us is all about separation, especially separating itself from the truths of the Eastern mind. Yes, the Western mind can take on the teachings and influence of the Eastern mind. Sadly, most often this is done under the complete dominance of the Western mind, turning the Eastern teachings into a Western ideology in Western cultures. I have lost count how often I have come across this.

Considering all this, it's difficult to realise that the ego, the Western mind, can be beautiful and highly constructive. In its glory and in balance with the Eastern mind in all of us, the Western mind is simply spectacular within an ego based reality, a reality of motion as all motion relates to a form of ego. The more motion expressed, the more the ego is present.

The question is now, should we all simply become of the Eastern mind within an ego reality, especially a reality dominated by the Western mind? No, to desire this is to be just as much of the ego, the Western mind. Also, to replace the Western mind with the Eastern mind represents separation therefore of the Western mind. As Hinduism clearly shows how a true Eastern mind works, the ego and egolessness, the Western and Eastern mind, is never separated from each other in an ego based existence, an existence of a high degree of motion. The Eastern mind is simply made aware of the Western minds traits, of course this can't occur if the Western mind is predominant over the Eastern mind within an ego based reality.

It's sad to realise this but as always, the Western mind will take offence of all this, it's wise to be aware of this within all of us. In truth, there is no separation between the Western and Eastern mind, the ego and egolessness, only a perceived separation. Yes, you can go into states of pure ego and egolessness, in truth, at no time are they truly separated.

We, as humans, are yet to learn how beautiful and constructive the ego can be when in balance with egolessnss. Such a mind has no boundaries to it; it's simply infinite in nature, meaning, a consciousness like this will not kill itself off, unlike the Western mind is doing today........

Is it easy for a Western mind in a Western culture to realise its own shortcomings? The answer is obviously no but it's certainly worth the effort, only if one prefers to live in truth instead of live in lies!! As of usual, the Western mind will not take kindly to all that is said here, in my mind, it's wise to be aware of this.