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Showing posts with label focus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label focus. Show all posts

Friday, 10 February 2023

Spirituality: In the Absence of Control


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most western minded people would say that martial arts is primarily about taking control, the same with spirituality as with meditation, in actuality it is the opposite, you release yourself from control. I will explain.

Everything around you can be distracting therefore controlling, it is this distracting controlling energy you want to avoid, in the process, in a sense, leaving you with a purer energy form. This purer energy form is more focused due to the absence of distracting energy. Many people would say this distracting energy is a negative energy form but that truly is not the case, that is unless the energy is distorted. Distorted energy, such as an ego on steroids that is all about lust, power and control, has an adverse reaction to focusing this energy, even though this energy can be used to focus on lust, power and control. In a sense, in this case distracting energy, such as morality and human connections with other humans, is avoided for better focusing of energy on lust, power and control.

Bruce Lee, one of the best known martial artists in the world, not necessarily the best, could send a person airborne by just pushing them, but by a push of focused energy. The question is, do martial artists also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy?

In a material lusting reality, the ego on steroids is used to focus energy by avoiding distracting energy forms that hinder the focusing of energy, like morality. In sports this is called the zone, where sports people seem to enter into a reality of the absence of external distractions, like lust, power and control, in the process are able to outperform other competitors, like with martial artists and multinationals. To answer the question, yes, martial artists can also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy, however, not all martial arts are into this energy that can too easily become distorted, erratic.

Look at where spirituality in history have been about control, where the religion or even the church came before God, in the process creating an erratic energy flow, a distorted energy flow. To me and many eastern minded people, it would seem control is not apart of spirituality, in actuality quite the opposite. Spirituality is not meant to cause or create an erratic energy flow, it is meant to create an energy flow of consistency, in the process create an environment and proceeding reality of the absence of extremes. In other words creating an energy flow consistent with harmony and peace with the surrounding environment. Yes, this means being at peace with other spiritual practices and teachings.

It has been said to me quite often that I am not spiritual, when I am not the one using spirituality and mediation as a controlling device. Just the other day a friend of ours visited and said how peaceful our environment is. It was obvious they wished they could create the same energy flow within their own environment and relationships with their partner and child. The problem is, not everyone is into extracting themselves from external and internal distracting energy flows.

I am also not spiritual because I delve into the often critically judged negatives of the world, often in the process losing some degree of focus. I don't try to stay focus, this is control, but what I can do is come out of an erratic environment in harmony and peace. You are not meant to try to be in harmony and peace with an erratic energy flow, what you are meant to do is not be controlled by this energy flow after leaving this environment. You need to make peace with what is erratic otherwise you become of what that erratic energy flow is. Avoiding this erratic energy flow because it is critically judged negative is even worse. Why? Critical judgement to start with is of this erratic energy flow, as is being fearful of facing this energy flow face on. There is nothing to fear as long as you stay focused, to some degree, by not trying to take control. Never try to control this erratic energy flow, even within yourself.

So you meditate or sing hymns, in the process focusing energy in the absence of distracting energy forms around you, like with sports people. I can delve right into this erratic energy flow and come out still focused where the people in fear of this energy will not. Why is this so? Because too many people want to control what they fear the most or avoid what they fear the most. In truth though, if you critically judge this erratic energy or fear being within this energy flow, avoid it because all you will do is become apart of it so yes, their fear is justified but living like this is not truly being spiritual.

As with mediation, you enter into a focused energy flow of the absence of mental controlling distractions, you are not taking control of anything, you are in actuality releasing yourself from control, especially controlling ways within yourself. You are in fact releasing yourself from the controlling ways of you mind, releasing yourself from your mind that is about control and being fearful of being controlled.

Yes, in the absence of control therefore this erratic energy flow, all you are left with is a purer form of energy.

As I wrote recently in reply to an eastern mind on this subject stating, “Well explained, big wisdom of East explained like few can”.

I have lost count how many western minded people say that mediation is of taking control, it is the opposite, in actuality meditation is about releasing yourself from the mortal mind. What occurs when people get right into singing hymns, you are no longer focused on the mortal mind, a very controlling mind.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Relationships - Focused Intentions

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to get quite personal here, being that relationships are of a personal nature, a nature of focused intentions. Of course if our intention where not focused on the relationship, it would not be personal. Personal to me means to focus our intentions on the other person within the relationship; you cannot truly have a personal relationship with another person if we do not have the right intentions of focus to start with.

In my 53 years, I have had only one girlfriend, my wife, this doesn't mean I did not experience focused intentional relationships with other women, this means to experience focused intentional relationships, one does not have to be of a girl or boyfriend status.

Before and in the early part of my relationship with my wife, I was experiencing intentional relationships with two other women, of course my wife was not my wife at this stage. My wife to be was another intentional relationship that I was experiencing at the time.

What I am talking about here is intentional relationships, not casual relationships, there is a difference. Intentional relationships refer to a relationship that our focus is on the other person on a personal level, this can incorporate lust or desire but this is not our main focus. In an intentional relationship, the focus is on the whole person, not one part of the person, for example, the way they look or smile. The focused intentions are on the whole person as a whole.

One of my intentional relationships was with a woman who loved sex, to the point of experiencing sex with multiple men at the same time; I however was not personally into this kind of experience myself. It became obvious to me though that she never experienced an intentional relationship before.

We were walking down the street one-day and I reached out for her hand to hold while we walked, she looked at me in total amazement. This women was treated as a slut/hussy by other men because her main focus of her relationships was based on sex, nothing else, in this case the whole person no longer existed. This woman was conditioned to accepting relationships that were not focused on the whole person, only part of a person, of course this kind of relationship is anything but based on intentional relationships.

It would seem at no point did any other man try to hold her hand while walking anywhere, mainly because she was labelled a slut/hussy, a person of ill repute. Men, who love sex, are labelled mucho or studs; however, women who love sex are often labelled and treated as sluts/hussies. I knew of this women's main focus but this did not worry me. The rebuttal I received from my family and friends was amazing, how dare I treat a known slut/hussy as a whole person. In my own mind how dare I not, it was this simple, I was not going to allow prejudice, bias or ill judgement to stop me from treating another person as whole being.

You see my main focus was on the whole being, if I was to only focus on parts of the being, I would have judged in accordance with a lot of other people. Being who I am, I focused my intentions on the overall being, which neutralised all other aspects, which then allowed us to experience an intentional relationship together, a relationship constructed around the whole being of a person, not parts of the being.

You certainly know when you experience a true relationship, it's whole, the same goes with our whole self which includes our whole environment, not just parts of the environment we have more desire to experience than other parts of the environment. How many peoepl look at our present environment like a slut/hussy? In doing so, we are missing out on so much because our main focus in on part of the whole, not on the whole.

We should all have a personal intentional focused relationship with our environment just the way it is; instead, we focus on parts of this environment while in disdain of the rest of the environment. Where is our personal intentional focused relationship in this? Of course within this mentality, we are going to be more in ill judgment of our environment, not less.

As I treated my women with respect void of bias or prejudice, I treat my whole environment with the same respect. I take my environment personally on an intentional relationship level, this means I embrace and accept the whole of my environment just the way it is, however, like in any relationship, if the intentions are one sided, it's time to move on or try to amend this situation.

In the end, I moved on from my other intentional relationships to marry my wife to be, I certainly have no regrets, but I also have no regrets in showing these other women in my life what an intentional relationship is like.

Your focused intentions must always be on the whole, only within this can we be whole ourselves and free from separation.