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Showing posts with label illusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illusion. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Heaven and Hell!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

“You go on being

reincarnated until you

reach the actual Truth.

Heaven and Hell are just a

state of mind. We are all

here to become Christ-like.

The actual world is an


I should state that in the west Christ like for a lot of people represents a consciousness of enlightenment and illumination. Illumination means to be aware in the absence of what keeps humans unaware as I will explain.

Refreshing, don't hear this a lot, “Heaven and hell are just a state of mind”!!

Heaven and hell are a state of consciousness, a particular consciousness, where heaven and hell are perceived to exist. Often of what we desire or simply perceive becomes reality, a made up reality inline with what is desired or perceived. I worked as a social worker twice over in my life, I found that so many people often live by the reality they have created, making the created reality real for them. Now, is a created reality inline with what we desire or simply perceived to be real of actual reality?

Tricky, because now you have to perceive, in the absence of what we desire to be true, what is meant by actual reality. The more we desire as a collective, be it material, spiritual wealth or whatever, the less the reality we create to be of actual reality. Actual reality is not what we desire or perceive to be true, actual reality becomes apparent in the absence of what is desired or perceived. Like I said , very tricky, for a consciousness conditioned to creating realities based on desires, lusts and made up man made perceptions.

I should add that hellish like consciousness seems to exist, a consciousness created by distorting consciousness, usually in line with what is desired, perceived or has came about due to excessive trauma. What reality will the present created trauma create, or we will allow to be created?

A book titled, “ Universal Trust Fund Baby”, written by Tawnya Love, might suite some people. I have not read this book by the way, it is just that I am in indirect communication with the author.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Assisting a Consciousness in Trauma

Written by Mathew Naismith

A psychotherapist/psychiatrist will place a patient into a less destructive mental state/reality by creating a less destructive reality, a less destructive illusion. This allows the patient to move from a destructive reality to a more constructive reality/illusion. Yes, delusions/illusions have there place within humanity. 

Psychotherapists/psychiatrists will not try to bring a patient back to reality straight up, for it is most likely that the real reality caused trauma to the person in the first place. The last thing you want to do is cause more trauma but at the same time gradually bring the person back to the real reality that caused them trauma. As you could imagine, this can take some time to do as bringing a person back to real reality is accomplished through various stages.

As I observe materialists/atheists and spiritually aware people battling it out with each other for supremacy, I have myself observed a certain amount of trauma on a collective scale. As a lot of people have concurred, the human collective consciousness is mentally strained through centuries of trauma/conflict. The collective human consciousness is conditioned to suffering thus creating further and further trauma. As soon as we are born, we are immediately conditioned to being in trauma on a collective scale, this is instead of being conditioned to a peaceful existence.

Spiritually aware people are obviously traumatised by our present reality, our present consciousness, this is too obvious as their own actions depict. As of a mentally ill patient who is traumatised by our present reality and go into a protective state of mind, an illusionary state of mind/reality, so can a collective group of people in trauma. How many soldiers suffer with the same mental conditions? Being traumatised by our present reality is no different collectively.

What do a lot of spiritually aware people do? They escape the present reality by creating their own reality. There are a lot of spiritually aware people who have created another reality for themselves to save themselves from further trauma, this is highly psychologically/spiritually constructive to the collective consciousness. However, it is not constructive to the collective consciousness when, while existing in the present reality, we totally ignore everything we deem to be negative, or, totally ignore everything that creates more traumas for ourselves personally. This is like a mentally ill person creating a reality that is highly destructive, either to themselves and/or everybody else. Simply staying ignorant to what has caused the trauma in the first place, is simply not going to help the collective consciousness, in actuality quite the opposite as is being presently proven.

As for materialists and atheists, what is their trauma?  The trauma of there possibly being more than what they can perceive making their own ideologies and beliefs illusionary and deceitful. Also, the trauma of religion taking over again thus inflicting more trauma on the rest of the world. I don't think we would have been any better off if we where all atheists or materialists from the word go, in actuality history tells us we could have been worse off.     

A psychotherapist/psychiatrist will bring a mentally ill person back to real reality through stages, eventually allowing the patient to hopefully exist within the present reality, not a made up reality. So many spiritually aware people have done just this through different and various spiritual techniques, brought themselves back to the present reality without the feeling of being traumatised by the present reality. Yes of course, as a lot of spiritually aware people believe, everything physical and of the ego is an illusion!! As soon as someone expresses themselves in this way, I know where they are coming from.

If the universe was created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness than our own human consciousness, what the universe represents is a reflection of a consciousness. Just because the universe and everything within the universe is a reflection of another consciousness, doesn't make the universe and everything within the universe an illusion, especially considering the trauma our present reality creates for us. Any consciousness in trauma will enter into any illusionary state to escape trauma, even and probably especially at the cost of the present reality. It is fine entering into an illusionary state of reality/mind to protect ourselves from further trauma, but it is highly harmful to the collective consciousness when done at the cost of all else.

An extreme reaction to trauma is to ignore what has caused the trauma by any means. Excessive expressions of positivity and creating illusions that everything that causes us trauma is an illusion, is of the same mentality of a mentally ill person in trauma, a person trying to escape their present reality, their present state of mind. A mentally balanced approach that is often orchestrated in psychotherapy, is to not put yourself into a state of mind of extreme reaction to trauma, but into a state of mind that is more passive and constructive and less illusionary and extreme in nature. The universe is simply a reflection of a far more aware and wiser consciousness, not simply and categorically an illusion or negative/toxic, point blank.

Think of this in relation to creating your own illusion. How many sports people put themselves into a state of mind that they are superhuman? In ancient battles, often both sides put themselves into a mental state of being superhuman like. Creating an illusion is fine, it is how we create an illusion that really matters.       

I really hope this helps some people, even though what I have written here is of my own mind.       

Sunday, 15 July 2018

The Organism as a Whole

"Everything in the universe is within you.
Ask all from yourself." 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Organism: A living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently.

When talking about the organism as a whole, I am making reference to the whole of existence. The whole of existence includes both ego created existences (participation/motion) and an existence not of the ego (observation/motionless. There is no perception of separation of this singular organism as a whole.

The independence of this organism as a whole is independent of the perceptions of separation of this whole organism. While of the ego and by the ego, the whole organism is perceived to be of separate individualistic entities or organisms, however, while not of the ego and by the ego, all is observed as one organism. There is no perception here, just clear observation through the absence of bias. You see, the ego existence, therefore participation, creates biases simply by separating one from the other. This process of separation also creates, for example, racialism and hate; you of course could go on from this and say evil and demonic tendencies.

This is odd for me to think like this as I was brought up as an atheist, of a limited consciousness to certain specifics of existence as whole. I observed that atheism wasn't just limiting my consciousness; I also looked at the whole existence as a singular organism, not of a separated organism trying to control all other organism not of itself.

Having researched in the way the Eastern and Western mind thinks in all of us, it would seem that my Eastern mind observed one organism even while my Western mind was focused on the individualistic side of existence. Yes, we are individuals but individuals existing in a holistic existence, an existence of observation of participation of the ego. Ego simply means to individualise existence into separate parts.

A lot of people perceive this individualising, the separation of a singular organism or consciousness, as an illusion. Illusion refers to something that is fake, not of a real existence. So, what is the observer observing? Why would the observer of ego existences observe anything that was an illusion? To do this would be of the ego; this is not the observer, considering the observer is egoless, only the ego would bother to perceive and observe an illusion!!

What is being observed are ego existences, a part of the organism in motion. It's important here not to perceive everything as just being of materialism where matter is the only reality. The observer is not of matter for matter takes motion, the observer is simply motionless therefore not of matter.

The ego often separates one from the other; thereby individualising its existence separate to other existences. Seen as the Western mind is of individualising, you could easily perceive that the Western mind is of the ego and the Eastern mind is of egolessness. I don't think this is far from the truth considering that the Western and Eastern mind is within everyone. What becomes more predominant reflects our thoughts and feelings, either that be of the ego or egolessness/selflessness.

What the ego seems to do on a regular basis is to perceive that ego existences are separate to the egoless existence; this is while the observer observes only one organism in motion. It's still of one organism even when the observer is observing itself in observation, it's all one organism either in motion or not. Look at this way. Yin and yang can often act as one organism when in harmony to each other. When one is asleep and the other is awake, are they still not of one organism?

It's advisable and wise to be aware how our egos behave; separating a singular organism into numerous individualistic organisms to serve its own self-worth.......

It is really good to see that science is looking at everything being of one organism, of non-duality. However, it is sad for people like me observing new age spirituality doing the opposite, trying to separate itself from something it doesn't desire to be a part of. When you are a part of the whole organism, no amount of perceived separation will separate you from this organism. You can become as perceived evil or saintly as much as you like, you are still a part of the whole organism as a whole.

So how do you create a more constructive existence/reality? By simply being aware that you are a part of the whole organism without exception, within this, the destructive ways of the organism become insignificant in comparison to the whole organism. Yes I know, this is hard to comprehend for the Western mind and understandably so.       

Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher who interpreted and popularised Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. What is being said here is very much of the Eastern mind, of course the Western mind being what it is, desires to separate itself from the Eastern mind!!                       

Monday, 28 August 2017

The Flow of Motion

 Written by Mathew Naismith       

I am presently active on a forum and I thought I would share a few replies I gave on the topic of ego and narcissism. I didn't insert other people's replies in this case as I simply didn't want to upset people, I also don't usually insert other people's comments from a forum on my posts. 


An interesting perspective alejo18qd. 

Ego isn't narcissism but can lead to narcissism if the ego is in control. To me, all ego is motion of what is motionless, ego is basically an expression of what Buddhism calls pure awareness or nothingness, meaning, ego is of this motionlessness state expressed as motion.

Motionlessness = egoless

Motion = ego

Narcissism = ego in control. 

Ego is balance because it's neither of what is desired or undesired, only when the ego is in control is the ego of desire to be more than it is or more than what everything else is, for an example, to be more than what a judged old consciousness is, is the ego in control. To desire to be neither is ego and to just be all of what is void of desire is egoless, of motionlessness. 

Pure awareness just doesn't mean being aware of everything, it means being of everything void of bias or desire. Being of everything negates motion therefore ego because once everything is as one, there is no motion because there is no separation, only oneness/motionlessness. Only in separation as in yin and yang is everything of ego, this is until yin and yang become one with each other. 

Yin and yang working together is ego. Yin and yang not working together is egotism/narcissism and yin and yang working as one is egoless/motionless/oneness.


Indeed, the so-called old-consciousness is ego but the new consciousness isn't suppose to be but by having and showing disdain for the old consciousness, one is still being exactly what they have disdain for, not just the ego but the ego in control. 

The ego to me simply represents limitations, the more of the ego we become, the more limited we become consciously, of course the more limited we become, the more destructive (hurtful) we become. I think our present reality shows this quite clearly, look upon what we are doing to the Earth and each other. 

So has our controlling ways got something to do with our limitations? I think so for only the ego desires to change everything to it's own desires thus limiting itself only to it's desires

To me, the soul is of the ego but I suppose one must experience this first hand to acknowledge this.


A good epitome and query to make Tawmeeleus, if it's all an illusion, does it really matter what the ego does?

Speaking from my own perspective I think it does, however, I do realise from other people's/souls perspective it doesn't. I suppose this is why we have different perspectives and perceptions, each person/soul is simply different within it's own motion.

Is the illusion real or not?

Within the very present it's occurring so it's real, it's really not a real illusion that it's fake, it's only an illusion because the ego creates it that way that we are only of the illusion of time/ego, of course people like you and I know different.

Is time measured in day and night an illusion? Day and night obviously exist on planets but not in outer space but this is but one measurement of time. Distance, volume and cycles are also of time for which the universe is governed by.

In my mind is everything of time/ego an illusion as in fake, not real? No, but time/ego can delude us to think this is all we are, this is the illusion.

So does it matter? To people like me, yes. I simply don't have disdain for the ego for the ego is always apart of us as in motion and has always been a part of us. Motion, time and ego have always existed because there is no starting point of time within timelessness for time to start existing, how can time start to exist within nothingness even as an illusion?

I simply look at time/ego as motion that has always existed and has always been apart of us so yes it matters. 

Monday, 7 August 2017

Existing by Past and Future Events

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is obviously going to be a follow on from my last post. In the seven (7) odd years of sharing my insights and changelings through blogs, I have never really touched on (written) this subject before, probably because I seem to exist and create my own reality from the present rather than from past and/or future events. Yes, people like me are guided by past and predicted future events, but we never base our present existence on past and/or future events.

Conditioning: Consider this, why base our present on predicted future events, either constructively or destructively? It's all to do with fear. If we predominantly focus on a predicted bright secure future, we do this out of fear of the present. This makes sense to a fearful person to do this because the present is anything but secure, so to obtain a sense of security, we predominantly focus on a predicted secure future. The same is with focusing on an insecure future, like the end of the world for example; it's all based on fear. So why not just focus on the present and not mention about past or future events? Many of us are simply not aware of what we are doing. Instead of moving away or evolving (ascending) from an existence based on fear, we are escalating further into fear at a phenomenal rate.    

As we are conditioned to time, we are also conditioned to fear, this doesn't mean that time is based on fear though, it means that within time fear can be experienced or not. As time is all about starting and ending points, we can either go with the flow of these starting and ending points, either it be of actual life and death, rich and poor, hungry and satisfied, which is of fearlessness, or we can try to go against the flow which is fearful. I do find that the Western mind is more fearful than the Eastern mind, probably because the Eastern mind from birth was once conditioned to go with the flow where the Western mind is conditioned to go against the flow; of course this is just my opinion.

Western Mind: How many Western minded people take on, become aware of, Eastern practices like living in the present but still predominantly base this present on a predicted future event? When an Eastern mind takes on living within the present, they don't base this on some predicted future event, like so many western minded people obviously do today, they predominately focus on the present while only being guided by the past and future.

Yes, as the world becomes more predominately of the western mind, we will experience more of a reality based on fear. How many people fear looking old today or fear losing some material possessions? Yes, this kind of fear, to one extent or another, has been around forever as the Western mind is not just of Western people, it's of all people. I today relate materialism to the Western mind as most western people are conditioned from birth to materialism, especially these days. Materialism is purely based on fear, the fear of not having enough to the fear of not having it at all.

It is too obvious to people like me that we are presently using the past and the future to create the present instead of using them as a guide. The ironical thing is that the past and the future is unable to exist without the present, everything relies purely on the present, instead of this, we are conditioned to believe everything is created from past and future events. The present is of and created from past and/or future events, in my mind, this simply isn't the case, or more precisely, need not be the case.

Illusion: Is it an illusion that we base the present on past and future events? Seen as everything is of the present, I would say it's an illusion. Consider this, if we base the present on future events like many people are doing today, what then will create this predicted future? The act of becoming aware of a predicted future and living in the present of this predicted future, changes the flow that creates these predicted futures. There are far more predicted (prophesised) future events that haven't happened than have happened, could this be due to the fact we are tampering with these future events therefore changing their flow by simply being aware of them and living the present by them?

In my mind, we need to learn to use the past and future simply as a guide and not to create the present based predominantly on past and especially on future events. Leave the present alone to go with the natural flow of the present, within this, I believe that these prophesised predictions of security, peace and love will materialise, if not, we will change these predictions to anything else but of security, peace and love.

Manifestation: So if we focus on predicted future events of security, peace and love, will this not manifest this within the present? In my mind, absolutely not. The reason for this is simply based on that it's the present that creates everything, not a manifestation of a future event to influence (change) the present. Ask yourself honesty why you are looking for the future to change the present. The answer to this is fear of the insecurities of the present, so we try to manifest a present from a predicted brighter future? This is of course is instead of changing the present itself to something of security, peace and love.

We have not just judged but critically judged the present as something negative, something to have disdain for and fear, within this, we have based the present purely on some kind of favourable predicted future event. We simply don't want to work on the present as it is, it's too negative, so we try to change the present based on a more favourable future event. When everything is created from the very present, this seems a strange thing to do, base the present on future events, in the process, inadvertently changing these future events to something less favourable.

Inadvertently, by predominantly focusing on brighter predicted future events, we are creating the less favourable prophesised predictions instead in my mind. As soon as we base the present in anyway on fear, the outcome of this fear will naturally create something less favourable, in our case this simply means creating the less favourable prophesied predictions within the present.

If we all learnt to just simply be within the now (present), in my mind, all of what is favourably predicted would quite instantly materialise. Take away the effects of what a past and future, negative and positive, black and white, have upon us, all you are left with is the now, yin and yang as one.  

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Only Within the Present

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is only my opinion, but be wary of anyone who is primarily focused on the future/past. I had a friend recently present something to me from another person that was supposed to be spectacular. Anyone guiding people while being primarily based on future events, in my mind, should be avoided at all costs, even if this includes ascension symptoms primarily based on future events. You will find that most, if not all, ascension symptoms are primarily based on predicted future events.

Yes, the future and the past will give us ascension symptoms if we are focused on the past and/or future. Now honestly try focusing on the present only, you will find that ascension symptoms simply don't and can't exist within the present. To have any kind of ascension symptom, there has to be a strong acknowledgment and focusing of ourselves of a past and/or future. Of course the more we focus on the now/present, the less symptoms we will have for a very good reason, ascensions symptoms need a past and /or future events to exist. Yes, ascension symptoms do exist because we simply allow a past and future to exist as our primary focus.

I wrote the following to my friend on this matter.

OK, I am not too concerned about where we are going but how we are getting there which is in relation to the now. I find people like Aluna are more focused on the future than the now. Anyone focused primarily on the future/past, are obviously primarily of the illusion/ego. These people will often use various marketing ploys to keep themselves within the scheme of things, in the limelight.

These people often talk about judgment of others but how often are they themselves in critical judgment of others themselves? I am a good example of her, not just simple judgment but critical judgment. 

Also, why be so worried or focused on the future when the future is already written, secure?  It's a con; the ego has these people in its full control, this is too obvious.

Live within the present for all else is defined by the present only, for everything else but the present is an illusion.......Mathew G

How often are we guided to live within the present? Now, how many of us live by what we preach within living in the now? Too often we are primarily focused on the future which really doesn't exist. Aluna is obvious within being primarily focused on the future. Aluna is making a huge mistake in my mind; this is unless all Aluna desires is an audience.

Look for the people who are primarily focused on the future when the future is supposed to be secure in accordance within their beliefs/predictions. If the future is suppose to be so secure, why not then focus on the present when the future is already written and secure? It simply makes no sense when people like this are primarily focused on a secure future to an insecure present.

The past and future are already written but the present isn't....Mathew G

Consciousness isn't this limited to past and future events Glenys.

Be wary of anyone focusing primarily on the future Glenys. Our ascension symptoms seem to have everything to do with future events with these people, huge mistake in my mind.

 Ok yep can see your point
Now to a lot of people this might seem unfair or even toxic of me mentioning people who are guiding numerous other people further into the illusion, not away from the illusion. Yes, these people are ascending but ascending further into the illusion of time based realities of past and future events, not away from them. If it's acceptable to lead people further into the illusion, why isn't it accepted to point out how people are being misled? Everything is created from the present, not from some future predicted event and why put so much focus on a future that is secure when the present isn't secure? Would it not make more sense focusing on the present when it's the present that creates everything?   

Consider this, can a past and future exist without the present? Seen as all future and past events where first created from the present at that time, the answer is categorically no. Now, can the present exist without a future or past and the answer is definitely yes, but of course to anyone primarily of time based realities of past and future events, the perceptions of the present being able to exist void of a past and future is going to be incomprehensible, and understandably so.

As I have stated before, time itself has always existed, this also means so has a past and future, however within the present there is no starting or ending points, no past or future. Only within time can anything be created from a starting point including time itself, you simply can't create a starting point within the present without time also being present.

All this means is that time, therefore past and future events, have always existed, however, what we primarily focus on in the present creates the present. If we focus on the past and/or the future, this will be the present. If we focus on the now, the present, this will be the present. So the idea of focusing on a secure future seems to be the way to go as the future then becomes the present. However, while primarily focusing on a secure future, we are not being of the present which creates the future for which we are primarily refocusing on at present.

The illusion is that future events create the present when they simply don't. Many of us are sadly being guided down this very road by others who are simply living for the future instead of the now, the present, which create future perception of future events. Yes, we can exist by creating our present from future events but it's simply not advisable, mainly due to the future is anything but secure and is limited to certain events. Being that time therefore past and future existence is limited by starting and ending points, it's a bit silly to continue to limit our own potential in this way. The present is simply limitless within it's motions where's a past and future is highly limited to certain events, do we won't or need to continue to limit ourselves to time based realities?

Yes, we can continue to delude ourselves in thinking that the future and past create the present when it's always the present that creates everything within it's entirety. No, there is nothing wrong in continuing to seemingly create the present from future events, but is it wise to do this, not just continue to do this but ascend even further into these delusions? 

To my readers, try to avoid anyone guiding other people who have based everything on future events, focus on the now is my best advice here. Security is created within the present, not the future for it's the present that writes the perceptions of the future. 

The following photo shows my Nephew Jimmy and me approximately 28 years ago. The photo event is of the past but the event itself is always of the now.......