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Saturday, 5 August 2017

Only Within the Present

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is only my opinion, but be wary of anyone who is primarily focused on the future/past. I had a friend recently present something to me from another person that was supposed to be spectacular. Anyone guiding people while being primarily based on future events, in my mind, should be avoided at all costs, even if this includes ascension symptoms primarily based on future events. You will find that most, if not all, ascension symptoms are primarily based on predicted future events.

Yes, the future and the past will give us ascension symptoms if we are focused on the past and/or future. Now honestly try focusing on the present only, you will find that ascension symptoms simply don't and can't exist within the present. To have any kind of ascension symptom, there has to be a strong acknowledgment and focusing of ourselves of a past and/or future. Of course the more we focus on the now/present, the less symptoms we will have for a very good reason, ascensions symptoms need a past and /or future events to exist. Yes, ascension symptoms do exist because we simply allow a past and future to exist as our primary focus.

I wrote the following to my friend on this matter.

OK, I am not too concerned about where we are going but how we are getting there which is in relation to the now. I find people like Aluna are more focused on the future than the now. Anyone focused primarily on the future/past, are obviously primarily of the illusion/ego. These people will often use various marketing ploys to keep themselves within the scheme of things, in the limelight.

These people often talk about judgment of others but how often are they themselves in critical judgment of others themselves? I am a good example of her, not just simple judgment but critical judgment. 

Also, why be so worried or focused on the future when the future is already written, secure?  It's a con; the ego has these people in its full control, this is too obvious.

Live within the present for all else is defined by the present only, for everything else but the present is an illusion.......Mathew G

How often are we guided to live within the present? Now, how many of us live by what we preach within living in the now? Too often we are primarily focused on the future which really doesn't exist. Aluna is obvious within being primarily focused on the future. Aluna is making a huge mistake in my mind; this is unless all Aluna desires is an audience.

Look for the people who are primarily focused on the future when the future is supposed to be secure in accordance within their beliefs/predictions. If the future is suppose to be so secure, why not then focus on the present when the future is already written and secure? It simply makes no sense when people like this are primarily focused on a secure future to an insecure present.

The past and future are already written but the present isn't....Mathew G

Consciousness isn't this limited to past and future events Glenys.

Be wary of anyone focusing primarily on the future Glenys. Our ascension symptoms seem to have everything to do with future events with these people, huge mistake in my mind.

 Ok yep can see your point
Now to a lot of people this might seem unfair or even toxic of me mentioning people who are guiding numerous other people further into the illusion, not away from the illusion. Yes, these people are ascending but ascending further into the illusion of time based realities of past and future events, not away from them. If it's acceptable to lead people further into the illusion, why isn't it accepted to point out how people are being misled? Everything is created from the present, not from some future predicted event and why put so much focus on a future that is secure when the present isn't secure? Would it not make more sense focusing on the present when it's the present that creates everything?   

Consider this, can a past and future exist without the present? Seen as all future and past events where first created from the present at that time, the answer is categorically no. Now, can the present exist without a future or past and the answer is definitely yes, but of course to anyone primarily of time based realities of past and future events, the perceptions of the present being able to exist void of a past and future is going to be incomprehensible, and understandably so.

As I have stated before, time itself has always existed, this also means so has a past and future, however within the present there is no starting or ending points, no past or future. Only within time can anything be created from a starting point including time itself, you simply can't create a starting point within the present without time also being present.

All this means is that time, therefore past and future events, have always existed, however, what we primarily focus on in the present creates the present. If we focus on the past and/or the future, this will be the present. If we focus on the now, the present, this will be the present. So the idea of focusing on a secure future seems to be the way to go as the future then becomes the present. However, while primarily focusing on a secure future, we are not being of the present which creates the future for which we are primarily refocusing on at present.

The illusion is that future events create the present when they simply don't. Many of us are sadly being guided down this very road by others who are simply living for the future instead of the now, the present, which create future perception of future events. Yes, we can exist by creating our present from future events but it's simply not advisable, mainly due to the future is anything but secure and is limited to certain events. Being that time therefore past and future existence is limited by starting and ending points, it's a bit silly to continue to limit our own potential in this way. The present is simply limitless within it's motions where's a past and future is highly limited to certain events, do we won't or need to continue to limit ourselves to time based realities?

Yes, we can continue to delude ourselves in thinking that the future and past create the present when it's always the present that creates everything within it's entirety. No, there is nothing wrong in continuing to seemingly create the present from future events, but is it wise to do this, not just continue to do this but ascend even further into these delusions? 

To my readers, try to avoid anyone guiding other people who have based everything on future events, focus on the now is my best advice here. Security is created within the present, not the future for it's the present that writes the perceptions of the future. 

The following photo shows my Nephew Jimmy and me approximately 28 years ago. The photo event is of the past but the event itself is always of the now....... 


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