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Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Monday 9 August 2021

What is Defined as Meditation

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is difficult to determine because each spiritual practice has it's own definition in what is meditation, this is in accordance with the implementation of meditation. I am not going to look at the various implementations of meditation here, but what I will look at is what all meditations are governed by.

Meditation is of quietening the mind to one degree or another, the quieter the mind becomes, the more of enlightened kind of meditation the consciousness of the mind becomes. Keep in mind that not all meditation techniques lead to enlightenment, many meditation techniques are of simply quietening the mind. It is not the mind that becomes enlightened, it is the consciousness of the mind that becomes enlightened.

So firstly what is quietening the mind?

Quietening the mind is of the absence of participation, the less your mind therefore body participates within an environment, the quieter the mind becomes. Now we may think that praying or chanting is not a form of meditation because we are still mentally and/or physically active, therefore of participating in the environment. Praying and chanting can be like focusing on your breath which is still of participation be it of limited participation, however, we are far less of partition of the environment. In this case we are only participating in praying or chanting, just like focusing on your breath. You could imagine the benefits of quietening your mind with meditative techniques like this.

This may sound strange to some people, but every kind of participation is due to observation, participation cannot exist without being observed. Look at it like this. The universe itself simply exists because it is being observed, without the observation from a consciousness the universe could not exist. It is like the double slit science experiment, where the act of a determining observation changes the outcome. It is how we observe to what is going to be created from this observation.

This brings us to observation itself which leads to enlightenment through meditation. We are all observing our own participation, the reason we are unaware of this because we become involved in what we are observing. Meditation that leads to enlightenment is of observation in the absence of participation. The further your consciousness becomes conditioned to participation, the more likely you are going to become of participation in the absence of observation. This is where meditation comes into it, where you condition your consciousness to become less of participation but further from this, more of observation of participation.

Meditation is simply the reconditioning of consciousness to become more of observation than participation. Yes, this can take time but this time is shortened if you are aware that you are in observation of your own participation, you are never not. Observe more without participating.

Meditation that leads to enlightenment is not of a consciousness that is conditioned to inhumanities, so if your observer self is conditioned to inhumanities, what you will create in observation will create an environment in accordance with the way a consciousness observes. Inhumanities is of a great deal of participation, mainly due to the extent of abuse of energy involved. The less abusive an observing consciousness becomes, the less of participation a consciousness becomes conditioned to. Yes, after a human life cycle has ended, what our observer self is conditioned to makes a different to what we will experience in the after life. Meditation in a really big way just doesn't help us to cope better in life's participation's, meditation also helps in what we will experience in the after life.

I hope this helps some people because what is and is not meditation can be confusing. Also, what I have stated here are of my own words that can be similar or dissimilar to other views in relation to meditation.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Letting Go of Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

This particular post could assist a lot of people who meditate or wish to meditate or anyone who just simply wants their mind to let go. You will learn to let go of control, including your own control over your mind, before meditating. The way mindfulness meditation is often taught in the west is to take control of the mind first and foremost. In the east, one firstly let's go of control to meditate as meditation is about releasing the mind of control, not controlling the mind to meditate mindfully.   

For me, learning to let go of control is far more beneficial than meditation, especially mindful meditation where you have to take control of your mind. So many people can't meditate and/or don't feel comfortable with meditating, so just letting go, especially of control, might be their thing. However, if you are a control freak, as the author of the bellow article admits to, letting go of control, which also means letting go of being controlling as well of your own mind, might be just as daunting as meditation. I loved this author's self-honesty by the way, very rare these days.   

Extract: "I’ve noticed that things go much more smoothly when I give up control—when I allow them to happen instead of making them happen. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at this."

"Surrender literally means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality."

If you read the article above, you should have a better idea what letting go of control is all about, making for a more fruitful (beneficial) meditation and life period.

Letting go of being controlling can be as daunting as letting go of being controlled, in actuality, they are the same thing. We might think that by taking control, we are being controlled less. It matters not what is taking control, you or another force, it is still control that is in control. Usually, the only reason to take control is because we were being controlled. A fear of being controlled has fearfully made us take control. Fear has created a circumstance where we feel we need to take control instead of being controlled. This depicts that fear, an ego in control, is in control, nothing else.

Also, try not to think of it as them or me taking control, in other words try not to separate one energy from another taking control. It matters not what energy source that is controlling you, it is still control. We often separate them from ourselves, thus creating an environment of control of one over the other. "It is me, a positive, taking control, not them, a negative, taking control." I am also into oneness which gives me more of a one energy perception rather than numerous energies. Once you separate consciousness or energy period like this, one part of consciousness or energy will want to be more controlling. This is why I try to stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives which is the dividing of energy, not a union of energy. One always desires to control and dominate the other.  

I actually have no need to meditate these days. I can at any moment get into a state where my mind isn't being controlled or controlling, a state where 99.9% of the time a just simply smile. Yes, I allow my mind to wonder but this wondering isn't to do with what is or isn't human, it is to do with everything as a whole. A pure state of awareness is known in Buddhism as nothingness, only because when all consciousness is observed as being in union and not separated, there is only energy, not energies. Once energy is observed like this, there is no motion to observe thus the ego has a perception of nothingness.

In the west, the separation of negatives and positives, the disunion of energy, has become predominantly popular, like taking control of our mind and life has. So many people are meditating on this bases, and any bases that makes the ego in control feel good. If any kind of control makes you feel good, what part of you do you think is making you feel good and in control? If we are honest with ourselves, we would see that it is the ego in control. What many seem to be doing is conditioning the ego to control, not conditioning or freeing the ego of and from control.

If you think control makes you feel powerful,
you have experienced a minuscule
of what exists to experience.

~Mathew G~

As the image above depicts:

To hold, you must
first open your hand.
Let go

~Lao Tzu~