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Showing posts with label signature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signature. Show all posts

Monday, 30 November 2020

Wisdom of Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but a post that I feel is immensely in-depth.

Now this is interesting after hearing this. The truth, the wisdom of truth, sings to me like this no matter what that truth is. I think coming out of a consciousness no longer governed and controlled by ignorance, leaves us with a signature based on harmonious vibrations. It is funny, these harmonious vibrations have always been there, they were simply obscured. This is our distinctive feature that precisely identifies us, it is indeed our true signature, not the falsified/forged signature so many of us have identified with as being who we are. Expose the untruths we took on as being true and all we are left with is our true harmonious signature. 

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Oneness and it's Own Vibrational Signature

Written by Mathew Naismith

Dark is simply an existence of the absence of light as light is simply an existence of the absence of dark, both very different existences have their own vibrational signature, meaning, both existences are based on completely different vibrational frequencies. If I, for example, was to go into the dark from the light, this dark existence would, within myself, feel unpleasant or overwhelming and visa-versa. However, if I was to go into these existences from a natural existence where light and dark exists and is in unison to each other, there would be no unpleasant or overwhelming feelings.

When your own vibrational signature is based on both, in this case, or all other vibrational signatures, meaning that your own vibrational signature is of all other vibrational signatures but harmoniously, other existences based on a certain vibrational signature have no influence or affect on you. If you were to now relate this state to a state of oneness, you wouldn't be wrong or incorrect in my mind. Also, just because a vibrational signature is of all other vibrational signatures, doesn't mean we are of and expressive of these vibrations, it simply means we are of a vibrational signature that incorporates all other vibrational signatures harmoniously.

A true state of oneness is naturally harmonious to all other vibrational signatures and their existences that these vibrational signatures create. The reason for this simply lays in that a neutral vibrational signature is of all other vibrational signatures, there is no separation, only oneness. Only the separation of one vibrational signature to all other vibrational signatures will cause disharmony, this is why a state of true oneness is naturally harmonious.

So when we also become of the dark or the light, we don't become of or expressive of the dark or the light because one negates or neutralises the other, in turn creating a natural state of existence. This neutralisation naturally and automatically creates a vibrational signature that is truly harmonious and at one with all of what is.

Only within this oneness state can a true awareness and creation of unconditional love exist. How many people, while being within and of their own separate vibrational signature, think they are truly aware and expressive of unconditional love? This is while being void of any true state of oneness, usually in total separation from vibrational signatures of the dark. Take these people away from their own vibrational signatures, they are no longer of unconditional love, in actuality they never were because they could only feel unconditional love while under certain conditions.

Say if I was of a true oneness state, which simply means of a particular vibrational signature that is based on all other vibrational signatures. If I was to go outside this state, would this not also mean my own unconditional love has conditions of me staying within this particular vibrational signature? No, once truly of this oneness state, you are of everything already, there is simply nowhere else to go or no other vibrational signature in existences that isn't already a part of you.

Think on this, conditions refer to limitations; dark is limited by the absence of light as light is limited by the absence of dark but a true state of oneness has no such limitations. The reason for this lays in that a true state of oneness has it's own vibrational signature but a signature that isn't separate to all other signatures!!

Something else to think about. If I was of the light or dark, good or bad, yin or yang, this doesn't mean I am not also of both worlds, both vibrational signatures. Yang for example has yin within it as yin has yang within it, at no time is one totally without the other, however, one can be predominantly of one or the other thus giving us a false pretence of being without the other. The illusion is that we believe we are not of all things, only of something's, this is the illusion which has it's own vibrational signature. From this vibrational signature is where realities like our own reality were created.

All creations are naturally finite in nature, they are limited by certain boundaries, for example, the conditioning to certain perceptions is a boundary we often find ourselves attached to. In saying this, everything that isn't created is infinite in nature because it has no limitations as there are no boundaries. Look around you, what is infinite in nature? Energy is infinite in nature to start with, yes, what energy creates can be destroyed but energy itself can't be, energy can only be transformed.

If we simply thought ourselves as being pure energy without form, we would instantly and quite naturally find ourselves within a oneness state. You could say from within this vibrational signature is where everything was created from, it's a point of origin as this point is infinite in nature, it's the origin of all creation. Once form is perceived is when a vibrational signature is created that isn't infinite in nature, this is because all form is finite in nature and quite naturally so. Look at it this way, all what has been created is finite in nature and is fragmented. All that isn't created is infinite in nature and is a true state of oneness. Any consciousness based on the finite will say this is separation, however, any consciousness based on the infinite only sees a connection, the connection being that a oneness state is of all states.

Vibrational signatures simply exist in accordance with the frequencies we express and are of, basically, the kind of frequencies we are created from. A good example of this is growing up poor to growing up rich; the frequencies that create these two vibrational signatures are quite different and are perceived as being quite separate to each other. This is a prime example of a reality based on a finite consciousness. A reality based on an infinite consciousness has no separation between what is poor and what is rich; this is due to the frequencies used to create a vibrational signature. The frequencies used have no sense of separation between rich and poor, only a sense of connectedness therefore oneness.

Is there a difference between rich and poor? A finite based consciousness says yes, an infinite consciousness says no as one relies on the other to exist to start with as of everything. Your own vibrational signature depends on the frequencies you are conditioned to express and are of, either it be finite in nature, infinite in nature or both.....