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Monday 30 March 2020

The Way of the Present Wind

Written by Mathew Naismith

Very sadly, information to do with the COVID-19 dilemma is being not just ignored but literally destroyed. This is only if the information is not in line with the present accepted vogue/trend that is. Yes, if this information is not popular or in vogue, the information is dismissed in one way or another and it doesn’t matter if this information is supported. Actually, I found the more supporting evidence you supply, the less it is accepted!!

I was removed from a group on MeWe, a group that is supposed to be there to support anyone in relation to COVID-19. This of course is not the case unless you follow the present vogue.

I presented my last post titled, “Outside the Present Paranoia”, on this group. According to the creator of the group, I was presenting my information as being too factual. So, sharing information, supported information, to help others in times like this is too factual if the information doesn’t follow the present trend of helpful information. Of course this is different if the information, even when not supported, does follow the present popular trend. You can actually make up any story you want as long as it follows the present trend it would seem. To anyone who has read my material will realise I don’t follow any kind of popular trend, in other words I don’t follow the present popular vogue. 

Vogue: A current state of general acceptance and use.

This time there was no abuse towards me, just unsupported accusations of assumptions. As I didn’t state in anyway that my information was factual, I was being sneaky because I was presumed to be talking of facts but I didn’t state fact or anything like it.

Sneaky: Marked by deception.

Quite an accusation I must say in the complete absence of any supporting evidence.

I further supported my information on ibuprofen with actual firsthand information from other people. I was in the process of supplying further information on how the Italian authorities deceptively used images from a movie, images that showed coffins in a hanger as being of the present moment, when I was removed from this group.

It is not just I don’t follow the present popular trend, I just simply can’t follow the present popular trend of dismissing anything not of the present trend. The present trend to me is simply the trend that caused this COVID-19 dilemma in the first place.

When I contracted bronchopneumonia last year, which is a virus and bacterial infection, my hair went gray. When I coughed, it felt like razor blades and especially when I laid down, it felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. One night in particular I had endless coughing fits every 2 and a half minutes. Each time my heart was thumping. Yes, I timed my coughing fits as I wasn’t sleeping anyway. I had to sit up with a firm pillow under by chin so I could breathe to some extent. My bronchial condition is still very present. 

The point is; at no time have I gone into hysterics or paranoia in relation to COVID-19.  You just go with the flow and make the best of it, not the worse of it. The worse of it is mindlessly going along with the present trend that has caused the COVID-19 dilemma for a lot of people. Deliberate ignorance will simply lead us down the same road over and over again. So what can you do? It is the way of the present wind, just make the best of the way the wind is presently blowing. 

Outside the Present Paranoia

Written by Mathew Naismith

Phew, people like me are so lucky or are we simply aware!! A neighbour said to me today that if it wasn’t for me, our neighbourhood would be in a state of deep depression. A little over rated in my mind. The authrotites are trying to stop this by the way in various ways it would seem.     

Paranoid:  A psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.

Not once have I mentioned persecution, of course knowing that I will be more disliked in telling the truth isn’t exactly creating a state of grandeur either. Now, is blaming China for all this of collective thinking or paranoia thinking? Why on top of this grandiosely portray COVID-19 as being, well, the end of the world when it is simply a warning and a very little warning in relation to the way we exist on Earth. If you think COVID-19 is bad, you don’t realise how viruses alone can transmute. If we don’t learn from this very minuscule occurrence, which seems to be the case at present, we are in for a huge shock, very similar to the black plague/death if not worse. This is not scaremongering, this is simply telling the obvious truth.  

Now, why would you have to put out deceptive numbers and information if the truth was actually the truth and not of some kind of grandeur?

As I stated recently:       

“You are going to laugh at this. WHO says it is advisable not to take drugs like this but our own state health authority say it is OK. This is the same state authority that won’t allow malaria drugs to be used at present. Many of the people I know are gong along with the state health authorities!!” This is simply to do with politics by the way.

The drug in mention is Ibuprofen. Yes, believe it or not WHO is being ignored by many it would seem. So these people would still take the risk and take Ibuprofen just because their local health authorities say it is OK!! Is this any better than licking all the surfaces on public touch screens? That is a silly risk to take even if taking Ibuprofen may be safe, in my mind anyway.

This is really interesting, again, if the truth was the truth, why the deception?       

“A friend of mine just recently watched a movie put out in 2017. One scene showed coffins in a hanger. The Italian authorities used that exact same image to show how many coffins were filled with COVID-19 victims. Deception abounds and people like you are going right along with this.”

The movie titled Unlocked seem to have the exact same image shown by Italian authorities. So why the deception like this and in how the fatality numbers are being presented and on and on it goes?  Don’t get me wrong, this is serious stuff and we should take measures, but what measures are we taking? Nothing like South Korea, the mentality is, what would eastern people know. White Anglo Saxon’s are way superior, which has again been proven quite incorrect recently!! Again, what is a soldier’s primary weapon against threats? It is not their armory but their mind. Now, what are the governments and media dilapidating in the west in various ways? The mind!!         

Going on from this, people like me are supposed to be paranoid!!  

As I wrote recently:

“Is it possible that a distraught populous just maybe a bit paranoid? Paranoid:  A psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.

Did you at all consider this? No……. See what I mean Anton.

Now, would a paranoid person just simply go along with deception, a perception of grandeur?

Would a person of a collective mind see through what this paranoia is creating? I am not one of the paranoid people simply blaming China for this by the way.  What I am doing is simply observing the biases caused by a coerced paranoia.”

It seems like the true figures of 0.5% fatality rate might end up now being higher than this. Why? This figure was worked out, at that time, mostly on eastern figures, not on western figures. Why are the western figures worse? Don’t sit their blaming China. Often so-called intelligent people will use deflective tactics to deflect from themselves onto someone else, or, deflect from their own shortcomings on to someone else. Yes, it is a highly deceptive tactic that is often used today by officials, politician, intelligent people, etc.

My advice is, stay way outside the paranoia zone of effect and affect. The present paranoia state is a far deadlier disease than COVID-19 by far in my mind.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Truth - An Uplifting Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth is one hell of a lot more uplifting, especially in times like this, however, is the truth uplifting to those coerced into accepting lies over truth? Really, in times like this, if you want to know the truth, the truth is by far more uplifting than what is presently being told to you by today’s governments and media.  

As I wrote to a person of Italian nationality:

“It maybe more contagious but is it at this stage more deadly? No, a lot of the fatalities are of the people who were probably going to die anyway.

Okay, if a person has terminal cancer and contracts pneumonia and dies, what disease killed this person? Cancer, because if the person didn’t have cancer in the first place, the person wouldn’t have contracted pneumonia in the first place?

What is happening with COVID-19 is that if you died of other causes, you died of COVID-19, not from what really killed you. How many people would have died of covid-19 if they didn’t in the first place suffer with some other kind of health condition?

However, this virus is making a lot of people ill all at once which is overtaxing the health industry overall. My point is, if this was a deadly virus, not just simply a contagious virus, why deceive people about the figures. If you add all the numbers of people who have contracted this virus, not just who has been diagnosed to have this virus, the fatality rate is about 0.5%, in real figures, not made up figures.

Also, we are blaming the virus and not our polluted atmosphere/environment for the high fatality rate, as usual!!”

As I also wrote in relation to what is an acceptable number of fatalities.

How many of you have allowed a government to go into any country they want to simply control the resources of under false pretences, in the process displacing and killing thousands of people? How many of you allow one of the biggest hatful hate groups in the world to dominate a people they hate with a vengeance in Palestine? So it is alright by you to allow children to be taken from their parents arms to be never seen again. The list goes on and on.

I ask you all, what is your acceptable figure of deaths to retain your present living standards? I come from the Australian bush and we often tell it how it is, you make me sick.”

So many people simply don’t want to know the truth, instead choose to suffer from the lack of truth in times like this…….Mathew G

I had a person post something about COVID-19; I presented the truth in the way I know it to be. I was then abused but also this person socially unacceptably made reference to overweight people. Seen as to him I was a fool who didn’t know what I was talking about, I showed how foolishly he was conducting himself.  How do you tell a person that they know nothing about respiratory ailments who has experienced serious respiratory ailments!!  My replies to his post were then removed by this person. He showed me that he simply didn’t want to know the truth. The post ended up being removed by the creator of the group.

Also, I was removed from a group on MeW even though I was the one being abused on my own post. They presented their reply to me with way too many high cap letters while also being noticeably agitated by what I write. Also, I used their name in reference to them, this was not reciprocated, an overall show of obvious abuse and disrespect.

For me, the following is a good read however it is not for everyone it would seem.     

“A very good read Daniel, thank you.

I have found out how many people don't want to know the truth during the COVID-19 dilemma. The truth is far more uplifting than what is being portrayed by the media and governments in this moment, instead, a conditioned consciousness to lies and deception unknowing to itself chooses the opposite. Instead of making the best of what is, you make the worse of what it, as the media and governments are clearly portraying!!

A state of coercion.”

Friday 27 March 2020

Coronavirus Hype

Written by Mathew Naismith

Even if you don’t read what is written here in this post, the link at the end of this post is certainly worth reading in my mind.

I am a bit thick or you could say I am thinking way differently to a lot of people!!

Out of every person diagnosed as having COVID-19, there are another ten who are not diagnosed but also have the COVID-19 virus. I thought it was around 3 to 4 times but because of the high infection rate, highly contagious virus, it is actually more around 10 times the number diagnosed. This 10 times more lowers the fatality rate in percentages a great deal, giving a more precise rate of fatalities than an exaggerated rate of fatalities.

This doesn’t seem to be the main issue with a lot of other people though, the high contagious rate of COVID-19 is it would seem. 

Try to look at this way. For over 2 million people to die year in year out in regards to pneumonia, the number of people who have contracted pneumonia would have to be far greater, but this doesn’t seem to make pneumonia highly contagious. Also, not many people are concerned with this figure but they are with the Coronavirus flawed figures. Go figure, no surprise though just concerned!! 
“Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Some of these germs do spread from person to person, so you may be contagious if you have certain types of pneumonia. However, not everyone will develop pneumonia when exposed to the same germs. There are many viruses that can cause pneumonia, and viruses can pass from person to person easily. For example, the influenza virus can survive on surfaces, making it even more contagious.”
The fatality rate for pneumonia is from5-7% but this rate goes up with age. At present COVID-19 in real figures is around 0.5% which includes the numbers not diagnosed. Yes, COVID-19 is highly contagious but the fatality rates overall compared to diseases like pneumonia is, well, quite low in all honesty. Try to avoid the Coronavirus hype and even deception altogether if you can.
I wrote recently.
What my point is, why don’t we go into lockdowns (martial law) when over 2 million people die every year from pneumonia to start with? Yes, pneumonias is not as contagious as Covid-19, but the fatality rate is much higher. Does anyone get on the bandwagon and say how terrible this is and does something about it on a world scale, or even nationally? No, but the reason why not is interesting and very sick.

The pneumonia figures are worldwide so the fatality rates are far more evenly spread out throughout the world. How could any government, media or organization, group or sect, use the worldwide fatalities caused from pneumonia fatalities for gain? This COVID-19 is a gold mine for so many people it is not funny, it is like war profiteering on a huge scale. Italy, Spain and China are priceless to these people. It is utterly disgusting to say the least because so many people are involved or simply going right along with this. These hot spots are literally priceless. 

What about cancer which is wide spread!! Can’t gain from this so we contaminate our cancer causing environment even more. There is more money to be made from contaminating our environment than cleaning up our environment; for the bad health industry is worth billions. How much is good health worth? Not much these days, certainly not enough.  

Self-honesty, like, wisdom, is a dying art in today’s society. More than ever we should be embracing honesty and wisdom, instead of persecuting it as so many people are doing. “


So everything we have been stating all along David, shock horror.

What I am wondering is how many more times are they considering, more likely planning, to implement tactics (martial law) like this again? So it is OK for millions to die from starvation, toxic pollutants, pneumonia, cancer, heart disease, etc, but a far less deadly occurrence is far more of a catastrophe!! I think people would be utterly shocked in how easy it is to psychologically manipulate an aggregate (combined) consciousness or mass David. Leading the sheep to slaughter, in our case to utter submission to something of inhumanity.    

Covid-19 in Reality

The Honest Truth
As opposed to the facts which don’t necessarily lead to the truth honestly

Written by Mathew

I will try to put this into proper perspective seen as a number of people are upset with what I am writing. Of course the main point is that you are not forced to read what I write!! I am sorry it is not some kind of dramatisation of life. Actually I’m not.

Why would a constructive mentality keep in touch with a media that its primary goal is to make money? Why would any constructive mentality religiously follow a media that dramatises, sensationalises, lies and deceives to simply keep up the ratings to keep the money flowing in? Journalists, like in countries like Australia, are being jailed or penalised for telling the truth. So if you are not allowed to tell the truth in today’s media, what are you telling? 

Now, let’s say that 25 thousand people have died from Covid-19 every three weeks, not every month, within a year. 5x25= 120 thousand.  Pneumonia alone kills over 2 million people each and every year.

Now, how many people would die of accidents, cancer, influenza, pneumonia, etc, each week in countries like Spain and Italy? The following is a must read, but only if you are of a constructive mentality that is, I am for real.

“According to World Population Review Italy had a death rate in 2019 of 10.566 per 1000 people. So if you apply that to their population of 60 million it equates to 633,960 people over the course of the year, which comes to 1,737 people per day on average.”

Are 1,737 deaths anywhere near to what COVID-19 is killing in countries like Italy each day? Also, how many of the COVID-19 related deaths where going to be of the day by day weekly fatality rate anyway? The present COVID-19 fatality rate is simply a lie or exceptionally incorrect. 

My wife and I have not watched main stream media for over 13 years now, for a very good reason, the present morbid doomsday created mentality by many is a prime example why we don’t subject our minds to such destructive energies like this. I friend of mine gave me a sample of what so many are watching at present, it was like bringing out the dead mentality likened to the black plague. This is nothing like the black plague/death or Spanish flu, but the media and governments seem to portray it like this. Ask yourself why, honestly? The real answer to this is scary but enlightening, to people like me that is.     

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Avoiding the CAVID19 Delirium

Written by Mathew Naismith 

I am just bewildered, even on the net it is hard to find the truth in relation to the Coronavirus and CAVID19, especially to do with treatments. It is mind boggling in what the media and governments are doing at present.  

There are more people dying of the flu this season even though more people are vaccinated.This is significant, more people are dying of the flu even though more people are vaccinated.

There are two reasons for this. One, people have become complaisant and don’t take care.How many people cough into their hands and touch everything? How many go out in the public with severe flu related illnesses and literally kill other people through their complacency?

Two, I am not sure that there isn’t one vaccine, so-called cure, that doesn’t takeover or kill off the immune system. People should build up their immune system while vaccinated or taking antibiotics, however, what reverse affects can building up your own immune system have on the vaccine or antibiotic treatment and well being?

With the drugs we already have there are treatments out there right now. I have even heard that drugs used for the treatment of aids have worked.

Please, don’t believe everything that the media and government portray. Religiously believing in what the two known biggest deceivers and liars are saying is a crazy thing to do at present.

I was laughed at last year when I said to people to cough into their sleeves instead of their hands, pin a hanky or hand towel to your sleeve. Even my doctor thought I was taking this too far!!

Let’s put this into perspective, more people are dying of the flu, cancer and heart disease year in year out, not from the Coronavirsu or even CAVID19. Year in year out fatalities relate to an epidemic; we should be cleaning up our manmade environment period, however, in literal terms the bad health industry today is worth billions of dollars.

“The SARS-CoV-2 virus belongs to the family of viruses called coronaviruses, which also includes the viruses that cause the common cold, and the viruses that cause more serious infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which was caused by SARS-CoV in 2002, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which was caused by MERS-CoV in 2012. Like the other coronaviruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus primarily causes respiratory tract infections, and the severity of the COVID-19 disease can range from mild to fatal. Serious illness from the infection is caused by the onset of pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).”

Also, a 95 year old Italian women survived CAVID19, not just a coronavirus based cold infection, so ease it down people. Most people are simply experiencing a mild reaction, but like any infectious disease there will be those who will greatly suffer, as always.

I have a respiratory aliment that even cold air entering the lungs can cause a serious infection, am I in anyway hysterical or paranoid? No, but there are a few of reasons for this.

My past environments have conditioned me to become resilient, as the definition of resilient means to, “Recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like.” This is not being psychologically hardened or tough, it is simply resilient, to simply adapt to various environments one may find oneself in.

I also try to keep my psyche in good health over and above my physical health. Sounds weird!! What is a solders primary weapon? Most people would say some kind of physical killing device. I point to my head. Your mind is your main weapon or protection against an aggressive environment as of a soldier or spiritually aware person. Is the government or media focusing on this? No, quite the opposite. 

Also, my main focus isn’t on what is material but what is immaterial, in that what is extraneous, meaning, for which is externally material to that which is internally non-material. The material is simply a finite perspective or entity, a perspective or entity that has a starting an ending points of a transitory existence. People like me simply focus on the immaterial instead of on something that is limited in perspective consciousness. Our consciousness becomes of unlimited perspectives. This simply means all that is of starting and ending points, materialism as a whole, is not of our main focus, so every passing of the material is less dramatical to our egos than of an ego of the main focus of the material.

In times like this, people like me are so fortunate but sadly many are not and not necessarily by choice. I chose my way but many of the material are simply lead as of at present.       

Sunday 22 March 2020

Going Beyond Fear Mongering

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, try not top be duped into what the media is fearfully portraying at present. The media is owned by the people who will gain the most from the present hysteria in a number of ways. Try to also remember, the bad health industry has become a multibillion dollar industry to these multinationals that are fully backed by various levels of government. Yes, it seems so horrifying but the actual numbers don’t support this level of hysteria as I will explain.

“It is complete fast David. Up to 100 million people died of the Spanish flu when the population was nowhere near to what it is today. Can these coronaviorus dramatists honestly tell me that the coronavirus will kill up to this number, knowing what is now occurring in China?

SARS had a kill rate of around 14-15%, coronavirus is mistakenly at most believed to be about 3.4%. A lot more people have the coronavirus than what have been diagnosed, so the 3.4% is a complete fallacy to start with.  

Should we be complacent? No, but to implement a new kind of martial law under the present circumstances is Satanist. As it has been said, only those who are truly aware will see the man made illusion, everybody else will simply blindly follow this illusion as being real to the bitter end.

I have a respiratory condition myself, could the coronasvirus kill me? Yes, but so could cold air entering the lungs or airborne pollutants as was nearly the case last year, in the absence of the coronavirus. Am I another coronavirus dramatist because of my condition? No, because the numbers simply don’t add up.

No one could tell me that influenza is not 1000 times more deadly than the coronavirus. Why? Because influenza kills indiscriminately and has possibly killed hundreds of millions of people over many centuries, will the coronavirus kill at the same rate? Unlikely.

It has got to be a joke David.”

As I also wrote in reply to a very different person.

"You don't have to be a mathematician to realise that their figures simply don't add up, but of course dramatists would prefer made up figures instead, as always. As it is known in psychology, most people would have utterly boring meaningless lives in the absence of made up dramas/figures.

How many people are dying directly due to the coronavirus?

How many people would die of other causes anyway?

How many people going to die from the flu have contracted the coronavirus, but died of the flu instead?

How many people in Italy die of natural causes excluding the coronavirus?

Now, how many deaths of other causes are contributed to the coronavirus numbers?

Unlike influenza which indiscriminately kills, the coronavirus only directly kills a certain type of percentage of the population.

How many years has influenza been killing people for?

Now, how many years, like SARS, will the coronavirus kill for?

How many years have and will cancer kill for? Have we banned 5G and cancer causing agents known to cause cancer? No, we instead do quite the opposite.

“According to the American Cancer Society, in the U.S., an estimated 606,520 people will die from cancer in 2020.3This equates to 1,660 people dying of cancer each day in 2020.”

Sorry, but Coronavirus dramatists are a joke in supporting known false and misleading figures."

How easy was it for Adolph Hitler to manipulate a massed consciousness into a despicable immoral state of affairs back in the 1930’s?  With the numerous media tools at hand today, how easy would it be to do the same? Because of the multinomial controlled media, we are not even reacting to what is accruing in Yemen and Palestine. Due to the lack of media coverage and government control, we are even allowing one of the biggest hate groups in the world to overrule a people they hate with a passion!!

However, due to media coverage and government control, the world is virtually shut down, put in a virtual martial law state of affairs due to an over inflated created illusion!!

The enlightening thing from this is, that many will find out how aware and wise they are and how in touch with the true nature of man or God they have become. Stay true to yourself and everybody else and everything will be fine, especially under the present environment of fear mongering and martial law. 

I am so pleased I can just go into states of just being, but I do feel for those who are unable to do so within environments experienced by so many at present.