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Sunday, 22 March 2020

Going Beyond Fear Mongering

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, try not top be duped into what the media is fearfully portraying at present. The media is owned by the people who will gain the most from the present hysteria in a number of ways. Try to also remember, the bad health industry has become a multibillion dollar industry to these multinationals that are fully backed by various levels of government. Yes, it seems so horrifying but the actual numbers don’t support this level of hysteria as I will explain.

“It is complete fast David. Up to 100 million people died of the Spanish flu when the population was nowhere near to what it is today. Can these coronaviorus dramatists honestly tell me that the coronavirus will kill up to this number, knowing what is now occurring in China?

SARS had a kill rate of around 14-15%, coronavirus is mistakenly at most believed to be about 3.4%. A lot more people have the coronavirus than what have been diagnosed, so the 3.4% is a complete fallacy to start with.  

Should we be complacent? No, but to implement a new kind of martial law under the present circumstances is Satanist. As it has been said, only those who are truly aware will see the man made illusion, everybody else will simply blindly follow this illusion as being real to the bitter end.

I have a respiratory condition myself, could the coronasvirus kill me? Yes, but so could cold air entering the lungs or airborne pollutants as was nearly the case last year, in the absence of the coronavirus. Am I another coronavirus dramatist because of my condition? No, because the numbers simply don’t add up.

No one could tell me that influenza is not 1000 times more deadly than the coronavirus. Why? Because influenza kills indiscriminately and has possibly killed hundreds of millions of people over many centuries, will the coronavirus kill at the same rate? Unlikely.

It has got to be a joke David.”

As I also wrote in reply to a very different person.

"You don't have to be a mathematician to realise that their figures simply don't add up, but of course dramatists would prefer made up figures instead, as always. As it is known in psychology, most people would have utterly boring meaningless lives in the absence of made up dramas/figures.

How many people are dying directly due to the coronavirus?

How many people would die of other causes anyway?

How many people going to die from the flu have contracted the coronavirus, but died of the flu instead?

How many people in Italy die of natural causes excluding the coronavirus?

Now, how many deaths of other causes are contributed to the coronavirus numbers?

Unlike influenza which indiscriminately kills, the coronavirus only directly kills a certain type of percentage of the population.

How many years has influenza been killing people for?

Now, how many years, like SARS, will the coronavirus kill for?

How many years have and will cancer kill for? Have we banned 5G and cancer causing agents known to cause cancer? No, we instead do quite the opposite.

“According to the American Cancer Society, in the U.S., an estimated 606,520 people will die from cancer in 2020.3This equates to 1,660 people dying of cancer each day in 2020.”

Sorry, but Coronavirus dramatists are a joke in supporting known false and misleading figures."

How easy was it for Adolph Hitler to manipulate a massed consciousness into a despicable immoral state of affairs back in the 1930’s?  With the numerous media tools at hand today, how easy would it be to do the same? Because of the multinomial controlled media, we are not even reacting to what is accruing in Yemen and Palestine. Due to the lack of media coverage and government control, we are even allowing one of the biggest hate groups in the world to overrule a people they hate with a passion!!

However, due to media coverage and government control, the world is virtually shut down, put in a virtual martial law state of affairs due to an over inflated created illusion!!

The enlightening thing from this is, that many will find out how aware and wise they are and how in touch with the true nature of man or God they have become. Stay true to yourself and everybody else and everything will be fine, especially under the present environment of fear mongering and martial law. 

I am so pleased I can just go into states of just being, but I do feel for those who are unable to do so within environments experienced by so many at present.   

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