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Friday, 27 March 2020

Coronavirus Hype

Written by Mathew Naismith

Even if you don’t read what is written here in this post, the link at the end of this post is certainly worth reading in my mind.

I am a bit thick or you could say I am thinking way differently to a lot of people!!

Out of every person diagnosed as having COVID-19, there are another ten who are not diagnosed but also have the COVID-19 virus. I thought it was around 3 to 4 times but because of the high infection rate, highly contagious virus, it is actually more around 10 times the number diagnosed. This 10 times more lowers the fatality rate in percentages a great deal, giving a more precise rate of fatalities than an exaggerated rate of fatalities.

This doesn’t seem to be the main issue with a lot of other people though, the high contagious rate of COVID-19 is it would seem. 

Try to look at this way. For over 2 million people to die year in year out in regards to pneumonia, the number of people who have contracted pneumonia would have to be far greater, but this doesn’t seem to make pneumonia highly contagious. Also, not many people are concerned with this figure but they are with the Coronavirus flawed figures. Go figure, no surprise though just concerned!! 
“Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Some of these germs do spread from person to person, so you may be contagious if you have certain types of pneumonia. However, not everyone will develop pneumonia when exposed to the same germs. There are many viruses that can cause pneumonia, and viruses can pass from person to person easily. For example, the influenza virus can survive on surfaces, making it even more contagious.”
The fatality rate for pneumonia is from5-7% but this rate goes up with age. At present COVID-19 in real figures is around 0.5% which includes the numbers not diagnosed. Yes, COVID-19 is highly contagious but the fatality rates overall compared to diseases like pneumonia is, well, quite low in all honesty. Try to avoid the Coronavirus hype and even deception altogether if you can.
I wrote recently.
What my point is, why don’t we go into lockdowns (martial law) when over 2 million people die every year from pneumonia to start with? Yes, pneumonias is not as contagious as Covid-19, but the fatality rate is much higher. Does anyone get on the bandwagon and say how terrible this is and does something about it on a world scale, or even nationally? No, but the reason why not is interesting and very sick.

The pneumonia figures are worldwide so the fatality rates are far more evenly spread out throughout the world. How could any government, media or organization, group or sect, use the worldwide fatalities caused from pneumonia fatalities for gain? This COVID-19 is a gold mine for so many people it is not funny, it is like war profiteering on a huge scale. Italy, Spain and China are priceless to these people. It is utterly disgusting to say the least because so many people are involved or simply going right along with this. These hot spots are literally priceless. 

What about cancer which is wide spread!! Can’t gain from this so we contaminate our cancer causing environment even more. There is more money to be made from contaminating our environment than cleaning up our environment; for the bad health industry is worth billions. How much is good health worth? Not much these days, certainly not enough.  

Self-honesty, like, wisdom, is a dying art in today’s society. More than ever we should be embracing honesty and wisdom, instead of persecuting it as so many people are doing. “


So everything we have been stating all along David, shock horror.

What I am wondering is how many more times are they considering, more likely planning, to implement tactics (martial law) like this again? So it is OK for millions to die from starvation, toxic pollutants, pneumonia, cancer, heart disease, etc, but a far less deadly occurrence is far more of a catastrophe!! I think people would be utterly shocked in how easy it is to psychologically manipulate an aggregate (combined) consciousness or mass David. Leading the sheep to slaughter, in our case to utter submission to something of inhumanity.    

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