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Sunday, 29 March 2020

Truth - An Uplifting Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth is one hell of a lot more uplifting, especially in times like this, however, is the truth uplifting to those coerced into accepting lies over truth? Really, in times like this, if you want to know the truth, the truth is by far more uplifting than what is presently being told to you by today’s governments and media.  

As I wrote to a person of Italian nationality:

“It maybe more contagious but is it at this stage more deadly? No, a lot of the fatalities are of the people who were probably going to die anyway.

Okay, if a person has terminal cancer and contracts pneumonia and dies, what disease killed this person? Cancer, because if the person didn’t have cancer in the first place, the person wouldn’t have contracted pneumonia in the first place?

What is happening with COVID-19 is that if you died of other causes, you died of COVID-19, not from what really killed you. How many people would have died of covid-19 if they didn’t in the first place suffer with some other kind of health condition?

However, this virus is making a lot of people ill all at once which is overtaxing the health industry overall. My point is, if this was a deadly virus, not just simply a contagious virus, why deceive people about the figures. If you add all the numbers of people who have contracted this virus, not just who has been diagnosed to have this virus, the fatality rate is about 0.5%, in real figures, not made up figures.

Also, we are blaming the virus and not our polluted atmosphere/environment for the high fatality rate, as usual!!”

As I also wrote in relation to what is an acceptable number of fatalities.

How many of you have allowed a government to go into any country they want to simply control the resources of under false pretences, in the process displacing and killing thousands of people? How many of you allow one of the biggest hatful hate groups in the world to dominate a people they hate with a vengeance in Palestine? So it is alright by you to allow children to be taken from their parents arms to be never seen again. The list goes on and on.

I ask you all, what is your acceptable figure of deaths to retain your present living standards? I come from the Australian bush and we often tell it how it is, you make me sick.”

So many people simply don’t want to know the truth, instead choose to suffer from the lack of truth in times like this…….Mathew G

I had a person post something about COVID-19; I presented the truth in the way I know it to be. I was then abused but also this person socially unacceptably made reference to overweight people. Seen as to him I was a fool who didn’t know what I was talking about, I showed how foolishly he was conducting himself.  How do you tell a person that they know nothing about respiratory ailments who has experienced serious respiratory ailments!!  My replies to his post were then removed by this person. He showed me that he simply didn’t want to know the truth. The post ended up being removed by the creator of the group.

Also, I was removed from a group on MeW even though I was the one being abused on my own post. They presented their reply to me with way too many high cap letters while also being noticeably agitated by what I write. Also, I used their name in reference to them, this was not reciprocated, an overall show of obvious abuse and disrespect.

For me, the following is a good read however it is not for everyone it would seem.     

“A very good read Daniel, thank you.

I have found out how many people don't want to know the truth during the COVID-19 dilemma. The truth is far more uplifting than what is being portrayed by the media and governments in this moment, instead, a conditioned consciousness to lies and deception unknowing to itself chooses the opposite. Instead of making the best of what is, you make the worse of what it, as the media and governments are clearly portraying!!

A state of coercion.”

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