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Monday, 30 March 2020

The Way of the Present Wind

Written by Mathew Naismith

Very sadly, information to do with the COVID-19 dilemma is being not just ignored but literally destroyed. This is only if the information is not in line with the present accepted vogue/trend that is. Yes, if this information is not popular or in vogue, the information is dismissed in one way or another and it doesn’t matter if this information is supported. Actually, I found the more supporting evidence you supply, the less it is accepted!!

I was removed from a group on MeWe, a group that is supposed to be there to support anyone in relation to COVID-19. This of course is not the case unless you follow the present vogue.

I presented my last post titled, “Outside the Present Paranoia”, on this group. According to the creator of the group, I was presenting my information as being too factual. So, sharing information, supported information, to help others in times like this is too factual if the information doesn’t follow the present trend of helpful information. Of course this is different if the information, even when not supported, does follow the present popular trend. You can actually make up any story you want as long as it follows the present trend it would seem. To anyone who has read my material will realise I don’t follow any kind of popular trend, in other words I don’t follow the present popular vogue. 

Vogue: A current state of general acceptance and use.

This time there was no abuse towards me, just unsupported accusations of assumptions. As I didn’t state in anyway that my information was factual, I was being sneaky because I was presumed to be talking of facts but I didn’t state fact or anything like it.

Sneaky: Marked by deception.

Quite an accusation I must say in the complete absence of any supporting evidence.

I further supported my information on ibuprofen with actual firsthand information from other people. I was in the process of supplying further information on how the Italian authorities deceptively used images from a movie, images that showed coffins in a hanger as being of the present moment, when I was removed from this group.

It is not just I don’t follow the present popular trend, I just simply can’t follow the present popular trend of dismissing anything not of the present trend. The present trend to me is simply the trend that caused this COVID-19 dilemma in the first place.

When I contracted bronchopneumonia last year, which is a virus and bacterial infection, my hair went gray. When I coughed, it felt like razor blades and especially when I laid down, it felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. One night in particular I had endless coughing fits every 2 and a half minutes. Each time my heart was thumping. Yes, I timed my coughing fits as I wasn’t sleeping anyway. I had to sit up with a firm pillow under by chin so I could breathe to some extent. My bronchial condition is still very present. 

The point is; at no time have I gone into hysterics or paranoia in relation to COVID-19.  You just go with the flow and make the best of it, not the worse of it. The worse of it is mindlessly going along with the present trend that has caused the COVID-19 dilemma for a lot of people. Deliberate ignorance will simply lead us down the same road over and over again. So what can you do? It is the way of the present wind, just make the best of the way the wind is presently blowing. 

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