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Friday, 5 March 2021

Genuine Hope


Written by Mathew Naismith

“A huge time in human history, where finally man will learn to never go back to all that only served itself on the back of many. Will the Earth itself suffer from mans ill will or will what man made of the Earth only suffer!! Yes, a huge demise of the malign is evident, leaving the Earth that is not of man's ill will blessed. The truly awakened lands will be untouched.”

As of too many in the age of false prophets, I don't want to give false hope to people but hope is at hand. For starters, people like me put more emphasis on the infinite than the finite, for the finite is governed by a starting and ending point to begin with, where the infinite has no such governing factor, within this there is really no need of hope for all is infinite. Apart form this though, there is real hope in relation to the finite, I would however rather you look at what I am stating in this post as a desired truth of mine, not an actual truth at the point in time.

I think some people will really resonate with the following.

Yes, destruction is evident upon those of the malign consciousness and lands, not at the hands of the benign but of itself. It will turn upon itself, in the process scorching the Earth the malign lays upon. This does not mean the lands this malign consciousness tries to procure, it simply means the lands the malign consciousness primarily lays upon. What this means is that lands primarily of the consciousness of the malign will be scorched and by the maligns own hands. The malign will wake up to losing everything it has worked so hard for and put blame on everything that is malign.

People will look within the lands of the benign and wonder how such lands can be unscathed, in a very real sense. People looking in upon these lands will stare in awe and wonder how did it get to this, that the malign took so much control over humanity, in the process creating a reality of inhumanity for which to feed off of.

As Freemasons have long ago stopped protecting the benign, the children, in fact have done the opposite for a long time now, all that is not protective and even abusive of the benign will perish at it owns hands. At all cost on all levels of consciousness the children must be protected and beloved, not lusted or desired. These people of the malign will wake up to this way too late and will in turn turn upon each other in blame.

What the malign is obviously quite unaware of, the faster the malign tries to take complete control of humanity and the lands humanity lays upon, the faster the malign is coming to it's end. This has occurred many times over in Earths history, recent examples of this is Adolf Hitler's very quick grab for power and control. The present quickening of the maligns intentions is actually going to lead to a quicker awakening of humanity, dispelling the presentably called malign woke, meaning the awakening could occur a lot sooner due to the maligns own actions.

This is strange. If the elite and societies like the Freemason's still protected and beloved the benign, all that they gain would have been theirs to keep. What is even stranger is if the elite and societies like the Freemason's started to truly look after the benign even at the point, they will be able to still keep their ill-gains, but only their ill-gains that are no longer abusive towards the benign.

It is really important at this stage to stay within protecting and/or being benign. Don't be coerced by the present created fear to go outside of the benign consciousness, stay within this land and consciousness. I know this is not easy due to the present situation but at all cost stay within this benign land/consciousness, especially at present.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Protectorate of the Benign


Written by Mathew Naismith

Protectorate: A state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs; protectorates are established by treaty.

I remember a time way before my present life that the true authorities protected the benign of human nature. To be human is to be vulnerable to environments which includes environments of nature and environments of the malign. It was by no mistake that the feminine was revered in the same way as the masculine.

A state of authoritative consciousness that was benign and virtuous by nature, in other words divine, oversaw the development of human consciousness. In this case there was no control but a strong influence of the benign in the absence of possessions. In the case of the malign, possession and control is the main stay of this consciousness, this of course takes the firm use of the masculine while denouncing the feminine. The way the feminine is denounced is through the use and abuse of the feminine, this leads to the feminine simply becoming an object of control and possession by the masculine. No, the masculine does not represent the malign, the masculine is simply used by the malign to take control and possession of whatever is desired and lusted after.

Believe it or not, Freemasonry true beginnings goes way back to the antediluvian period as does Hinduism and yes, both Freemasonry and Hinduism where benign protectorates of the human benign, I mean really. As of many authoritative establishments today, Freemasonry in particular is not for the protection of the benign but the malign, like in Australia where the police and even the arm services literally protect the malign while abusing the benign. This is very evident in the state of Victoria at present.

All of a sudden in ancient Egypt the rulers became the God's, at the same time these authoritative figures stopped protecting the benign. As soon as authority stopped protecting the benign is when establishments like Freemasonry change course from being benign to being malign. Yes, the ego took control even while being aware of the controlling ways of the ego. You see once the ego is in charge, the benign becomes abused at the same time the malign is revered.

So why didn't the benign take control over the malign?

The malign is all about control and possession where's the benign is not of control and possession. The benign must allow a consciousness freedom to do as it will, to develop in the way the consciousness feels fit. If this entails allowing the ego to take control of a collective consciousness, this is the way it will be allowed to go, however, right throughout human history humans have been given directives from the divine. If the human collective consciousness chooses to ignore these directives, then so be it.

Establishments like Freemasonry today couldn't be further away from their initial establishment, their true being if they wanted to. The very fact that they are not protecting but in fact are abusing the benign is a sure sign of their lost initial established beginnings. Once you loose the root core of an establishment like this, the establishment is no longer of the divine. We could not separate more from the core of our being if we wanted to, in the process replacing this core with an illusion, a false representation of who we really are.

What would a true divine nature do, protect the benign or abuse the benign especially in favour of the malign? As I have stated for some time now, we are simply lost within our own creation but like anything with a starting point of creation, there is always an ending point of creation. Watch from here which establishment actually truly protects the benign, for this is a true reflection of our being.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

The Arrival of Little Angels


Written by Mathew Naismith

So where do I start? I wasn't going to share this but circumstance warrants me sharing this, even though what I am about to share could be simply of a desired truth than of real truth. Remember, real truth is simply of a truth in the absence of what we desire to be the truth.

How often are mothers referred to as angels or alike for putting their family or other people before themselves? So what would you call a soul who puts humanity as a whole before their own selves?

We often relate angels to divine entities that depict human form with wings. Probably because I was brought up with this perception is why I depict at present little angels flying around, by the looks of it in their thousands.

This is the sad bit. Why the presence of so many little angels at present?

Mark Zuckerburg, the co-founder of Facebook, has recently shown even more where he stands with paedophilia. Mark Zuckerbrg is not the tip of the iceberg but simply a very tiny part of the tip. The meek shall inherit the Earth. To be so week as to harm those not abusive is simply meek in character and disposition.

Meek: Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

Every child should be protected by every adult no matter what, to do the opposite is to cower submissively to the malign. Let's be honest, how easy is it to give into the malign, especially when it seems to deliver what is desired and lusted for? In truth, it is without a doubt meek is to give into the malign, in the process you simply become a subordinate to desires and lusts. Could you possibly say it is meek of people that do not succumb to these desires and lusts, at the same time protect those most vulnerable to the malign?

Malign is to be evil or harmful in nature or influence, in other words abusive primarily to those less abusive. This is where cowardice comes into it in relation to the malign. The malign only chooses to abuse those less abusive, in the process avoiding the possibly of being abused or being overwhelmed or confronted by the truly benign. At all cost the malign will avoid direct confrontation with the benign, instead resorting to trying to undermine the benign. The most malign has no answer to the most benign, so it resorts to undermining the most vulnerable who are benign. The less abusive often become the most abused deceptively and underhandedly which is of cowardice and meek in mannerism. Make no mistake, the malign is exceptionally meek in manner.

So what is going to come from abusing angels? Nothing good for the malign. Because the malign is totally governed and controlled by egotism, their egos tell them they are infallible and quite deceptively so. You would think they would wake up to how deceptive the ego can become, but the ego prevails in it's deception of infallibility and the more the ego takes control, the more deceptively the malign is deluded in being even more infallible.

So it comes to this, a lot of the children being abused at present are actual angles, or so it is the way I vision it. The more angels the malign abuses, the more of the benign humanity will be influenced by. It is funny, once the Freemasons where of the benign in every sense, but as it would seem today they are very much of the malign. Angels are not cowards and will certainly seemingly sacrifice themselves for the good of the collective without blinking an eyelid. In saying this, at all times speak of what these children are going through and certainly speak against those who are sacrificial by nature. These children are not really being sacrificed or sacrificing their lives, they are in a real sense humbling themselves to those less able to help themselves.

Never think the malign is all powerful as societies like the Freemasons try to portray, in every sense they are powerless unless they can abuse the less abusive. Take the ability to abuse the less abusive away from them, how powerful then do you think this malign would be? The point is that you can't sacrifice angels as the malign thinks it is doing by abusing these children. Yes, the malign is all to do with sacrificing the benign but this is not what is actually occurring, the malign has indeed deceived itself in a real sense, or how I could be desiring to perceive it to be so!!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Positives v Negatives


Written by Mathew Naismith

For people like me, no amount or kind of truth is judged as a negative, even desired truths that can often be expressed by a created consciousness. We very rarely avoid real truth in favour of a judged positive truth that is often inline with our own desires.

A desired truth is simply a truth that may have a certain amount of real truth attached to it or be completely of a desire than of real truth. Real truth is simply truth expressed in the absence of desires, for example, many people desire that a God doesn't exist, many others desire a God does exist. Both people of these perspectives believe that they are expressive of a real truth in their own right. If anyone asked me,”Do you think God exists?”, all I can say is your asking a question inline with a desire either way, be it a belief or disbelief, in turn desiring the right desired answer inline with the desired question. Of course any answer not of the questioners desire is imminently judged as negative, which of course leaves a more desired answer to be judged positive!!

A more none desired question would be something like, “Do you think a God could exist?”,or, “Do you think a God like consciousness could have created the universe?”.

Now what do I mean by created consciousness?

Yes, I have a present understanding that finite and infinite energy sources exist, especially when you can't, scientifically and spiritually known, destroy energy but simply transform energy. Like at present, social media is trying to portray communist governments and even their leaders in a different light to what they actually represent. Their own actions define if they are of a malign or benign consciousness, but the present consciousness wants you to believe other than what they portray.

The finite relates to a created consciousness where's the infinite relates to an already existing consciousness, a consciousness that has no starting point therefore ending point of creation. The universe within it's own right creates what the environment defines, like with the right environment created the Earth as it created other planets. Now I am not saying that God didn't create the Earth. A created universe will of course create planets like Earth, it is all created from the same consciousness, however, each environment creates in accordance with it's own environment. This means the malign consciousness was created, a consciousness created from part of the universe that is violent and destructive.

Infinite energy is an energy that is not transitional but of course this leaves us to finite energy which is endlessly transforming and re-transforming.

Now, does this mean the benign consciousness was also created but from the more subtle parts of the universes environment?

Malign consciousness = finite, a starting and ending point of creation, controlling

Benign consciousness = infinite, no starting or ending point of creation, none controlling

I have an understanding that the malign is of a created consciousness and that the benign is of an already existing consciousness. So why would a benign consciousness create a universe that would be a perfect environment for creating malign consciousnesses?

A starting and ending point obviously relates to control, in that there is a starting point therefore an ending point, resulting in the starting and ending point of life being a major determining factor in life. What tactic does a consciousness that is malign use? Fear in reference to an end of life and/or abuse of life. Now imagine being in a consciousness of the infinite, where the main determining factor governing life is not a starting and ending point of life, simply that everything is of the infinite even while experiencing an energy in transition.


Malign consciousness = negatives V's the positives and visa-versa

Benign consciousness = the nullifying of negatives and positive consciousness

So we may think creating a universe to create within it's own right without being controlled is negative? Would not deeming something of malign desire negative create a perfect environment for the malign to thrive in?

Really, avoid judging what are not of our own desires as being negative and of course our own desires being positive. You are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to exist and thrive in, as our present environment depicts no matter how much love and light is being expressed. If love and light is depicting that their desired truth is positive and anything not of this desired truth is of course negative, you are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to not just exist in but thrive in. In reality, in the process negating the benign quite by accident.

It is not by accident that we are presently where we are at!!

You may think it is all doom and gloom. If we awaken in the absence of today's woke, as it obviously seems many of us are to desired and real truths, all will be fine. At the point we stop abusing energy is the point the malign losses it's hold over us. Really, the true pandemic is a malign separation energy into positives and negatives, where real truth becomes negative and desired truths become a positive. A consciousness awakened to desired and real truths is an encouraging sign towards rebuilding a reality based on real truths, in the process recreating benign consciousnesses, a consciousness that avoids separating energy into negatives and positives.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Benign Catalyst


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am hoping to address the difference between benign consciousness and malign consciousness. It is important not to define consciousness into negatives and positives, simply that each variable consciousness is of it's own domain/reality, often in reality one extreme expression of environment leading to the rise of another very different environment.

To observe through the eyes of a controlling ego is very different to observing through the eyes in the absence of a controlling ego.

Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence

Malign: Evil or harmful in nature or influence

Catalyst: Something that causes an important event to occur

I am going to firstly address malign consciousness.

What makes a consciousness malign because a created consciousness is not by nature malign nor benign?

A firstly created consciousness is neither malign nor benign. What I mean by created is like with the universe, the universe is neither one or the other but can be expressive of one or the other through environmental changes within itself. Look at how human beings change within themselves through varying environmental influences in life. You are not born an atheist nor religious, this is determined by the already existing environment you are born into and by all means, you don't have to become what the environment influences around you depicts. I should also state there is also a non-created consciousness as well, a consciousness of infinite value, which can assist in our endeavours in a finite existence if we choose.

Would it be fair to say that the malign consciousness is only malign in nature due to the abuse or harmfulness of energy around it? Malign simply refers to an energy that is abusive towards itself and/or other energy fields around it, you could also relate the malign to a controlling ego, an ego in control which is very different to an ego that is not in control. The malign by nature is controlling therefore abusive, really, this is it's nature and within itself this is very positive to the abuse of energy while the benign is seen as feeble, not abusive towards energy, therefore seen as a negative by malign consciousness. Within a malign consciousness, the inability to abuse or be harmful to energy is simply seen as outright negative.

Could we also relate the malign to desired truths which is very different to actual truths? How many of us ignore other truths in favour of our own desired truths? Followers of QAnon seemingly preferred a desired truth over and above actual truth, the same with desiring socialist communism. Socialist communism is made out to look promising through desires truths but in actual real truth it is highly abusive as we have all seen in the past and present. This is important, now look at the difference between QAnon desired truths and socialist communist desired truths, one is speaking out and acting against harm and the other is speaking of and acting for harm!! QAnon was simply a catalyst, a reactionary catalyst, in response to harm, can we honestly say the same in regards to socialist communism? Yes, through desired truths rather than actual truths, socialist communists think they are not of harm, simply preventing harm, but in reality any movement depicting harm is of harm by nature. QAnon was simply exposing harm, a lot through actual truths, which is a huge threat to what consciousness? A consciousness malign in nature.

Yes, we can also relate the malign to the censoring of anything remotely representing actual truths to desired truths. Be aware though, to simply depict the malign as being negative, even though the malign is a natural creation of certain environmental influences, is also being influenced by the malign. The benign does not judge what it is not of negative, the benign simply observes and acts upon what is abusive towards energy, by nature.

Yes, the nature of the benign is to be beneficial towards energy by nature, the benign is also not of desired truths but actual truths nor is the benign of a controlling ego. Yes, the benign even avoids casting judgement onto everything not of itself, of it's own nature, as being negative, to depict what is and is not negative and positive is of malign environmental influences. To judge a difference to yourself as being negative, is simply abusing energy as it is likened to name calling or even bullying which the benign is not of by nature, however, to call out and expose the malign abusiveness, particularly in the absence of name calling, is not abusive, simply the telling of actual truths which the abusive malign will of course state is abusive. Look at how many actual truths today are called out being simply abusive when it is simply of telling the actual truth as opposed to desired truths!!

So, how do we become more benign?

Take note of the above but also become aware of the difference between a finite consciousness to an infinite consciousness. Even though the infinite consciousness seemingly refers to the benign, the opposing force to the benign is not of finite consciousness. Try to relate the finite consciousness to a human being at birth, where there is no perception of right or wrong, negative or positive, religion or atheism, etc, it is simply a neutral mode of consciousness until influenced by other conscious environments around it. I often myself relate the infinite consciousness as being the parent or guardian of the finite, in other words the parent of the child.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

The Malign v The Benign


Written by Mathew Naismith

Very interesting, for a consciousness to truly awaken, the consciousness needs to be truly asleep. In times of the present it is wise, in my mind, to realise this but also realise that it will only take a spark, and not necessarily from human consciousness, to awaken human consciousness.

Look at it this way, for a consciousness to be truly benign, a consciousness needs to be aware of it's own malign consciousness. It is like awakening, which is the opposite to the present woke, to all that is not awakened, of course the awakened represents the benign and the woke represents the malign. Look at how the woke is heavily censoring anything of real truth in the process only leaving what is of the desired truth, this is how the malign consciousness works. This malign consciousness will infiltrate any group like gay and lesbian groups, environmental groups, atheist and religious groups, etc, to a woke state that is only of desires, in other words it works on the desires of these groups to be able to use these groups as this malign consciousness wishes.

The great reset is of a communist socialism, where there is state ownership but in this case the multinationals became the state, in the process privately owning everything to use as it wishes, This is as communist China is allowed to do as it likes to the environment and the people while being at the forefront of this great reset!! Don't be duped people.

Recently I had to go into a very different environment to what I am used to in relation to my own life. I was asked by another person if I felt the negative vibrations of this environment, I simply stated I felt nothing negative, only observed an energy making the worse of life instead of the best of life.

When you place your own consciousness in a benign state, negatives and toxic vibrations simply don't exist, even if you are an empath, a person who readily feels environments around them. Yes, even an empath can become an observer, in the process negating feeling the negatives and toxic vibrations within various environments. Make no mistake, people like me still react to disharmonious environments as if they are negative, of course while knowing we are at that point participating instead of observing but while also remembering, for there is nothing negative in being a participator either.

It basically took a spark to create the universe, as it will simply take a spark to awaken a consciousness from an unconscious state, but this consciousness can't just be in a twilight zone of being only half unconscious, the consciousness must be totally unconscious to truly awaken. Yes, the malign will change DNA and manipulate human consciousness, but this malign consciousness is unable to influence a truly benign consciousness, a divine consciousness if you like. On the other hand, through a simple spark of benign consciousness, all of what is malign within human consciousness can be expelled. Yes, even multinationals and authoritative figures of the malign will change and realise and ask, what did we do and how did we get here? No, the malign consciousness manipulating these people to become of the malign will not change, but this consciousness can be expelled from plaguing human consciousness, this is a big deal.

In truth, there is no benign verses the malign but there is a malign verses the benign. The malign has to act upon it's presence, where the benign is only present within it's presence!! The presence of the benign without action is all that is needed.

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Yes, A Human Experience


Written by Mathew Naismith

Believe it or not, like all of us, we are here to have a human experience, not a spiritual experience. No one within this 3rd dimensional reality is here to have a spiritual experience. Yes, to incorporate a spiritual experience within the human experience, like Buddha and Jesus, but not to just have a spiritual experience. What seems to refer to being spiritual to a lot of people is having an ongoing spiritual experience, if this was the case at the soul level, what are we doing having a human experience? 3rd dimensional realities are more to do with experiencing a human experience than a spiritual experience, really.

I was a member of a spiritual forum once that incorporated spiritually minded people who were certainly having a human experience, you also had those who thought they were above all this. I became involved with the spiritually minded people having a human experience. The people who thought they were of a higher stature couldn't believe what I was doing, that I would stoop to such a level of activity. Did Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale and even Jesus stoop to an unacceptable spiritual level when dealing with less desirable people, in other words negative toxic people and environments? Really, by putting themselves into such an environment of human experiences make these people negative and of toxic vibrations? This should mean a more pure spiritual entity looking on should be judging that we are all on this planet negative and of toxic vibrations, due to our external environment we are existing in!!

I was not to long ago trying to assist a person who stated they were in touch with knowing even above what is known to be the Akashic records. The more I tried to assist this person the more I was rebuffed. This person has talent but as I found out certainly not to the degree they stated, they have to date got so many things wrong. They have actually shown me that they have no idea what kind of knowing/awareness they are speaking of. Imagine a consciousness with the highest degree of awareness and wisdom, an awareness of one of all. Within this awareness there is no higher or lower level, there is just simply a state of pure awareness and not just of desired awareness. How many people just want to know of a desired positive level of awareness, while ignoring the negatives of awareness to stay seemingly positive. I say seemingly because any true positive energy could go into any environment and not be of what they are experiencing, like Buddha, Jesus, Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale. etc.  

Two weeks before the space shuttle challenger exploded in 1986, I could literally feel what was going to occur to this space shuttle. I didn't just predict this tragedy, I also felt the trauma from thousands of people. As the date of the catastrophe became nearer, the feelings of despair became even more intense. The day after the tragedy, all these feelings of great despair and anguish vanished. I could at the same period of time actually experience what the victims and their perpetrators of crime psychically and mentally were experiencing and thinking. This was simply me through my feelings having a human experience while being in touch with a great deal of awareness and wisdom.

You must realise that a negative environment, which includes people, is only negative if we don't learn form these experiences and only suffer from these experiences. Just judging these environments as negative and even of toxic vibrations is suffering from these experiences. In wisdom, I soon stopped feeling and even being aware of such awareness, instead choosing to experience a human experience in the absence of such a degree of awareness.

Hypothetical Revelation

This is not a biblical revaluation, simply a revaluation of hypothetical meaning.

“Here you are once again, following a consciousness of malign intentions instead of a consciousness of known benign intentions, a consciousness that simply devours energy and turns this energy into what this consciousness represents, simply a shell without any true substance. The only power this consciousness has is what you give it. It is in real life like a bug under my foot, literally, even when we perceive and especially perceive this consciousness to be a Lucifer consciousness.

I shouldn't even be here in this conscious form, the fact that I am is not a good sign. It is a sign that an imbalance of consciousness is at hand, a consciousness of growing abuse unto itself. If you understood how energy works, you would avoid at all cost abusing energy in this way but alas, human consciousness chooses to do the complete opposite.

It is like this. It is possible that this planet can be retransformed by simply placing this planet between two fingers and squeezing to the point an energy change has occurred, remembering that you can't destroy energy, only transform energy. This has to be a joke right, placing a planet between two finger and squeezing it to transform this energy into another energy form?

No, two physical fingers are not actually squeezing the planet but a physical depiction of two fingers squeezing the planet is. To transform anything physical consciously, a depiction of a physical form has to be implemented or visualised. Unlike this malign consciousness that has to rely on actual physical form to do it's bidding, this energy of benign fortitude does it's own bidding, for this consciousness is of no empty shell. What we are simply talking about here is a consciousness that does the opposite to abusing energy. Yes, energy is transformed but in harmony with the energy being transformed.

So this malign consciousness sees no problem in transforming energy seen as you can't destroy energy, you are simply transforming energy!!

A transformation of energy is occurring all the time, it is in with how this energy is being transformed that makes the difference. A benign consciousness doesn't work against an energy flow, it works with it, this is very much unlike a malign consciousness that tricks or entices a conscious energy to became part of it's empty shell. A benign energy does not use other forms of energy, it simply works in unison with energy period.

No, a retransformation of energy will not be comfortable for a consciousness tricked into serving a malign consciousness. If you really knew how energy works, you wouldn't even consider going down the road of a malign consciousness.”

So getting back to my own input, and no the above was not plagiarised. To people like me, it makes no sense going down the road of a malign consciousness, but I do realise at the same time that it makes sense to a malign consciousness to go down their own road of abusing energy instead of working in harmony with energy. “Why work in harmony with energy and do without our desires when we can work against energy to fulfil all our desires.”

Desire is an empty shell until filled with other forms of energy

As a malign consciousness is of an empty shell so is desire. A malign consciousness has to use other energy forms to become of energy itself, the same with desire. Try desiring something that is not of another energy form, an empty shell trying to fill it's shell through other energy forms. Now a benign consciousness doesn't work like this, for it has no shell to fill in the first place. There is no emptiness but a complete fulfilment due to simply working with energy instead of against it. To work against energy is to be separate to that energy, but to work with energy is to be at one with that energy.