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Wednesday 27 February 2019

Improving Upon Our Weaknesses

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following to further explain where I was coming from in relation to my last post, Human Existence - A Balancing Act

"Indeed my friend, we are one despite our differences in culture and mind. Because I am not into what is good and bad, wrong and right, negative and positive, unlike the western mind in control, there are no negative or positive tags in relation to the western and eastern mind. As I will explain in my next post, both the western and eastern mind has a vital part to play in life for they are apart of life."


"Look at this way, the western mind most often desires to separate the physical/materiel world from the spiritual, only desiring to be of the spiritual or material world. The eastern mind doesn't do this as it is of oneness, a oneness that sees a connection between the material and spiritual world in the absence of separation and division.

The western spiritual mind often determines that the material world is unbecoming as the western mind is quite critical within its judgement. The eastern mind isn't critical within its judgement but simply observant of what can be improved. As it is stated, the western mind will build upon its strengths while the eastern mind improves upon its weaknesses. One creates balance, the other an imbalance!!"

In all honesty, how many western minded spiritual people do you know desire to separate the spiritual world from the material world? I really don't think being spiritual is to do with separating one from the other more, in truth quite the opposite. The sense of oneness to start with is the realisation that everything is connected and of one. Yes, it is difficult while becoming spiritually aware that the desire to feel more in harmony, secure and loving, is more desirable over and above anything else that doesn't fulfil these desires but we must avoid this occurring. The desire to dispel everything in some way that isn't of what we desire to feel is quite strong.

Let's be honest here, the western mind is going to have a far harder time of becoming spiritually aware than the eastern mind, this is why it is wise to get to know your eastern mind. The western mind is perfect for getting to know the material world as the tools created to do so by the western mind is unlimited, as the eastern mind is perfect for getting to know the spiritual world.

Yes, as of the eastern mind, the western mind has its place, problems only occur when the western mind takes over from the eastern mind in all of us. Considering that the western mind is of taking control, and the eastern mind is of releasing ourselves of control, it is by no mistake that a predominant western mind will take control of what the eastern mind controls. The funny thing is, the eastern mind never works by taking control but of releasing itself from control, within this action, the human self is released from its various limitations that control creates.

Control means to take power to direct or determine; to determine a result in accordance with the control expressed thus limiting all expressions to certain variables or values.

As the western mind will no doubt take offence to what I am stating here, the eastern mind won't, even when stating that the western mind is better at knowing about the material world than the eastern mind. The eastern mind simply sees this as something that needs to be worked on, not just something to express disdain towards unlike the western mind that is a lot easier to offend than the eastern mind. What is the western minds strength? Knowing about the material world. Where is the world at, at present in relation to the eastern and western mind? The world is obviously predominantly expressive of the western mind. What ability does the western mind focus on the most? Its strengths while even deliberately ignoring its weaknesses, at times at any cost!! A good example of this is the environment we are destroying, the very thing humans rely on for their existence. Yes, the Chinese are destroying their own environment as well, only because they are predominately expressive of  the western mind to compete in a western minded controlled world.

So what is a western dominated world focusing on the most? Its strengths, which is control, power, material wealth and global dominance, etc, also, anything and everything that doesn't pertain or is relevant to its strengths. This is why westernised spirituality, even when based on eastern spirituality, is often used to take more control and gain more power while in the material world. The western spiritual mind simply primarily focuses on the spiritual is in relation to taking more control, not what eastern spirituality is about, releasing ourselves from control.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

 “As spiritual searchers we need to become freer and freer of the attachment to our own smallness in which we get occupied with me-me-me. Pondering on large ideas or standing in front of things which remind us of a vast scale can free us from acquisitiveness and competitiveness and from our likes and dislikes. If we sit with an increasing stillness of the body, and attune our mind to the sky or to the ocean or to the myriad stars at night, or any other indicators of vastness, the mind gradually stills and the heart is filled with quiet joy. Also recalling our own experiences in which we acted generously or with compassion for the simple delight of it without expectation of any gain can give us more confidence in the existence of a deeper goodness from which we may deviate. (39)”  – Ravi Ravindra

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.” Rumi

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need." Tao Te Ching

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Human Existence - A Balancing Act

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was recently invited to join a group of people, predominantly of Indian origin, on a social media network site who, to me, show a good deal of balance between the eastern and western mind. There caring loving gestures in interaction to each other seemed quite different to when the predominant western mind in people try to interact in the same way. I have interacted on a number of forums where the western minded people don't quite seem as genuine within their caring loving interactions. The difference for this I found quite interesting.

As the following link will illustrate, the western mind sees itself the dominant force of nature, where the eastern mind see itself in harmony between man and nature, of equal equality and value between man and nature. Why do, for example, Hindus express a sacredness to certain animals where the western mind only sees animals as something to use abuse. In saying this, how many pet owners of a western mind show a sacredness to their own beloved pets? Is this the eastern mind in all of us, the eastern harmonious mind seeing other creatures on Earth as no lesser value than themselves?

How many western minded spiritual people put the spiritual world above all other worlds? To the eastern mind, spiritual values are of no lesser value than material values and visa-versa, make no mistake though, a lot of easterners are becoming more western in mind than eastern thus an imbalance is created. As I have spoken to a number of people from India, the concern of their own people becoming more of the western mind is concerning, in that knowing how the western mind puts itself above nature and all else not of itself.

You might then look at the Hindus for example, in how they have so many spiritual festivals. To the western mind, and understandably so, the Hindus seem to be prominently of the spiritual world, there is no balance between the material world and the spiritual world!! The many God's and Goddesses are simply a representation of the many facets of life as a whole. Many deities represent man's own character and psychology. In actuality, Hindu deities represent the material world as well as the spiritual world. You will find this in most eastern spiritual teachings, only if you are not predominantly of the western mind that is.

If you are also of the eastern mind, you will find the following quite interesting. It is in relation to a book titled, "East and West: Understanding the Rise of China."


Sunday 24 February 2019

To Be Spiritual in Essence

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Essence is a deep word: it drives our souls and is the engine which our spirit revolves around. Essence transcends each of our stories and follows us no matter which forms we may take. To see and accept the essence of another is to have power in how you work and flow with another. To embrace your style is to never work against yourself. Essence can have other meanings, but for a human being, this definition of style is one that will take you far."

A part of our own spiritual essence is to observe, at times without participating in what we observe, and accept the essence of other people, animals and the environment as a whole. Spiritual essence is about observing the connection with other essences with the environment as a whole. How many spiritual people feel this essence where non-spiritual people don't? Being spiritual is really to do with your own spiritual essence and the connection this has with all other essences within the environment. Yes, the perception of a God also gives us this spiritual connection that all is connected even when perceived to be separate. Sorry, but the perception of God is not disdainful to me in anyway. 

A lot of spiritually aware people think we should simply observe as this is a more spiritual. To accept that everything has a connection is spiritual, this means accepting being a participator as well, for there is no observation without something to observe and visa-versa!!

How many spiritually aware people desire to separate themselves from the present participation, the present reality?  A lot of people but you need to understand that our own spiritual essence is not comfortable being this out of balance, in fact the more of the spiritual essence we become, the less we desire to feel out of balance with the rest of our environments spiritual essences.

Yes, as we become more of the spiritual essence, we desire to feel more balanced with our environment, not less balanced. However, you come to a point where you also observe, in the absence of desire, that accepting the present reality as it is, is just as spiritual if not more spiritual no matter how imbalanced it is. Once our desires (ego) no longer control us, we are free to observe and participate in all of what creation is for what it is, not what we desire it to be. This simply means any true spiritual person can exist in any environment. Many of us today are a good depiction of this.

In my early teenage years, I had a choice to either become more of an observer or become more of a participator. Even though I had to endure discomfort from a chronic injury from six rears of age, I chose to be more of a participator than an observer. The trick in this is the ability to observe your own participation but also accept simply being a participator at times. I allowed my participation to be free of my own observations thus allowing me more freedom to express myself as a participator. To be honest, even if we know it or not, a lot of us are doing just this, allowing our own participation to express itself without the influence of observation from any source.

I don't find it strange that while we are being observed by the authorities within our participation, a lot of us react differently to if we weren't being observed. Why do multinationals do as they please? Because they have a perception they are not being observed as they have no authority above them observing them. They would indeed change the way they participate when observed by a higher authority, this is why many of them stay ignorant to any other higher authority observing them!! Actually, a lot of people do this, stay ignorant to any other higher authority or consciousness observing their own participation.

Of course if you are spiritual in essence, it seems no amount of observation will change the way you participate in life. Actually, knowing you are being observed influences you to become more of the spiritual essence within all things. However, you will find when you come to a point of spiritual growth, you will accept participating while not under the influence of observation just as much as accepting being influenced by observation. It is amazing how people react when they truly believe that God, a higher authority, is observing there participation. This of course changes when the Church or sect becomes the higher authority!!     

Hard to imagine isn't it, that a person of true spiritual essence accepts participating as much as observing? This is only hard to imagine because many of us desire to be and feel a desire of being spiritual in essence only, in all honesty, desires and feelings have nothing to do with spiritual essence. A truly spiritual person will not desire to be in any one state over and above other states no matter what they feel or desire. Of course feelings and desires are of participation which is as accepted as being totally egoless!!

In a reality of imbalances, you will desire to feel balanced; this is so natural for a person spiritual in essence. Once you connect, not only with your own spiritual essence but with the spiritual essence of your entire environment, you will see the balance within the environment. It is like looking at the small picture, your own spiritual essence, as opposed to looking at the big picture, the spiritual essence within all things.

Should we accept the imbalances that are created in the absence of perceiving that we are not being observed by a higher authority? Let's be honest, why are multinationals so expressive of imbalances? They perceive they are not being observed for only in knowing we are being observed do we express more balance. How many criminals act more in a balanced way within their present environment when being observed? How many religious people, who believe in God, act differently when God is the higher authority, not the churches or sects? If you don't accept being part of this imbalance, it is most likely you are a part of bringing human reality back into balance with the rest of the environment. To bring natural balance back in human reality, we must also accept being non-accepting of being imbalanced as well, a true sense of acceptance.

Friday 22 February 2019

Love-Pure Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following in reply to the question, what is love?  

OK, is honesty binding and dishonesty unbinding in a relationship? Honesty creates room for love to flourish where dishonesty creates room for hate to flourish.
Is love of pure spirit that binds everything and hate of un-pure spirit that separates everything? The answer to me is obvious, you are perfectly correct Richard and PL which doesn't surprise me one bit.

In how many relationships does hate flourish in when dishonesty is present? Now, in how many relationships does love flourish in when honesty is present?
Make no mistake, our relationship with our entire environment works just like a personal relationship, where dishonesty creates hate and honesty creates love. Yes, while trying to be expressive of honesty within a predominant dishonest reality, you will be hated for being too honest but better this than being dishonest and only creating room for hate to exist in. On a personal level, how often is one partner's honesty rebuked/hated by the dishonest partner?
Expect to be hated while knowing that the love you are expressing is true, honest and sincere.      

Thursday 21 February 2019

The Embracement of Honesty

Written by Mathew Naismith

OK, the following is across the board of humanity it would seem.

I was recently subjected to a high degree of injustice, only because I expressed the truth and I wasn't going to tolerate disrespect and abuse. Blatant lies were told about me, these where not just accepted but embraced. It would seem it is OK for certain people to lie and deceive but it is not OK for certain other people to tell the truth or rebuke being abused and disrespected.

Also, I am not supposed to like my views being questioned; this is while I write quite long posts and replies, at times supplying numerous evidence to support my claims. As it has been said to me, I leave myself way too open for questioning in stating so much!!  

On the other hand, it is accepted and embraced, for certain people only within certain groups, to say as little as possible so they can't be questioned about their own views. This includes supplying as little evidence to their claims as possible. It would seem that lies and deceit are embraced while honesty and truth is scorned in our present reality.  

I would say unbeknownst to a lot of people, they have become conditioned to embracing lies and deceit, including self-deception, over and above honesty and truth. This is occurring in so many sectors in humanity it is not funny.

Is there any hope in a humanity that mostly unknowingly embraces lies and deceit over and above honesty and truth? Only time will tell but how is humanity conditioned to lies and deceit going to embrace honesty and truth to start with?

I think it is time for the people who are not conditioned to lies and deceit to speak out, even if that means being scorned and hated. As I have previously stated, for only in a reality of accepted lies and deceit can hate flourish so. This also means that only in a reality of accepted honesty and truth can love flourish so.

We indeed have a choice, even at this stage of the game......          

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Making Room for Love to Flourish In

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, making room for love to flourish in? Consider this, how much room has hate taken up? Is it reasonable to say that hate cannot flourish in a world where love flourishes, where there is no room for hate to expand in?

I wrote the following to another person in regards to a love that has no conditions.         

For love to flourish, instead of hate, honesty must prevail. How much hate does dishonesty create? I think the answer to this is too obvious. How much love does honesty create? Is the answer to this obvious to a lot of us, honestly?

Honesty must prevail to being first hated to be then embraced, once we accomplish this, love will have all the room it wants to flourish in.


Well stated PL. I have a love of this 3D reality as I have love of a 4th and 5th, etc, dimensional realities where others only show contempt towards this reality. Contempt simply shows a love that is based on conditions. Our present reality seems to be purely based on conditional love, but I still have no contempt for this kind of love/reality for my love has no conditions.
Do I have contempt for a corporate world destroying all within it's path that does not serve them? No, I only express it's shortcomings. I am simply honest within my expressions and that is what matters the most to me.
In all honesty, how much room are we giving love to flourish in when we are still showing so much contempt for one thing or another? In all honesty, were not. Any sign of contempt simply gives more room for hate to flourish in, for contempt is closely associated to hate, not to love, especially unconditional love.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

I Am All of What All Tribes Are

Written by Mathew Naismith

As you will notice with the following, there is a difference in consensus in if we have lost our tribal mentality or not, also, if we should retain or abandon or evolve from tribal mentalities. Should this matter to us? It should matter to all. How often is one ideology or ism seen as a separate entity to our own, a separate tribe to our own? How often does this cause conflict, for example, conflict between the tribes of atheism in relation to theism and visa-versa? I have lost count how many people have lost interest in what I am writing just because I mention atheism, religion, paganism, God, psychology, science, spiritually, etc, in my writings. Wow, so many conflicting tribes these days, probably more than ever in human history!!     

I am into oneness, where all tribes are of one energy source, it is all energy anyway. Only the creation of separate energies creates tribes, where separate energies oppose each other. As soon as one energy sees itself as being separate to other energies, conflict naturally arises from this, this is instead of different energy sources seeing themselves as simply different to each other, not separate to each other.      

What is tribe mentality?

Deyfing tribal mentality. ... By definition, a tribe is simply a form “of human social organization based on a set of smaller groups…and are defined by traditions of common descent, language, culture, and ideology” (“Tribe”).

The United States invaded Iraq in 2003 in order to gain a foothold in the then-closed-to-foreign-Western-companies oil industry.  After a decade of conflict, Western companies are able to search for “oil in Iraq from some of the world’s largest oil fields and reaping enormous profit” (Juhasz).  In this situation, the United States is one tribe and Iraq is another, the necessary resource is oil, and the result was indeed war—right on point with tribe mentality. 


On the other hand:

tribe is a group of people that care for each other and look out for each other no matter what. They are bonded by a strong sense of shared values, meaning, and purpose in life. ... He knew that if American society was going to persist, it needed to somehow adopt a similar tribal mentality and sense of unity.



While the tribal mentality has definite benefits in terms of establishing common ground and ensuring group survival, it is not a conscious agreement. We are born into it. Yet at a certain stage, both personally and collectively, the tribal mentality must be challenged. People can then begin to recognize the need for a personal honor code independent of the tribe. If humanity is to progress, we need to learn how to treat everyone – regardless of tribal affiliation – with honor and respect.


I thought the following was spectacular, a theist trying to educate atheists in their own group/tribe in theist teaching, mainly to dispel ignorance within certain atheistic rituals and beliefs. Make no mistake, all concepts and set criteria in accordance with a group are ritualistic to that group. Try not following certain concepts and set criteria in a group, a tribe, and see what occurs. In all honesty, many of us are as ritualistic as ever.       

Good on you Heather as I am into free thinking for all, not just in line or limited to certain criteria in relation to certain tribal beliefs and rituals. If you have a belief that all claims must be proven to be fact, in accordance with certain tribal rituals only, things like DNA didn't exist until proven by a mind that still knows very little about it's own environment. The way we are destroying our own environment for starters clearly shows how ignorant and unaware we still are. What would this kind of mind know what is and isn't?

You can be as anti-theist as you like, the truth is, not many people in the past or at present would have a decent education if it wasn't for theist schools and teachings. In the past, monks are a prime example of this, of course to understand this you need to be aware of what monks were teaching. Now, how many atheistic schools, even today, are into educating people to a high degree of standards? Yes, we could be totally bias and only point out the negative things that humans as a whole are capable of but what about the positive things!!

Maybe the only reason I can see impartially like this is that I don't belong to any one tribe like atheism or theism, I am all of what all tribes are.

Let's be honest here, the tribal ritual of atheism is to deny expressions of beliefs, especially if an atheist is only of the mind that atheism is only of the ritual of disbeliefs as opposed to beliefs. However, many atheists concur that atheism is also of the belief that God doesn't exist, not just the disbelief God doesn't exist. This perception makes a huge difference in our own bias. Of course any display of bias is of futility when seeking actual truth as opposed to a desired truth. A desired truth is always based on the same level of bias expressed in accordance with what? Our own tribe!!