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Showing posts with label existence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label existence. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Human Existence - A Balancing Act

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was recently invited to join a group of people, predominantly of Indian origin, on a social media network site who, to me, show a good deal of balance between the eastern and western mind. There caring loving gestures in interaction to each other seemed quite different to when the predominant western mind in people try to interact in the same way. I have interacted on a number of forums where the western minded people don't quite seem as genuine within their caring loving interactions. The difference for this I found quite interesting.

As the following link will illustrate, the western mind sees itself the dominant force of nature, where the eastern mind see itself in harmony between man and nature, of equal equality and value between man and nature. Why do, for example, Hindus express a sacredness to certain animals where the western mind only sees animals as something to use abuse. In saying this, how many pet owners of a western mind show a sacredness to their own beloved pets? Is this the eastern mind in all of us, the eastern harmonious mind seeing other creatures on Earth as no lesser value than themselves?

How many western minded spiritual people put the spiritual world above all other worlds? To the eastern mind, spiritual values are of no lesser value than material values and visa-versa, make no mistake though, a lot of easterners are becoming more western in mind than eastern thus an imbalance is created. As I have spoken to a number of people from India, the concern of their own people becoming more of the western mind is concerning, in that knowing how the western mind puts itself above nature and all else not of itself.

You might then look at the Hindus for example, in how they have so many spiritual festivals. To the western mind, and understandably so, the Hindus seem to be prominently of the spiritual world, there is no balance between the material world and the spiritual world!! The many God's and Goddesses are simply a representation of the many facets of life as a whole. Many deities represent man's own character and psychology. In actuality, Hindu deities represent the material world as well as the spiritual world. You will find this in most eastern spiritual teachings, only if you are not predominantly of the western mind that is.

If you are also of the eastern mind, you will find the following quite interesting. It is in relation to a book titled, "East and West: Understanding the Rise of China."


Sunday 7 October 2018

Unconditional Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

How many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Imagine being of or simply experiencing a state of consciousness of the absence of conditions. To imagine this is virtually impossible while being of an existence of numerous conditions, I should know as I have of anyone are going through a process of awareness. The process of detaching ourselves from conditions, like everything is determined to be of negative or positive, bad and good, wrong, right, etc, can be daunting. Daunting means to be discouraged through fear, the fear of losing conditions we have become fixated to and rely on. How many people fear losing the sense or the existence of positiveness in a reality of negatives? Look at how many people today avoid any sense of what they have judged negative, this is simply a fixation to conditions created by other conditions, most often opposing conditions. How is a consciousness fixated to conditions going to understand a state of unconditional existence, when a consciousness doesn't even want to comprehend an existence of the absence of conditions?

It might not seem like it at first but experiencing ostracisation and ridicule while being expressive of the absence of conditions in your own consciousness, is actually a sign that you are consciously becoming aware. I could not imagine anything less of awareness than a consciousness fixated to and even protective of certain conditions. Of course anyone who is fixated to any conditions, is going to react unfavourably towards any consciousness expressing any kind of unconditional consciousness. Accept this and move on while being aware that your own consciousness is becoming more aware, aware in how any and all conditions keep us unaware in some way.

How many people, primarily into materialism, desire to become aware of how the conditions that materialism exists by is destroying the environment? How many people of love and light desire to know that their own fixations to certain conditions are keeping them unaware? The conditions are that to be of love and light, one must be positive and/or love and light is positive!! You cannot enter into a true state of love and light or unconditional love while your own consciousness is fixated to and controlled by certain conditions. Your consciousness has to be in a state of the absence of conditions. The reason for this is obvious as a true state of love and light and unconditional love are not of and created by conditions, in actuality they exist primarily because of the absence of conditions.

Try perceiving a positive without the existence of the equivalent negatives. One simply relies on the other to exist. Now try perceiving a negative or a positive in a neutral state of consciousness, a state of consciousness of the absence of these kinds of conditions. A neutral state of consciousness is simply a consciousness of the absence of conditions. Of course in a reality of numerous conditions, the absence of negativity has nothing to do with the creation of positiveness. This is simply a denial of a consciousness fixated to conditions to simply protect a consciousness's conditions. You only realise that one creates and relies on the other to exist when in some kind of neutral state of consciousness, the neutralisation of positiveness and negativeness. In other words, the neutralisation of conditions that human consciousness is well and truly conditioned to and protective of, even to the bitter end. 

How do you know how aware you are when there is no comparison, no unawareness to compare to? Within this, unawareness becomes as worthy as awareness, there is no true separation and division, especially when both energy fields exist together as one. This is how an unconditional consciousness sees it, of course a conditional consciousness never desires unawareness or negativity to be as worthy as awareness or positivity. Now honestly observe the environment around you, knowing the difference how an unconditional consciousness empresses itself in a conditional existence. If you think a conditional consciousness is less worthy than an unconditional consciousness, you are still controlled by a conditional consciousness. Only a consciousness conditioned to conditions can separate and divide energy into separate individual parts. Most often this is done to protect its own individual and personal conditions, most importantly, to separate itself from anything not of its own energy, even though their own energy completely relies on the existence of the opposing energy field to exist. It's like watching a dog chase its own tail, thinking that the tail is separate to the dog itself, this is until the dog bites the tail of course. How many times does human consciousness have to bite its own tail, to realise it's of the same energy field?     

Now imagine how an existence of unconditionality would be like.........

Should a new or evolved consciousness be based on even more conditions, the conditions being, to be of love and light and unconditional love takes one to be excessively positive or of the light to start with? No, an evolved consciousness, or if the like an ascended consciousness, actually takes us to be less of conditions for all conditions are created by man made perceptions. Continuing on separating and dividing everything (energy) through the creation of more conditions is simply continuing on the same present consciousness, albeit in a different way. Think on this, is it not the ego in control that creates even more conditions? Try creating a reality based on conditions when the ego isn't in control, it's utterly impossible as created conditions like positive and negative perceptions can only be created by an ego in control.

Again, how many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Polarities: A relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies.

Remember though, polarities simply refer to opposite polarities like negative and positive. Polarities don't have to be opposing, only to an ego in control are polarities perceived to be opposing.

Now, how many of us are into creating even more opposing polarities in spirituality these days? This is while trying to create a more constructive reality for ourselves, but on the back of even more created conditions!!

Extract: We can also achieve the state of being above polarities after 20 minutes of a session of Emotional Management Method. We will experience a moment in which we look at our lives in a new light, as if we are standing on the top of the hill. This new clarity of our mind enables us to choose the path to go further.  

Friday 28 September 2018

A True Neutral Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will try to explain what it is truly like being neutral in one's own expressions and being. Being neutral isn't about not taking sides, it's about how we take sides.  

Extract: “Neutrality, a good place to visit, and a strong place to live”

Another way of strengthening your energy, and to stay in knowing and living your purpose, is to get neutral. “By shifting into neutral we get power!”

In my mind, this article explains what being neutral is all about, however, the use of expressions like positive and power therefore control, is not of a neutral being. Firstly, being positive isn't neutral and power or empowerment simply refers to power and control over something else. Usually something that is in opposition to being positive and empowered. Being neutral simply means one is not limited or controlled by fixations or desires. We have simply been conditioned to the feelings that empowerment and being positive give us; of course all this has created is another fixation. Considering that our present reality is chaotic and destructive, fixating ourselves to any kind of empowerment and positiveness makes us feel better in such a reality. The trick to being neutral is not to look at a chaotic destructive reality as being negatives or positive; it's simply a journey that is different to other journeys that are not as chaotic and destructive.

A lot of people have the idea of being neutral that you don't do anything in opposition to anything else, another energy source. In a sense this is true, you don't do anything in opposition to anything else but you can influence change upon another energy source without being in opposition and this is the trick. Trying to influence another energy source from within isn't about being in opposition but about being neutral to that source you are trying to influence. Being neutral is all about staying away from perceptions that create separation and division, for example, negative and positive, black and white, etc.

I would say that using expressions like power and positivenenss in this article, was to attract people who are anything but neutral towards their present environment or reality. I don't myself use expressions like empowerment and positive because I am not into attracting people through their desires and fixations. This might seem silly, especially in regards that a lot of people simply look upon this reality as being negative/toxic. These people are searching for something in opposition to a chaotic destructive reality. I simply try to avoid anything to attract people by using any kind of expression that separates and divides, in a sense, I try to be true to my expressions.

To be honest, a lot of people consort to the following, however, imagine what a totally neutral existence would create. The article above that I have attached to this post gives a brief outline of this.  I have also inserted further reading material at the end of this post that I consort to more.                    

In short, we cannot grow, we cannot achieve authentic discovery, and our eyes cannot be cleansed to the truly beautiful possibilities of life, if we simply live a neutral existence.

Adjective. The definition of neutral is not taking part in a fight or war or having very little color. An example of neutral is a person who does not take sides in an argument between two friends. An example of neutral is the color tan.

So if I see an obvious coloured person, I have to see them as being tan to be neutral? No, they are coloured but not coloured in opposition or negative in anyway to me being white. Within this perception, you are not deceiving yourself nor are you separating and dividing yourself from anything that is different to you. Let's be honest here, self-deception is an abuse of energy and something that often creates more separation and division. Is seeing an obvious coloured person separation? If I only see a coloured person instead of a human being, yes, most definitely but I don't. How many people only see empowerment and being positive as being the only constructive way to exist? This is exactly like seeing a coloured person as being coloured therefore negative; you focus more on the colour than anything else.

We so often perceive that being positive is good to negative being bad, is this not of the same mentality that white people are positive and black people are negative? Of course it is. Is the sun negative and toxic because it's one of the most violent destructive sources of energy within our solar system? Of course not, this is how a person who is remotely neutral thinks. Why separate the suns violence and destructiveness from mans violence and destructiveness? We often separate being positive to being negative as a positive, we simply focus mainly on a positive being positive and empowering. To be a successful multinational, you have to be positive and empowered. How destructive are multinationals upon our environment?

Let's be honest here with ourselves, most of us are conditioned to focus on the colour of a man, not what the man truly represents, simply another energy source on a different journey of life to ourselves. Our present reality is simply another journey of many other journeys. Being neutral isn't about not taking sides, like taking sides to being neutral to not being neutral, it's about the way we take sides. Being neutral in myself as much as possible isn't of the perception that not being neutral is negative, it's simply seeing that all else from being neutral is not neutral therefore of separation and division. Being of separation and division isn't negative, it's simply a different way to exist and perceive to being neutral. 

The side I have chosen is to be neutral as possible, so even choosing to be neutral is taking sides but it is different in the way we take side to when we are not being neutral. It's by no mistake that the antonym to neutral is negative and/or positive, so to be neutral is taking a side but not in opposition to negatives and positives. It simply comes down to how we take sides, this of course is simply done by not perceiving in negatives and positives being bad or good, wrong and right, etc.  

Further reading

Extract: When a pattern is brought to neutral we’re no longer bothered by it. Thinking of the issue no longer evokes a response, positive or negative. We’re no longer polarized. When we think of the issue it’s just neutral.

When we meet a situation that used to trigger us, now it simply informs us, clearly. Now we’re free to express as we’re moved to be in this  moment. We’re freer to make a choice that’s no longer influenced by our patterning. We’re freer to open to our innate knowing and know  how to respond in a manner that’s appropriate for all involved.

Extract: We constantly evaluate our world throughout our day. We have to; it’s part of human nature and it’s survival. However, too often evaluation becomes judgment. Judgment becomes bias. Bias leads us down the path of whatever emotion is tied to that bias, be it resentment, guilt, or even joy. Sometimes this path takes us to a very narrow space where we can get stuck. But what if we could evaluate without heading down that path of attachment?

Friday 13 July 2018

Whole of Existence - A Singular Organism

Written by Mathew Naismith

I awoke during the night holding my hand out; this is of course no big deal. What was a big deal was what I perceived or envisioned that I was holding in my hand in awe, the entire existence as a whole. The wonderment I experienced wasn't just to do with what I was holding; it was to do with how the entire existence exists.

One simply creates the other, for example, bad creates good, negative creates positive, awareness creates unawareness, dark creates light and of course visa-versa. There was no perception that one was above another. That some almighty high level of consciousness resides as an ultimate state over all other states. What was obvious is that existence was of the ego and non-existence was egoless.

However, what's in observation of existence? What is the observer's state of consciousness to all other states of consciousness? As I was doing, I was in observation of existences as a whole. It was like observing a singular organism in motion with itself. It seemed to be important for me to perceive the whole existence as a singular organism, more importantly, an organism in motion with itself.

From an ego point of view, this observing state of consciousness is going to be desired to be the ultimate state over all other states. To do this, the ego has to put this state above all other states. The ego does this in different ways through the perception of God, light and love, some perceived ultimate state or however the ego desires to perceives this state to be. Don't get me wrong here, it's good that the ego does this; at least this gives the ego a perception of something more than an existence of ego. The organism in motion with itself is simply pure ego.

What is in observation of the entire ego existence, this singular organism in motion with itself, is a state void of the ego. This gives the perception, from an ego point of view, of a non-existence. As you could imagine from an egoless point of view, this is clearly not the case. Existence is of both ego and egoless states of existence. Just because one is of observation void of participation, void of the ego therefore motion, doesn't mean the observer doesn't exist!!

Being the observer observing the entire ego existence, isn't in observation of the entire existence when excluding observing the observer as well. Within my own actions here, I am also observing the observer in observation of the ego's existence. In other words, I have observed all of existence by observing the ego's existence, the participator, and the egoless existence, the observer in observation.

My ego wishes it could remember the dream that incited my experience here; it was not to be........

I decided to look up on related topics and came up with the following.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Existence of Circumstance

Written by Mathew Naismith

How often do circumstances in life determine an outcome or an existence? For an example, the Rothschild's are supposed to be worth 500 trillion giving them a false demigod status. The offspring (children) of this family will be immediately influenced by this demigod status; this is the circumstance they are born into. It's the same with everything in life, our lives are all determined by circumstance and it's these circumstances in life that create the existence we will experience.

Imagine if the Earth stopped spinning just through circumstance or there was no demigod status in existence to start with, our existence would be quite different than it is now. Of course a demigod always tries to create their own circumstances, often creating detrimental circumstances for other people and the environment in the mean time.

We might then look at, for example, the Rothschild's in a negative sense. This label of negativity, in my mind, is not warranted simply due to circumstance.

The circumstance of greed, wealth, power and control has been around since the dawn of man, it is a circumstance of this status quo that creates an existence like this, in turn creating false demigods. Human consciousness is simply conditioned to this kind of status quo; it knows no other way to exist. Even when a more balanced and constructive way of existence is portrayed or exemplified, who really wants to go outside of their comfort zone and take a risk at another way of existing?

Once a spiritually aware person creates a comfort zone, do they desire to go outside this comfort zone? Then why is it expected for other people within their own comfort zone to go outside of their created zone? One must lead by example; otherwise it's simply an example of a possibility, not a reality!!

Do we, through simple circumstance, judge as we please everything within our environment either negative or positive? This of course is usually done by being in judgment in relation to ourselves, to our own created comfort zone.

The kind of mentality I am portraying here isn't easy to comprehend to start with, so how can you understand something you can't even comprehend? You don't unless circumstances allow you to. My own circumstances in life have created the kind of mentality I am expressing today. Nothing created by circumstance can be labelled either negative or positive, to do so would be of a false demigod status where judgment of negatives and positives give us control over circumstance.         

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Simultaneous Existence part2

Written by Mathew Naismith

As there is a primary source of all physical existences, there is also a primary source of non-physical existences. A non-physical existence isn't when we pass on (die) either. Being that all physical existences need motion to exist, we are still in motion after we pass on. We are just as much if not more physically in motion after we pass on. The reason for this lies in the choice of not being limited to human perceptions (consciousness), within this limitless state, we are able to be more expressive, more of motion, therefore more physically expressive.

Yes, human physicality is limited within it's own physical limitations, being human  limits us to how physical we can be. Humans are not very physical at all because they have limited themselves to certain very human perceptions and perspectives, the more we become predominantly human,  the more we limit ourselves. These limitation limit us to how physically expressive we become and more importantly, how aware we will be.

The illusion we have is that intelligence defines how aware and even wise we will be, it's an illusion because this plainly isn't the case. How wise are we destroying the very thing we rely on for our existence? How aware is our intelligence in that all of everything is connected by common denominators such as existence itself? What about everything being of one consciousness which includes trees, animals and even rocks, yes, even  the Earth as a whole!!

Intelligence, including knowledge, obviously doesn't define awareness and wisdom and in actuality it's quite the opposite. What also makes us human is our intelligence and knowledge, the more we are of these traits, while at the same time denouncing being connected and a part of other existences, the more we are becoming human. Being human of course means limitations, a consciousness limited to certain denominators. What we are mostly unaware of is our whole self, the more human we become, the more unaware of our whole self we become.

Our intelligence and technological advancements doesn't come from knowledge, knowledge of course giving us the illusion that intelligence derives from knowledge. Where does knowledge come from? Knowledge initially derives from the observation of our environment and learning from that. Now take away a huge portion of that observation away, how knowledgeable will we become?  By refuting the existence of other existences and our whole self, we limit our observations thus limiting our knowledge, intelligence, awareness and wisdom.

This is interesting, what I am saying is that knowledge, intelligence, awareness and wisdom, derives from observation of our environment. What is observation void of participation? A motionless existence, an existence that is non-physical and non-participating, it's this state that our knowledge, intelligence, awareness and wisdom initially derives from. We know that knowledge and eventual intelligence is created from observation, what we are not aware of is that we have limited our observation by becoming too human, thus in turn limiting our consciousness to certain denominators. We have become primarily a participator rather than on observer but now, only an observer of and through human consciousness which is shown to be limited.

Try existing without arms and legs, how much harder is life going to be? Try existing without a mouth or a stomach. Each separate part of the human body represents each and every separate part of our whole self. How much harder is it going to be to become aware void of certain a parts of our whole self? As we refute the existence of certain existences, we are dumbing ourselves down, we are becoming less aware and wise, not more.

As a collective race, we have never primarily been of one consciousness and observed through one consciousness in the history of mankind. Spiritual practices, including religions, have always conditioned us or made us aware that other existences do indeed exist, the perception of heaven and hell are prime examples of this in the west in particular. The belief in a God or God's and Goddesses, also gave us a glimpse of the creators of existences and consciousness's. Not one thing we invent or create is new, it all stems from the existences that are more aware of their whole self. Of course again God or God's and Goddesses, give a depiction of our whole self, God of course representing everything in existence.

I should point out that God to me represents my whole self, the ultimate observer, to me this is extremely relevant.

It is very obvious that our own leaders of the world are not of the whole self and neither are the so called elite/multinationals. We really shouldn't be still wondering why our world/reality is so destructive and chaotic. It stands to reason, dumb a consciousness down to it's whole self, what then is this consciousness able to observe from? It's only able to observe from and through a consciousness that is hugely limited to certain denominators, It's quite natural for a consciousness this dumbed down to be destructive.

True freedom can only come from the awareness of the whole self, not from one part of the whole self as we are trying to do. 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Simultaneous Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

I dearly hope this post won't be too incomprehensible for a lot of people, it's not easy trying to explain what is outside the comprehension of  human consciousness and make it humanly comprehensible. How indeed can human consciousness comprehend beyond it's own conditioning, especially the conditioning to physical human existence? It's quite understandable that any human consciousness that is conditioned to one existence, will find it difficult comprehending the existence of other existences. I think the trick is to condition yourself to at least realise other existences can indeed exist, only in this will we be able to comprehend beyond human physical existence and perceptions.

We indeed have enough problems in trying to comprehend and accept each other within this one existence, on top of this, people like me also state that we should at least try to comprehend the possibility of other existences. The point is, is it possible to understand and accept each other if we refute the existence of other existences, remembering that all existences represent our whole self? There is no true separation of any existence from another existence, even though these existences can be quite different to each other, for example, the perception of heaven and hell or a passive existence to an active existence.

It is obvious that a perception of hell is quite different to a perception of heaven, these existences are basically opposing each other, they can't possibly be any connection between them. This is exactly how human consciousness perceives, human consciousness perceives existence as a whole in a separatist way. I suppose this is but another trait that makes human consciousness human, otherwise it wouldn't be human. However, we are not just this human consciousness, we are of the consciousness of all existences physical and non-physical, this is what connects us to our whole self  or our whole existence, not just one part of a whole existence. What connects us to all other existences, is existence itself, existing is the connection between different existences. The perception of existing is the common denominating factor that links all existences.

Human conscious existence is but a very tiny part of our whole selves, it's minute compared to our whole self which includes all existences and all consciousness's. Now within and through this tiny existence, we try to comprehend other existences, other parts of our whole self. At the same time, we are unable to understand each other and our whole environment within this existence. I think we have become too fixated to one existence and one existence only, within this, we are even unable to understand and accept each other and our environment as a whole within this existence. We have made it very difficult to comprehend and accept our whole self within this very tiny human existence.

What I think we have done, is separate our existence from other existences through separatist thinking processes, like, hypothetically, there is a difference between the existence of hell and heaven. We separate everything through their differences, we don't often connect everything through it's common denominators, in the end through this perception, either one or the other existence no longer exists or neither exists. Within the perception that neither exists, all existence becomes an illusion. In my mind, the real  illusion is thinking that we are just this tiny part of our whole self, our whole existence. To me, we are not of one existence, we are of all existences and simultaneously. Yes, we exist in every existence known and unknown to our human comprehension simultaneously, its just our limited human perceptions, can't possibly comprehend this so we stay ignorant to our whole self.  

When we take a look at physical existence, physical existence as a whole is of every part of itself, meaning, one part of physical existence is being human, another apart is being animals or rocks for instance. Every part of physical existence is apart of a whole physical existence as it all has a common denominators, it's physical, it's of solid mass, it exists. Each of these common denominators connect each existence, there is not true separation between these existences. What separates one existence from all other existences is ego. A controlling ego wants to be at the top of a scale, to do this, the ego needs to refute the existence of being apart of other existences and especially of a primary physical existence. Human existence and consciousness then becomes the primary physical existence.

The primary physical existence represents all physical existences no matter how different they are to each other. Could you imagine refuting the existence of a hand compared to a foot because of the difference between a hand and a foot, not there common denominators and connection to the primary physical whole human body. Our separatist thinking is exactly like this, it's different so it either has no connection with us, or, it doesn't exist, it's an illusion. Our whole being includes all physical and non-physical being, it's all of one being.

Destroying the planet as we are today, is like cutting off a foot because it's too different to the hand to be apart of us, our primary whole human body. As of ourselves, our human body is the primary source of our physical existence, so too is the primary source of all physical existences.

Human body = primary source of existence to each and every part of our physical body, no matter how different each part of the body is to each other.

Physical existence as a whole = primary source of all physical existences, no matter how different each existence is to each other.

We simply just don't exist in this one existence, we simultaneously exist in all existences, this doesn't just include physical existences either, it also includes non-physical existences for which I have not included in this post.

Free yourself, look beyond your present existence......