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Friday, 2 February 2018

Acquiring Spiritual Wealth

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I have illustrated in the below image, to desire is to separate oneself from what one doesn't desire, for example, material or spiritual wealth is desired over being poor or non-spiritual. Within this process, we have either knowingly or inadvertently separated ourselves from an undesirable.

What this is saying in regards to spiritual wealth, is we shouldn't desire to take or obtain/acquire spiritual wealth. Yes, material wealth is always taken or obtained/acquired, this is the only way to obtain this kind of wealth, but spiritual wealth should be acquired void of desire. The reason for this lies in that any desire of spiritual wealth negates spiritual wealth within its own actions, this is because spiritual wealth is the culmination of everything, not an anticlimax in regards to everything.

 How is one to experience an anticlimax in regards to spiritual wealth if we have separated everything through our desires?

Spiritual wealth can only be acquired, a true sense of spiritual wealth isn't even obtained, it's simply acquired. Obtaining refers to seeking. To seek one must have a desire in what one is seeking, one can't seek void of desire, seeking is simply desiring. Acquiring spiritual wealth is allowing the wealth to come to you, not you going to it.
To seek out any wealth is exactly like seeking material wealth; it's all based on desire.

So if we meditate or shut ourselves off from all human distractions, like through being a hermit for example, is this not based on a desire to obtain a higher degree of spiritual wealth?

All what one is doing when shutting oneself off from human distractions, is to allow the life force of wealth to come to you, you are not seeking, you are simply allowing this wealth to come to you void of as many desiring distractions as possible. You are also allowing everything to be as one void of separation, this is spiritual wealth. It's not spiritual wealth when taken or obtained through desires.

Human consciousness desires, spiritual consciousness doesn't, for the only wealth that is truly of wealth is spiritual wealth and that comes free of charge to everyone. In a true sense, wealth taken or obtained through desires isn't a true sense of wealth for it is finite in nature; it's limited to the desires desired. The reason for desires being limited is simply due to desires naturally separate one from the other, in turn, limiting ourselves to what we have separated ourselves from.

It came to me recently that multinationals have no true wealth, for all wealth has to be taken or obtained. Imagine not having to take or obtain wealth, having wealth given to you freely through free will. Any wealth obtained through desires isn't given freely or by free will, it's taken or obtained through various means.
Finally getting back to this post again after a couple of days, I have had some interesting times recently which I am thinking of talking about in a video, maybe. As of our dreams that can be three dimensional, the three dimensional mind relates better to a three dimensional videos than to two dimensional writings. It's important to awaken the three dimensional mind to other dimensional aspects, even through three dimensional means. Comprehension and then understanding!!

Getting back to the main topic, so it would seem that we shouldn't desire!!

Not at all, being of human consciousness is of desires; this is one of the traits that make human consciousness human. What I am saying is, moderate our desires so they don't become a major part of our lives so we are able to acquire spiritual wealth. Desires simply erode away our ability to acquire spiritual wealth, the more desires our lives are based on, the less chance of acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth.

Imagine being of love void of having to first feel love!! Of course love isn't just of love; a true sense of love is based on a true sense of acceptance, compassion, a balanced mentality and so on. Love is not the be and end all, this is desire/lust, everything as one is, this is why this state has no labels. The trick is, be love, which basically means observe love void of being predominately a participator of love while being also aware that all participation is based on desire; it's really this simple.....                

While we are predominantly being a participator, acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth will always elude us or be hard to acquire, being that participating is based on desire, it all makes perfect sense. Let go......  

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