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Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Promotion of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

The promotion of wisdom to someone like me goes beyond the promotion of positiveness, love and light or any concept, ideology or ism, for under wisdom, all that is wise in the way we use energy is of abundance. To someone like me, it matters not what this wisdom is called, for anything that promotes the harmonious use of energy is all that matters. Yes, that is right, biases and prejudices have no place within wisdom for wisdom has no limitations, only limitless potentiality in the absence of bias and prejudices.

I don't often promote a singular persons wisdom but at this point in the present, we simply can't get enough wisdom in my mind. Look past the label of what the wisdom represents, in other words look past the biases often associated with labels and simply focus primarily on the wisdom involved. I wrote the following to this person in relation to this persons wisdom.               

I try to influence people away from judging in negatives and positives, which of course judging in negatives and positives can create huge amounts of motion within our minds and actions. I love my states of it just is, where the perceptions of negatives and positives are absent.

This will seem strange to a lot of people who try to stay positive, especially by ignoring the negatives. I am better off not perceiving in positives as well, there is no state more harmonious, still and tranquil. Hard to imagine if you have never experienced this kind of state, for which anyone can experience by simply letting go of motions and the control motions have over us.

You seem to be very in tune with your present environment Carolynne.

I know this is slack of me, but I just recently took a peek at your site. It was funny how I was able to do the work I did with the chronic injury I incurred, of course my own chronic injury taught me so much, only because I worked with it, not against it. If you don't mind, I am thinking of mentioning you and your site in my next post as you seem genuine. 

For further reference:

It has been asked of me why I am not more promotional of positiveness or love and light for example?

From the promotion of wisdom, positiveness, love and light come naturally for in the absence of using energy disharmoniously, there is no energy expended in obtaining and retaining positiveness, love or light. If I was to ignore the negatives so I can then be positive, in other words to be positive takes me to ignore the negatives, this is not being positive to me, in fact quite the opposite. You should be able to put yourself in any situation and still be able to obtain and retain your positiveness, love and/or light, otherwise it's not of a true sense of positiveness, love and/or light.

I will put this another way. Negative is as much of an energy as positive, to ignore people being hurt under negatives energies, especially to obtain and retain your own personal positive energies, is an abuse of energy. To avoid this, see negative and positive energy as simply energy in the absence of biases that perceptions of negative and positive thinking creates. Which is more negative, the male (yang) or the female (yin)? Trust me, one or the other sex often perceives one being more negative therefore the other being more positive. As soon as we are in the presence or expressive of bias, honesty, especially self-honesty, is also no longer present. Considering a true reflection or expression of wisdom is of the absence bias, it is also understandable that we naturally become more honest, especially with ourselves, in the promotion of wisdom.

As of many people have in life, I more than once found myself in a situation where I had to extricate myself away from certain people, not because they were negative or destructive but because all I was doing was supporting them in hurting themselves and others. Make no mistake, I often allowed my environment to dictate my reactions which meant judging in negatives and positives. Within this hurtful or abusive environment towards energy, it is way too easy to unknowingly succumb to a hurtful or abusive environment. In my case, I was fortunate to be wise enough to become aware of my own abusiveness towards energy in this way.

You see, by allowing myself to be abused, I was helping the abusers to be abusive thus unwittingly being abusive towards energy myself. Yes, by all means sacrifice your own well being to assist other people to become less hurtful and abusive, but don't sacrifice yourself to assist in the abuse of energy in any way. Yes, people of positiveness and love and light extricate themselves from abusive energy, but a lot of them still do it by expressing biases through the perceptions of negatives and positives.

So how do you know the difference between hurtful people you are unable to help to hurtful people you can help? Firstly; avoid the perceptions of negatives and positives thus allowing your own consciousness to be in the absence of bias therefore dishonesty. Secondly; well, wisdom naturally takes over from here in the absence of bias and dishonesty.  Make no mistake, the promotion of wisdom is this easy, it is either we don't want to become less abusive towards energy, or, we are unwittingly drawn into being apart of the abuse of energy through simple perceptions like negatives and positives.

I know of a number of people who speak out against the abusiveness of, for example, multinationals and politicians, they no longer wish to support the abuse of energy by allowing themselves being abused, however, there is still a very strong perception of what is negative and what is positive. I also know of people who speak out against this kind of abuse but don't primarily focus on what is negative and what is positive. I think ignoring the abuse of energy so one can become and stay positive, is just as much of supporting the abuse of energy than anything else.

The promotion of wisdom is simple, the avoidance of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the abuse of energy as much as possible. Now, are deliberate abusers of energy negative in any sense of the word? No, they are simply lost within their own creation and need as much help as a sick person. Yes, at times to help these people you need to avoid them, when ever possible, but do it ever so wisely. No, you can't always avoid the situation of the abuse of energy but you can minimise its affects. Embracing and promoting any kind of wisdom will help us avoid abusing energy in various ways, of course to know this one must be wise to start with, this is where people of true wisdom come into there own. How do you know when someone is of wisdom? They don't primarily judge in positive and negative perceptions to start with, within this, there is an absence of bias therefore dishonesty.       

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