Written by Mathew Naismith
I am going to start off making reference to past lives lived
in this post, so this post will of course not be for everyone.
I fairly often have dreams where I am just very sad, sobbing
or outright crying in parts of my dreams. You may think I have huge psychological
problems to overcome, well, in a sense yes but not in reality, a reality pertaining
to myself personally that is.
In one of my past lives lived in the 4th dynasty
in Egypt, I was a priest of no high stature. Our order was somewhat different
to most other priesthood orders of the day. Our order didn’t see the God’s as actual
God’s as most other orders saw them, they were however entities of great significant
awareness. No, at no time did we see the Pharaoh’s (kings) as being a representation
or of a reincarnated God or Goddess. Our order kept this very secretive as we
knew what the consequences would be otherwise, as what eventually occurred.
As I don’t today, see the rich and powerful as being demigods
or see that their materialism has much value to me or the rest of humanity at
all. Yes, I am a part of this materialism, but I am not of this materialism,
there is a big difference. As in ancient Egypt, where I was a part of the present
political and religious regime, our order was separate to this regime. The reason
for this lays in how our order materialised. I can’t go into this for a couple
of different reasons.
Now, to get back to why all of a sudden in a dream I will become
very saddened. As I thought back then in ancient Egypt, presently, why are we
still doing this to each other and the environment!! Even back in ancient Egypt,
the environment was abused and manipulates to serve the few or the so-called
elite. The environment to our order includes people as well as animals and
nature, all of what is of physical and/or mental form. Actually, these significantly
aware entities also didn’t like being abused, used in a way psychologically to primarily
benefit the elite, as of today. The environment as a whole isn’t there to primarily
serve the few elite as in ancient Egypt and today.
So many people are becoming a part of this materialist
regime at present, being simply fed the scraps that the elite will benefit from
by keeping the slaves to the elite materialistic, not spiritualistic!! So why
am I so saddened at times? The answer to this can’t be found through materialistic
ideologies but spiritually, where one knows one is all of what is in the absolute
absence of bias or desire. Yes, I still express desire and bias, but not often
at the expense or of abuse of the environment around me. As I think we all
should be, yes, I am saddened at times.
The following is a good read on the recollection of past lives lived.
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