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Showing posts with label reincarnation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reincarnation. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Very Aware Ancient Entities

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to start off making reference to past lives lived in this post, so this post will of course not be for everyone.

I fairly often have dreams where I am just very sad, sobbing or outright crying in parts of my dreams. You may think I have huge psychological problems to overcome, well, in a sense yes but not in reality, a reality pertaining to myself personally that is.

In one of my past lives lived in the 4th dynasty in Egypt, I was a priest of no high stature. Our order was somewhat different to most other priesthood orders of the day. Our order didn’t see the God’s as actual God’s as most other orders saw them, they were however entities of great significant awareness. No, at no time did we see the Pharaoh’s (kings) as being a representation or of a reincarnated God or Goddess. Our order kept this very secretive as we knew what the consequences would be otherwise, as what eventually occurred.

As I don’t today, see the rich and powerful as being demigods or see that their materialism has much value to me or the rest of humanity at all. Yes, I am a part of this materialism, but I am not of this materialism, there is a big difference. As in ancient Egypt, where I was a part of the present political and religious regime, our order was separate to this regime. The reason for this lays in how our order materialised. I can’t go into this for a couple of different reasons.

Now, to get back to why all of a sudden in a dream I will become very saddened. As I thought back then in ancient Egypt, presently, why are we still doing this to each other and the environment!! Even back in ancient Egypt, the environment was abused and manipulates to serve the few or the so-called elite. The environment to our order includes people as well as animals and nature, all of what is of physical and/or mental form. Actually, these significantly aware entities also didn’t like being abused, used in a way psychologically to primarily benefit the elite, as of today. The environment as a whole isn’t there to primarily serve the few elite as in ancient Egypt and today.

So many people are becoming a part of this materialist regime at present, being simply fed the scraps that the elite will benefit from by keeping the slaves to the elite materialistic, not spiritualistic!! So why am I so saddened at times? The answer to this can’t be found through materialistic ideologies but spiritually, where one knows one is all of what is in the absolute absence of bias or desire. Yes, I still express desire and bias, but not often at the expense or of abuse of the environment around me. As I think we all should be, yes, I am saddened at times.

The following is a good read on the recollection of past lives lived.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Finite and Infinite Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem, since the dawn of man as a human consciousness/race, we have made a connection to the infinite. The belief in a divine consciousness or the belief in eternal cycles of life is but two of these, so it would certainly seem that we have always made this connection to an infinite existence or being in one sense or another.

In modem times, the division between perceiving infinitely and finitely is apparent, even in modern day science this is apparent between different forms of science, for example, quantum physic concepts are not based on absolutes where in a lot of other sciences there are concepts of absolutes. We are human, this is a fact, so we don't look beyond the human concept. It's like Newtonians didn't accept that Newtonian concepts and principles were limited, the same with Einstein concepts and principles. Albert Einstein's concepts and principles/theories were taken as an absolute, within this perception, there was no room for evolving therefore these kinds of perceptions are limited to certain concepts and principles.

A lot of modern day consciousness is restricted to certain limitations or dogmatic concepts and principles, there are barriers that can't ever be crossed or even questioned. Of course the only reason barriers exist is because we have created them or they have been created in accordance to the perceptions used. If we perceive there are barriers therefore limitations to our conscious existence, we will ourselves create a reality based on these limitations. Of course to do this, a consciousness has to ignore the infinite in preference to the finite.

Finite consciousness is purely based on time, time being the creator of starting and ending points thus creating realities based on limitations rather than realities based on unlimited potentiality. Of course to balance out these kinds of perceptions, we kept our perceptions of the existence of the infinite, perceptions that are not limited but unlimited.

We might then think that time itself is finite in nature when in actuality time is infinite in nature, it's only what is created in time that is finite. Time itself is actually governed by infinite projections, for time has no limitations in how time is perceived or how long time will exist for. The simple reason for this is that time wasn't created, in that the creation of time has no starting or ending point, only of created perceived starting and ending points. For an example of this, there is an end to our nights and days on Earth, however, when you go out into space, there is only daylight, this of course is governed by how long a sun lasts. In saying this, the energy used to create the energy of the sun is endless because, like time, energy has no starting point within itself, only what energy creates.

To perceive this one must simply look at time as being energy, not what this energy creates. An energy that is not limited to certain concepts and principles, time is therefore based on the infinite, not on what the finite creates. We too often only look at what time creates, not on what time is really based on, in actuality, everything is based on the infinite for energy itself is infinite in nature.

Let's now look at how differently finite and infinite consciousness looks at reincarnation for example, the belief in past lives which has been scientifically proven to exist.

The finite consciousness looks at each life as a separate life to other lives lived, each life having a starting or ending point of it's own. The infinite consciousness doesn't look at it this way, it looks at reincarnation as being one life or existence separated by different scenarios. There is no starting or ending point, only an expression of different energies usually separated by our inability to remember our past lives. If we could remember our past lives and our lives between these lives, we would see ourselves as experiencing one life or existence that has no limitations or starting and ending points.

We are simply conditioned to perceive in starting and ending points therefore being of a conscious based on the finite, an existence of limitations therefore barriers, in turn, creating existences purely based on the finite rather than the infinite. Considering that everything in existence is based and created from the infinite, I find basing a reality purely on the finite peculiar, it's simply unnatural, in saying this, we must also remember being limited like this is also apart of being unlimited. Are we really unlimited being limited to the unlimited? Being limited is also apart of being unlimited, think on this, how unlimited are the expressions and motions of being limited? The expressions of being limited is infinite, there is no end to these limited expressions and motions.

We exist in a finite limited reality, how many possibilities can be expressed in such a reality? What if the Roman Empire never existed or Adolf Hitler never came to power, the possibilities of different realities being created within a limited reality are endless, all of existence is simply infinite in nature.

Infinite also pertains to oneness, being that everything is connected, where's finite simply pertains to separation or division of this oneness, of the infinite. The finite is simply a divided infinite, this is why the finite can only exist within time. Considering how time is divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries and so on, it's quite understandable why finite can only exist within the perception of time. Take away how time divides the infinite into numerous and infinite divisions, like with measurements which are infinite, you take away the perception of the finite, all you are then left with is the infinite.

The finite is simply a perception because it can only represent part of the whole at any given time; the whole of course is represented by the infinite. To me, it's not a natural state if we exist within a finite reality while excluding the infinite. Giving that energy itself is infinite in nature, I find this most peculiar. We simply can't exist without the infinite, if we try to do this in my mind, we will simply destroy ourselves; destroy the form and creation of an infinite energy. We are simply going against the natural laws by excluding the infinite in our existence, not a very wise or intelligent thing to do in my mind.