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Monday, 2 March 2020

Working with Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

Working with or in unison with energy is not within itself spiritual, even though certain spiritual practices  and awareness can lead to a person working better or more harmoniously with energy.

When I lived in the bush (forest), I often knew that I was going to encounter a snake that day. Even when I didn’t know where in the bush I was going to encounter a snake, my feelings were always correct. At one time I was stepping over a small fence, directly where I was going to step there was a deadly tiger snake that I was about to step on. Tiger snakes in the bush are not easy to detect. One of our dogs jumped the fence further up the fence and immediately attacked the snake I was about to step on. The dog was nowhere near around me until that very moment. Where I knew I was going to encounter a snake that day, I didn’t know where. I didn’t just predict snake encounter but other encounters as well.    

Yes, the dog was more in tune with the energy around it than I was, however, would have the dog saved my life if I wasn’t to some degree in tune with the energy around me? You could say that the dog and I were psychic or of some other kind of spiritual ability, but in truth it is simply working in unison with energy. Yes, it is most amusing to think that we think only humans can be in tune with the energy around them, in other words psychic or of some kind of spiritual prowess over and above all other living entities. You really know this to be untrue when you come to some kind of understanding of energy as simply energy, not energy being only of what we desire to make of it.

Without a doubt I have been fortunate to have had a number of minor experiences in regards to energy as a whole. You add singing ghosts (souls) and other interactions with ghosts, foretelling and a number of other life experiences, you realise that there is much more to using energy than we desire to know about. My favourite experience is simply experiencing just being, where you simply observe in the absence of participation, of course participating is also a part of my life I may or may not enjoy as a participator. Don’t ever expect or demands, while being participators, that you will always enjoy your own participation, for other energies around you are always at work as well. I am sure the snake at the fence didn’t enjoy our dog’s partition in saving my life, as I am sure I wouldn’t have enjoyed the snake biting me either!!

Yes, experiencing energy is a two way street, especially if all energies are not working together as one or in unison to each other. So what would occur if all participating energies worked as one energy source in participation?

Imagine being that in tune with energy while in participation that no insect or wild animal invades your home!! Imagine going out in the wild a picking up a deadly snake and cuddling it!! Imagine being hungry in the wild and a rabbit simply pops up right in front of you!! Sounds like utter lunacy to an ego that has no idea of working in unison with energy, but to an energy that realises there is more to energy than what we are conditioned to today, the impossible becomes possible.                       

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