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Friday, 25 June 2021

Atheism in Support of Religion!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I said to you that atheism is in full support of religion, so many people of course would say that I am mad, delusional. Think on this, could a disbelief exist without a belief being disbelieved in in the first place? Atheists believe or disbelieve that a God like consciousness could not at all, no matter what, have created the universe therefore everything within this universe. Either it be of belief or disbelief, atheism is to start with in support of beliefs, also, “no matter what” determines that atheism is of dogmatic principles as well!!

It is strange to think that religion, believing in a God like creative consciousness, also created atheism and it's doctrines, not that a lot of people, understandably, think this to be strange. Yes, atheism has doctrines. Apart from many atheists simply believing that all wars were religiously caused, and that we are all born atheistic, which is cognitively impossible, they also express a great deal of faith in theories of how the universe was created, like the big bang theory. There are actually several different types of theories of the creation of the universe for atheists to have faith in, the big bang theory is just one of them. To have this much faith in a simple theory, not fact, is indeed religious, to base an entire belief or disbelief system on faith is also indeed religious. Yes, by heart even atheists express a great sense of religion!!

Don't get me wrong, I think having faith and theories is cognitively healthy and vital for the good health of human cognition, I strongly believe this to be true.

I can't believe that people like me have become so controversial today, but look at how this has come about. Be it of extremism of religion, atheism, right and left wing politics, communism or fascism, black and white. etc, you can see why people like me are now looked at being so controversial. So many people are embarrassing extremist ideologies at a phenomenal rate, usually in counteraction to another extremism, be it that the extremism is made up or not.

We are indeed in an age of extremism, where even vaccines that are known to kill and maim people for life are not just accepted but marketed and even enforced onto everybody else by so many people. The question is, have people like me become more controversial or has the world around us become more of the embarrassment and acceptance of extremism, in the process making people like me seem more controversial!! Yes, even in new age spirituality extremism in counteraction to other extremism's, made up or not, abounds sadly enough.

Only in the absence of a balanced disposition will human consciousness fail itself.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Thinking in Infinite Terms

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was brought up in a dogmatic left wing atheist environment, as I found out I couldn't have been influenced by a more ignorant environment, very much in line with extremist religion, where it is only my way. As soon as religion or atheism dictates it is only my way, like with right and left wing politics, the credibility is shot with people like me.

So the big bang theory, remember it is only a theory, is right no matter what!! A truly rational mind would not primarily base doctrines or beliefs on known theorisations like this.

Theory: A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena.

Atheism is primarily based on a particular theory as many religions are primarily based on a particular belief. A rational mind thinks, “That if humans can create what they have created in the unwise and unaware state they literally shows themselves to be in, what would a far more collective wiser and aware consciousness create?” The atheist of course can't perceive a far greater wiser and aware consciousness but many spiritually aware people can. Why? Because most often spiritually aware people's consciousness are not limited to time and space perspectives, we can also think in infinite terms.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Avoiding Suffering From The Truth


Written by Mathew Naismith

If we were truly aware, all we would do is laugh at our own and the collective human trauma we instil on ourselves. Yes, I even sit back in observation of my own participation and laugh, but at the same time being aware of why the human collective has become so engrossed in it's own participative traumas. In all, it is but a human experience.

Even within my 57 years, I have observed how our own human collective consciousness is even more today suffering from truths instead of learning from truths. We today don't chastise our children because it creates negativity, so we allow the children to grow up without responsible guidance. I have never seen in my life as I am today how the truth is judged negative, instead desired truths are seen far more positive because they are far more placid, even when of deliberate lies and deception. In my days growing up, part of our learned behaviour was to avoid abusive actions like lying and deceiving. To people like me, desired truths in opposition to actual truths, even when these truths are painful in their awakening, are far more constructive than destructive learned behavioural desired truths.

How often do we learn from what we simply judge as negative? A negative is simply an indication that we have not learnt from but instead still suffer from. To people like me, this human created reality of immense trauma of suffering and abuse is not even negative, simply an indication of a consciousness lost within it's own creation. So in today's spirituality, it is judged as being negative for calling out a person or even the collective consciousness for what it's expressing, even if this realisation may help this person or collective consciousness to overcome their own destructive tendencies.

Observe yourself or simply imagine awakening the collective consciousness to it's own created traumas. Is this honest caring action going to be seen by the collective consciousness as something positive? No. The reason for this lays in the learned behaviour of suffering from the truth instead of learning from the truth. Even within my short 57 years, I have seen the embracement of desired truths and the growing disdain for actual truths, mainly due to actual truths, like chastising children to create a more constructive learned behaviour, becoming a learned behavioural negative.

For something to be judged a negative is simply a sign of suffering instead of learning. Really, you cannot suffer from learning from trauma, from judged negativeness, you can only suffer from what you don't learn from. As soon as spiritually aware people talk of and avoid what they have judged as simply negative, people like me know this is a sign they are in all honesty still suffering from the truth, in the process replacing actual truths with desired truths.

I wrote the following separately to this post but realised it was of this post.

Proficient Mind

People like me love philosophising. To a lot of people, people into philosophy think more when in actuality it is the opposite.

Philosophy: The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.

Any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation.

It is not that philosophers think more, it is that philosophers think differently, imagine for one moment extracting irrational thinking from the mind!! You are actually thinking more proficiently and effectively because the philosophers mind has extracted irrational thinking from the mind to one extent or another. As present circumstances have proven, irrational thinking abounds in human consciousness, of course it is the irrational mind that is the easiest to scam and control!!

And yes, the irrational part of our minds often takes offence to what the rational part of our mind is thinking. Why? Because the rational mind is not of desired truths but of actual truths. Today, it is obvious that desired truths are far more desirable and acceptable than actual truths, to a philosopher, this is disheartening. Why is it disheartening? Because it is a sign we are becoming more irrational, cluttering our mind with irrational thinking instead of uncluttering our minds with rational thinking.

And yes, the irrational part of our mind will see the rational mind as being too busy and complicated when in actuality it is the other way around, for a very good reason, the thinking process becomes less cluttered therefore more proficient and effective for the rational mind. No, I am not totally proficient in thinking totally in the absence of irrationality, probably never will be and this is the actual truth rather than a desired truth.

The mind is only as proficient and effective as the environment the mind resides in........Mathew G

Yes, it would seem the irrational part of our mind will suffer the most because it learns the least from suffering and judged negatives. And yes, the irrational mind may feel good within it's desired truths, but this state has always been finite in nature!!