Written by Mathew Naismith
It is more important than ever to stay within the light, due to any deviation from the light may result in the dark energy taking advantage of this deviation, especially at present.
An awkward post to write, considering the topic at hand. Was not sure how to start this post so I decided to start with Mel Gibson's, movie actor and director, encounter with a Hollywood producer of obvious dark energy. I will simply use the terminology of dark and light energy, a terminology that can be equated to whatever form or ideology you equate it to.
Mel's encounter with this type of producer started off with the producer, that was dressed in black, gliding over to him sideways. Part of the discussion was about mid-evil torture, on Mel's part, the producers seemed to be talking about more recent torture. The producer also stated that women should be either naked or dead, preferably both. Now look at how feminine energy is being undermined today, like through the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement.
When you switch on the light in a dark room, can the dark exist within the middle of this light?
When you switch on the light in a dark house, even in the middle of a dark house, can the light exist within the middle of this darkness, like the universe with all it's suns in relation to the cosmos?
Light can exist within the dark, but the dark cannot exist within the light, which shows where our present reality is at, a reality conducive to dark energy. If our present reality was of the light, the present reality would not be conducive to dark energy, for the dark cannot exist within the light. As I recently wrote, “Every environment takes a certain culmination of energy to create, staying within the light under duress will culminate in the creation of an environment conducive to light energy, not dark energy.”
What if I told you that this dark energy is not out to destroy light energy, knowing that this dark energy is quite unable to do so. All this dark energy can do is take advantage of any energy form deviating from light energy. It is an opportunist, always externally present to light energy, waiting for any light form to deviate from the light.
What if I told you that this dark energy is our friend, but only when exposed to the light. The awareness of the dark energy, which is what this light energy is, in it's truest form, keeps us within the light, however, if this dark energy is not exposed, light energy forms will deviate from the light, for there is no fear of anything within this light energy, which includes the darkest of energy. Light energy will place itself right in the middle of dark energy, for it is fearless. We must not deviate from the light while within the midst of dark energy, mainly due to the dark energy not being totally exposed to us. An example of this is the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement that seem like they are of light, quite the opposite is true.
Mel Gibson also stated that one must not get angry. Wanting to persecute this dark energy for what it has done and getting angry with this dark energy only feeds this dark energy what it needs to exist, dark energy.
I was once in an environment that was conducive to dark energy. Because I deviated from the light due to the then present dark energy environmental influence, almost every night I was being intimidated by this dark energy, this was until I came of the light again. All I did was laugh at this dark energy, while of the light, even though there were 9 forms of this dark energy present at the time. I had no feelings of anger or persecution of this dark energy, it is if they were a joke. This dark energy is not a threat unless we allow it to be, in a real sense, so if we deviate from the light energy, are we fair game to the dark energy? Yes.
Note: Adrenachrome is physically produced by instilling a great deal of fear in people, especially children, which people of this dark energy value above most other things. When I was being intimidated by this dark energy night after night,I was giving off a none physical type of Adrenachrome for which this dark energy fed off of.
So why would any kind of light energy deviate from the light? Fearlessness.
The more aware we are, the more of the light energy we become of, likened to making the best of life for what it is, to making the worse of life. When we are fearless and deviate from the light, the more likely the dark energy will take advantage of our deviation. Light energy that deviates from the awareness light energy represents is prone to coercion and trickery from this dark energy. Understandable as we become less aware. In fearlessness, we can deviate from the awareness that light energy represents, the trick is being aware of this while under the influence of this dark energy.
If you are unable to avoid anger or the desire to persecute this dark energy for what it has done, you are not truly of this light energy. I will go even further still. If you can't see this dark energy as a friend instead of a foe, you are not truly of this light energy. A true foe will coerce you to deviate from the light, this is not what is occurring believe it or not. What is occurring is we are deviating from the light anyway, so are fair game to be exploited by this dark energy. We should be taking note of this dark energy and not deviate from the light, especially when within the dark energies influence. The dark energy existence tells us not to deviate from the light, as a friend would do in relation to drink driving. If a friend is under the influence of alcohol, would a friend advice them not to drive? Well, the dark energy is showing us why we should not deviate from the light.
So getting back to my own experience of dark energy. Even after all the intimidation and induced fear, all I could do is laugh at this dark energy, which this dark energy feared the most. This dark energy does not fear anger and persecution, it fears the awareness that light creates, that is why the present censoring and book burning, the cancellation of anything not of it's own doing, especially when it pertains to the truth, awareness. This could not occur if we were of the light, which indicates where a lot of us are at in relation to being of the light. It is not a good sign except that the dark energy is exposing itself.
I can't tall you how to stay within the light, we all have our own ideas of how to do that, what I can do is advice you in that this dark energy is simply taking advantage of our own devotion from the light, which is of it's own nature to do so. This dark energy is not out their to destroy light energy as a whole, because it is unable to, even though it will destroy and abuse any deviated light it can within it's own influence. My advice is, try not to deviate from the light energy, in fact reconnect yourselves to this light energy, for whatever you want to call it, to avoid being exploited by this dark energy.