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Thursday, 31 August 2023

Maui: A New Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine for a moment if Buddha was born a prince and died a king and stayed within his own kingdom, his own positive reality separate from the outside negative reality, never to become Buddha. Imagine if one of the greatest wise teachers of human history, Confucius, did the same, imagine if Jesus did this as well, etc!! What if I told you numerous people in the spiritual community today are doing just this, however, the fire storm in Maui has awakened a number of people to this within their own spiritual community it would seem.

I have been spiritually aware, to one extent or another, since I was 13 years old due to various experiences, I am nearly 60 years old. Within this time period, mostly in the recent time period, I have noticed how a very dark shadow has infiltrated a lot of spiritual communities, of course it is said to be negative to point this out. Not sure when awareness, especially self-awareness and honesty, become a negative energy form!!

It would seem that critically judging everything into positives and negative, and ostracising or ignoring everything critically judged as negative, is of positive energies!!

This is how a truly positive person thinks. Everything does not fit within a positive and negative energy category, often something that is traumatising can lead to something very positive. So you don't have any more children due to a pregnancy and birth was uncomfortable, in other words negative!! To a truly positive person not every trauma and pain experienced is put into the negative category. You put your hand in the fire and it hurts, the so-called negative actually turned out to be a positive, giving you an awareness of how fire can hurt you. Experiencing physical pain actually stops us from hurting ourselves even more, imagine not pulling your hand out of the fire!!

Is mental pain and discomfort the same? I think you will find that it is.

Believe it or not, the mention of Maui, which was never critically judged a negative or positive energy before, is not allowed to be mentioned in certain spiritual communities due to having a strong negative energy vibration!!

I have been in this spiritual awareness game for a number of years, and know of how this darkness has infiltrated past spiritual communities/churches at one time or another in human history, if what is occurring at present is not the exact same thing, I will eat my hat.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Kept in the Shadows


Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I was writing a post titled,”Sexual Ecstasy v Collective Consciousness Ecstasy, a post I am now not going to finish due to the realisation that I have to be far more direct in my approach on this issue. We need to realise more than ever that there is no good verses evil, light verses dark, this is a fallacy we need to all become aware of before going on with anything else.

You can relate dark and light energy to whatever you want to relate it to.

No matter what you relate this energy to, in the presence of light dark energy is like an ant combating against a steamroller, there is no real competition or opposition and this dark energy is quite aware of this, this is why this dark energy is trying everything it can do to keep us in the shadows of becoming aware of this.

I realised that when people in power become less and less answerable to common law or even answerable to anyone, they become more inhumane, insentient, a state of the absence of feelings, consciousness and animation. The more of this dark energy you become, the less of conscious one becomes.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation

Are these people in this dark state really aware of their present state, predicament, situation? Are they aware that the steamroller is of the light energy in face of the ant that is the dark energy? Do they desire to know this or of anybody else becoming aware of this? The answer is no to all these three questions. The only state where dark energy is equal to light energy is in states of darkness or states of consciousness this dark energy controls and manipulates. You can't war with an opposing party in a state where light energy prevails, for there is no opposing energy to begin with in this state. Look how long humans have been warring for. Look at how NATO is doing everything in their power to prolong the Ukraine/Russian war!! If NATO was of this light energy in any sense, this war would not have started in the first place, it couldn't.

Within human consciousness there has always been a sense of good against evil, light energy opposing dark energy, supported by ancient writings that enforce this belief. It is not that they are wrong, it is that they are not completely right. They are right in that within a consciousness that is controlled and manipulated by dark energy, this dark energy will always oppose the lights energy existence, in the process creating an environment conducive to the dark opposing the light and visa-versa, however, if we look at a state where the light energy is predominate, there are no opposing parties to begin with.

If this light energy is not of opposing energy forces, of course the ant in opposition to the light will be rolled over, not due to the light being in opposition to the dark but due to the dark being in opposition to the light. If this light energy acted as the steamroller in the present human reality, all that is of this dark energy would be steamrolled over, as if this dark energy did not exist to begin with. In fact in the presence of this light energy this dark energy does not exist, it is this simple. Is this dark energy aware of this, and makes sure no other energy under it's influence is aware of this? The answer is obvious.

So the obvious question is, why is not this light energy intervening in human affairs?

This is but my own conjecture, it comes back to my post I am not going to share, try taking away all the desires, lusts and ecstasies created by this dark energy, way too many people would oppose this to begin with. Why? Because they are kept ignorant to the ecstasies created by light energy. Again, equate light energy ecstasies to dark energy ecstasies, the ant just does not measure up to the steamroller, in other words the ecstasies created by dark energy do not measure up to the ecstasies light energies create. In the presence of the light energy, it is if the dark energy does not exist, as of the steamroller and the ant.

Also, this light energy is not into deliberately steamrolling over other energy forms, this light energy will avoid this at all cost, unless the dark energy is persistent in it's own opposition. If the ant thinks it can take on a steamroller due to it's own ignorance, this is purely up to the ant.

Is this dark energy becoming more and more persistent in the face of light energy?

Due to the degree of ignorance of this dark energy, this is a really dangerous game the dark energy is playing, the only thing going for this dark energy is that so many people under the influence of the dark energy just don't want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies. Why? Because they are kept in the dark to all these desires, lusts and ecstasies that are created by this dark energy to begin with.

Are people made aware of this? Yes.

Do they want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies, even when made aware of such things? No, not by the looks of it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, as you shouldn't, all what one can do is keep expressing their own awareness as they should be allowed to do, of course this is about to change quite dramatically in countries like Australia. It is coming to a point where you will not be allowed to even express an awareness of this dark energy in any sense. Again, this is a very dangerous game the dark energy is playing at present, it could backfire on this dark energy in a really big way, in spite of people's fixation to dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies.

Many people could end up like the ant in defiance of the steamroller in the end, but what will be will be.

Saturday, 5 August 2023

A Dark Sign of Angels Appearing 2!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It looks as though I have to explain myself a little better when speaking of angel type consciousness, as I wrote in reply.

“I am not saying angels appearing is a bad thing, just of a bad sign that things are out of balance. Angels won't appear unless some sort of balance is needed. Angels appearing to the masses shows the level of imbalance present, that is what is not a good sign. Guiding is of giving balance. Jesus and Buddha existed in times of great peril for most people, they too where a bad sign that things were this bad. Did their guidance give balance in the end? Yes, but their appearance was a sign how out of balance human consciousness had become.

No, I am not saying that angles are a bad occurrence, just that their appearance shows how bad things have gotten for this consciousness to intervene.”

I know of no entity of wisdom that was not of guidance and tried to instil balance back into human consciousness. Wisdom is not of the absence of guidance and balance, in actuality it would not be of wisdom or of angel consciousness without trying to instil balance through guidance. If angels are of guidance through balance, they are of this wisdom, of this type of consciousness.

The Roman empire was of a type of autocratic system, were it was my way or no way, like communism and fascism today. Was the appearance of Moses and Jesus at this time period by coincidence? I am suggesting not. The Roman empire for a lot of people was like an asteroid hitting the/their environment, in the process creating a great deal of imbalance within this Roman empire environment. As with the physical environment that is always naturally put back into balance over time, the human conscious environment is no different.

I am all for this angel type consciousness appearing to the masses, while at the same time realising how imbalanced humanity has become for this to occur. It is like, I can't believe that it at this point once again in human history.

So does this wise angel type consciousness only appear when humanity is way out of balance? No. If we created an environment conducive to this kind of consciousnesses making it's home within this environment, or our own personal environment, were wisdom was embraced instead of scorned, the appearance of angels would not be making reference to humanity being out of balance, but in all honesty in today's environment it would.

It is obviously a strange concept to a lot of people that human consciousness is governed by the same natural world/laws as the physical world around us, and as of any physical world, there is a cycle to it. Eventually the balance will be that the demise of an energy source will give way to a rebirth of energy. In relation to human or the souls consciousness, this rebirth will do doubt occur within another environment.

Yes, having deliberately mixed with atheists who I found quite radical in many different ways, any sign of an angel type consciousness appearing will be dealt with, wiped out in other words. In my own mind, good luck to them because I believe the appearance of an angel type consciousness will not be of a single entity but of a collective consciousness. Will this obvious imbalanced consciousness try to kill off all of this collective consciousness guided by wisdom? Absolutely. All I can say to them is good luck with this, while remembering this imbalanced consciousness can wipe everything out if it can't get it's own way, like an asteroid.

I hope I have explained myself a little better.

Friday, 4 August 2023

A Dark Sign of Angels Appearing!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting from my wife. I have never come up with this before, but I said to her that it will be a dark sign if the angels appear, Donna understood what I was saying and agreed. Why? Because this type of consciousness appearing simply means how degenerate human consciousness has become. Put in another way, how imbalanced human consciousness has become.

Life is of balance, our planet is a prime example of this, one moon, a perfect distance from the sun, volcanic, a revolving iron core which creates a magnetic field, co2, etc. Life could not exist without balance, however, to correct an imbalance certain intense occurrences often have to occur to bring everything back into balance, human consciousness is no different believe it or not.

I am not saying that this kind of intense consciousness is a bad occurrence, what I am saying is that it is a dark sign that such occurrences has to occur to bring human consciousness back into balance.

Presently, without a doubt, we are becoming more and more controlled by communism. When auditoriums are full of people singing the 1917 communist internationale song in Australia, an accepted revolutionary incitement song, you know that an imbalance is at hand. We may think this intense occurrence is to bring balance to human consciousness, while at the same time human trafficking (paedophilia) and corruption is growing at the same rate as communism in the west, and by no mistake. This intense occurrence is not to bring balance but to create even more imbalance in many different ways.

In saying this, do we need an intense occurrence, like communism that often kills millions of people in it's wake, to occur to bring everything back into balance? Well, if we look at volcanoes that are quite an intense occurrence, most often this is the case. Volcanoes are an important element in keeping the earth in a balanced mode.

So am I equating volcanoes to communism or any other autocratic system of governance? No, communism is more likened to a asteroid hitting the Earth as of any autocratic anomaly.

Volcanoes put out huge amounts of natural elements, including co2, that life overall thrives on. While Communism is taking hold on the world, co2 has become more and more a bad thing, something dark, when the opposite is true. Everything of light, a balancing element for life like the sun, is purged of any balancing element/entity, this is why we have an anti-co2 attitude at present in the west.

So am I saying that angels appearing is more like volcanoes and suns?

Angels appearing simply refers to a balancing consciousness, a certain type of consciousnesses that through history has given more balance in troubling times. When you look back in human history, there are many times wisdom has prevailed and given human consciousness some form of balance at a conscious level, however, angels appearing refers to a far more intense occurrence. This intensity shows how imbalanced therefore abusive human consciousness has become. The degree of abuse shows how imbalanced human consciousness has become, while remembering that angel type consciousness is not abusive, quite the opposite.