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Sunday, 24 March 2024

The Communicative Subconscious

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I will at times observe how my subconscious mind is expressed through my body language, actually, I find it interesting how my subconscious mind forms most of my body language. Most of our body language expressed is of the subconscious mind. Numerous teachings or techniques are used to make us aware of the subconscious mind at play.

I find it interesting that a lot of people not in touch with their subconscious mind have no awareness of their own or other people's subconscious or conscious body language. Also, body language period can also be distorted or simply ignored by the conscious mind if it is not in line with what is desired, so acknowledging body language can take a lot of honed or practised observational skills. Yes, a number of spiritual practices hones these skills.

Recently, I had to back away form people expressing an aggressive body language they had no idea that they were expressing, in fact utterly deny that they were expressing such body language. This is understandable for people who are not connected consciously to their subconscious mind. In the end their own actions and inaction's confirmed what their subconscious body language was expressing.

I have stated a number of times that a person's inaction's can actually tell you more about a person than their actions, which is the same of governments and other groups alike. A person's subconscious inactive body language is as important to become aware of than a person's conscious active body language. In my case I was continually not physically shown the same physical acceptance or emotions than of a person who did very little for this person. The rubs on the back when embraced is a prime example, a body language I never received, even though I have physically been their for them for a number of years now, assisting them in various ways. So does being aware of this inaction and responding to it seem petty?

This is not just an ego hurt thing, it is simply being aware of another person's subconscious body language, which will often tell you more about a person than their conscious body language.

Conscious body language is often distorted, usually in line with one's own desires. Am I hurt by the lack of physical gesture when my own actions assisting this person for a number of years was not notably appreciated? Yes, especially when these inaction's perpetrated by their subconscious body language was confirmed by further aggressive actions by them and their family. Their actions confirmed their subconscious body language inaction's.

How many people, who even know of body language, know to take more note of people's inactive body language than their active body language? Sitting by idly while watching the world around you being raped and pillaged is of an inactive body language, which should tell you a lot about that kind of consciousness. It is a lost consciousness, in this case lost within a created global reality instead of a consciousness just lost within their own created reality.

I am so lucky when presented with an ordeal that is discordant. I most often make the best of it, usually through learning from such ordeals instead of suffering from such ordeals, of course to learn from such ordeals takes becoming aware as much as possible of all influential environments influencing you. In the way the subconscious mind communicates to the world is certainly a helpful tool in making the best of any ordeal, but it can be a curse if you desire to stay ignorant to discordant environments that are influencing you.

Friday, 22 March 2024

The Greater Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

Like many people, my human self is, well, is distorted or out of balance due to experiencing a number of abusive or imbalanced environments, however, my greater spirit is a big WOW.

In my mid twenties I, by accident, came face to face with this greater spirit, thinking at the time that I had a most beautiful consciously connected soul. I was sort of right but it was more to do with a greater consciousness than my own personal consciousness. You see this greater spirit when experienced or made aware of is actually referring to a great collective consciousness.

The accident; occurred when I was about to experience the full force of a imbalanced distorted consciousness while within an abusive environment, in other words about to come face to face with a consciousness of a much greater sinister intent. I humanly accidentally left myself open to this greater sinister intent, I certainly did not do this by choice, however, this greater spirit had all intentions of me experiencing what I did at the time.

When you experience this greater spirit or greater sinister intent consciousness, it is not of one entity or of a personnel consciousness, it is of a collective consciousnesses. Yes, you maybe having a personal experience of this greater form of consciousness but it is of a collective consciousnesses. It is never a personal human experience but a collective spirit experience.

Greater spirit simply refers to a collective consciousness of a divine nature, where a greater sinister intent consciousness is of the absence of this divine nature. The reason I don't state greater sinister intent spirit is due to spirit referring to the vital principle or animating force within living things. This greater sinister intent consciousness is not of a vital principle or animating force within all living things, in actuality it makes up very little of what is of all living things, even though at present this may not seem to be the case. One thing this greater sinister intent consciousness can't distort is this greater spirit within all living things. I would actually state myself all forms of energy.

Another way to put this is that this greater spirit is the base core structure of all energy, including the energy flow of this greater sinister intent consciousness. This dark energy has to stay ignorant to this to exist. Yes, it is always living in fear of what it desires not to become aware of, which is what continually generates the energy this dark energy flow needs to exist.

Is this all simply a conjecture as of any blog post of mine?

You must see it how you feel fit to see it, it is really this simple.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Discrepancy Acknowledgement


Written by Mathew Naismith

The acknowledgement of discrepancies, a trait that often comes to those conditioned to certain practices, especially practices to do with making us aware of the ego and it's own indiscretions, which directly relates to being injudicious.

Injudicious: Lacking or showing lack of judgement or discretion; unwise.

Basically speaking, the untamed or out of control ego creates an environment of the absence of wisdom, wisdom being a trait a lot of spiritual practices and beliefs create an environment of the presence of.

Have you noticed people around you that can't or won't see occurring discrepancies, like the excess deaths rates in covid vaccinated countries to countries that weren't as covid vaccinated. What about Russia killing a few civilians accidentally while Israel indiscriminately kills civilians. Russia being labelled inhumane and of war crimes and Israel is not, particularly in the west which is interesting within itself. You have got to ask yourself, is western NATO and the NWO of creating an environment of indiscretions therefore an environment of the absence of wisdom!!

Discrepancy: An event that departs from expectations.

The expectations of the ego out of control, a state where all the lusts and desires of the ego are tended to over and above all else including humanity and integrity, is evident within the expectations of the egos lusts and desires. How many people desire that the covid vaccines are not causing excess deaths, instead believe that covid is causing these excess deaths, while countries not as vaccinated have a far less excess death rate, even though they may be a third world country that should have experienced the worse of covid. The absence of acknowledging these rather serious and obvious discrepancies is evident.

Recently, my wife and I had a direct personal experience of acknowledging a discrepancy in a so-called friend, which is interesting within itself. They portrayed that they did not have an aggressive bone in their body and that they only see the good in everyone, which many of their friends and family members also believe or desire to be so the case. A number of our friends also believe this to be the case, however, my wife and I seemed to be the only one's who could acknowledged their discrepancies. You know how actions can speak louder than words, their actions in the end confirmed our acknowledgement of their discrepancies.

You must realise a lot of things that can happen to us even on a personal level can awaken us, or lead to us only desiring to acknowledge what our egos want us to acknowledge, in ignorance of the level of discrepancy that exists it would seem. My wife and I did not desire to have this acknowledgement, not of someone who we have assisted for a number of years now. No, it is not easy acknowledging these discrepancies, especially on a personal level, but what we practice in and put in actual practice instead of just words is of creating an environment of truth. Simply an environment of the absence of lies and deception as much as possible, especially self-deception.

Considering the excessive levels of discrepancies in today's society, self-deception is on the rise it would seem, often in line with what is desired rather than what the acknowledgement of these discrepancies tell us. What is presently concurring can indeed make us a lot more aware and wiser, as it did for my wife and I, the choice is indeed ours to make on a personal and collective level.

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Fifth Dimensional Data Bank

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange title indeed, representing a subject I have never truly spoken of in this way.

What I am finding interesting is not that the same old subjects are being presented over and over again, why would I, but in how these subjects are being presented. Even though the present 3rd dimensional NWO consciousness is doing everything it can to hinder human conscious access to the 5th dimensional data bank, 5th dimensional data presentations are becoming more apparent. Yes, today you have far more people living their lives by 3rd dimensional data, which includes lust, desire and material gain, but you also have a certain amount of people becoming more influenced by a 5th dimensional data source.

So what do I mean by a 3rd and 5th dimensional data bank?

3rd dimensional data is like MSM data and education primarily based on the material, lust and desire. Science and medical journals and alike and even 3rd party media, often media that has been censored because of it's 5th dimensional data content and lack of disinformation. 3rd party media can be far more reliable but is still of 3rd party media, like a 4th dimensional data which is influenced by both 3rd and 5th dimensional data sources. Within this 4th dimensional data, both 5th and 3rd dimensional data sources can become the primary source of data. To be honest, I have lived most of my life by a 4th dimensional data source reality.

5th dimensional data is simply data acquired naturally by not primarily basing reality on a 3rd dimensional data bank. Yes, all you have to do to access this 5th dimensional data bank is to not base your existence and reality on 3rd dimensional data, often data that is distorted beyond recognition. You may ask, data distorted from what?

Everything of 3rd dimensional reality has actually come from a 5th dimensional data source, nothing is knew except in the way this 5th dimensional data can be distorted, and even this is known within the 5th dimensional data bank. Imagine the ways you could distort 5th dimensional data within a reality primarily influenced by 3rd dimensional data, it is infinite.

To a 3rd dimensional mind set, just stating that a 5th dimensional data bank is simply data that is not governed by a 3rd dimensional data bank does not explain what this 5th dimensional data bank is, which is to be expected.

Imagine a reality that is of the absence of abuse, this one aspect alone would change our own reality beyond recognition, now imagine a data bank that is not just not governed by this one singular aspect but by all 3rd dimensional aspects. It is often within the absence of, things become clearer to the mind, even a 3rd dimensional based data base mindset. Another way to put this is like with what is called the zone in sports. So how do some sports people experience this zone? By simply being in a conscious mindset of the absence of distractions, were all distractions that hinder getting into this zone is absent within the mindset at that time. To put it another way, this zone is simply of the absence of distortions of 3rd dimensional aspects, in the process leaving what is not distorted, 5th dimensional aspects.

I am finding it quite intriguing that this NWO, New World Order, is trying so hard to keep and draw human consciousness even more into this 3rd dimensional distorted reality and mindset. The distortion occurring at present says it all and clearly shows what this NWO is all about, and how afraid they are of human consciousness basing it's existence on a 5th dimensional data bank instead of the NWO's 3rd dimensional highly censored date bank, like what MSM, medical and science journals, governments are doing.

It is within the absence of, as usual, that all will become clearer, where no explanation of will be needed, you will just know.


Saturday, 2 March 2024

East West Cultural Differences

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have always loved noting the differences in the way people of eastern and western cultured people think and perceive.

It is interesting how a lot of eastern cultured people are thinking more inline with western cultures due to the influence of western cultured thinking processes, often inline with western style living conditions!!

The two main conceptual differences is that western thinking is more of individualism, while eastern thinking is more of collectivism. You will find that an individualistic mind set is a lot easier to offend than a collective mind set, this is probably why I get myself in a lot of trouble, I often say things that I would not be offended by. Just by mentioning these differences offends a lot of western thinking people,which I find petty which further offends the western mind.

You must be of what you are, not of what the environment around you determines you are otherwise you are simply living a lie.

It is funny to think that the forefathers of western minded people today actually displayed a more eastern thinking process, especially when of a tribal community kind of environment. I also find that a lot of western people today that live by teachings that are of an eastern origin can also display a more eastern style of thinking. It is often sad to see the western mind distort eastern teachings to western teachings. This one line is often highly offensives to the western mind, inline with the western mind being offended when someone doesn't use the correct pronoun when making reference to their numerous genders.

So is the Western style of thinking wrong and the Eastern style of thinking right?

It is funny, because it is the western mind that often puts everything in life into right and wrong, good and bad, positive or negative. So is looking after yourself, individualism, to best look after the tribe, collectivism, wrong? Another point is, can you focus too much on the tribe and not enough on yourself? The individual is as important as the collective so there is no wrong or right here. By looking out for the individual that serves the collective is non-abusive, to look after the individual while using the collective to do so is abusive. As yin and yang are important to each other, so is individualism and collectivism.