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Showing posts with label dissimilarities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dissimilarities. Show all posts

Friday, 11 January 2019

Constructive Energy Use

Written by Mathew Naismith

To someone like me everything is energy, including the ideologies and isms we follow or feel comfortable with. My own energy field feels comfortable with the concepts of science, spirituality, philosophy, nature, oneness, psychology, etc. I mainly focus on the similarities of these concepts instead of the dissimilarities. Too often today we primarily look at the dissimilarities while deliberately ignoring the similarities; of course we seem to be more into separating energy these days in disharmony than connecting or linking these energies together in harmony.

Some people feel comfortable with the energies (concepts) of science while others are more comfortable with the energies (concepts) of spirituality. Of course when our main focus is on one energy field, any other energy field or concept in contradiction will seem dissimilar. Our main focus is then of the dissimilarities while deliberately ignoring or being unaware of the similarities, often to prove to oneself that the fieled we most focus on is right over all other energy fields (concepts). And we wonder why we are abusing energy at a very high rate, playing one against the other all the times!!

Yes, you must go with the energy flow that you feel more comfortable with, this can be anything from science to New Age spiritual concepts such as love and light. The psychological benefits of following what you most resonate with outweighs the dissimilarities to other energy fields or concepts. However, if our main focus is on the dissimilarities between energy fields or the separation from other energy fields, this is most likely a sign of an abuse of energy to serve our own agenda or desire.

The main agenda of science is to find truth and to prove this truth through what can or can't be proven three dimensionally.

The main agenda of spirituality is to seek for truth, simular to philosophy, to often question and even answer what science is unable to, in other words question what can't be proven to exist three dimensionally.

I should state that science has answered a lot of questions spirituality as a whole has been unable to answer at present. In my mind it is a huge mistake to totally ignore the similarities of science and spirituality to suite our own agenda or desire. Science, as of religion/spirituality, can be a huge benefit to humanity when not used abusively. As religion has been abusively used in the past to suite an agenda or desire, so is modern day science. At no time judge another energy field opposed to our own energy field as being worthless to humanity while being abused. This is like saying that all abused children are worthless to humanity!!

To use energy destructively, one must primarily look at the dissimilarities between different energy fields, however, to use energy constructively, one must primarily look at the similarities between different energy fields without ignoring the dissimilarities to suite our own agenda or desire. Energy is not restricted to three dimensional aspects, of what we desire or what our own ideologies and isms determine. Energy as a whole is infinite in nature, not finite like ourselves and our three dimensional reality. 

Friday, 31 March 2017


Written by Mathew Naismith

Wisdom is the observer of awareness's participation.

~Mathew G~

To become aware, even of your own awareness, is participation.
Awareness is the participator in life; it's the creator of all human developments.

To become wise, even of your own participation, is observation.
Wisdom is the observer of life; it's the observer of all developments.

Wisdom gives the awareness's participation balance within its motions, in turn, creating a more harmonious existence.

Where awareness will often only become aware therefore a participator of the dissimilarities or similarities, wisdom is the observer of both dissimilarities and similarities; this is where the balance lays.  

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Good News for the Aware and Wise

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently had a good friend of mine share an article with me that they recently themselves came across, it's to do with a hypnotised woman describing the upcoming changes in the world. I will insert the link to this article. Of course the most bizarre and incomprehensible points relate to my own writings going back to my first blog in 2011, and even to one of my first posts titled vibrations alive. Vibration alive relate to everything is alive in one sense or another; all is of one consciousness even while being expressed and experienced as a separate consciousness.

How can a rock or a pen be alive for example?

Physicality: Because we are conditioned to 3rd dimensional thinking and that we perceive primarily through physicality, a focus on the satisfaction of physical drives and appetites, we presume this is what all physical realities are like. In actuality, our perception and experience of our kind of 3rd dimensional physical being is minuscule compared to what is really of physical being. To us, everything alive means being of a biological form, all other forms other than biological is not alive and of non-conscious relatives, this is basically why many people cannot perceive the mind existing void of a physical brain.

We relate that all biological form is alive but we don't even relate that all biological form is of a kind of consciousness, in turn, our own relative thinking is limited to certain perspectives of what is and isn't alive and/or of a consciousness.

However, the good news is for anyone who is aware and also wise, our comprehension of everything being of a consciousness and alive, will come within the process of our own consciousness evolving from human consciousness. Yes that is right, human conscious will not evolve, we will instead evolve from human consciousness. Human consciousness is naturally limited to certain perspectives and perceptions; this is what makes human consciousness human. Our perceptions of a higher and/or a God like consciousness, was to assist in human consciousness becoming less destructive, for the collective consciousness as a whole, this clearly didn't occur.

How many people into spirituality today have a disdain for religion for example? Religion had/has a purpose which it lost and found many times over, particularly in the west and parts of the east. The purpose of religion was to keep us connected to this God consciousness, basically, to balance out the ignorance and limitations of human consciousness with an unlimited consciousness. Today, atheism/Zionism is in control of the physical world, and we wonder why the world is in a mess, a lot of us have obviously simply lost this connection. Even a lot of spiritually aware people have lost this connection through their disdain and judgment of negatives like religion; many of these people even have disdain of the expressions of balance!!  

Yin and Yang: Let's look at the yin and yang symbol, it represents pure balance in that yin is apart of yang as yang is apart of yin. I should state I am not advocating Taoism here, I think the yin and yang symbol is a perfect representation of pure harmonious balance that is all. What this means is there is no separation between good and bad, light and dark, negative and positive and even love and hate. How many of us only desire to become aware of the dissimilarities of love and hate? Within perceiving like this, all we will create is even more separation, not less, and we still wonder why the world is still in mess. We have separated the yin and yang by only desiring to become aware of the dissimilarities of all judged negatives and positives. Actually, the similarities between, for example love and hate, are insurmountable, of course you will only want or be able to acknowledge this if you also become aware of their similarities which far outweigh their dissimilarities.

I find it strange that an intelligent being hasn't even worked out the importance of the yin and yang symbol. I think we are only intelligent in the areas we desire to be intelligent in, of course our bias for the yin and yang symbol might have something to do with this, it's after all of another ideology/philosophy. The separation expressed within this human consciousness is incredible through bias and only desiring to be aware of the dissimilarities between everything, not the similarities. The wise always look for the similarities while being aware at the same time of the dissimilarities. The dissimilarities never become a bias for the wise.     

Contradictions: Many would say that it's unintelligent, and even hypocritical, to believe in one thing one moment and something quite the opposite in the next moment. Within a reality of motion, therefore a depiction of an active existence, a finite existence, I know of many people to change their minds, for example, one year they don't believe in climate change and the next year they do, which is usually spurred on by becoming more aware void of bias.

One moment people like me are stating it's wise to become aware of being the observer, motionless, rather than a participator, the next moment we are participating which causes motion. Only through contradiction can a consciousness evolve, becoming fixated to an idea or an ideology or a particular type of philosophy, is not evolving. Contradiction allows one's own consciousness to evolve; this perception was endorsed by an 80 odd year old yoga teacher/friend of mine.

Expect to be contradictive when connecting our passive existence with an active existence. We can be contradictive in an active existence; we of course are going to be more contradictive at times when connecting these two existences. Simply allow yourself to evolve void of critical judgment.    

I am actually talking about a contradiction in terms of the yin and yang here in perfect balance and harmony, not a contradiction in terms of separation or the awareness only of the dissimilarities of all things. To put it simply, there is no separation between being the observer and a participator, only when there is separation, through only being aware of the dissimilarities between these two, can we become truly contradictive. Basically, contradicting yourself, especially through being aware of the similarities of all things, is not just intelligent but a wise thing to do. Contradictions in this sense just shows how wise a person has become, however, if I was to contradict myself while only desiring to be aware of the dissimilarities, this isn't a sign of wisdom for their is no wisdom in extremes and imbalances or bias.

As it's going to be impossible for a lot of people to comprehend the present consciousness shift, what I have written here is going to be incomprehensible. My best advice is, try to condition yourself to become aware of the similarities of all things. We have simply become too conditioned to desiring to become aware of the dissimilarities within all things. Only through these extreme separations have we created the reality we have today.

Only through being wise can we be truly free of our created encumbrances.......                        

Monday, 13 March 2017

Porthole or Portal Dimensions!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

There not dimensional portholes, its portals. A gateway to other realities/dimensions is called a portal, not a porthole!! I often think outside the square, calling a portal a porthole is by no exception, in actually, by no mistake. I actually gave no thought to the difference or separation that these two words create; this is something I often do.

We often think to the language we are most fluent in, as of any language, language is conducive to separation and to concise labelling, usually to give our human consciousness concise comprehension of our environment. Of course separating everything through language understanding isn't really that concise. As an example, concise meaning is to express much in few words, why so many labels then that refer to so many separate identities that can often be very simular in nature?

Imagine you are looking at a ships porthole from within a ship and that the porthole is closed by a porthole that you can't see out of. Now imagine opening up this porthole, what do you see? A completely different reality than what is in the ship itself. What occurs when you see into a dimensional portal is a completely different reality? This is exactly the same as if you were looking out of a ships porthole, often a completely different reality to your present reality inside the ship.

Now imagine climbing out of a ships porthole and falling into the ocean while the ship is at sea. You instantly find yourself in a completely different reality to what is on the ship; this is no different to going through an actual dimensional portal.

Like any dimensional portal, once you find yourself in the middle of an ocean, you may make it back to your initial or previous reality and you may not. Of course death is but another porthole/portal one will enter into to find themselves in another completely different reality, in actuality, entering into porthole/portals is a fact of life.

As a porthole of a ship has a doorway/gateway to another reality to what is in the ship itself, so are demesnial portals, they really represent the same exact thing, a view to a different reality that we may or may not enter into.

I am not into using language to separate everything and label everything within their given slots. Language, especially the English language, is into separating everything by looking at the dissimilarities within everything, not the similarities.

Most people are unaware that they are conditioned to primarily looking at the dissimilarities within everything, for example, how often do we use the label negative or positive in turn creating more separation. As we become more spiritual, how often do we separate ourselves from everything else that we judge as negative or even toxic? How often do we use language to give ourselves separate labels to everything else that is judged as being non-spiritual?

One of the reasons why my expressions are often incomprehensible to a lot of people, is to do with my views to life. Instead of looking for and at the dissimilarities of my environment, I look at the similarities. Of course in a reality based on looking at and for the dissimilarities, it is obvious that people like me are going to be incomprehensible to a lot of people. I suppose my semi-illiterate state doesn't help either, but only to a person into separatism and looking at and for dissimilarities instead of the similarities within our environment.

Try to free yourself from the conditioning of looking for and at the dissimilarities of life, and try to use language to see these similarities instead of the dissimilarities.