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Saturday 14 December 2019

Penalisation for Being Neutral

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine separating two dogs that strongly desire to rule over the other, now imagine being the neutral party trying to separate these two strongly opposing dogs......                                

To some people, the following post may seem a little too complicated to understand, I apologise for this, I couldn't simplify what I wrote any further. 

Yes, accept it, we are in an age where people who speak the honest truth are being penalised and even incarcerated for doing so. Even in Australia, journalists are being penalised and incarcerated for speaking the honest truth to a more preferred desired truth.

A desired truth is either of a negative or a positive disposition, depending on a person's desired train of thought of course. On the other hand, honest truths are neither of a negative or a positive, or, of both attributes, usually in balance with each other. Life as a whole is governed by a to-and fro action, if you like, a negative and positive motion. Often being born is deemed as a positive where death is a negative, however, others think that neither birth nor death is negative or positive.

Of course being penalised for being neutral, in other words of honest truth as opposed to desired truths, on the internet is becoming more prominent as well these days. In an age of desired truths, the separation of negatives from positives is most desired. Of course being honest, the separation of energy in any sense is only going to create a desired truth, a truth that sees any neutral state as a threat to its own existence.

So is honest truth, a neutral state of thought, a threat to the existence of desired truths, a mind partial to one side or the other, usually in opposition?

When people like me warn about the effects of being too positive, this is usually deemed to be a negative when all it is, is the honest truth. When there is a deemed opposition, as in negatives to positives, anything not deemed to be of a certain positive is deemed negative. Even when of a negative disposition, anything positive is seen as a threat therefore a negative.

The problem with being neutral, of honest truth, which people from both negative and positive dispositions deem, is that being neutral is deemed to be a huge threat to the existence of both opposing dispositions of negatives and positives. In the camp of both negative and positive camps, the camp of both camps, of a neutral existence of negatives and positives, is deemed to be their biggest threat. Why?

When you get an extreme separation of energy, as is obviously occurring presently, extreme factions see an opposing faction or camp as an enemy to be avoided (penalised) or exterminated (incarcerated). Any neutral camp trying to neutralise the situation is obviously going to be the seen as a huge threat to the extermination or avoidance of the other faction or camp. It is quite obvious that the positive camp desires to wipe out the negative camp and visa-versa. Any camp trying to neutralise this situation is going to be the enemy of both camps. As of my past lives recalled, I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you are of a neutral disposition or camp, trying to neutralise the situation is understandably going to lead to avoidance (penalisation) and/or extermination (incarceration) by either opposing camps or factions of the separation of energy, not the union of energy. Yes, being neutral isn't just to do with being of honest truth, to the best of one's ability, but of a true union of energy, however, neither camp or faction of negative or positive is seen as a threat to the neutral camp or faction. As it is, both camps will see the neutral camp as being its biggest threat, as always.

A scientist in recent years tried to get a job at a lab; he had perfect credentials for the job. At he's last and final interview, he was rejected because in College he wrote a paper that expressed an honest point of view of truth. This is a true story, where a person is penalised for being too honest within their truth in the past.

How many people are penalised on the internet by certain groups, from materialism to immaterialism, for speaking the honest truth as opposed to a desired truth? How often are people penalised for not speaking a certain desired truth in accordance with a certain group's desired truths? From materialist ideology to immaterialist ideology are people of neutral disposition being penalised and/or incarcerated. This is worsening which simply shows that human consciousness is not developing any further from the separation of energy. In truth, human consciousness is separating energy even more, not uniting energy even more.  

As I have learnt from recalling parts of my past lives, any neutral party trying to neutralise the situation will always be seen as a huge threat to both parties, camps or factions. Our mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each to throwing bombs and missiles at each other shows a clear lack of mental progression. Attacking a neutral party or camp for trying to neutralise the situation, is further proof of our lack of mental progression. However, the existence of neutral parties trying to neutralise the situation shows that human consciousness can still evolve further in mentality and consciousness.

A neutral disposition is unable to speak of everything in negative and positive terminologies. This kind of disposition isn't in opposition to any party, camp or faction, therefore no real threat to any party, camp or faction. However, any party, camp or faction of extreme opposing ideological views, will see a neutral disposition as being their biggest threat therefore a deemed negative to either penalise or incarcerate. I am not myself truly at this stage but I am at least aware.  

A camp of both camps, of both dispositions, in an age of the extreme separation of energy seems like a mistake when trying to separate the two heavily opposing dogs. Wisdom on the other hand sees that the neutral party will become mauled, probably by both dogs, but the outcome of the neutralisation of the dog fight for supremacy over the other is all worth it in the end. As it can be painful in bringing up children, the same is with dealing with life as a whole, but the pain is certainly worth it in the end if a neutral reality, a favourable outcome, was created.                  

Thursday 12 December 2019

The Untouchable You

Quote: Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.
R Buckminster Fuller

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine experiencing a reality, any reality, and not being subject to the control of such a reality. Yes, you have chosen to become a part of such a reality but you are not subject to the control of the said reality, in that you have chosen to experience a controlling reality as of the present human reality.

As we all should be aware of, certain multinationals are trying to control all the resources on this planet including all human resources without exception.

I laugh because not all human resources are subject or can be subjected to this kind of control. At no time, for example, was Jesus subjected or gave into the control of Roman control over him. Yes, Jesus experienced the full force of Roman control multinationally, but at no time did Jesus allow himself to be of this kind of control. He was subjected to this kind of control, in other words experienced this kind of control, but never became a subject to this kind of control even under severe duress. You could say that he never sold he's soul to the devil.

There are people who can't be subjugated to the control of today's multinationals, not just immaterially but materially. Yes, these untouchables will experience what is of the present reality in some way, but they are in a state that this is a choice. No amount of subjugation immaterially or materially by today's multinationals can touch them without them choosing so. For a good reason, Jesus chose to be controlled materially but not immaterially.

Without exception, anyone can become an untouchable; it is a choice but a choice that seems to becoming less of a choice for the majority of people. Why?

Firstly, look at how you become an untouchable, even materially. You must have the will to give up all that is material, not that you actually do give up all that is material, you just have to be willing to give up all that is material. In this case the immaterial takes precedence over the material at all times, even when of great material wealth. Think on this, Jesus chose to forfeit his life, not just some kind of material possession, which shows the state Jesus was in. How many multinationals would be willing to give up their material possessions for the good of humanity as a whole? Well, they certainly wouldn't forfeit their own lives for the good of humanity as a whole, for they are themselves primarily controlled by material desires.

Becoming an untouchable is not about taking control of anything, including your thoughts or a controlling ego. Allow your thoughts or ego to freely express itself at will, while being aware of how controlling the ego can be over us and how destructive this kind of control can be, at the same time, not giving into the control and destructiveness of a controlling ego. Yes, allow your ego to express itself at will, but at no time allow yourself to be subjugated to the egos control, like the multinationals of old and new are.

The untouchable you has nothing to do with control in any sense but an awareness in the absence of bias, desires and control. As we have used awareness throughout human history to gain more control, thus to feed our desires, we have created a reality to be controlled by a very small minority, in the process creating demi-God's.

For only can a demi-God exist within such a week willed consciousness as itself......Mathew G

Sunday 8 December 2019

An Undivided Entity

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Yes, it all becomes of one energy source; often any energy beyond this source of oneness is divided therefore conflictive of and to itself as a separate entity. This is why this oneness feels so loving in a true sense, and why any sense of love beyond this oneness isn't of a true sense of love."

A simple message from me yet complex to those who are unable or unwilling to even imagine such a state of conscious being, a state where all energies are of one source, one entity. Imagine that all the egos perceived and even desired positives and negatives, wrong and rights, good and bad, light and dark became as one. As the ego would ask, how could negatives and positives became as one to start with, being that they are separate entities, often opposing separate entities?

People like myself always know where a persons awareness or consciousness is at, especially when they talk in divided entities or energies. I have lost count how many times I have been called wrong or negative by people who think they are more in touch, of the light, of God or enlightened. If you have the smallest idea what this one source is about, the question of anything being negative or of toxic vibrations simply doesn't exist. The reason for this lies in that all energies become as one, an undivided entity, and of course any energies beyond this undivided entity naturally becomes divided into various variables as mentioned above. The variables of positives and negatives, wrong and rights, good and bad, light and dark, simply don't exist within this state of unity.

Yes, as you could imagine, the further a consciousness separates itself from this uniting undivided source of energy, the more divided a consciousness becomes. What hasn't become negative or positive these days? This wasn't always the case even within my time; human consciousness has change quite rapidly in the sense of dividing, often in separating oneself from what is negative. I have lost count in how many ego perceived negatives there are today compared to 20 years ago.

So is the new consciousness more about dividing consciousness, this is instead of unifying consciousness? 

All divided consciousness is limited to its variables; this is like bias which is limited to accepting anything beyond these biases, I am white which instantly creates a bias, consciously or subconsciously. This is different to that I am a person and so are you. To go further, I am energy and so is everything else no matter how different the motion is compared to my own motion. If you prefer, I am of God and so is everything else no matter how different our energies are.

No, the new predicted consciousness is not about more division but less division. So why are so many more people from materialism to spirituality into the division of energies these days?

Imagine a collective consciousness whispering and not being heard, then imagine a collective consciousness talking and not being heard. Now imagine a collective consciousness shouting to be heard!! It matters not if a consciousness is of unity or division of consciousness, all energies have their reason to exist.

So the trick is, to be of an aware unifying consciousness (entity) when the collective consciousness starts to shout, for when it gets to the shouting stage, is when a change is on the horizon (visible).

Thursday 5 December 2019

In The Absence Of

Written by Mathew Naismith

Only in avoidance of egoistic complications can human consciousness evolve further consciously......Mathew G

Yes, I have decided to come back to using my Google blog. 

As I sit at a function, I person I know of the opposite sex comes over and sits on my knee in complete comfort, in the absence of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions. This has occurred to me on a number of occasions, even with women who have known me for a short time. Am I that transparent in regards to the lack of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions?

It is what it is, no more, for only the ego in control would desire to make more of it than what it is, an affectionate comforting expression from one person to another person.

As it has been researched, an atheist will trust a religious person morally before another atheist. Now imagine if we were all atheistic, no one would sit on anyone's knee unless an act of indiscretion, due to egoistic complications and implicated suggestions, were being expressed. It is certainly not the kind of reality I would desire to create myself, but of course one that is simply being created around us all.

I am not talking about myself here in relation to the lack of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions; this is just a normal state of being for a lot of people, even today with what has been created around us. Yes, the majority seems to have gone the way of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions, but it has nothing to do with the quantity of numbers but the quality of numbers. If you put a100 soldiers of poor quality against ten soldiers of high quality, which side will win the day in the end?

Spiritually, it is not about winning or even about being of a higher quality, it is simply being in the absence of what keeps us being of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions. To the ego or for the ego to recognise this state, a quality of motion or state of being is perceived by the ego. This perception actually helps the ego to obtain a state of, "In the absence of", as long as it is not for egoistic purposes that is.  

It is within the absence that for which keeps us aware and wise.....Mathew G

Note: I have found Medium and Wix to be too commercialised for me so I am back with Google blogs.   

Sunday 1 September 2019

Reassuring Presence

Written by Mathew Naismith

Reassuring is simply an act of support, asserting that one is not alone on their journey and that assistance is at hand, if needed. If you are a materialist in any sense, there probably is no point in reading on as this post is about immaterial existences, not primarily or inclusively of material existences.

After three and a half years of my mother's material transition to the immaterial, my mother's assumed death, my mother is finally at peace. Yes, due to my mother's regretful life existence, my mother wasn't totally at rest until recently. I am so glad that my mother never ended up haunting herself. When you have an immaterial spirit or soul that is haunting a certain place, they are not really haunting the material, as in people, they are actually haunted by their own traumas and regrets in a past life or lives. Materially, we often think we are the one's being haunted, when in actuality it is the ghost/spirit/soul that is being haunted.

Please note, I won't be posting anymore of my posts on Google Blogger, all my posts from now on will be posted in the address above. I won't delete my blogs on blogger until I am sure of Wix site blogging is for me. I am really sorry for this inconvenience, one must change their envirnamnt that best depicts their consciousness at times, blogger simply isn't doing this.

Friday 30 August 2019

New Blog

Please Note: The following is my new blog address, Google has become too politically bias for me.   

What I will do is leave my present blogger blogs as they are and see how I go with Wix developmental blogs and websites, for now. If Wix works for me instead of against me, I will delete my Google blogger blogs. I can't support anything that only politically supports the very few in the world.

If my new Wix blog is not to your liking, please inform me of this. All constructive suggestions to improve my new blog would be much appreciated. I do have a section on my new blog where you can do this.

My deepest appreciation,
Mathew G    

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Helping Each Other, As a Collective

Written by Mathew Naismith

I can think of no great wise and aware soul in human history that simply sat within their own safe havens and let things occur around them, in actuality the opposite occurred. I think Buddha and Jesus in the west are prime examples of this, even though Jesus and Buddha are of eastern origin. Look within your own culture honestly and you will see that no great wise and aware soul simply sat in their own safe havens.

Are we waiting for some great saviour to save us again, or, sit within our own safe havens of love, light and positiveness while completely ignoring the obvious? The true wise and aware are not waiting for a saviour or simply sit within their own safe havens to stay positive, they observe what is often deemed negative in a completely different way. People like me don't look at our present environment as being separate to ourselves, or simply negative therefore something to avoid, we see it as simply something like a consciousness lost within its own creation.

Hate groups are formed by participating in the separation of energy, for example, positive from negative, black from white. Within the participation of such separation, hate, ostracising, disdain, etc, are naturally created, however, through the observation of energy a union of energy occurs, not a separation. The reason for this lies in that when one is participating in relation to energy, a desired outcome is proffered. When in observation of energy, even when observing your own participation, you become more honestly truthful in relation to energy. If all you are doing is ignoring the negatives to become positive, this is not a sign of observation but purely of participation in the absence of any true observation, in all honest truth. And in all honesty, participation in the absence of unbiased observation is of desired truths, not honest truths.

So what have we created or manifested sitting within our own personal safe havens today? This is while we are still looking at negatives as something separate to ourselves, and of course something to be ignored and scorned.  Will we ever start learning from our past instead of suffering from it!!

At present, I am unable to blog a post about exposing hate groups. Yes, I can create a blog but the blog is virtually invisible as it is deemed to be hatful. As I don't know when honest truth become disdainful, I don't know when awareness become hatful!!

Now, if you are abused by a hatful group of people, even if it's Nazis, you can't talk about it on the net because it is deemed hatful to Nazis. So if you now want to talk about the atrocities of the Nazis during WWII, it will now have to be deemed to be hatful by the present regime trying to control the whole world. However, this is while the same exact regime, not just allows but supports another well known hate group dominating another people, the Palestinians, they distastefully hate with a vengeance. Imagine for a moment being invaded by a people who notably hate you with a vengeance. Yes, but this is alright as long as we are safe, right!!

So in our safe havens we are manifesting for a better existence, while it is obvious this kind of manifesting is creating a monster. No wise and aware consciousness is going to help another consciousness that has no intentions in helping itself, in truth, quite the opposite, what would be the point?

The great wise and aware of human history have shown us how to interact with energy, either it be negative and positive, black and white, not negative or positive, black or white. What have we chosen to do instead? Manifest a monster, a regime that will control everything we are, in service to its own desires, not to the real needs of the collective.

Make no mistake, like Buddha and Jesus who didn't just sit within their own personal safe havens, you too can be within any environment and stay true to yourself and in complete harmony. Just because you are involved, doesn't mean you become what you are involved in. It has everything to do with the way you interact and use energy. By just sitting their within your own personal love, light and positiveness, is an abuse of energy by manifesting a monster that is simply about its own desires. Of course if these desires coincide with your own, to serve the desires of a few, all the better for you but not the collective.

We are conditioned at present to separate one from the other to serve our own personal desires, but we can also condition ourselves to unite energy as a whole to serve the collective, the choice is indeed ours. No great wise and aware soul will try to help us if we don't start honestly and truthfully helping ourselves. To manifest such a monster is not a sign we are trying to help ourselves, especially when we are completely ignoring the truly wise and aware of our time in how to interact with energy as a whole, not in parts.

So why do people like me try to help the collective, if the truly wise and aware won't help us until we begin to help ourselves?  In relation to wisdom and awareness, people like me are average, in other words probably more of a participator than an observer of energy, which is obviously our choice also.........