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Sunday, 30 December 2018

Demonic Possession of a Collective Consciousness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

How ridiculous is it to even consider writing about demonic possessions, especially of a collective consciousness.

Consider this, how many people in the world today are possessed or obsessed with materialism, where materialism even comes before the love of their family members? In truth, material wealth and power even comes before the health of the environment we rely on for our existence. To someone like me, this is astounding that such a self-proclaimed intelligent species could act in such a way.

To be of a demonic or evil energy force, such a consciousness needs to live in ignorance and the more ignorant the consciousness is, the more demonic or abusive this kind of consciousness will be upon other energy forms. Considering that a lot of the elite of today live off of sick dying people, or, people they have enslaved to the current system through dept, it is obvious to people like me that the collective human consciousness is indeed influenced and controlled by demonic or abusive energy forms. Demonic to someone like me simply means a consciousness that is highly abusive to energy period. Indeed, how many of us are possessed or obsessed at present, to the extent of accepting that other people in power make other people sick to live off of? When it gets to this stage of the evolution of a consciousness, where the people being abused accept being abused in almost every way, there is only one way this kind of collective consciousness can go.   

I recently watched a classic movie with Gregory Peck playing the main part in the movie Mirage. In one seen they looked down upon the people as being like ants or cattle, to be used and abused at will by people in power. This is nothing new in human history, which shows how far we haven't evolved or become aware from a state of ignorance. This is the way energy works, ignorance creates an abuse and destruction of energy where awareness creates quite the opposite. Make no mistake though; awareness can indeed be used in ignorance, where awareness can be used upon itself through deceit and manipulation. Look at how religion and science have and are being used, usually to serve the elite resulting in the endless abuse of religion and science, in fact the abuse of isms and ideologies period. I would myself, in this case, call a consciousness this abusive to energy period demonic or simply ignorant to itself.  

Extract: Obsessions and possessions of the devil are placed in the rank[further explanation needed] of apparitions of the evil spirit among humans.[further explanation needed] It is obsession when the demon acts externally against the person whom it besets, and possession when it acts internally, agitates them, excites their ill humor, makes them utter blasphemy, speak tongues they allegedly have never learned, reveals allegedly unknown secrets to them, and apparently inspires them with obscure knowledge of philosophy or theology.[A 1]

Obsession; where the abusers of energy are an external force to what is being abused, this is until the abused or obsessed become possessed themselves and become abusers of energy themselves. In this case possession becomes an internal influence, not an external influence such as in obsession. The funny thing is, in psychology all our demons comes from within, even though a lot of our demons come from external influences that cause us trauma for instance. Yes, any demonic possession is of an internal occurrence but often influenced by external sources. Either religiously or psychologically, we allow these demons to control us from within in relation to possessions. This of course often occurs from being obsessed, an external influence, to being possessed, an internal influence.  

Extract: To condescendingly think that we, as modern-day, rational people, are too sophisticated to believe in something as primitive as demons is to have fallen under the spell of the very evil spirits we are imagining are nonexistent. What the ancients call demons are a psychic phenomena which compel us to act out behaviors contrary to our best intentions. To quote Jung, “…the psychic conditions which breed demons are as actively at work as ever. The demons have not really disappeared but have merely taken on another form: they have become unconscious psychic forces.”

“Possession,” according to Jung is “a primordial psychic phenomenon” that “denotes a peculiar state of mind characterized by the fact that certain psychic contents, the so-called complexes, take over the control of the total personality in place of the ego, at least temporarily, to such a degree that the free will of the ego is suspended.”

Considering my own limited experiences in this area, where exceptionally abusive energy sources of conscious energy indeed exist. If anyone was to experience the full energy field of this kind of destructive energy source, your hair would instantly go white, what ever age you were.

Is this kind of source of energy this frightening? Not at all, in fact all I can do is smile. Like the multinationals, the only energy demonic entities can harness is through us, we are their energy, take that away, they have no control and power. I also laugh at any energy form that is so ignorant; for only through ignorance can such an energy form exist. Yes, this kind of demonic energy lives off of any form that is of awareness, unless that awareness is beyond their control and manipulation. This is why a true sense of love and light, unconditional love, faith in God/Jesus, etc, is often out of the reach of this kind of demonic or abusive energy.

However, what would a demonic energy source want you to do in relation to energy period? Stay ignorant to anything remotely negative or threatening to ourselves feeling good!! Any true positive person, unconditionally loving person, a person of love and light, etc, would face the negative face on without fear and not only desire to be of what these demonic energy sources have created. How many people in the world are now obsessed by what materialism has created for their pleasure? How pleasurable has spirituality now become to a lot of people today? Of course the only way to fulfil these pleasurable desires is to stay ignorant to anything remotely deemed negative. At all cost stay ignorant to the negatives in the world, through this a reality of love and light will be created!! Nothing that is abusive to energy through ignorance will manifest a non-abusive reality.

My advice in this case is to stay away from anything that influences you to become even more ignorant, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become abusive to energy. Make no mistake; this kind of demonic or abusive energy source is highly manipulative and deceptive. If something in this reality, controlled and manipulated demonic sources of energy, fulfils all your desires, please think again. Anything that makes you even more ignorant to the present circumstances is, in my mind, demonic or abusive to energy by nature, try to avoid this at all cost.

How do people like me cope in facing the so-called negatives face on? We simply stay connected to a truer state of awareness, this can either be through the perception of love and light, God, Jesus, certain kinds of science, quietness or stillness or what ever, as long as it is about being aware in the absence of fear and bias. As I have explained before, stillness, where the motions of desires and ego are absent, is of a pure aware state, of God if you like, for only through unawareness, a less Godly state, can motion exist.

Note: I usually don't call these highly absuive energy sources demonic, for within this explanation of this kind of energy source they gain so much power from. Yes, they want to be put down and denounced as being negative as any negative source of energy does. By simply avoiding or staying ignorant to this kind of energy, gives this energy more power and control over us, not less, as our present circumstances are proving. This kind of energy is simply an abusive energy living in ignorance to itself. This explanation works really well if you are particularly aware of your whole self in some way. They don't like this explanation of themselves one bit.......                                    

Extract: Yet today, Gallagher has become something else: the go-to guy for a sprawling network of exorcists in the United States. He says demonic possession is real. He's seen the evidence: victims suddenly speaking perfect Latin; sacred objects flying off shelves; people displaying "hidden knowledge" or secrets about people that they could not have possibly have known.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

The Serenity of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Oneness simply means to be united as one, where all different motions of energy are seen as energy, no more, no less, even though there are infinite forms of energy in motion. Sounds strange doesn't it? Add to this that the more aware we become, the less of motion we become, it is then quite understandable why the ego at times is unable to even comprehend a state of oneness. This is strange to some one like me, even a true state of serenity can be incomprehensible to the ego.

Of course the more of oneness we become, the less of the ego we are expressive of. This doesn't mean that the ego becomes less worthy to the egoless self, it simply means that the ego isn't the be and end all, where the ego is the primary source of existence. In a state of oneness, there is no ultimate state, even a state of oneness isn't seen as an ultimate state. You can probably understand why I headed this post the serenity of oneness, where there is no ultimate state therefore there is no desire to be of some kind of ultimate state, just serenity or stillness/motionlessness. Yes, that's correct, the more of motionlessness we become, the more of the egoless self we become but the more we will go with the flow of what is, for only the ego desires not to be expressive of the ego, motion, time, separation.

Oneness, as of enlightenment, unconditional love, a pure state of awareness or being one with God, etc, can't be desired. It is a state that simply occurs through seeking but seeking without a desired outcome. You even come to a point in awareness where you no longer seek; this is often experienced as a state of serenity.

The ego may think that to be more aware, the more we are thinking therefore the more of motion we become, not less.

Awareness is not like knowledge, in that knowledge has to be sought out through a desire. Awareness simply occurs without effort, the only effort needed is by the ego to let go of desires therefore a perceived outcome. Sounds like a lot of effort but it's truly not, effort expended is simply a perception the ego has to become aware that we as a whole are not just of the ego. Of course you cannot be of oneness without the ego or egoless self, in other words desiring to be of one in the absence of the other. Oneness, the egoless self, desires not to be of one over and above the other for there is no other. All this means is that motion and motionless, ego and agelessness, time and timelessness, etc, is seen as one organism, even though each part of the organism is different to the other, it is still a depiction of a singular organism. Yes, everything is depicted as a singular organism, even, like cancer of the body, can work against the organism itself, for only the ego desires to separate itself from what is not desired. Yes, even while becoming aware, our egos will try to desire being just of the egoless self and not the ego, denouncing the ego as being negative or simply an illusion.

Indeed, a lot of people can experience serenity through a perception of God, for the perception of God gives the ego a depiction of oneness. Even to an ex-atheist and non-religious person, the perception of God has value. Make no mistake, just because certain religious groups and churches have abused religious ideologies for their own desires, doesn't mean that religion has no value. Like any ideology or ism, if used in harmony with energy as a whole, all that can come from this is serenity and a sense of oneness with all.

We don't only abuse religious ideologies either; we have abused science and philosophy and used them to fulfil our desires as well on a huge scale. Yes, even philosophical ideologies are being abused. I recently had an interaction with a person interested in philosophy. Philosophy to them was primarily about truth, of course with further studies, I showed this person that philosophy is simply about forever seeking truth, not of truth. Considering that philosophy is as quoted from a dictionary, "A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school", you wonder where philosophy is primary about truth, full stop. Yes, we so often abuse energy like this to fulfil our desires, make no mistake, isms and ideologies are an energy form that we can either abuse or work in unison with.

If we worked in unison with energy, energy in motion or not, serenity would just occur without effort. Yes, even energy in motion can create a sense of serenity if this energy is not abused to simply appease the desires of the ego. What occurs, and quite naturally, the less we abuse energy as a whole, the more of oneness, or if you like, God, we become. Indeed, the more abusive a religious sect or church is, the less of God they become. The more we abuse energy, the less of oneness and the sense of serenity we become of.

My ego would like to see in the new year that we disdain from abusing energy, but my egoless self says, "What will be will be, just go with the flow of what is." I am both my ego and egoless self so I will go with the flow of what is, only if my ego is unable to influence our abuse of energy. I suppose like Confucius, I will try to influence energy to work in unison with itself instead of against itself till my days end. In the end though, what will be, will be..........                                     

Have a blessed and blissful new year, I really hope all goes well for you on a global scale.


Thursday, 20 December 2018

Eastern and Western Philosophy

Written by Mathew Naismith

Stoicism is of Western philosophy where Zen is of Eastern philosophy, both philosophies are of a simular teaching, an indifference to pleasure or pain. All this means is that there is no desire of pain or pleasure, especially of pleasure in counteraction to pain for there is no balance created in such reactions. Yes, from imbalances a reality based on imbalances can be created where pleasure is intensely desired and often vigorously sought. This reminds me of the Roman Empire and the present Westernised Empire, where pleasure is vigorously sought and desired over all else.  

Both the Western philosophies of Stoicism and the Eastern philosophies of Zen are not of faith, even though Zen is of intuitiveness rather than reasoning as of Stoicism. Of course in saying that these philosophies are not of faith, one has to have faith in philosophies for philosophies to have any value. No matter what the teachings are, faith is needed in the teachings themselves for the teachings to have value and substance to begin with.

How many of us have faith in reasoning, where our reasoning is limited to what we are aware of at the time. We can only reason to the extent of our awareness, of course this is where philosophies like Zen come into there own, where intuition takes over where reasoning has left off. The same is with Abrahamic religions, where reasoning is limited to what we are aware of to what Abrahamic religions are not limited to. Religions period give us a sense and even an awareness beyond of what reasoning is limited to. In a lot of cases, reasoning is limited to materialism or three dimensional aspects. 

Basically, philosophies of Stoicism are limited to a reasoning process; this at no time makes philosophies like stoicism irrelevant. As what is taught through the teachings of stoicism, it is a teaching of an indifference to pleasure or pain, where pain or pleasure is not sought but simply occurs. In truth, teachings like Zen and Stoicism condition us to lesson the influence of pain thus often giving us more pleasure in any circumstance. At no time is pain or pleasure sought within these teachings, but most often pleasure can be the outcome of these teachings. Simply, it is what it is, no more, no less.
Extract: Alan Watts has an interesting take on an old, provoking thought-experiment: he asks you to imagine if you could ask God any question. You may ask, “what is the meaning of life?” God would simply reply, “the question makes no sense, you are asking what is the meaning of meaning. It is only you that can create meaning in this world.”
Disappointed in this answer, you may question further, “what is the question I should ask then?” Presumably, God would smile, and answer, “Ah, so you do want a problem?”
The simple fact of the matter is that nothing is out of place. It is simply human nature to create problems to solve.
Problems and dilemmas are pain creating, this is why we ask questions that are related to pain and don't ask questions that are not related to pain. Considering that human consciousness is conditioned to suffering pain, no wander we ask such questions when the answer is obvious to a person not conditioned to pain.
Don't get me wrong here, most often we will learn to deal with pain when in pain, pain is simply part of the process of not being in pain, but only if we learn to deal with pain instead of suffering or having a desire to escape from pain. To desire to escape from pain is a creation of pain for pain has created such desires, try to remember this. What human consciousness is conditioned to, is to suffer from pain instead of dealing with pain. However, imagine if the allied forces in World War two ran away from the pain of the axis forces instead of dealing with this pain, far more pain would have been inflicted or suffered. Of cause what created this pain to begin with was the conditioning to pain, otherwise Hitler would have stopped at the pleasure he gave to his fellow countrymen.  
In dealing with pain, at no time expect or desire not to be in pain, as the philosophy of Zen and Stoicism teach, an indifference to pleasure or pain, where desire has no place, even of the desire of pleasure over pain. You must be careful here though, that you don't seek or desire pain over pleasure, pain will naturally come when a lesson needs to be learnt as of our present reality. Yes, I have observed this myself, where people seek (desire) pain to learn from, avoid seeking pain for this reason as Buddha discovered.
Yes, we will suffer pain of a lost one or of being abused, what is the lesson to be learnt in this?
In the case of a lost one, to learn to live on after such a loss, even to a greater extent without feeling guilty of doing so; to learn that your life goes on and so does theirs. I often live for them as well which makes life more fulfilling for me.
As of abuse or neglect, don't try to escape this pain or desire or expect not to be in pain. The desire to feel pleasure again gives the pain more credence, more power and control over you. It is what it is and move on from this. I know of a person who was raped in their own house, every little noise in the house now utterly terrifies them. You must learn to have an indifference to pain as well as pleasure, anything else is an imbalance and of all imbalances, pain is created. Become aware that all imbalances create circumstances of the abuse of energy as a whole. To deny yourself the freedom from pain and pleasure is an abuse of energy caused by an imbalance.
In pain, I don't desire or expect pleasure but I also don't desire or expect to suffer from pain either. There is a neutral ground that can be created under any circumstance, where energy is influenced in harmony with. I could not think of anything more beautiful, accepting, of unconditional love and of oneness than this neutral ground.                               

Tuesday, 18 December 2018


"The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves".

Alan Watts

Written by Mathew Naismith

Most often and not always, I will come to a point where I have no idea how to present a topic or view, most often in this circumstance something will present itself. My wife wanted me to read an article about how stoicism can help deal with anxiety. Let's be honest, how many spiritually aware people of today suffer from some form of anxiety which can lead to depression. Depression doesn't lead to anxiety but most often anxiety can lead to depression. Of course one way to deal with anxiety in relation to our present reality, is to deliberately ignore all the deemed negatives in favour of desired so-called positives. I say so-called positive because isn't it more positive to face the present reality for what it is, instead of creating a desired reality that isn't of the present? In other words desiring to live within our own reality instead of the, very real, present reality. Are we not supposed to be living and positively dealing with the present reality within the present? We are not doing this; we are instead allowing our anxiety of the present reality to determine our reaction in relation to the present reality.

Note: Present means to introduce something to others, or, to being in the now. Yes, the English language can be confusing at times.             

Stoicism; (philosophy) the philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno. An indifference to pleasure or pain.

"Make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens".....Epictetus

Who would a truly unconditionally loving soul embrace in love more, a soul of the same love or a soul that isn't of the same love? The soul that needs love will always be embraced before a soul that doesn't need love, however, quite the opposite is occurring with so many people of today. It's like a multinational; would not a like minded materialist person embrace the multinational before a spiritually aware person? Unconditional love is not of the embracement of its own first and foremost, it is of the embracement of what is in need the most.

How many of us are embracing this present reality while forgoing a desire of a desired reality of the future? The anxiety created by deeming the present reality as simply negative and even toxic is a typical trait of anxiety. Ignore an obvious state of mind for a desired state of mind, and we wonder why so many people are suffering with depression these days!! Yes, one way traits of anxiety deceptively avoid going into depression because of so many negatives, is to deceive. How many spiritually aware people of today think that positive thinking is ignoring the negatives, not dealing with them and turning them into something less negative? How many spiritually aware people today think that unconditional love is the embracement of their own kind and of their own reality first and foremost? This is while deeming everything else negative and even toxic, including the present!! How many actually live within the present while portraying being in the present? One of the main traits of anxiety is to deceive.

Yes, make the best use of what is in your power to influence and forgo, let go, what isn't in your power to influence. This reminds me of Confucius; where at the end of he's time he suffered with depression. This was due to him not being able to influence the present reality to the degree he desired to influence it by. Another trait of anxiety is to force change and if this doesn't occur to the degree we desire it to occur, depression sets in.

There is a difference between trying to force change to simply trying to influence change. I will try to influence change upon the present reality, if this doesn't occur, I will take the rest as it happens, meaning, accept what it is for what it is and make the best of it, not the worst of it. How many people today try, at times very hard and deliberately, to make the worst of the present reality? And this is their representation of positive thinking and unconditional love!!

Do people like me suffer with a degree of anxiety in relation to our present abusive reality? Yes, but it is what it is when it's beyond our influence. So many more people desire the present reality, or, desire to look upon the present reality as something to escape from and certainly not something one embraces in love. Try to remember, it took billions of people to create their present reality, who are we to force change upon so many? Yes, we also exist within this reality and yes, we have a right to influence change upon this reality, however, to try to force or manipulate change, especially deceptively, is simply being apart of this reality. You are not changing a thing.

Stoicisms is simply an indifference to pain and pleasure, meaning, one is not desired over and above the other, within this, traits of anxiety are unable to control our lives to any great extent. You could say that stoicism creates a balanced mind therefore reality, where a desired state is never forced, only influenced. When you decrease desires, levels of anxiety naturally decrease as well. You will also look upon the present reality quite differently, knowing that you may or may not be able to influence the present reality.

What brought this on is a reaction by a so-called social worker to a person suffering with depression. At no time was the person suffering depression seen to be suffering anxiety by the social worker, this lead to depression being treated and not anxiety which can cause depression. We need to all be aware in how our present reality can cause us to suffer with anxiety and possible depression. Be honest with yourselves and face up to what anxiety creates, remember though, anxiety will try to deceive us otherwise as anxiety will often ignore the real truth in favour of a desired truth.

Yes, the meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond the (present reality)                     

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Eternal Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Eternal; continuing forever or indefinitely, a comprehension of an endless state of being. This is very much like energy, where energy can only be transformed and not destroyed. It is important to remember this. Awareness, in relation to the eternal, simply means to be aware of your/our eternal existence, an existence that can't be destroyed, only transformed. Of course having a comprehension of our eternal being means that all that is transformed is insignificant to eternity, to our eternal being. In my case it was wise to be aware of this from an early age, considering my life experiences and circumstances.

If you have no comprehension, understanding what you are unable to comprehend to begin with is going to be impossible. It is not always wise to be fully aware of the comprehension of our eternal being, of eternal energy or God if you prefer. Imagine being fully aware of your eternal being, which means only being aware of your eternal being and not your temporary or ever changing being. What you experience or what we do in a reality, as of the present, would be highly insignificant. Pain and suffering would be meaningless to the eternal being. Yes, to your eternal being, the pain and suffering we experience is insignificant compared to the eternal being itself, however, to the temporary being, a state of ever changing/transforming energy, what we do and experience is significant in any state we are active in.

Indeed, some souls do exist primarily in a state of awareness of the eternal being, where all experiences are insignificant. On other hand, other souls primarily exist in a state of temporary being, where all experiences are significant. You of course have other souls who exist, usually in balance between the eternal and temporary being, by both or by the whole being. In this case, at times, what can be experienced is significant and at other times not significant. I should say here that the three ways our souls exist has significance to a soul that is balanced between the eternal and temporary being. All is worthy of existence and experiencing.

So why was it wise for my ego to acquire the awareness of our eternal being? One of the reasons was to do with my injuries, which I sustained at an early age in my life.

If I injured my back like I did my arm, I would be crippled up to the extent of not being able to walk. Imagine fully dislocating your back and not having your back put back in place. On top of this, working in labouring jobs in adulthood and not taking pain killers. Now imagine the nerve damage caused by such use and the strain on the psyche!!

So how did I cope? The necessity of becoming aware of my eternal being was apparent, this allowed me to comprehend and also understand that my pain and discomfort overall is indeed temporary compared to my eternal being. Add to this that my injury was not seen to and often ignored by my parents; you would wonder how I coped with so much abuse of energy. Being truly aware of my eternal being to the extent of being my eternal being, not just comprehending my eternal being, was my way of coping with my circumstances. Most often what seem to be our darkest hours proves to be our most enlightening hours, of course as of always, balance is the key as it would seem.

Note: What I have written here was not read or taken from other sources, all of what is written here is through my own awareness brought about by my own life experiences.            

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Creating a Sustainable Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Viruses often consume and breed to the extent of completely devouring their host until there is nothing left, this is unless balanced out with some kind of anti-virus, natural or not. What occurs when we don't get enough sun or too much sun? The same is with our diet, too much of one type of food is not healthy for us as it is of too little of another food. What about love, can you get too much love? Wouldn't excessive expressions of love create a far healthier environment than we have today?

If you ever heard a plant die you would realise that plants, as of animals, suffer, in actuality even more so as they take a lot longer to die. We often show love and concern of an animal being mistreated or killed to sustain our own healthy environment. Yes, your body and mind is an environment, an environment that needs a well balanced sustainable energy source to stay healthy. Now, imagine expressing love to all living things without exception. Just because most people are unable or unwilling to hear plants slowly die, doesn't mean plants don't suffer to sustain our own healthy environment.

What about over populating the planets environment, to the extent of excessively unbalancing the planets environment until the planets environment is totally unable to sustain this kind of energy abuse. Excessive expressions of love wouldn't just mean we wouldn't eat anything, it would also mean, at the same time, that we would keep on over populating the planets environment, very simular to a mindless unemotional virus. As of unconditional love, where we only express unconditional love to energy sources that are going to feed our type of unconditional love, to become aware of animals suffering and not plants, is of the same kind of abuse of energy. To sustain our energy, a healthy environment, we often overly abuse one energy source in favour of another energy source.

A balanced form of love isn't like this where one energy source is abused in favour of another, all is treated as one. In actuality all is treated as an energy source on equal terms to all sources of energy.  Within this, a true sense of balance is sustained which in-effect helps to sustain our own and the planets environment, without being self-deceptive or deliberately ignorant to one source of energy in favour of another source of energy.

The love expressed by tribe's people of the planets environment is a true expression of love, even while using other energy forms to sustain their own energy form. Their love was expressed through appreciation, that a balance between their own environment and the rest of the environment, which they are also apart of, is vital for the health of all energy sources. Remember, you can't destroy energy, you can only transform energy. Of course a healthy environment is all to do with how we transform energy. Abusing energy in an imbalanced way will only create an unhealthy environment for all energy sources. Self-deceptively ignoring the abuse of one energy source in favour of another energy source is simple abuse of energy. To be unaware is one thing, to be purposely ignorant in favour of another energy source is another thing, especially when this kind of abuse is used to sustain our own present energy level.

Yes, it's all to do with the way we transform energy, not that we should abuse one energy source in favour of another energy source. Where is the balance in this kind of abuse of energy? You simply transform energy, while at the same time being appreciative of the energy you are transforming. Everything is energy or if you like everything is of God. Imagine abusing a far more aware and wiser energy source like God, especially in favour of your own energy sustainability over all other energy sources sustainability. Mind boggling isn't it? It's like a mindless virus that is only interested in its own sustainability, sustaining its own healthy environment that is completely based on the abuse of other energy sources.

Yes, love but love in balance with the rest of the environment. In truth, an animal or plant doesn't spiritually mind being transformed, as long as it's not abused while being transformed. The same is with the planet. The planet doesn't mind being transformed, as long as we do it non-abusively as of any energy source or form doesn't. Let's be honest here, energy never stays the same, all energy forms will transform anyway, it is the way energy transforms that makes the difference. If used in a balanced non-abusive way, in other words loved and appreciated, energy as a whole will create a sustainable healthy environment, if not, you will only create a reality we are experiencing today.                                           

Friday, 7 December 2018

A Reaction to the Egos Abusive Manner

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is the point of people like me doing what we are doing, going beyond human and even soul perspectives and perceptions? In actuality going beyond perceptions and perspectives all together, for only can perceptions and perspectives exist through our egos.

The point is, in a reality where the ego has become highly abusive to energy as a whole, balancing this out with the non-ego (egoless) part of all of us seems like the wise thing to do. In actuality, people like me are simply a reaction to an action hell bent on abusing energy.  It's not a counterreaction where a response is in opposition to an action, it is simply a reaction to the abuse of energy, especially when so many people want and even need to find an answer to our abuse of energy as a whole. In truth, to find an answer to the counteractive response of an abused energy. Make no mistake, an abused energy is in counteraction to the abuse it has received from the ego in control.

As I have stated in a previous post, the ego can never experience actual enlightenment, all that the ego can do is become aware that the egoless part of ourselves is of this enlightenment. The ego simply becomes aware of the egoless part of ourselves being enlightened, thus giving a perception that the ego has become enlightened. Yes, the ego becomes aware but not to the point of enlightenment, for the ego is unable to exist within an enlightened state for there is no ego in this state. Imagine ignorance existing in the same space of pure awareness, it is impossible unless the ignorance becomes aware of it's enlightened self. The last thing the ego in control desires to do is become this aware, however, the ego that isn't in control, in other words the ego that is simply being of the ego without being controlling, can become aware of it's own enlightened self.

At no time separate the ego and egoless self though, the desire to be only of the egoless self is purely of a controlling ego, for only the ego in control desires this much control and stature over and above the ego. Why have so many of us humbled ourselves to the ego? Why does the ego even exist when our egoless selves are so enlightened? Because the egoless self doesn't desire to be only of some kind of higher stature, the egoless self is aware it is all of what the ego is as well as what the non-ego is.

So what's my point? To keep in balance between the ego and non-ego, in other words work in unison with the energies and creations of the ego as well as the non-ego. As I stated in a previous post, there is nothing wrong with materialism, it is simply that we abuse materialism as our controlling egos do of any energy. Yes, balance materialism with spirituality. Become aware that our controlling egos will be abusive to energy if there is no balance.

To become too spiritual in a material (physical) world is also an abuse of energy, the abuse of the material world in favour of a non-material world. What part of us favours one above the other? The ego in control. How abusive can the controlling ego be to energy as a whole? Your enlightened self, or as I prefer being, doesn't desire to be of one or the other, especially one over and above the other, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. In truth, there are no perceptions or perspectives of one being above the other in this state, it is simply ego and non-ego, abuse of energy or working in unison with energy. Imagine for one moment working in unison and in harmony with energy as a whole, this includes everything the ego has deemed to be negative or toxic!! I cannot express in words what would occur in this case, the egos perception of nirvana or unconditional love doesn't even come close.

Are people like me in counteraction against the abuse of energy? If a lot of people weren't even trying to become less abusive to energy as a whole, there would be no reaction from people like me. There is no point in awakening a controlling ego hell bent on ignorance, to try this would be a counterreaction but this is not the case. All we are trying to do is assist or guide an ego that is trying to become less abusive to energy, in other words our reaction is simply to do with their egos making an effort to help itself from being so abusive to energy. There is no way that people like me desire to assist a controlling ego who only desires to exist with its own natural environment. Yes, abusing energy is of a natural occurrence to a controlling ego. At no point to the egoless self is this perceived as being below the stature of the egoless self, it is what it is, an existence that can be experienced or not by the soul. Of course a soul that is humbling, humbling itself to the controlling egos environment is not a problem.

Who reads my material, is it an ego in control or an ego aware of it's enlightened self in some way, even subconsciously? The answer is too obvious to me for you are the one's I write for as well as myself, in actuality I probably write more for myself for I am definitely not alone.                     

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil simply cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do.

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole.

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......