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Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 March 2017

As The Wise Say, Balance Is The Key

Written by Mathew Naismith

Interesting, it was said to me that humans as a whole don't like peace; it certainly seems that way to me as well.

The reason why came to me when this was said to me, peace represents a consciousness of little or no controlling expressions.

The human ego mind feels it always has to be either controlled or controlling, within this, there is no peace, only what control (motion) creates.


Why do we refuse to learn from our environment, an environment human existence is reliant on in almost everyway?

Do we not learn from this environment because we think of ourselves as being far more intelligent and/or aware?

Take the sun for instant, too much light emitted from the sun, everything dies. Too little sun emitted from the sun, everything dies.

The right amount of light emitted from the sun, everything flourishes, not just biologically but in everyway including spiritually.

The reason for this is simple, balance that neutralises extremes which in turn allows everything to flourish.

When the wise and ancient teachings teach balance is the key, they are not just talking the talk, as in stating something because it sounds right. They are stating it because it's true, especially in accordance with the present environment.

No matter what environment you find yourself in, it will show you how to exist in a balanced way.

Now, how intelligent and aware are we, in relation to our natural environment, when we are in total ignorance of its expressions of balance?


It's too hot, so we bring on another ice age.

It's too cold, so we bring on a continuous heatwave.

Its' too light, so we bring on excessive dark.

It's too dark, so we bring on excessive light.

Our present existence is too chaotically destructive, so we bring on the extreme opposite.

Excessive extreme reactions is what makes human consciousness human, otherwise this consciousness would be something else other than human.

It would seem we don't want to evolve from human consciousness, as it would seem we are too fixated to its extremes.

As extremes denote limitations, any consciousness of extremes is always going to be limited. Free yourself of these extremes and associated limitations and see what develops, you won't be disappointed.  


- It is better to rise from life as from a banquet - neither thirsty nor drunken. Aristotle

- Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. Epicurus

- They are sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. William Shakespeare

- Balance is the key to abundance, an equal amount of abundance pertaining to all things within all things.

~Mathew G~ 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Positive Energy Conundrum

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have had a few interesting conversations with various people recently. It's wise to know your own thoughts and perceptions but it's even wiser to know other people's thoughts and perceptions, especially on topics that are sensitive to most people. The arousal of our sensitivity seems to tell us that we are too attached to certain thoughts and perceptions, otherwise we wouldn't allow the discussion of a certain topic to arouse our sensitivity.

It is understandable, while existing in a reality not altogether harmonious, that we will find the discussion on positive energy more appealing. It's not by accident that at a time of conscious change, that our environment will be in disharmony. The present disharmony or negativity expressed in the world at present pushes us towards positive energy more than at any other time. It is as if we need coaching from life forces around us to embrace these positive energies more enthusiastically, probably to the point of being overly anxious in this action. Waite a minute, how can anyone be overly anxious in taking on positive energy in such a disharmonious existence, surely more is better?

Would any of us, who are sensitive, loving, caring, giving and compassionate, keep voting in people who support regimes that murder unarmed women and children to start with? The answer is clearly, no, not if we are truly of these things. Would a person of these traits, sit back within their own positive existence while other people within our environment suffer for the sake of our self-created positive existence? We have become that positive that negatives do not seem to exist any more, or, we ignore anything we deem as negative for the sake of protecting our own positive existence. It would seem we have become that positive, that we blatantly ignore or attack any deemed negativity that looks like threatening our own personal haven.

Now it is often said that any world-changing event has to start with our own change, we change so the ripple effect of this change goes out to the rest of our environment. What kind of ripple effect will this cause when our own personal positive existence comes before anyone else within our environment, actually, at the cost of other people continually suffering because we want to keep our new changed existence safe from any kind of negativity. To be perfectly honest, this is exactly what many of us have done by ignoring negative occurrences in our own environment.

We have gotten to a point where negativity just does not have a place within our new and improved excessively positive existence, an existence that is suppose to have a positive or constructive influence on our environment. When it gets to the point that we insistently and continually sacrifice women and children, for example, for the sake of our own self-maid haven, people like me wonder where the world is truly going.

"Don't mention anything that is negative, all this will do is create more negativity, be as positive as possible."

What the hell are we thinking? I could not think of a more destructive mentality than this, and this is the ripple effect many of us are pushing for at present. "More or extreme is better in relation to positive energy; we can't get enough of this." Allowing people to suffer to keep our safe havens secure from negativity, is not the kind of ripple effect we want to push for; all this will create is disharmony, actually, it's probably why the world is becoming less harmonious and loving, not more.

Would not the so-called elite want us to deliberately ignore the negatives, so we can create and keep our own personal safe haven? Yes of course, they can then do as they like, as they are doing, without having to answer to the people in their little comfort zones, safe havens. "It's too negative to acknowledge what is really going on in the world; I need to protect my safe haven no matter what." These people are not going to sacrifice these safe havens for anyone, this is too obvious.

Yes, be positive but not at the expense and backs of other people.

I would also like to bring up about how love and light is suppose to be the new be and end all, the ultimate answer to our disharmonious existence. I have forgotten how many of these we have had throughout human history.

The expression of love and light is great, as of any positive energy, excessive expressions of love and light will do the opposite. How many people these days treat love and light as a religion to start with? It certainly seems, for a lot of people, that this love and light is the new be and end all at present. So where is the balance in this? So balancing out excessive amounts of love and light in opposition to excessive amounts of hate and dark is balance!! No excessive motion of one or the other like this is a true sense of balance, all this will create is more of the opposite as we are presently experiencing.

In the antediluvian period, there was Atlantis and Lemuria, Lumuria is depicted as love and light, and Atlantis ended up being depicted as hate and dark. Lemuria was more spiritual were Atlantis was more material. Atlantis won over Lemuria in the end, physically anyway. Why should love and light win over today, when love and light of the Lemurian's didn't work over the Atlantean's back in the antediluvian period?

We seem to be making the same mistakes of excessive motion is better to overcome another excessive motion.

What does love and light and spirituality depict? Infinite consciousness, which is less of motion and more of motionlessness.

What does hate and dark and materialism depict? Finite consciousness, which is more of motion than motionless.

In a reality based on motion, which of the above is going to be stronger and more influential over the other? Seen as we exist in a reality based on motion, anything that expresses more motion will win out over the other, however, if a motion is predominantly of motionlessness (spirituality), this motion wouldn't have a chance in dominating or influencing a reality predominantly based on motion. This is exactly why the Atlantean's won out in the end, the Lemurian's ended up expressing excessive motion when all they should have done is express a balance of motion and motionlessness. There is a point were even excessive extreme amounts of motion cannot penetrate or influence a motion in perfect balance with itself and it's environment, the Lemurian's in my mind lost this balance.

We for starter, within our present existence, do not have this to lose because we have not yet obtained this perfect balance ourselves, how the hell is love and light today going to win over then?


As I have mentioned earlier on in this post, this disharmony of excessive positiveness and love and light, has pushed some of us to awaken to what excessive motion creates, we are not pushed to be more positive but more of a neutral being encompassing all of what is negative and positive. Within this action, all negative and positive motions become as one in perfect balance between each other creating perfect harmony. As I also said, this perfect balance is unable to be dominated or influenced in anyway by excessive extremes motions, even within a reality based on motion.

It is wise to free yourself of excessive motion when you are more of infinite consciousness than any other consciousness, if not; your only option is to stick to excessive motion to force change. For the truly aware and wise, this is not an option.  

Monday 16 January 2017

Shooting for the Sky

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following quote was introduced to me by a bloke of the name of Sreeram.  

"Quietude when active and active when quietude is the sign of the wise."

My Response:
I had to come back to this. I was recently removed from an ascension group, a group of people looking  to ascend beyond the present human consciousness.

There was  a lot of talk about toxic people, there was two of us that stated that it is toxic within itself to express such actions, you are continuing on the cycle of pain, release yourself from this endless cycle. This didn't go down too well with a number of people, in the end, ending up with my removal.

I was too active with this group and labelled in accordance. I pointed out the sun, being the most active energy source in the solar system, is at the same time the most life giving, obviously not all active energy is toxic/negative.

These people desire quietude void of being active within themselves, in a finite existence this isn't practical for finite existence is based on motion. It's as though they are shooting for the stars, infinite being, instead of shooting for the sky, infinite and finite being.


Extract: The greatest perfection seems imperfect, and yet its use is inexhaustible.
The greatest fullness seems empty, and yet its use is endless.
The great straightness looks like crookedness.
The greatest skill appears clumsy.
The greatest eloquence sounds like stammering.
Restlessness overcomes cold, but calm overcomes heat.
The peaceful and serene is the norm of the world.

Let's say yin represents our infinite being and yang represents our finite being, also that yin is the stars and yang the physical.

Yin = infinite being + stars

Yin and Yang = infinite and finite being  + the stars and the physical

Yang = finite being +  physical

In our existence, yin and yang would be separated from each other if it wasn't for the sky, it's the sky that brings our whole being together, for we are not whole unless we are of the other. Why is yin and yang often displayed as a whole? What we seem to be doing in a lot of cases, especially in the West, is shoot for the stars  (yin) at the expense of the Yang (physical), when one is not whole without the other!!   As it seems of many people in these kinds of groups, it's the stars or nothing at the expense of the whole and yin.

Yin and yang are often represented as black and white, this is in relation to a black and white mentality which I try to avoid myself. The reason I try to avoid this, is where does the sky then fit within this kind of mentality? It often doesn't which means one will never become truly whole with one's whole being. The yin and yang symbol is represented as separate entities, the physical and stars in this case, however at the same time symbolised as one as a whole which is represented by the sky in this case.

In an existence of extreme finite (physical ) expressions,  we are desiring to be just of the infinite (stars), within this action, we are excluding what makes us whole and balanced again, the sky. The sky is often referred to as the grey area, a state were black and white intermingle to create the whole being as opposed to separate beings as in black and white, yin and yang.

Yes, many people are also anti-ego in these groups, of course only the ego can have disdain for itself !! It's not the ego that wants the stars void of the physical, it's a controlling ego for a controlling ego is all about separating one from the other by excluding the sky, and in this case the physical. A controlling ego doesn't want balance of it's this balance that takes control from the ego. Within groups like this, I often give a balanced view, for example, instead of saying people are toxic, state they are imbalanced instead, this of course was not accepted either.

How often is a person trying to bring this existence balance rebuffed (rejected)? It's like what is occurring in relation to the Romanian sphinx. Underground tunnels and chambers have been discovered that hold knowledge that would bring balance back to this very existence. This knowledge  has been withheld because this balance would take away the control  the ego has over this existence. No controlling ego consciousness is going to sit by watching its control being diminished, it's the same with various spiritual groups at present it would seem.

Will peoepl like me who are active, which seems to some people be in opposition to passive, be accepted by other people either shooting for the stars or the physical? Like I stated, a controlling ego will not sit by watching it's control being diminished or eroded by expressions (motions) of balance. We must accept within ourselves that no expression or motion of balance will be ever accepted by a consciousness controlled by a controlling ego, this was never going to occur, only an awakened conscious to the controlling ego will accept this. The strange thing is though, would I be as aware of the controlling ego if the controlling ego wasn't as extreme within it's motion as it is? Very unlikely, you see what seems negative (toxic), isn't always the case.

Shooting for the sky instead of the stars will free us from a controlling ego, anything other than this is still of a controlling ego, for the controlling go is unable to exist in a balanced existence. 

Monday 12 December 2016

Spirituality, Is There Any Substance To It?

Written by Mathew Naismith

For anyone who has had to deal with significant trauma in there lives, spirituality can seem hollow or fake at times. As I will indicate latter on in this post, it's worth evolving on from this. Yes, there are people who talk about love and unconditional love but only show it to who they choose to show it to. If you are slightly negative or have suffered significant trauma in your life, you are often judged as negative and are often ostracised or abused by many who claim to be, for an example, of unconditional love. As of anything we follow, there is going to be people involved who aren't what they say they are, this is quite a natural and normal occurrence in any following. Please accept this and move on from this, it's worth doing so as I will show latter on.

Here we have people who haven't gone through significant trauma, telling people to take control and be unconditionally loving and above all else, positive. Of course like a lot of fitness fanatics, you will be ostracised or abused if your judged as being negative in any sense. As of being over weight, being traumatised is negative to certain people who only see themselves as highly positive in some sense. I know I go on about being overly positive but I can see a huge contradiction in extremist expressions, as I will explain, balance between life energies is highly beneficial, especially to the traumatised. This includes any traumatised people who feel what is going on in the world. If you really do feel what is going on in the world, you will know exactly what I mean. 

I've come across so many people who are disillusioned and just as traumatised, if not more traumatised, while following certain spiritual teachings. This seems to be due to a truly traumatised person, being unable to step up higher in accordance with the teachings and with other people involvement with these teachings. For me, there is no negative and positive, especially to an extreme, there is also no true higher or lower, this is an illusion but an illusion that is real. Once we judge what is and isn't higher or lower, especially in relation to ourselves, the illusion of negatives and positives, higher or lower, what I call a black and white mentality, becomes real because we have created it. Within this creation, we create even more trauma, especially in relation to the people who are already traumatised.                  

If you haven't previously experienced significant trauma prior to following certain spiritual  teachings, you will most likely experience a certain amounts of trauma in regards to these teachings. If you are unable to bring balance back into your life, you could be worse off following these teachings, especially in regards to western style teachings it would seem. However, if you naturally have an ability beyond normal human comprehension, most teachings will bring balance into your life, making most traumas experienced less traumatising.

Be aware though, a lot of western style teachings, even if there origin is Eastern, can and obviously do cause a traumatised person to become even more traumatised in certain circumstances. Previously traumatised people, in my mind, need to follow teachings that are not of one extreme or another, basically, there is no true depiction of a higher or lower, negative of positive, especially to any extreme, as these are but human perceptions we create.

The following is in relation to me, it basically shows how a balanced perception can ease the sense of trauma, at times quite significantly, allowing us to function at our best. I wrote the following for my facebook friends.    

When I was six years old, I suffered from a fully dislocated elbow that was never put back into it's socket. I latter on worked up to eighteen hours a day at times with this injury void of pain killers.

I once badly tore a ligament in my ankle, after five days of walking on it void of pain killers, I decided to go to the doctor. I was lucky I did because I could have caused permanent damage.

One day I decided to slip off our back step landing and toppling down twelve steps, I ended up with my left shoulder torn 3 inches from it's socket. The soft tissue damage was pretty significant, I went back to work the next day void of pain killers.

No, I'm not tough, resilient yes but not tough, especially in relation to my forebears. I try not to allow pain to control me, this doesn't mean I control pain, it means I balance out pain with non-painful things. However, I do take pain killers in certain circumstances, this occurs when I lose this balance between pain and painlessness, a bad tooth ache is a good example. It's advisable not to over step these boundaries as significant pain can cause long term mental trauma. Take pain killers as required by you, not when required by the pain....!!   

I know spirituality to a lot of people seems like crap but science, including psychology, is proving otherwise because a lot of spiritual practices naturally condition us to balance. There is no hoogly-boogly involvement in conditioning ourselves to a balanced life existence.

Yes, I can't always handle the mental trauma of a long term chronic injury, but I know I would be a lot worse off if it didn't bring some kind of balance into my life. My best advice is, focus on balance, not control.

Some people might find the following articles quite interesting.

Spirituality in all, should give us a balance between our physical and non-physical self, it works on the whole self and not just part of the whole self. Basically, spirituality gives us freedom from the limitations of one extreme or the other, this also includes extremes that relate to the non-physical self as well. A balance between these existences, is to me, the key to freeing ourselves from ourselves and our created limitations.......    

Thursday 1 December 2016

Simultaneous Existence part3

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophical presentism is the view that neither the future nor the past exist.[1] In some versions of presentism, this view is extended to timeless objects or ideas (such as numbers). According to presentism, events and entities that are wholly past or wholly future do not exist at all. 

You project aspects of your consciousness into many different timeframes, simultaneously. You, at the human level, receive information from your other selves, in different amounts and at different moments, as you need them. There is much more influencing us than what we recognize.

Time = motion

Timelessness = motionless

It's impossible for a simultaneous existence to exist while we have a perception of time, of course time being of motion. The perception of motion gives us an idea that everything is governed by time, basically, everything is governed and perceived through motion. The perception of motion then gives us a perception of a past and future, within this singular perception, simultaneous existence is impossible, however, time, therefore motion, is only one part of what we are apart of as a whole. We must also consider our motionless self, our self that is not governed by the perception of time therefore motion.

Time as we know it seems to be man made. We live on a planet that revolves around a sun that gives us a perception of day and night, of course this perception of time is created from motion, the motion of a revolving planet, however time is not just governed by a revolving planet, distance or space also determines time and motion. Man didn't create this universe that is predominantly governed by motion therefore time. It is obvious man didn't create time as he didn't create motion. Man instead is governed by time and motion, this is all, and it's this influence that denies the possibility of being of a simultaneous existence.

It's basically a time (motion) based consciousness denying the existence of a timeless (motionless) based existence. Now, how many timeless based consciousness's deny the existence of time based existences, time being an illusion which was created by man? Within this perception, all time based existences are an illusion, however, time based consciousness's also perceive that timeless based existences are an illusion, which perception is right over the other? Neither, because we really exist within a simultaneous existence, existences of time and timelessness, of motion and motionlessness void of the denial of other existences. Only a limited consciousness would deny an existence of other existences not of it's own existence or comprehension!!

Where is our balance? It has to be one or the other, not a simultaneous existence of time/motion and timelessness/motionlessness. This again is a black and white mentality which I don't conform to. Where is the balance between our motion and motionless existences when one is an illusion and the other is not an illusion? Which one is the illusion to what conscious existence either of time or timelessness? Of course one will always state the other is the illusion, until you realise we do indeed exist within a simultaneous existence, not one or the other.        

A time based consciousness states that timeless based existences are an illusion, only time based existences truly exist.

A timeless based consciousness states time based existences are an illusion, only timeless based existences truly exist.       

It is wise to remember that time, therefore motion, was not created by man, man is only a participator of time, not the creator of time.

Time = participation

Timelessness = observer

I thought the following response, to my last post, from a good internet friend of mine was interesting.

If one's Memory is good, one can remember many lifetimes and even other dimensional life's and forms that are not human. There is also the between realms.

ms world besides. It all is complicated in human form to remember and can cause problems if one has lost their balance.

My reply

Absolutely Michael, well stated.

I don't think human consciousness itself is able to comprehend anything beyond it's own existence, if it tries to do so, one can cause oneself unnecessary trauma. What makes human consciousness human is it's limitations.

However, we are certainly not just of human existence and consciousness, we are all of what is. Within this knowing state, we are able to comprehend, to one extent or another, other existences, basically becoming aware of our whole being.

As the world around us is going to hell, people like us are becoming more aware of our truer being. We no longer feel we belong as the present existence is only a part of one part of our whole being, I think the present situation on Earth is bringing this awareness forward.
It would seem we have lost balance between human existence and all our other existences that represent our whole self, we are just not of one existence but of all existences. However, I do understand why human consciousness is unable to comprehend this. To comprehend this, we need a balance between this existence and all other existences. This just isn't occurring for a lot of us, we are becoming more human while denouncing all other existences that are also a part of us.


Through this, you get the idea  how infinite we really are as a whole, even within time itself as time based existences are endless within their motions, expressions and perceptions. As is timelessness infinite, so too is time within it's endless motion.

Freedom comes with the need to become aware of the whole, not what we desire the whole to be!!    

Sunday 27 November 2016

Meltdown - The Apocalypse

Written by Mathew Naismith

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. Alexander Graham Bell"
Read more at:

As one door closes, so too will another one open, this is an inevitability that is governed by motion. It's sort of like one of the laws of motion, for a door to close, another door has to be on the verge of opening otherwise all motion becomes motionless. Could you imagine being in a reality that you are fixed to because there is no motion to open another door!! Motion naturally opens other doors, however, at times to open other doors, excessive and extreme motions are needed to open these other doors, I think this is what we are presently experiencing.

Meltdown: Recently, I experienced a mental meltdown, basically, my mind broke down to an extent, it no longer wanted to cope with what I was presently focusing on. In my situation, as soon as I become too unfocused from my inner being, the mind couldn't handle this, my mind basically chucked a patty, meaning, my mind became upset/disturbed. As soon as you condition yourself to focusing on your inner being, this is what your mind becomes accustom to, anything other than this, the mind becomes disturbed in a sense it becomes maladjusted to it's present focus. In my case, I had to focus on something else other than my inner being, the mind acted in accordance to this kind of motion thus creating a mental meltdown.

It's like closing a door to your inner being and reopening a door once closed. A mind conditioned to our inner being, will react to a situation when the inner self is no longer the main focus. Its like being rejected by beloved loved one's, such a rejection will incur a unbecoming reaction of a kind. Yes, it feels apocalyptic because the mind is no longer accustomed to this kind of motion. This in all isn't a bad or negative sign, it's actually good sign that we have indeed begun to enter another door, we are no longer accustomed to the door or reality we are closing. However, until we fully close a door, we can never fully open another door, it's like being in limbo or no man's land.

It's like a closet with two doors, shut one door, the other door automatically opens. The harder or more motion we shut one door with, the further the other door opens. We are collectively slamming one door to a reality to fully open another door to another reality, by doing so, our time in limbo should be shortened. This is how I think an existence in motion works.

Motion: If our mind is conditioned to motion, this experience of limbo will feel rather unsettled to us, however, if we conditioned our mind to motionlessness, this state of limbo will feel comforting. The problem with this is now we will feel uncomfortable in an existence of motion. To get around this, balance is the key, a balance between motion and motionlessness. Condition your mind to both motion and motionlessness, within this, every door we close to open another door, will be less discomforting to us.

I recently lost this balance when I conditioned my mind to balance. Yes, even when we condition ourselves to balance, experiencing an  imbalance will incur a degree of discomfort brought about by the mind becoming disturbed in some way. It's therefore also a good idea, while experiencing an existence of motion, to condition yourself to imbalance as well. Yes, experiencing an existence of motion is tricky in any sense, the trick is, balance within all things.

Collectively,  the present reality we are experiencing seems to be apocalyptic, an a existence of self-destructiveness. What it truly is, is that one door is being slammed shut to instantly open another door to anther reality, of course we could do this more gently  but I don't think too many people want to expedience too much of limbo, a state that is motionless, a state between two doors. The reason why a lot of us don't like a state of motionlessness, is to do with conditioning ourselves to motion, anything other than motion becomes discomforting to us.

Physicality: Motion is indeed related to physicality, a state of mind conditioned to the preoccupation of physical being as opposed to inner being. Of course the physical being is only opposed to the inner being when we become too preoccupied with physical attributes and existences. All physical existence is attributed to motion, so we could presume that  all non-physical existence is attributed to motionless, this of course isn't the case or so it seems.

You can indeed experience motion void of an actual physical existence as in solid mass, the problem with this is that we often relate physical existence with something solid or 3 dimensional. The strange thing is, physical existence isn't reliant on mass, it reliant on motion alone. Basically, motion can exist void of a solid form of mass, in actuality, there are existences of motion that have no mass to speak of, these realities are as much, if not more, physical than our own reality that is based on mass. To me, motion creates physical existences, not mass. 

So what's has this got to do with the meltdown and the apocalypse, the closing of one door to open another?

Balance: Because we are conditioned to relating motion with mass, we will open yet anther door to a reality based on mass. The reason for this lies in our conditionings to physical being only being of mass when physical existences are based on motion alone. Why do so many spiritual practices condition us to the inner being? Of course no spiritual practices should condition us to our inner being while fully negating our physical being in my mind. The reason for this is there is no balance between our physical being and our inner being within this, being that all being is who we are as a whole. It's wise to balance the whole, not what we desire to be the whole....!!

The creation of the meltdown and the apocalypse, is due to our reaction to our present reality. Being that our physical being is a representative of our physical being (motion), our inner being must be of our non-physical being (motionless). Any preoccupation of our physical being, will naturally create meltdowns and apocalypses, this is inevitable, especially when at the same time we negate or stay ignorant to our inner being.

The answer is simple, as I have personally found out just recently once again, a balance between our inner being and our physical being will negate the existence of a meltdown and an apocalypse. Basically, balance between our physical and inner being nullifies or neutralises the existence of meltdowns and apocalypses. Balance gives us the key to the next door of evolution, otherwise all we will do is stay fixated to the present reality, or, open another door to a reality of even more excessive motion than our present reality. Yes, there are realities that exist that are more ignorant to their inner being than our own, however, there too exists realities that are far more aware than our own, the choice is indeed ours, balance or imbalance of our inner and physical being.....