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Monday, 12 December 2016

Spirituality, Is There Any Substance To It?

Written by Mathew Naismith

For anyone who has had to deal with significant trauma in there lives, spirituality can seem hollow or fake at times. As I will indicate latter on in this post, it's worth evolving on from this. Yes, there are people who talk about love and unconditional love but only show it to who they choose to show it to. If you are slightly negative or have suffered significant trauma in your life, you are often judged as negative and are often ostracised or abused by many who claim to be, for an example, of unconditional love. As of anything we follow, there is going to be people involved who aren't what they say they are, this is quite a natural and normal occurrence in any following. Please accept this and move on from this, it's worth doing so as I will show latter on.

Here we have people who haven't gone through significant trauma, telling people to take control and be unconditionally loving and above all else, positive. Of course like a lot of fitness fanatics, you will be ostracised or abused if your judged as being negative in any sense. As of being over weight, being traumatised is negative to certain people who only see themselves as highly positive in some sense. I know I go on about being overly positive but I can see a huge contradiction in extremist expressions, as I will explain, balance between life energies is highly beneficial, especially to the traumatised. This includes any traumatised people who feel what is going on in the world. If you really do feel what is going on in the world, you will know exactly what I mean. 

I've come across so many people who are disillusioned and just as traumatised, if not more traumatised, while following certain spiritual teachings. This seems to be due to a truly traumatised person, being unable to step up higher in accordance with the teachings and with other people involvement with these teachings. For me, there is no negative and positive, especially to an extreme, there is also no true higher or lower, this is an illusion but an illusion that is real. Once we judge what is and isn't higher or lower, especially in relation to ourselves, the illusion of negatives and positives, higher or lower, what I call a black and white mentality, becomes real because we have created it. Within this creation, we create even more trauma, especially in relation to the people who are already traumatised.                  

If you haven't previously experienced significant trauma prior to following certain spiritual  teachings, you will most likely experience a certain amounts of trauma in regards to these teachings. If you are unable to bring balance back into your life, you could be worse off following these teachings, especially in regards to western style teachings it would seem. However, if you naturally have an ability beyond normal human comprehension, most teachings will bring balance into your life, making most traumas experienced less traumatising.

Be aware though, a lot of western style teachings, even if there origin is Eastern, can and obviously do cause a traumatised person to become even more traumatised in certain circumstances. Previously traumatised people, in my mind, need to follow teachings that are not of one extreme or another, basically, there is no true depiction of a higher or lower, negative of positive, especially to any extreme, as these are but human perceptions we create.

The following is in relation to me, it basically shows how a balanced perception can ease the sense of trauma, at times quite significantly, allowing us to function at our best. I wrote the following for my facebook friends.    

When I was six years old, I suffered from a fully dislocated elbow that was never put back into it's socket. I latter on worked up to eighteen hours a day at times with this injury void of pain killers.

I once badly tore a ligament in my ankle, after five days of walking on it void of pain killers, I decided to go to the doctor. I was lucky I did because I could have caused permanent damage.

One day I decided to slip off our back step landing and toppling down twelve steps, I ended up with my left shoulder torn 3 inches from it's socket. The soft tissue damage was pretty significant, I went back to work the next day void of pain killers.

No, I'm not tough, resilient yes but not tough, especially in relation to my forebears. I try not to allow pain to control me, this doesn't mean I control pain, it means I balance out pain with non-painful things. However, I do take pain killers in certain circumstances, this occurs when I lose this balance between pain and painlessness, a bad tooth ache is a good example. It's advisable not to over step these boundaries as significant pain can cause long term mental trauma. Take pain killers as required by you, not when required by the pain....!!   

I know spirituality to a lot of people seems like crap but science, including psychology, is proving otherwise because a lot of spiritual practices naturally condition us to balance. There is no hoogly-boogly involvement in conditioning ourselves to a balanced life existence.

Yes, I can't always handle the mental trauma of a long term chronic injury, but I know I would be a lot worse off if it didn't bring some kind of balance into my life. My best advice is, focus on balance, not control.

Some people might find the following articles quite interesting.

Spirituality in all, should give us a balance between our physical and non-physical self, it works on the whole self and not just part of the whole self. Basically, spirituality gives us freedom from the limitations of one extreme or the other, this also includes extremes that relate to the non-physical self as well. A balance between these existences, is to me, the key to freeing ourselves from ourselves and our created limitations.......    

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