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Tuesday, 16 March 2021

One Guru


Written by Mathew Naismith

An interesting reply to my last post, An Awakening – Guru.

Gurukulam was a precinct of holiness and great prestige, its rituals were never easy, the Guru not only taught but was equally adept at making pupil/shisya unlearn what was obstructive and destructive.

We have bigger places of schooling now but far fewer modes of instruction.”

My reply

This is why people like me don't just follow our own wisdom, become our own guru, wisdom abounds in every culture. They say to become your own guru and stop learning from other gurus, when it is the same guru!! When you stop learning and unlearning from THE guru, you never truly become A guru, this is but of a desired truth.

There is one God with many variants of that one God, as there is only one guru with many variants of that one guru, mythology teaches us this. There is therefore only one wisdom with many variants of that one wisdom. Being your own guru while ignoring all other forms of wisdom is not of wisdom. I do appreciate people like you Titus, really.”

While experiencing a different reality, two large dogs are having a disagreement of differentiated perspectives. It is a consciousnesses differences that create conflicts. There is no way you would on your own try to separate these two large dogs, within this kind of 3rd dimensional reality.

The dogs are separated by being in some kind of force field at the same time separating these two dogs through a kind of levitation. The levitation is perceived through the consciousness enacted here. Without uttering a word, the energy separating these dogs allows the two dogs to understand they are in actuality of one consciousness. It is within the enacted energy of one that creates quite a different perception therefore reality for these two dogs.

This may sound ridiculous and even delusional to a three dimensional mind of differentiated perceptions, which must be expected, but to a mind of one energy it is not. You see you don't just use your own energy, your guru, you use energy period as though it is one. “So you don't follow the proven wisdom of an external guru, to simply follow your own created guru.” It is the same guru people, be it of external or internal consciousness. Yes, go within but not in the absence or even in disdain of what represents external wisdom, the proven guru. So you really think the external and internal consciousness or self is separated, too different to be of the same!! The separation of consciousness is simply perceived, in turn creating a reality based on desired truths rather than actual truths.

In relation to the dogs, it was of one communication, it was not of a separate external source of energy communicating to the dogs to stop their altercation of differences, it was of simultaneous communication between all three energies. What was interesting is that not a word or sound was uttered.

So how do you change a world going down a destructive path?

You treat it as one energy flow, knowing that at every turn a consciousness of separation will do anything not to become as one energy. It all comes down to what this consciousness of separation desires, this is why at present in particular this energy of separation is trying to stop the actual truth being told. Yes, it may seem it is trying to unite energy but it is not, quite the opposite. The differences between the elite owning everything to the masses owning nothing is not of uniting energy to start with.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

An Awakening - Guru!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

You may ask how can this be an awakening, when inhumanity and not humanity has infiltrated humanity as a whole to undermine the values of humanity. To put it another way, love and light was supposed to do exactly what hate and dark has done, infiltrate humanity to it's core structure, in the process create a much harmonious loving reality.

So you may ask what went wrong!!

Nothing went wrong, the inhumanity that has been plaguing humanity for centuries has now exposed or revealed itself to all of humanity and inhumanity. I observed this very dark infiltration occurring and unfolding for many years now, into every crevice of humanity, including consciousnesses of love and light, the humanity within humanity.

Not being directly involved in love and light or hate and dark, one could observe what was occurring without being drawn into becoming a participant. A lot of spiritually aware people can do this, simply observe, even in relation to their own beliefs and practices, you know this when they avoid judging what is or is not negative or positive. How many people of said love and light mislead other people for their own purposes. Usually these same people were preaching other people to stay away from gurus, often people of proven wisdom, but at the same time act as of a guru. I follow people's proven wisdom as I do my own, in other words I follow other people's and my own proven wisdom, the guru. You will however find that it is of the same wisdom, with an exception, often we become too much of a participant instead of an observer of our own perceived wisdom. Also, often our egos inflate our own wisdom, in other words our wisdom becomes of desired truths instead of actual truths.

It is like this woke, where only desired truths are accepted while denouncing proven actual truths. The denouncement of other people's wisdom through this woke and the infiltration of the dark of the light, is not of proven wisdom. Often these people will talk in negatives and positives, the light against the dark. Light, actual truth, is never in opposition to the dark, as the dark, of desired truths, through it's desired truth is never in actuality in opposition to the light. The dark desires to believe this and infiltrate the light to believe this as well, as it has clearly done.

A true sense of love and light, the humanity within humanity, is all about actual truths in the absence of desired truths. Desired truths simply come to fruition through participation, even of your own wisdom. Gurus have to often watch for this when they are of a guru, to avoid participating in their own wisdom, to simply observe wisdom, a wisdom that is not just of their own. This means you never become your own guru as is often taught by so many people, you simply become the guru, a person of proven wisdom.

Yes I know, this kind of actual truth is often seen negative and toxic to the participator but this is expected. It makes sense as the participator is often of desired truths and the observer of actual truths.

Look people, I know it feels good to follow what is of desired truths but this is the dark's (inhumanities) infiltration of the light (humanity). It is meant to feel that it is of good positive vibrations but try to remember, we are indeed in the age of false prophets, where false consciousness therefore false feelings resides in.

All I can say now is to follow true wisdom, a true reflection of the guru, within this you will be fine, if not in this life I am sure your soul will thank you for this effort. Be kind and thoughtful to your soul.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

The Use of Dramatics


Written by Mathew Naismith

What better way to create a created reality, dramatics is perfect to this role especially when you have so many people conditioned to dramatics, in the process creating a near perfect illusion. As desired truths, different from actual truths, often create realities of illusions, so does being conditioned to drama.

So what is the difference between desired truths and actual truths?

If you desire your adversary to look even worse to you and everybody else, all you have to do is create a desired truth, a reality based on an illusion. A good example of this was Donald trump colluded with the Russian's and he encouraged and planed an insurrection. An example of actual truth is, I was once a Labor party member and I certainly don't desire the truth that the Labor party is becoming more and more communist, this is while selling Australia out to the Chinese.

As I wrote recently on Descernable in regards to blocking or expelling people you disagree with.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!!

In truth this states emotionally; keep you friends close emotionally and your enemies unemotionally closer. I actually go into the lions den quite a lot, for you may learn more from your enemies than your friends about your enemies, which of course is quite understandable. Simply equate or replace enemies with disagreeable people, for not all disagreeable people are your enemy.

So why do this? A comprehension of what you may not understand, the very thing that creates the environment you too have to live in and may have to deal with. Imagine dealing with an environment you don't even have comprehension of. Even though it is bewildering to me, I comprehend how so many people think it is okay to lock up people on a covid 0.2% fatality rate. It is simple, their desired truth, as opposed the actual truth, is to simply believe the covid fatality rate has to be higher, for the government to act so draconian.

I also comprehend how the draconian tactics work. If you are going to make big bucks, you need to get people's attention and there is no better way than to use dramatics. The bigger the dramatics, the bigger the bucks. In the case of implementing the great reset, an effective dramatist tool was needed, the pandemic, to gain more wealth, power and control over the world. Not everyone is conditioned to dramatics but it is obvious that a lot of people are. Lets be honest here, politicians can be the biggest creator of drama around for their own purposes and gains.

We now should be able to comprehend who is conditioned to dramatics and who is not, and yes, a conditioning to dramatics will of course distort reality and reasoning, as drama often does!!”

Friday, 5 March 2021

Genuine Hope


Written by Mathew Naismith

“A huge time in human history, where finally man will learn to never go back to all that only served itself on the back of many. Will the Earth itself suffer from mans ill will or will what man made of the Earth only suffer!! Yes, a huge demise of the malign is evident, leaving the Earth that is not of man's ill will blessed. The truly awakened lands will be untouched.”

As of too many in the age of false prophets, I don't want to give false hope to people but hope is at hand. For starters, people like me put more emphasis on the infinite than the finite, for the finite is governed by a starting and ending point to begin with, where the infinite has no such governing factor, within this there is really no need of hope for all is infinite. Apart form this though, there is real hope in relation to the finite, I would however rather you look at what I am stating in this post as a desired truth of mine, not an actual truth at the point in time.

I think some people will really resonate with the following.

Yes, destruction is evident upon those of the malign consciousness and lands, not at the hands of the benign but of itself. It will turn upon itself, in the process scorching the Earth the malign lays upon. This does not mean the lands this malign consciousness tries to procure, it simply means the lands the malign consciousness primarily lays upon. What this means is that lands primarily of the consciousness of the malign will be scorched and by the maligns own hands. The malign will wake up to losing everything it has worked so hard for and put blame on everything that is malign.

People will look within the lands of the benign and wonder how such lands can be unscathed, in a very real sense. People looking in upon these lands will stare in awe and wonder how did it get to this, that the malign took so much control over humanity, in the process creating a reality of inhumanity for which to feed off of.

As Freemasons have long ago stopped protecting the benign, the children, in fact have done the opposite for a long time now, all that is not protective and even abusive of the benign will perish at it owns hands. At all cost on all levels of consciousness the children must be protected and beloved, not lusted or desired. These people of the malign will wake up to this way too late and will in turn turn upon each other in blame.

What the malign is obviously quite unaware of, the faster the malign tries to take complete control of humanity and the lands humanity lays upon, the faster the malign is coming to it's end. This has occurred many times over in Earths history, recent examples of this is Adolf Hitler's very quick grab for power and control. The present quickening of the maligns intentions is actually going to lead to a quicker awakening of humanity, dispelling the presentably called malign woke, meaning the awakening could occur a lot sooner due to the maligns own actions.

This is strange. If the elite and societies like the Freemason's still protected and beloved the benign, all that they gain would have been theirs to keep. What is even stranger is if the elite and societies like the Freemason's started to truly look after the benign even at the point, they will be able to still keep their ill-gains, but only their ill-gains that are no longer abusive towards the benign.

It is really important at this stage to stay within protecting and/or being benign. Don't be coerced by the present created fear to go outside of the benign consciousness, stay within this land and consciousness. I know this is not easy due to the present situation but at all cost stay within this benign land/consciousness, especially at present.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Protectorate of the Benign


Written by Mathew Naismith

Protectorate: A state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs; protectorates are established by treaty.

I remember a time way before my present life that the true authorities protected the benign of human nature. To be human is to be vulnerable to environments which includes environments of nature and environments of the malign. It was by no mistake that the feminine was revered in the same way as the masculine.

A state of authoritative consciousness that was benign and virtuous by nature, in other words divine, oversaw the development of human consciousness. In this case there was no control but a strong influence of the benign in the absence of possessions. In the case of the malign, possession and control is the main stay of this consciousness, this of course takes the firm use of the masculine while denouncing the feminine. The way the feminine is denounced is through the use and abuse of the feminine, this leads to the feminine simply becoming an object of control and possession by the masculine. No, the masculine does not represent the malign, the masculine is simply used by the malign to take control and possession of whatever is desired and lusted after.

Believe it or not, Freemasonry true beginnings goes way back to the antediluvian period as does Hinduism and yes, both Freemasonry and Hinduism where benign protectorates of the human benign, I mean really. As of many authoritative establishments today, Freemasonry in particular is not for the protection of the benign but the malign, like in Australia where the police and even the arm services literally protect the malign while abusing the benign. This is very evident in the state of Victoria at present.

All of a sudden in ancient Egypt the rulers became the God's, at the same time these authoritative figures stopped protecting the benign. As soon as authority stopped protecting the benign is when establishments like Freemasonry change course from being benign to being malign. Yes, the ego took control even while being aware of the controlling ways of the ego. You see once the ego is in charge, the benign becomes abused at the same time the malign is revered.

So why didn't the benign take control over the malign?

The malign is all about control and possession where's the benign is not of control and possession. The benign must allow a consciousness freedom to do as it will, to develop in the way the consciousness feels fit. If this entails allowing the ego to take control of a collective consciousness, this is the way it will be allowed to go, however, right throughout human history humans have been given directives from the divine. If the human collective consciousness chooses to ignore these directives, then so be it.

Establishments like Freemasonry today couldn't be further away from their initial establishment, their true being if they wanted to. The very fact that they are not protecting but in fact are abusing the benign is a sure sign of their lost initial established beginnings. Once you loose the root core of an establishment like this, the establishment is no longer of the divine. We could not separate more from the core of our being if we wanted to, in the process replacing this core with an illusion, a false representation of who we really are.

What would a true divine nature do, protect the benign or abuse the benign especially in favour of the malign? As I have stated for some time now, we are simply lost within our own creation but like anything with a starting point of creation, there is always an ending point of creation. Watch from here which establishment actually truly protects the benign, for this is a true reflection of our being.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

The Arrival of Little Angels


Written by Mathew Naismith

So where do I start? I wasn't going to share this but circumstance warrants me sharing this, even though what I am about to share could be simply of a desired truth than of real truth. Remember, real truth is simply of a truth in the absence of what we desire to be the truth.

How often are mothers referred to as angels or alike for putting their family or other people before themselves? So what would you call a soul who puts humanity as a whole before their own selves?

We often relate angels to divine entities that depict human form with wings. Probably because I was brought up with this perception is why I depict at present little angels flying around, by the looks of it in their thousands.

This is the sad bit. Why the presence of so many little angels at present?

Mark Zuckerburg, the co-founder of Facebook, has recently shown even more where he stands with paedophilia. Mark Zuckerbrg is not the tip of the iceberg but simply a very tiny part of the tip. The meek shall inherit the Earth. To be so week as to harm those not abusive is simply meek in character and disposition.

Meek: Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

Every child should be protected by every adult no matter what, to do the opposite is to cower submissively to the malign. Let's be honest, how easy is it to give into the malign, especially when it seems to deliver what is desired and lusted for? In truth, it is without a doubt meek is to give into the malign, in the process you simply become a subordinate to desires and lusts. Could you possibly say it is meek of people that do not succumb to these desires and lusts, at the same time protect those most vulnerable to the malign?

Malign is to be evil or harmful in nature or influence, in other words abusive primarily to those less abusive. This is where cowardice comes into it in relation to the malign. The malign only chooses to abuse those less abusive, in the process avoiding the possibly of being abused or being overwhelmed or confronted by the truly benign. At all cost the malign will avoid direct confrontation with the benign, instead resorting to trying to undermine the benign. The most malign has no answer to the most benign, so it resorts to undermining the most vulnerable who are benign. The less abusive often become the most abused deceptively and underhandedly which is of cowardice and meek in mannerism. Make no mistake, the malign is exceptionally meek in manner.

So what is going to come from abusing angels? Nothing good for the malign. Because the malign is totally governed and controlled by egotism, their egos tell them they are infallible and quite deceptively so. You would think they would wake up to how deceptive the ego can become, but the ego prevails in it's deception of infallibility and the more the ego takes control, the more deceptively the malign is deluded in being even more infallible.

So it comes to this, a lot of the children being abused at present are actual angles, or so it is the way I vision it. The more angels the malign abuses, the more of the benign humanity will be influenced by. It is funny, once the Freemasons where of the benign in every sense, but as it would seem today they are very much of the malign. Angels are not cowards and will certainly seemingly sacrifice themselves for the good of the collective without blinking an eyelid. In saying this, at all times speak of what these children are going through and certainly speak against those who are sacrificial by nature. These children are not really being sacrificed or sacrificing their lives, they are in a real sense humbling themselves to those less able to help themselves.

Never think the malign is all powerful as societies like the Freemasons try to portray, in every sense they are powerless unless they can abuse the less abusive. Take the ability to abuse the less abusive away from them, how powerful then do you think this malign would be? The point is that you can't sacrifice angels as the malign thinks it is doing by abusing these children. Yes, the malign is all to do with sacrificing the benign but this is not what is actually occurring, the malign has indeed deceived itself in a real sense, or how I could be desiring to perceive it to be so!!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Positives v Negatives


Written by Mathew Naismith

For people like me, no amount or kind of truth is judged as a negative, even desired truths that can often be expressed by a created consciousness. We very rarely avoid real truth in favour of a judged positive truth that is often inline with our own desires.

A desired truth is simply a truth that may have a certain amount of real truth attached to it or be completely of a desire than of real truth. Real truth is simply truth expressed in the absence of desires, for example, many people desire that a God doesn't exist, many others desire a God does exist. Both people of these perspectives believe that they are expressive of a real truth in their own right. If anyone asked me,”Do you think God exists?”, all I can say is your asking a question inline with a desire either way, be it a belief or disbelief, in turn desiring the right desired answer inline with the desired question. Of course any answer not of the questioners desire is imminently judged as negative, which of course leaves a more desired answer to be judged positive!!

A more none desired question would be something like, “Do you think a God could exist?”,or, “Do you think a God like consciousness could have created the universe?”.

Now what do I mean by created consciousness?

Yes, I have a present understanding that finite and infinite energy sources exist, especially when you can't, scientifically and spiritually known, destroy energy but simply transform energy. Like at present, social media is trying to portray communist governments and even their leaders in a different light to what they actually represent. Their own actions define if they are of a malign or benign consciousness, but the present consciousness wants you to believe other than what they portray.

The finite relates to a created consciousness where's the infinite relates to an already existing consciousness, a consciousness that has no starting point therefore ending point of creation. The universe within it's own right creates what the environment defines, like with the right environment created the Earth as it created other planets. Now I am not saying that God didn't create the Earth. A created universe will of course create planets like Earth, it is all created from the same consciousness, however, each environment creates in accordance with it's own environment. This means the malign consciousness was created, a consciousness created from part of the universe that is violent and destructive.

Infinite energy is an energy that is not transitional but of course this leaves us to finite energy which is endlessly transforming and re-transforming.

Now, does this mean the benign consciousness was also created but from the more subtle parts of the universes environment?

Malign consciousness = finite, a starting and ending point of creation, controlling

Benign consciousness = infinite, no starting or ending point of creation, none controlling

I have an understanding that the malign is of a created consciousness and that the benign is of an already existing consciousness. So why would a benign consciousness create a universe that would be a perfect environment for creating malign consciousnesses?

A starting and ending point obviously relates to control, in that there is a starting point therefore an ending point, resulting in the starting and ending point of life being a major determining factor in life. What tactic does a consciousness that is malign use? Fear in reference to an end of life and/or abuse of life. Now imagine being in a consciousness of the infinite, where the main determining factor governing life is not a starting and ending point of life, simply that everything is of the infinite even while experiencing an energy in transition.


Malign consciousness = negatives V's the positives and visa-versa

Benign consciousness = the nullifying of negatives and positive consciousness

So we may think creating a universe to create within it's own right without being controlled is negative? Would not deeming something of malign desire negative create a perfect environment for the malign to thrive in?

Really, avoid judging what are not of our own desires as being negative and of course our own desires being positive. You are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to exist and thrive in, as our present environment depicts no matter how much love and light is being expressed. If love and light is depicting that their desired truth is positive and anything not of this desired truth is of course negative, you are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to not just exist in but thrive in. In reality, in the process negating the benign quite by accident.

It is not by accident that we are presently where we are at!!

You may think it is all doom and gloom. If we awaken in the absence of today's woke, as it obviously seems many of us are to desired and real truths, all will be fine. At the point we stop abusing energy is the point the malign losses it's hold over us. Really, the true pandemic is a malign separation energy into positives and negatives, where real truth becomes negative and desired truths become a positive. A consciousness awakened to desired and real truths is an encouraging sign towards rebuilding a reality based on real truths, in the process recreating benign consciousnesses, a consciousness that avoids separating energy into negatives and positives.