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Saturday 8 July 2017

For The Children Come First

Written by Mathew Naismith 

Mother's, I need your assistance please.

Do the children make the mother a mother?  Considering a child isn't a child without a mother, is it not the child who makes a mother a mother? Also, is not a mother only a mother when of a child?

Without a child, is not a person only of a person when not of a child, meaning, not influenced by a child maternally?

The reason I query this has to do with how numerous spiritually aware people put themselves first and foremost. For example, it's about themselves feeling good over and above other people who are suppose to be less aware like a child is.

It's funny to think, but it's the less aware child that makes a mother a mother, and of course, the child always comes first for the mother, especially above any personal feel good sensations!! 

Note: If any mother's replies to this, it is likely I will insert their reply in one of my posts for my blog unless otherwise stipulated. Also, names will be excluded unless otherwise stipulated.


What is one of the major mistakes of churches? The church comes first and then the hierarchy and then God and maybe the people of the church.

What is a church without it's people? Like a mother, a church is not a church without it's people like a mother is not a mother without a child. Maternally, the unaware child comes first. Now what is occurring in Westernised spirituality today? The mother or the church is still coming first and foremost. The church in this case being ones own personal well being and pleasure/desire. As long as the mother/church is well and feeling good, this will automatically pass onto the child. Of course in this case the child would be lucky to come second, most often other hierarchy of the same awareness level comes second, where does this leave the child that makes the mother/the church?

So what is the aware without the unaware as what is the church without it's people or a mother without a child? As of the true spiritually aware, the unaware comes first, look at people like myself who really put themselves out there because it's not about ourselves and our own well being. It's almost maternal if not maternal, the child comes first.

As within myself, my child, my unaware state, comes first for it needs to be nurtured, not put on a list that it comes second best to all else, particularly in relation to my desires and feel good sensations. Yes, people like me could just sit within our feel good desired states and ignore all these deemed negatives, dark and toxic energies but we don't, for the children come first and foremost.

The child simply represents an unaware state that needs to be nurtured, mothered, for the mother is not a mother without it's children. What is the yin without the yang? Basically, what is the aware self without unaware self? Would we judge our children as toxic or negative and then ignore them because of these judged vibrations? Of course this occurs in certain situations when the maternal mothering instinct isn't present. We are supposed to be one; there is simply no oneness without maternal mothering instincts. Ignoring the child, the people of a church, the unaware self, because we have judged it so in accordance with our own personal level of hierarchy, is not oneness or maternally mothering, it's simply a depiction of an ego in control.

Too many spiritual teachings these days teach to put the self first and foremost, it all starts from you when it's the children that make the mother a mother. We spend all the money and time on our personal selves, when all we need to do is simply put the children first above our own desires and feeling of self-gratifications. If we spend all this time and money on ourselves to feel good, this has to benefit the rest of the world in the long run as this will flow on. Of course while we are doing this, we are neglecting the children by judging them toxic, negative, bad, dark, and on and on it goes. Yes indeed, what many spiritually aware people have expressed has been passed on; the world at present represents this.

Yes, without the mother a child can't be a child, so the mother must also be mothered by these same motherly instincts, but at no point should the mother be put above all else but this is exactly what is occurring in spirituality today to a large extent. Only a perfect balance between the child self and the motherly self can true peace and love reside. Neglecting one over and above the other will create anything but peace and love, only a falsified and fabricated peace and love. One is infinite, the other finite, we are both and not of one or the other as we are the child and the mother, the church and the people, the aware and unaware.

People like me are simply aware that we are just as much of the aware as the unaware, the child and the mother without neglecting one over and above the other.

Did people like Buddha face their own ego or the ego as a whole, as one entity?

Do not the children of a mother naturally quell the ego within the mother?

Focusing all this energy on the self to feel good while at the same time avoiding what is deemed as toxic/negative is pure ego. No, it doesn't start from the self, the (I); it starts from the collective as a whole, as people like Buddha eventually find out.

As not all mothers controlling egos will be quelled, not everyone will be able to face the controlling ego face on without acceptation; the ego has simply too much control, it is wise to be aware of this in my mind.

It is wise the child comes first before the ego.........Mathew G


If you are interested, the following replies to my request from mothers are as follow. The mother in all of us has a lot to teach as the child has to learn, but are we willing or ready to listen to child as yet, basically, learning from and through the unaware, something a lot of us critically judge??

Mathew....I found the Divine Mother Within.... there is the perfect vibration of mothering within us all.... and I think when that Vibration becomes or is Remembered then One would act in accordance with exactly how Devine Mother would act... there is no room then for egotistical actions... Thank you for asking!!....btw....I have Mothered 13 kids in this life time.

Hey so here's my answer.... If answer is this. Spiritually awakened people realize that their children come through them not to them. The spiritually awakened person knows the child has a closer connection to source because of their innocence and lack of cognitive dissonance. The spiritually awakened person knows they are here to guide and also learn from their children. Understanding that there is no right or wrong but an observation of the contrast they see, hear, and feel and then choose the perspective of the person they want to be. Before coming into this physicality the child knows what he or she wishes to experience and will choose the parents that will guide them in experiencing it.


Motherhood makes one whole. As Heath Ledger put it, parenthood is an extension of oneself the knowledge that a small being was borne from the union of two people is a miraculous event; that one's blood runs through the veins of another. One's life changes immediately. However, even if you are not a mother by bearing another, you can still give those qualities to others and feel whole in yourself on a different level.

My Reply
Yes, it's all to do with the maternal instincts; you express this quite often Susan even though you are not an actual mother yourself. Are gay people negative or toxic because they express themselves different to ourselves? Are children toxic because they express themselves different to adults? Same thing in my mind. Once you embrace instead of avoid, you have become the maternal mother.

I certainly appreciate your response here Susan, thank you.

I give thanks to all the mothers within for your participation here, most appreciated, as I needed assistance in expressing deep seated maternal instincts over and above the controlling ways of the controlling ego.  

Thursday 6 July 2017

Save the Children through Humility

Written by Mathew Naismith

Indeed, save the children from realities of fear; realities and realizations primarily built around fear, of course most of this fear based conditioning is false.

In recent years, we have had North Korea expand on it's military might, this has instilled fear within the children of today but deceptively so.

How many countries have North Korea invaded or terrorised through bombing and other means? Now how many countries has the US backed coalition forces terrorised in this manner, and falsely so? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? To start with, this is deceptively and falsely instilling fear within the children; obviously this is OK to do as North Korea is an obvious bigger threat, even though North Korea isn't invading other countries to simply pilfer their resources.

What are we doing? So one form of fear, based purely on deception, is OK but falsified forms of fear are far more threatening!!

What kind of conditioning are we subjecting the children of today? Not a real threat but a falsified threat when the real creator of fear is the one falsifying and conditioning our children to fear.

What are we teaching and conditioning our children to? That it's OK that the right country, as opposed to the wrong country, invades other countries to pilfer their resources. That falsification of fear based realizations is normal and should be accepted. That all fear purely based on deception is the right conditioning for our children.    

Let's perspectively look at how else we are conditioning our children to fear and be in fear.

Modern day spiritually in the West is more based on fear today than it has ever been.

How many people fear expressing the egotism or judgement? If we express the ego or judge, this makes us look bad in the eyes of other spiritually aware people, and/or, we can't be spiritually aware if we express ourselves in these ways.    

How many more negatives are there out there today? It would seem even the word balance or moderation is negative these days, of course to extremist ideologies this is going to naturally be the case. Positive has become extreme to negative, light has become extreme to dark and love has become extreme to hate an on and on it goes.

What are we conditioning our children to today? 

The answer to this question is too obvious for people like me; it's all to do with control. What does a sense of control depict? Fear, fear of not having control or of losing control once we have it, and of course, one can never get enough control and empowerment. Is this like a multinational that can't get enough wealth and power, it's never enough? So if it feels good, it must be good so the more we feel good the better it is? 

We have completely based our whole existence on fear from the multinational point of view to spirituality. What are we instilling in our children?

It would seem we completely don't care what we are conditioning our children to and if you do care, you are dark or negative and even toxic. The amount of times I have heard toxic expressed towards other people, especially from so called positive people and people of love and light, is astonishing. To judge anyone toxic is an expression that is purely based on fear, it's as simple as this.

We first of all fear being toxic, then we avoid all people who we judge as toxic in fear of some of that toxicity rubbing off on us or we fear their presence. The fear of a toxic person having any control over us is huge these days. Consider this; would a truly humble person express this kind of fear?

What would have occurred if people like Buddha or Jesus were instilled with this kind of fear? Poor and diseased people would become toxic to avoid at all costs, and for the Romans, we ignore them because they are so negative (dark) and Buddha certainly wouldn't have faced he's ego face on.

So what is the answer, or more precisely, one of the answers?

First of all, in my mind, there is never a single answer but multiple answers to a particular question or situation; it's that the ego can usually only comprehend one or two answers at best at a time.  

One of the answers is to teach the children humility; this simply means accepting the control from others while not belittling yourself to this control. Yes, this means accepting control from people we find negative or toxic, the trick is, never see these people being above or below yourself. This is simply obtained by desisting in the extreme expressions of what is and isn't negative or toxic, simply avoid all extreme expressions, not in fear but in awareness of what extreme expressions create.

I hope the following furthermore helps in teaching our children humility.    

Extract: For example, you may have seen an athlete who scores a touchdown, drops the ball and goes down on his knees to give thanks for his achievement.  Or another player who scores but then runs around the field pointing at himself and calling attention to his or her achievement.  One of these people is being humble and grateful, while the other is being arrogant and boastful.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Giving a True Sense of Assistance

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was recently presented with a person that is going through insurmountable trauma at present, part of the trauma brought about by external forces also includes their partner; this of course exasperates the trauma. By the sounds of it, my assistance is greatly assisting this person to cope better with this said trauma.

When we seemingly have no control over these kinds of external influences, the ego goes into spasm, basically, the ego chucks a patty, meaning, the ego becomes infuriated. The ego simply has to have control, or more precisely, a sense of control even when the ego is never really in control itself, of course the ego denies it's never in control and this is the point. When the ego grasps a hold on a judged positive, as a sense of control is, it will deliberately stay ignorant to everything else.

Positive thinking isn't just destructive to everything negative (dark), it's a high state of ignorance which can exasperate trauma to the extent of hate. How many people of positive thinking hate negative thinking (dark)? Of curse the ego in a false sense of control will categorically refute that it hates. Purposely going into a state of ignorance of something detestable is a form of hate to start with.

This person I'm assisting at present isn't a naturally hating person but they mentioned hating someone, of course during our discussion, we found that this person didn't really hate which was a load off their mind to start with. Anger can lead to hate but anger within itself isn't of hate. At this point the ego is simply infuriated not being in control, only when the ego has no or little control can anger lead to hate. How many people hate being negative or of expressing the ego? It is obvious to people like me it's got to this point of hating, probably primarily due to our present reality being so hatful and destructive.

When people like me express balance and moderation in these circumstances, we are often put down by people who are either of one or the other. The ego simply has to have or take control in these circumstances, any other way is simply deliberately ignored (refuted) or put down (degraded). Yes, people like me are hated for expressing balance and moderation; this has been too obvious from an ego trying to gain more and more control. This reminds me of religious fanatics and multinational who just simply can't get enough control. Any kind of detesting is a form of hate; this includes detesting not having or gaining more and more control and the detestation of negatives (darkness).

What I have gone through in certain parts of my life would be judged by many positive thinking people and of love and light people of being negative (dark). If you simply have no awareness of one or the other, dark of the light, positive of the negative, how would you truthful be able to assist people in this kind of reality? By preaching and destroying everything not positive and of love and light!!

How many people are trying to help other people by influencing others of their way of control while deliberately staying ignorant to what they detest themselves?  Multinational detest being poor and not being in control. Religious fanatics, positive thinking people and people only of love and light are exactly the same, but their egos will tell them otherwise as always. If I didn't go through the life I did, would I have a right to even try to assist people in trauma? How many people on the net are doing just this?  It's insurmountable while at the same time being deliberately ignorant to most of what is, even to balance and moderation.

To live in ignorance of everything except of one idealism, isn't awareness and is certainly not of a true sense of positive being or of love and light, for there is simply no true sense of love and awareness in ignorance, especially when it's deliberate.

I have spoken to a number of people on this. A pure sense of awareness is love and light, being that light and love is this pure awareness state, for example, Buddhism speaks of this pure awareness. You simply can't get into this state while detesting everything else not of this state, in any sense, for this pure aware state is not of a controlling ego that has to be in control in one way or another. As soon as the ego labels this state as love and/or light, it's of a controlling ego and of ignorance to everything that is not of itself.

I often say to people to just walk away if any form of control is causing you trauma, of course the ego desires to anything but just simply walk away, it desires to take back control even to the point of hating. Hate and detesting anything gives the ego a sense of control when in actuality the ego is less in control. This person I am trying to assist now realises that any sense of hate or detestation is in actuality a loss of control. As I have said before, you need to use the ego against itself. Give the ego a sense of control but in a more truthful manner.

How many multinationals are in control of their greed and power mongering? How many people of positive thinking and of love and light are truly in control when they are purposely existing in ignorance?  It's impossible for any of these people to truthfully assist other people not of their own. Yes, they can deceptively influence people but not honestly because an ego that desires to take control is anything but truthful.

This pure awareness state that seems like love and light to the ego is simply not about control, it's simply being that is everything of this awareness which of course includes an ego in control. Everything is because there is no control, only a false sense of control.

To put it simply, I could not truthfully assist people in trauma if it wasn't for my own traumas in life and especially having an awareness of the controlling ways of the ego. You simply need to be aware while avoiding all extremes when applicable to truthfully assist other people.          

Sunday 25 June 2017

Diminishing the Egos Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

The egos control over us is evident. The present environment in the world reflects this in more ways than one, extreme expressions in religion and materialism are but two examples of the control the ego has over us. Within this control, we can see how destructive a controlling the ego can be, in actuality, we are privileged to witness this event in human history.

Awareness comes in many forms and has no limitations to it's expressions, only can the ego limit awareness to certain set boundaries......Mathew G

Within the whisperings, an ego that is wised up only needs to be whispered to, not shouted at. Simply, expressions of extremism denote shouting while whisperings denote an awareness and wisdom. Some of us have listened to the whisperings, a lot of us will only listen when shouted at, this is simply shown within the extreme expressions being expressed today. In the end, the shouting will get that loud, and of course destructive, to the point most people will be unable to ignore the shouting, they will be given no choice at this point.

Where indeed has the wisdom gone when a consciousness needs to be shouted at to become aware?

We are privileged to be shouted at in this way, imagine not being able to hear a whisper or a shout to awaken the ego to itself, is it possible that the ego can actually get to this point? Honestly observing our environment today, it is obvious certain people will never listen no matter how loud the shouting becomes, and yes, the ego has this extent of control over them.

A controlling ego gives us a sense of control over our environment, even though this control is always fleeting. How many empires of the past still dominate us today? Yes, the controlling factors of the ego are still around today but the empires themselves aren't. Nothing that the ego creates lasts for long; the only reason the controlling factors of the ego are still around today, is because we have not yet learnt how to release ourselves from this control.      

Wisdom; simply does not come from knowledge and experience, this is an ego perception. Considering how deceptive the ego can become, it's amazing that many of us are still duped (tricked) by the ego in this way.

How many centuries have human consciousness been warring or expressing extremes? Has human consciousness learnt and become wise from these numerous experiences?
Human consciousness is seemingly more intelligent and knowledgeable than ever, how wise has this truly made us?

How many people think wisdom and awareness are about taking control? Probably the same amount of people who think meditation or various other Eastern practices are about taking control. Eastern practices, like mediation, are simply about releasing yourself from the control of the ego mind. As soon as we think these practices are about taking control, we have lost the true benefits of these practices because the ego is just as much if not more in control. All controlling expressions denote an ego in control, especially if we are trying to control the ego. At no point should you try to control the ego to diminish the egos control over us, by doing so, you are doing anything but diminishing the egos control.

Wisdom uses the ego against itself as all motion denotes ego, including practices like meditation. Yes, meditation is a motion that can take away the controlling factors of the ego upon itself, in-effect, using the ego against itself. The only reason this works is that we are using a non-controlling ego to diminish the control of the ego upon itself. It's funny to think this but the ego can only control itself, basically, only of things of motion, sadly for a lot of people in the West; this includes using mediation to take control instead of releasing control.

How many people in the West think that Taoism or Tai Chi is about taking control of our mind and/or body? It's all about releasing our mind and body from the limitations of control that allow you to be more flexible and open in mind and body. In the West, we tend to think everything is about taking control; this is the way Western culture is, it's wise to be aware of this in my mind.

How many people in the West fear expressing the ego or egotism? They fear the ego because they are still trying to take control of the ego having control over them, which is in actuality the ego trying to take control. It is truly wise to be aware that only a controlling ego can take control, being that all motion is of the ego, this makes perfect sense to people like me. Simply, if you are expressing any kind of motion, you are of the ego, however, you don't have to be of the controlling ego.

1/ Become aware that all control denotes a controlling ego in control

2/ Become aware that you can wise the ego up to it's controlling ways, the ego can certainly become conditioned to releasing all control over taking control over all

3/ Wisdom is simply aware of the controlling ways of the ego as only in wisdom can the ego diminish the control of the ego.

4/ Wisdom is simply not obtained through experience and knowledge but an awareness beyond the ego limitations. Yes, you can become aware and wises through experiences and knowledge but only if we stop trying to persistently take control. All control is limiting and of the controlling ego

5/ Simply think about releasing control to taking control

Do we not take control of our breathing while meditating for example? Are we not trained by teachers of the ancient Eastern practices to take control of the mind and body as a whole?  

No, your ego is simply being conditioned to focus on one thing at a time. Your ego is not being controlled to focus but conditioned to focus. Because the ego tries to control everything within it's own environment, it is conditioned to simultaneously focus on many things. Focusing on the breath, to controlling the breath, allows us to take away the control of the ego over itself. Basically what you are doing is setting the ego free of it's limitations by focusing instead of controlling. Never try to control your breath while meditating, simply focus.

Once you have conditioned your ego to focus on one thing while letting go of control of everything else, you will notice that your breathing patterns will change quite naturally. The ego will fight to the bitter end to keep it's control, this is why everything that isn't about control is perceived to be of control by the ego in control.

One more thing, you are releasing the ego of it's own controlling ways by not taking control but releasing control. You are actually doing the ego a favour for within the egos control it is limited, however, no ego desires to become aware of it's own limitations upon itself, so it will do anything to deceive itself of it's own self-created predicament......    

Friday 23 June 2017

Beyond the Ego-Deeper Reflections

Written by Mathew Naismith

You now and again, through the passage of life, come across people who are deeply reflective, a bloke I have known for some time now of the name of Michael Hopkins is but one of these people. Mike's poems seem to reflect an awareness beyond the control of the controlling ego expressions. To an ego in control, Mike's poems would seem non-sequential rhetoric to the ego mind, very simular to my own reflections. As of any experience in the offering, the ego in control usually misses out in these experiences that are on offer.

This kind of awareness and subsequent experiences that are beyond the expressions of a controlling ego, is often taken to be egotistic by the ego mind. It's amazing how the ego mind stops us from experiencing the true reality of life, in turn, stopping our mind from becoming aware beyond the ego mind. When you go beyond the ego mind, there is simply no misery mainly because there is no separation, only in separation (unawareness) can a consciousness suffer within it's own misery.


"Mind cannot see Love

Which is not within it’s view

Only reflections"

© 2017. M.N. Hopkins

My Reply
Very good point Mike, how could a true sense of love become aware to the ego mind?

It's been there recently for me to write about how the ego mind isn't aware of all it experiences. How often does a child's ego mind, especially in adolescence, refute the full existence of their parents love and affection? They are often quite unaware, especially when the parent/parents are in a teaching mode, in other words preparing the child for adulthood trials and tribulations.

How often is the macho ego mind of an adult not fully aware of their partner's full love, affections and feelings? How aware is an egoistic female?

My wife or I make a mess in the house; it matters not who cleans it up because it's always our mess. A true sense of love is binding, a false sense of love is separating. Love and light is a prime example of this separation from dark, of course the dark is only as negative as the light perceives. In a lot of couple's relationships, a mess made by the other partner is seen as a negative so they don't clean it up or clean it up under protest. My wife and I have a neutral existence/relationship, everything is neutral with no separation of negative or positive, dark and light, within this, we become aware of the experiences beyond the egos control.           

These experiences are there but the ego mind either doesn't become aware of them or turns them it something the ego mind relates to. The ego mind is seemingly unable to comprehend anything it can't relate to so these experiences are either not noticed or they are turned into something the ego relates to. In this sense of turning an experience into something the ego can relate to is of deception.

We all experience so much, especially the experiences that are not picked up through the five senses. People like you and I are very lucky Mike.

Indeed we are Mat. Makes living in the world a bit easy to have some slight distance from the dictates of ego. Happy weekend Mat and same to your dear wife.

My Reply
If you don't mind Mike, I'm going to insert your reflection here on my post. You are a very in-depth and reflective person Mike, I am very lucky to have crossed your path in life. 

"Only can the ego awaken to itself through it's own inner reflections"......Mathew G

Are people like Mike and I egoistic in the way we express ourselves within our writings?

"Only the ego mind can judge what is and isn't of the ego"......Mathew G

To express an awareness is ego but not necessarily of a controlling ego, in actuality, a controlling ego is anything but aware, for all a controlling ego can comprehend is ego. This basically means a controlling ego is only aware of it's own reflections, anything beyond these reflections just simply doesn't exist to the ego. This simply means that anything that the ego is aware of, like what people like Mike and I write about, has to be egoistic. 

"There is a point were the ego is wise or wised up to itself, only then is the ego able to make itself fully aware.....Mathew G

The ego needs ego to make itself aware of itself. Seen as all motion denotes ego, this includes writings based in inner reflections. It's difficult to avoid this and at no time should this be avoided. "A controlling ego desires to stay ignorant, for it is only of itself and about itself, nothing else exists to the ego in control". Used correctly, the ego can be exceptionally enlightening, however, this can only occur if it doesn't judge it's own ego self as something to avoid and detest, basically, have fear upon it's own reflections.

"It is wise to never fear being expressive of the ego for only in this fear is the ego in total control"....Mathew G

Try making the ego aware of itself through non-egoistic reflections; it simply will not occur as the ego is unaware of anything not of itself. The ego needs ego reflections to become aware of itself; it's this simple. Again, the ego used correctly is exceptionally enlightening to the ego mind, only can this occur though when the ego is not in control of the mind.

"The mind is what we make it to be. If it's of ego, ego it will be. If it's of pure awareness, pure awareness it will be"......Mathew G

My wife and I have a female garden nursery owner in awe. I'm usually jovial and I joke around a lot, especially in relation to my wife. This alone has this lady in awe, sadly, it would seem this lady has experienced very little of this from her partner/partners in her life.

When my wife mentioned about how I cook, wash and wipe the dishes, clean the house, this lady was even more in awe. I don't think we will mention about how I iron my own clothes and make the bed every morning, etc. 

To someone who is macho (egocentric), I am completely under the thumb, meaning, being under my wife's control, however, all I am doing is existing in a neutral existence with my wife. The ego in control simply can't comprehend this, there has to be a form of control, not of releasing control.

It's simply amazing how the ego in control stops us from experiencing the things in life that are enlightening and working in harmony together as one, I suppose after all, the ego in control is anything but aware of anything that is not of itself!!    

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Pure Awareness verses Pure Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's all very simple, strip away the controlling ways of the ego and all you are left with is pure awareness and wisdom, a state known by many as oneness, zero point, God or what ever, it's all of the same state void of the influences of a controlling ego.

For numerous people, the ego calls this state God for a very good reason, how else within an ego controlled reality could the ego comprehend this state of pure awareness and wisdom, a state of complete neutrality, without blowing this state out of all proportion?

The ego justifiably and wisely keeps a connection to this state by doing what the ego does best, inflates everything so it is able to comprehend this state of neutrality, the problem with the ego is when it becomes in total control. When this occurs, any connection or awareness to this neutral state becomes obscured or even unknown. This is atheism at its best but it's not Buddhist atheism, to my knowledge anyway.

Buddhist atheism; simply means there is no inflation or pretentiousness in regards to this neutral state, there is no higher or lower state either even of consciousness, there is simply ego and non-ego, aware and not aware. On the other hand, main stream atheism simply refutes anything not of science and/or of the five senses. Giving that science and the five senses are of pure ego, it's understandable why there are fundamental differences between Buddhist atheism and main stream atheism.

I should be honest here, I do not follow or am I well studied in Buddhism, Taoism or any other ism or ideology; all my awareness comes to me through my own experiences. I should also say that not all experiences are detected through the five senses with people like me either; many of our experiences are undetectable by the ego. Experiences come through awareness; you are just simply aware void of any ego expressions. How often do we become aware through no reason? This is pure awareness. A controlling ego on the other hand does quite the opposite; we can feel all the experiences we like and still know little and still be as unwise as ever.

In saying this, it is important that our ego detects and becomes aware of some of these experiences, after all, all experiences are of the ego as well. If our ego is wise, the ego will learn from these experiences, if not wise, the ego simply won't learn, even after many centuries of learning and experiencing.

So how does the ego become wise? It's not through experiences and/or knowledge, it's simply being aware of the controlling ways of the ego, after all, the ego is simply an unaware state of consciousness. A true teacher in my mind will teach awareness, not knowledge.

Awareness; is not knowledge. As I have stated before in my posts, the reason for this is that knowledge is of motion where awareness is is of motionlessness. The ego often makes the mistake in deceiving us to believe awareness and knowledge are the same when their simply not. All motion is of the ego, this pure awareness in this state of neutrality is simply not of motion.

Now, the reason why this state of pure awareness is also known as nothingness, is to do with there being no motion and a state of total neutrality, this means yin and yang, negative and positive, bad and good, love and hate, etc, or neutralised, they become as one and not separated.

Yin and yang are depicted as separate entities, when in their separate states, they are of the ego, however, when as one, they become this pure awareness, and yes, they are of one, this pure awareness, as they are also of two, pure ego.

The ego has always existed, this of course means yin and yang has also always existed. Only the ego (motion) can create an ego, therefore the ego (yin and yang) has always existed. Also, this state of pure awareness couldn't create the ego for it is not of motion. Another thing to consider, all starting and ending points are creations of the ego, of time and space, it's the ego that creates everything as of the universe itself, it's all created by the ego. Everything has always existed, of course an ego in control simply can't comprehend this and understandably so, there has to be a starting point for the ego. 

However in saying all this, it is wise not to separate pure awareness from pure ego for this within itself is of the ego as of all separations are. As this state of pure awareness is of awareness, so is a state of pure ego no matter how limited the awareness might be in this state, it's still a form of awareness, at times usually of a state void of wisdom when the ego is in total control.                                 

It's wise to be aware that, negatives and positives, love and hate, bad and good, dark and light, yin and yang, are all of the ego, the more we separate everything, the more unaware we will become and of course the more destructive we will be......How obviously destructive is the light to the dark? Light should represents awareness but it simply doesn't in a world controlled by the ego, the light (awareness) simply shouldn't to be destructive to anything but it presently is being expressed in this way.

Pure ego is simply destructive to everything, even eventually of itself, this is it's nemesis and it's nature. Pure awareness on the other hand is constructive to everything because everything is of awareness to one degree or another.    

It is also wise to stay away from the perceptions of higher and lower states or of an ultimate state of being, for all this depicts is pure ego as there is again a depiction of separation within these kinds of perceptions. At no point is this state of pure awareness and neutrality depicted, by the people who are truly aware of this state, as being an ultimate higher state of existence, it's just simply neutral, and yes to the ego, pure bliss and understandably so. 

   The ego can gain that much control, that judging
what is an expression of ego and what is
an expression of awareness is clouded.
Often the ego will judge an expression of
awareness as of what it is of itself, ego!!

~Mathew G~  

Monday 19 June 2017

Yin and Yang Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Buddhism relates all suffering to the ego as all suffering can only be created through the ego mind. Looking around our present environment today, it's difficult to refute this claim, however, this doesn't make the ego bad or negative, just simply unaware especially in regards to a controlling ego. As soon as we see the ego as being bad or negative in some way, this is a good indication of the ego mind in control. Simply look at the ego as an unaware state, state that is unaware of what it is apart of as a whole.

Indeed, ego simply means a state of existence experienced that is unaware of it's own connection to all else, and the more controlling the ego mind is, the less aware a state of consciousness naturally becomes. I say natural because it's quite natural for an ego in control to be unaware, this is it's natural state, the trick is, the ego mind controlled by the ego, not just of the ego mind, won't want to see this state as being natural. What controlling ego desires to be of a natural state of unawareness? An ego in control will often deceive itself; this is why this state is naturally in a state of unawareness.

Yin and yang are good representations of the ego mind or ego self. In balance with each other, they are only of the ego, in imbalance, they are of the a controlling ego, One always trying to control the other while refuting that is it apart of the other or connected to the other in some way. For example, how often do the rich disconnect themselves from the poor? The controlling ego mind always tries to disconnect itself from the other; of course this disconnection naturally makes this kind of conscious state unaware for obvious reasons.

Yin and yang working in perfect balance naturally creates awareness, this is because this balance creates a union of one working as one. Within this union, there is no yang or yin trying to control the other, in turn naturally creating a state of awareness.

How often do we try to separate ourselves from duality and only see our truer being as a non-dual state of existence or being? Even though a non-dual state and a dual state of existence represents yin and yang, our controlling ego mind still only sees our truer being as being non-dualistic thus separation from the other has occurred. How aware is a non-dualistic state of a dualistic state? It's simply not, as soon as a non-dualistic state becomes aware of a dualistic state, it's become dualistic in nature.

Simply, the ego in control deceives us to think we are non-dualistic when all the time we are dualistic in nature. In saying this, I do think we can enter into non-dualistic states which often give us the perception that we are of this non-dualistic state and not truly also of a dualistic state. As of yin and yang, one is of the other; all that the perception of separation creates is an unawareness that naturally creates suffering and destructiveness.

I had an interesting conversation with a lass from Great Britain recently, I will finish off this post with this conversation. 

My Reply
Fear should always be faced face on to see it for what it truly is, a hollow apparition/phantom. Fear to me is simply a consciousness's unawareness of what truly is. Only an unaware consciousness can be and create a reality of fear based perceptions. Sounds awfully familiar sadly enough, we simply don't have to be this way, we certainly have a choice in my mind.

As like not perceiving/judging everything negative that is not of our own beliefs and perceptions, we should also try to see fear in a neutral light as our perceptions of fear being negative gives it it's control over us. This is why some people of love and light have gone way too far with love and light; everything else not of love and light is a negative. A true sense of love and light is to perceive everything as love and light, this simply isn't the case for most people it would seem.

People like me are more for the middle ground with no extremes, a totally neutral reality where all things are truly created and treated as equals, a true sense of balance. No extremes of light and dark, love and hate, will bring balance, there is simply no equilibrium with to and fro actions and counteractions between love and light, hate and dark.

Can love and light create a reality of love and light? For the individual or (a) collective consciousness, yes, most definitely, but it's still not a reality of a true sense of balance as each extreme reality creates it's opposite somewhere in the (whole) collective consciousness.

To a lot of people of love and light, love has no opposite, even when the opposite of hate is love. It's like extracting the yang from the yin and still calling it balance between yin and yang while extracting the yang from the yin altogether, a lot of people are simply fooling themselves here.

The reason for this, to me, is that these people have only gone part way in the awareness process, this one part of the awareness process feels good so this must be the be and end all. When you sit back from everything and observe it without bias, everything is neutral; this is until a consciousness perceives it otherwise, usually in retaliation to something the controlling ego doesn't desire like our present situation in the world for example.

Sorry, you started me off again; some people just have a knack of getting it to flow with me. When I converse with someone else who is also neutral in one sense or another, this brings forth the neutrality within me. Just imagine if everyone was neutral, we just simply wouldn't have a problem in the world, we would reflect off each other beautifully in relative perfect balance.

Everything just is. Duality is in fact the whole.
Recently I have observed others talking about separation and encouraging others not to be divisive, which is a fundamental part of increasing consciousness. 
However, as you have so eloquently articulated, the end point is Love and Light for them. What they don't realise is that by not embracing the whole, the light, the dark, the shadow, the love - as One , then they are living a life of separation on another level.
It is easy to write these words but a whole different matter living by these terms.

My Reply
Indeed, duality actually represents the whole. Imagine being of non-duality, an unawareness of the duality within the whole, how aware and whole are we then? In-effect, a non-dual state is all about separation and unawareness, separating itself from duality, the yang if you like. It's like being just of this light and love, how aware (enlightened) are you truly? You're simply not. It's good to see someone else who tries not to allow the controlling ego to control them; the ego desires one or the other as always.