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Thursday 6 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil simply cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do.

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole.

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......               

Friday 30 November 2018

No One is Unenlightened!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is not about the age of enlightenment or reason, an age of reason and individualism, but about spiritual enlightenment where one advocates egolessness over ego. Spiritual enlightenment is a state of the absence of ego. It is often a state most egos fear to tread, usually in fear of the egos demise and all that the ego creates. In an enlightened state, all that the ego creates is simply becomes awareness, this is why this state is often referred to as a state of pure awareness and even wisdom or if you like, a state of God.

Don't mistaken spiritual enlightenment with the egos expressions of wisdom either, where wisdom is often associated with knowledge and learning. In a true enlightened state, knowledge and learning give way to a pure state of awareness and wisdom. Yes, we even have to give up our accumulated knowledge and learning, for in an enlightened state nothing can be owned or accumulated. This also means giving up the teachings of ideologies and isms, for spiritual ideologies are only of existence to serve and teach the ego about its egoless self or being. This by the way is most important if conducted in a non-abusive manner.

Make no mistake, the ego is unable to experience a true enlightened state, for an enlightened state is of the absence of ego, a state not accessible to the ego. However, this doesn't mean that the ego can't feel enlightenment as opposed to becoming enlightenment. Yes, the ego can experience enlightenment but only through feelings, not through an actual state of being enlightened, be aware though, the ego in control will try to convince you otherwise. Yes, these feelings can become a physical and mental reality, be wary though, feelings are of the ego and can become very controlling to the extent of a desire to feel good all the time. All else not fuelling these desired feelings are often critically judged as being negative or even toxic in some way.

Also, to the dislike of the ego, unconditional love is not experienced or felt in an enlightened state, for all feelings of love are of the ego. If you can feel instead of being love, it is of the ego. Yes, you can experience an enlightened state and get a feeling of unconditional love but it is your ego that is feeling love, not the egoless part of yourself. Of course feeling a true sense of unconditional love is most constructive to what the ego creates, this is instead of being destructive. Be aware, a true expression of unconditional love will embrace the negatives in the same way this state embraces the positives. In all, the ego beautifies unconditional love but only when being of this love as opposed to simply feeling this love.    

Make no mistake, no one is unenlightened. I will put it this way, which a lot of people's egos won't like, once of God, always of God, or, once of energy, always of energy. Remember, you can't destroy energy but you can transform energy. Our enlightened being is simply transformed into another energy form or expression by the ego, this is all. Most often in the process, only that which serves the ego is acknowledged, all else is denounced by the ego to serve only the ego part of our whole being. I cannot express this strongly enough, no one is truly unenlightened.

Please note; most of what I have written here comes from my own experiences, at no time take what is written here to be gospel or of an unequivocal truth for all.      

Wednesday 28 November 2018

The Soul and True Nirvana/Heaven

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is often said that the soul is having a human experience; this is instead of the soul having a soul experience. The human experience becomes primary to the soul having an experience. When everything we humanly experience and express is reflective upon the soul, I think it doesn't matter what our soul is experiencing, it is still primarily to do with the soul having the experience. Also, the soul itself doesn't separate one experience from another, it's still an experience. It is like the soul doesn't observe or experience each life lived as a separate entity or life; it is one life lives with different experiences experienced.

If you can't remember experiencing your own soul and other souls, projecting from the soul is going to be hard to do humanly; this is why a lot of ideologies make reference to the soul. "If you are not righteous in human life, this will reflect on your soul." This isn't scaremongering, it is the obvious truth observed and experienced by the soul. It is a soul projection trying to guide the human self to refrain from abusing energy as a whole. How often is, for example, Christianity and Hinduism these days shown disdain because they state what is obvious to the soul? "Refrain from abuse of energy in human life or suffer the consequences", is simply a guide for the human self otherwise the soul will suffer. Yes, the soul can become dark, in other words become ignorant to serve the ego in control.

Can a soul in deliberate ignorance (dark) only observe that we live separate lives, unlike how the soul projects it as one life lived with different experiences to be experienced? Yes, the soul itself can become this unaware through serving the ego for only through the ego can separation and abuse of energy occur. However, the only way the ego is going to comprehend anything beyond its own self, is to relate to each soul experience as being a separate entity to start with, for only the ego comprehends separate entities. This is the same as saying that the soul is having a human experience, when the soul sees it as the soul simply having a soul experience. Of course a soul that is conditioned to separating everything, will only desire to see it as many lives lived, however, as you can condition the soul to become dark (ignorant), you can also condition the soul to become light (aware). To do this one must separate energy, for the egos sake, to once again unite energy as many spiritual ideologies guide us to do.

Yes, the human self has to first see that we live many lives separate to each other to be able to then observe through a souls perspective, that there is only one life lived. It is a big deal to start with when the ego comprehends the soul, an entity not separate to the ego but often more aware than the ego. For the ego to go beyond its own awareness is astonishing, especially when you consider the abusive environment the ego has to cope with. Think on this, would not an ego in control deliberately condition the soul to primarily serve the ego, to only be of a controlling ego? I have personally experienced souls just like this; they simply didn't want to know anymore than their egos allowed them to.

As an aware soul is able to comprehend mortal egoistic existences, an aware soul is also able to comprehend immortal egoless states of being. A state, as opposed to states, where everything is just is which is the same state as pure awareness, oneness, nirvana/heaven or a state of God. I often myself touch on this state as the ego can only do. Yes, to the ego this state, what ever your ideology calls it, is an utterly beautiful state of being. This egoless state doesn't see or feel its own beauty for only through the ego is love and beauty appreciated. The problem of the ego expressing appreciation in this way is the ego in control often distorts and fragments this energy of appreciation. The appreciation of having to feel good takes over from the simple appreciation of the beauty of this state, this state then often becomes to the service of the controlling ego, to primarily feel good as much as possible no matter what. The separation of what is real and what is an illusion, what is negative and what is positive, what is wrong and what is right and so forth, becomes a priority to the ego in control to feel good as much as possible. All else from feeling good then becomes negative or even toxic.

Make no mistake, empathic people, people who are sensitive to other vibrations, often feel uneasy around vibrations not of their own. Just because it's not of our own vibration doesn't mean its negative just because it doesn't make us feel good. Yes, life has become all about us feeling good making all else some kind of negative. Of course in this state we will feel bad vibrations, vibrations that don't make us feel good. Did Jesus or Buddha, for example, avoid and ostracise every other vibration not of their own? They in actuality embraced all vibrations as of their own. You see in this state of nirvana/heaven, there is no feeling of bad or good vibrations; it is in actuality impossible to do so in this state. In a state of the absence of ego everything simply becomes just is. Of course in a state of the presence of ego we have individual souls and separate individual expressions of energy. Is a state of nirvana more worthy to be in and real than states of suffering/hell? The ego in control would state most definitely but the egoless state states there is no separation therefore no nirvana or suffering, heaven or hell, for to perceive this would be of the controlling ego.

However, to the ego there is an obvious nirvana and suffering, heaven and hell, the ego feels it and experiences it so they must exist but only to and through the ego. There is simply no separation of energy in a state of nirvana. I suppose one needs to experience this state in some way or become aware of this state through an ideology to realise this.

So is it really a human experience the soul is experiencing or is it the soul experiencing a soul experience? It really has to do with the way the existence or state a soul is conditioned to. For the ego, the soul is having a human experience. To the egoless state, it is all to do with the soul having an experience or being in a certain state. Try to remember, the ego is unable to experience a state of nirvana, a state of the absence of ego. All the ego can do is feel what this state is like, but so often it's these feel good feelings that take over us, often to the root of our soul. We then primarily focus on feeling good, in accordance with our desires, and then all else often becomes a negative as we are seeing so often today.

In truth, it is all about the soul so try not to avoid abusing energy as much as you can. Remember though, you may not always be able to avoid this, try not to allow the ego to make a big deal of this for it is what it is, end of story. Also, in a state of ego, especially a state controlled by the ego, never expect, demand or desire to feel good all the time, this is highly impractical, however, touching on a state of true nirvana/heaven can make a life experience a lot less about suffering/hell thus conditioning your soul to Nirvana/Heaven.  

Saturday 24 November 2018

Beyond the Teachers Teachings

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes of course, a teacher who is truly being a teacher would want their students to surpass their teachings; my mistake is I wagged school a lot which made going to college interesting to say the least. Note; wagging school is to do with not going to school at times. This has made my life interesting and harder to live within an environment conducive to a high level of education.

Are not a lot of us wagging school, not learning from our greatest teacher's, isms, ideologies and our natural environment? How many of us desire to learn to live within our natural environment, the very same environment that supports our existence? How many of us are surpassing the teachers like isms and ideologies? Yes, isms and ideologies are our teachers that we should learn to surpass. Many isms and ideologies teach us about existences beyond our present environment, even the 3rd dimensional environment. How many of us are wagging these classes, or, abusing the teachings in these classes by using these isms and ideologies in an abusive way? And we wonder why the world is the way it is, and why it will stay that way or get worse!!

Most of us are conditioned from birth to only be aware of our immediate environment, making comprehension of any other environment most difficult. Most of us don't even know much about the 3rd dimensional environment, being that we still know little about the universe. How many advanced beings in the universe are we aware of? Many of us are still theorising how the universe was created, this is while many isms and ideologies teach us about environments way beyond 3rd dimensional aspects. Mind boggling isn't it!!

I was once in a state that I could ask any question and an immediate correct answer would come to me. This was quite natural to do in this state, a state that goes beyond most teacher's teachings, beyond most isms and ideologies teachings. Any of us at any time can enter into this state. I of course recently discovered this to be a true state through the teaching's of Hinduism. Please note; I am not advocating Hinduism, it's that I have no bias of any teachings therefore I learn from all teachings. The state I was in was only the tip of the iceberg as many isms and ideologies teach. How many of us are wagging these classes, or, abusing the knowledge from these classes? And we wonder why the reality is presently where it is at!!

To teach without wisdom is not teaching, it is simply telling. And to learn without the guidance of wisdom is not learning, it is simply listening of the absence of being what is being taught........M G Naismith

Wednesday 21 November 2018

The Soul Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, as of a human experience there is also a soul experience, it is really wise not to separate the human experience from the soul experience. Actually, it is wise not to separate the human or soul experience from any other experience or motion. In other words it is wise not to separate yourself from the environment as a whole; there should be no exclusions no matter what the ego dictates. 

Soul: The immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life

Actuating refers to motion; which means the soul is the motion behind each person, without the soul there is no actuation therefore motion. So what about the rest of existence that is of motion, does everything of motion have a soul? To answer this we must now look at the spirit. 

Spirit: The vital principle or animating force within living things

I actually don't concur with this, that the spirit is just of living things. To me the spirit is of all things, this is the same in that energy is of all things. Spirit = energy which = motion. So what about motionlessness, a state where energy or the spirit within all things is motionless, is not the spirit, therefore energy, apart of a motionless state?

The soul experience, as of the human experience, is simply an experience. The spirit on the other hand isn't an experience but of all of what is as of energy. So no, to answer the first question, not everything has a soul but the soul is still of the spirit. To someone like me, everything is alive. I wrote some time ago about vibrations alive, in that all motion creates vibrations which make all motions alive in one way or another. The ego only comprehends what is alive and what isn't alive in accordance with the egos perception of what is alive and what isn't. It is wise not to listen to the ego which is often bias. Bias of course only creates ignorance, the deliberate unknowingness of something the ego doesn't desire to become aware of, usually in accordance with the souls experiences and human ideologies and isms.

The spirit can be of both motion and motionlessness, there are no limitations to the spirit as of the soul. Yes, soul experiences are indeed infinite in nature, where infinite experiences can be experienced by the soul, however, the soul cannot experience a state of motionlessness for motionlessness is not an experiences. It is simply being or not being, which ever your soul relates to the best.

Now, is this being or not being also of energy therefore spirit? Our egos often perceive that energy has to be of motion to exist therefore motionlessness (just being) is not of the spirit!!

Why do we become more aware or more enlightened as we lesson our motions? It is too obvious that the more of motion or the ego we are not expressive of, the more aware we become. Of course the more motion we express, the less aware be become, this is course includes the soul. This is why this just being or not being, this motionless state, is stated as being of pure awareness. Now if we become more aware the less motion we express, how alive and of energy therefore spirit is this motionless state of just being? When we so-call die, we can have a sense of being more alive, of course if our soul is controlled or primarily of the ego, the soul will have more of a sense of death. A sense of death simply represents the demise of life, a life the soul's ego is attached to, this is why it is wise to be aware of the tricks the ego can play on us, the illusions the ego can create.

My mother so-called died a while back, at no time did my ego mourn her death, even though my ego tried to. My mother was more alive than ever, but only after I helped her out of a dark tunnel. My mother was unable to go on as her life on Earth was still not at ease. My mother was never happy in the way she led her life, so after her bodily demise, my mother had huge regrets. My mother wanted to be forgiven but I didn't do this, I didn't feel I had to for there was nothing to forgive. I said to my mother," It is okay, life is what it is, no more, no less, I have no regrets and neither should you."

What a lot of people forget it is a soul experience, the human experiences dies but life is not about the human experience but the soul experience. You could say that the human experience doesn't matter then as the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience life experiences through. A lot of souls live like this as this is all they know, however, to a soul that is aware, the human experience does matter. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of a person, what we do in life reflects back on the soul in one way or another.

In regards to the soul and the human experience, I am simply humbling myself to the ego, to the human experience of attachments. However, the human ego that is trying to dispel the ego altogether is actually being more of the ego, for only the ego desires to dispel itself so it can no longer humble itself to itself. The egoless self has no desire or need to dispel the ego in any sense; the ego is what it is, no more, no less. To comprehend this you must look at this from a soul perspective, not a human perspective. It is primarily a soul experience, the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience motion (life) through. Humanly, think very carefully what you are conditioning your soul to and yes, the way you lead your life does matter to the soul. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of you, what you materially do reflects back on the soul, make no mistake about it. I suppose to really comprehend this, you must humanly experience some kind of after life experience or at least feel or know there to be a lot more to life than material life.                       


Sunday 18 November 2018

Avoiding Feeding the Egos Desires

Written by Mathew Naismith

Are people being offensive or is it that our egos are offended when our egos desires are not being fed by other people? I am aware myself when I am offended, that it's only my ego that is being offended, not me as a collective consciousness. If only people's egos were aware in how small the ego is to our whole self, of course to make the ego aware of this, the ego is often offended that it's not of the entire self. "How dare you offend me in this way, I am all that you are". Not too far off in how the ego in control actually thinks, not that the ego in control desires to become aware of this of course.

Yes, as you can become offended by other people's views and actions, your own ego can become offended by your own views and actions. The ratio between people stating I am offensive to them when not feeding their egos is nothing compared to my own ego in my life. Your own ego doesn't desire to be offended so it will only accept what feeds it, everything else will be judged in accordance to it's offensiveness to the ego in control. You could feed the ego everything in existence and it would still desire more, multinationals are a prime example of this. If you gave the multinationals the whole universe, would not their own controlling egos desire even more, as of any ego in control?

It's really strange for people like me; observing a reality primarily created to feed the desires of the controlling ego, where balance of the ego is shunned or denounced at all cost. A reality like this isn't strange within itself, for only a controlling ego can create such a reality as it's natural for a controlling ego to do. What is strange is observing this reality become self-destructive. You would think the ego would be self-preserving therefore embrace the balancing of itself to preserve it's existence but alas, the ego in control feeds on everything until there is nothing left for the ego to exist in or on.

I have simply lost count how many people I am supposed to have offended. As soon as people state or think this, I know they are not truly aware or aware of how defensive their own ego is to being offended. Yes, not feeding other people's controlling egos or even your own controlling ego is highly offensive to the ego in control. This is different compared to ego not in control, which simply means an ego that accepts being balanced in accordance to it's present environment. How often does an ego in control create its own environment in opposition to the present existing environment? How many spiritually aware people these days desire to do the exact same thing, to simply feed the pleasures of the egos? People like me don't feed people's egos, this is not what spirituality is supposed to be about but alas, once again the ego in control changes the present environment of spirituality to primarily serve the egos desires and pleasures!!

Think on this, do spiritual gurus or shamans deliberately go out to become enlightened? Did Jesus or Buddha purposely leave their current environment to become enlightened? No, what is purposely exercised is the detachments created by the ego, for example, desires and abuse. Enlightenment is simply a by-product of releasing yourself from the controlling ways of the ego; it can be at no time of the egos primary objective otherwise enlightenment simply won't occur. Yes, a thought of an enlightening experience is thought of but the main focus isn't on enlightenment but on releasing yourself from control altogether. Yes, to the ego releasing yourself from control seems like you are taking more control but in actuality your not, this is simply an egos perception, nothing more. The pleasure the ego feels from releasing yourself from control isn't to serve the ego, as the egos tries to make out, it's simply once again a by-product, in other words part of the process of detaching ourselves from control. This is exactly like unconditional love; unconditional love is simply a by-product of becoming aware and at no time should be abused and used as the primary objective or focus. This is exactly why the kind of unconditional love that comes from this isn't true unconditional love, it's simply becomes a desire of the controlling ego to feel more pleasure no matter what the cost is.

Sorry, if I am not going to feed my own ego desires, it is unlikely I will serve other people's egos desires, if the ego in control takes offence to this, so be it. I should also say, even when people are purposely being offensive and you are offended by this, it's simply your ego in control that is offended, not you as a whole or even your ego that is not in control. Try to become aware that your ego is a very small part of who you are as a whole; this alone should bring some balance to a controlling ego gone troppo if you are truly aware of this.

This is funny; the pic is of a cat looking in the mirror only seeing themselves as something grandiose as a lion. We are all of what is, not what our egos only desire to be of.