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Monday, 30 November 2020

Wisdom of Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but a post that I feel is immensely in-depth.

Now this is interesting after hearing this. The truth, the wisdom of truth, sings to me like this no matter what that truth is. I think coming out of a consciousness no longer governed and controlled by ignorance, leaves us with a signature based on harmonious vibrations. It is funny, these harmonious vibrations have always been there, they were simply obscured. This is our distinctive feature that precisely identifies us, it is indeed our true signature, not the falsified/forged signature so many of us have identified with as being who we are. Expose the untruths we took on as being true and all we are left with is our true harmonious signature. 

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Beyond Human Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

“It will take nothing to be said, we will just know as if we always knew. As when the time comes we will simply just know, as if by magic what seemed absent in our life will materialise.”

Boy, I can't believe I am going to go into this, not just because of myinitial following of atheistic doctrines and beliefs/disbelief's in my younger days, but because speaking of God's consciousness seems to be so unbecoming these days. In some areas this is called a higher consciousness but of course anything of the awareness and wisdom greater than present human consciousness, can be refereed to as a higher consciousness. God consciousness is a specific consciousness, a consciousness not governed or controlled by time therefore ego, it is a consciousness in the absence of time while having the awareness of time. Yes, you can relate this consciousness to religion but this consciousness is not of religion. Religion and spiritual teaching across the board help a less aware consciousnesses to comprehend this consciousness, in the process assisting balancing out time and related ego to time within realities of time. As when nature is at it's best when in balance, so is consciousness.

I person of spiritual reasonability was recently being berated for mentioning so-called toxic vibrational words like war and conflict.

The sun is one of the most violent and destructive entities in the universe, how many of us feel toxic vibrations emanating from the sun every time the sun rises? In fact watching the sun rising and setting can be quite a magical time, for some of us.

Transhumanism; is a philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly modify or enhance human intellect and physiology.

Transhumanism has to be a joke but it's not, transhumanism simply represents the endless gorging of the ego.

Ever been close to this God consciousness? You realise you where never separated from this consciousness but simply had a perception of separation. Whatever man does to feed his egos lusts and desires, will only lead man to believe in this separation. This kind of love is simply of lust, certainly not of a true sense of love, for within this God consciousness the ego is not in control. This comes from a person who was once an atheist but never religious, just simply interested in wisdom and awareness from whatever speaks of this wisdom and awareness.

You won't find eternalism in anything created in time, if it is born in time, it is supposed to die in time. So creating something born in time to be somehow truly eternal is not going to occur, only in this God consciousness, what Buddhism calls a state of pure awareness or nothingness, can eternalism truly exist. Actually, only a true sense of love can exist within this state, all else is determined by ego in one way or another due to being time based defined, therefore of lust and desire to one extent or another.

Whatever man does in time comes nowhere near to this God consciousness for a very good reason, man and his consciousness is defined by time. However, being aware therefore partly of this God consciousness, can bring a sense of eternal being and love from a state of God, but this takes not perceiving a separation from this God consciousness. To do this the ego cannot be in control, in other words to desire to be more than what one is in time. This is very important, avoid desiring to be more than what one is within time. Avoid trying to make time based realities of realities of this God's consciousness, time based realities are of and governed by completely different aspectual determinines. In other words time, the finite, is based on quite different principles than timelessness, the infinite, for example, the ego that is absent in this God's consciousness but is prevalent in time based consciousness.

So this is why I have been sitting on this post for a week.

If you are having a hard time of the present, don't read on. It is not that it is negative, in truth quite compelling, but I do go into possession, where a consciousness of inhumanity presently resides within part of human consciousness.

As a consciousness of inhumanity would say it, we are born inherently evil, of inhumanity. The truth of the matter is that we can be born into an external consciousness that is of a consciousness of inhumanity. It is very unlikely that a soul possessed by a consciousness of inhumanity can become humanly born. Why? The risk of humanity within human consciousnesses influencing a child born of inhumanity is still at this point great, however, if human consciousness becomes totally possessed by a consciousness of inhumanity, yes, a soul of inhumanity can be born into human consciousness. This means that we can then within this environment become born inherently evil but only then.

So what do we do, conduct in a huge exorcism of human consciousness?

No. Through various consciousnesses this God consciousness is very much alive, any true depiction of this consciousness, no matter how minuscule, hinders and even subtly expels a consciousness of inhumanity possessing human consciousness within it's entirety. I can't tell you how I know this but this is exactly what this consciousnesses of inhumanity desires or lusts after to do, possess (control) all of human consciousness. Every little bit of inhumanity, hurt, human consciousness experiences, the further down a consciousness of inhumanity human consciousness goes.

Imagine for a moment a consciousness where inhumanity is absent, where deliberate hurt upon any consciousness is simply non-existent. There is simply no consciousness of inhumanity to expel. Human consciousness has not been this fortunate and the reason for this lays in that human consciousness still predominantly perceives in time. Instead of this God consciousness of the infinite predominantly influencing human consciousness, a finite consciousness of inhumanity is trying to predominantly influence human consciousness.

Within time there is always two sides, duality, day and night, negative and positive, black and white, good and bad, etc. A consciousness of humanity keeps this duality existence in balance, but a consciousness of inhumanity tries to keep this duality existence imbalanced. The equilibrium of consciousness in this state is distorted or deformed from a state of formity, where one type of conscientiousness puts itself as being a higher hierarchy consciousness above any other consciousness not of it's own. This is very evident to what is presently occurring in the USA.

The exorcism simply turns into the expelling of inhumanity within humanity by simply being more of this God's consciousness than a consciousness of inhumanity. As I have experienced myself even in this life, this consciousness of inhumanity cannot exist within the same space as a consciousness of humanity. See it like this, humanity = the infinite, inhumanity = the finite. All we have to do is reawaken ourselves that we are of infinite being, of this God's consciousness, not just of the finite and a consciousness of inhumanity, to expel this consciousness of inhumanity from humanity.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

NWO Global Reset

Written by Mathew Naismith

NWO Global Reset, the banishment of existing laws and rulings that protected the common people from tyranny and oppression from those who benefit the most from tyranny and oppression

This as always is accomplished through the implementation of fear and those who, like 80+ years ago in Europe, wished to join such a NWO Global Reset of oppression and tyranny for their own benefit and security

I am amazed at how many people are so willing to join and participate in what is going to hurt them and the world at large the most. For the protection of the environment maybe!! Really, while the biggest player of this globalisation is China, who is presently building coal driven power plants and destroying the African rain forest at an alarming rate. Once again the common people are being used and abused for the benefit and security of the few.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Differential Narratives

Written by Mathew Naismith

“It is not just about only black lives matter or all lives matter, it is about all living things matter”.......Mathew G

While still as an atheist 45 years ago, my spiritual journey began. It is by no mistake that this journey over time transformed my own atheism into a different narrative, to the point that I am today simply spiritually aware to one degree or another.

Yes, to people like me, in a true sense, all living things matter. This simply means that killing an animal to transform that energy into a different energy is not differentiated from transforming plant energy, it is all simply a transformation of energy, remembering that you can't destroy energy, you simply transform energy. What is important is that this transformation process doesn't entail abuse of energy in it's transformation. The abuse of plant form is seen as the same as abusing animals in transformational processes.

Yes, people like me get ourselves in all sorts of trouble when not going along with common or popular narratives. This is like people like me avoiding the common narratives of labelling negative and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white. Are uncommon or less perceived narratives right over commonly accepted narratives or visa-versa? They are simply different narratives like religious views are simply of different narratives to atheist views, or one religious view is different to another religious view.

We may think as an atheist that religion has been highly abusive towards the transformation of energy, of course at present we are seeing how abusive towards energy atheism is, which is proving to be just as abusive as religion can be. Religion or atheism need not be abusive but often is when the awareness of this abuse towards energy is not noted or the act of deliberate abuse is enforced.

Presently, it seems like dark times to many, especially with the high degree of electoral fraud in the USA. It is not just that a great deal of fraud has been noted, it is that so many people are willing to live with the fraud by deliberately not seeing it. Yes, in a true sense this is of abuse of energy, where obvious fraud is of abuse of energy capped off with the deliberate act of desiring not to see this abuse of energy by so many people in the world.

45 years ago I started my spiritual journey. At that time I noted, while in my own space, that very few souls on Earth were awakened to narratives beyond their own human narratives. Today when I enter into this quietened space, I am observing that many souls are very awakened. As awareness is not the same as knowledge and wisdom is not the same as intelligence, the present narrative of awoke is not the same as awakened. The awoke souls are not of what I am observing in this quietened state, which means there are many more awakened souls today than 45 years ago.

Inhumanity works best while only partially observable, today this inhumanity is far more observable, in the process creating a more aware state for many people. This inhumanity has been a plague upon humanity for centuries, the abuse of energy is a prime indication of this. Due to the degree of observable inhumanity today, many more people are awakening, in the process transforming the energy of differential narratives. Even though we are still playing light against dark, black against white, negatives against positives, the exposure of inhumanity is transforming our narratives into a far more aware narrative postulate. The assertiveness of inhumanity upon humanity is, within my own observation in 45 years, inadvertently creating a greater awareness.

Is this awakening simply a desire of my ego? Possible, but the exposure of inhumanity is not, therefore neither is the awakening this kind of exposure can create.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Benevolent Dictatorship

Written by Mathew Naismith

“In my own mind, one of your best messages Tom.

I look at human consciousness as a whole as being stuck in a child or adolescent state of consciousness, and the unwillingness to go forth into a state of consciousness of adulthood. It matters not that human consciousness is being deliberately bound to this state, human consciousness just doesn't seemingly want to evolve to adulthood, at this stage.”

Dictatorship: A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution, laws or opposition etc.)

Benevolent: Showing or motivated by sympathy, understanding, and generosity.

Mention dictatorship and most people of a democratic system would cringe. Dictatorship is perceived to refer to a restricted freedom if not a system of no freedom, where's democracy is often seen as being of unrestricted freedom or a freedom only limited by law, unless you are wealthy that is.

Yes, a dictatorship that is not based on benevolence refers mainly to a ruling person or people being free to do as they like when the ruled are highly restricted. This is very different to a dictatorship that is of benevolence, in that everyone is simply guided and certainly not policed to be beneficial to all instead of a few. Let's be honest, as children and adolescent we often come first, life is about us first and at times foremost. Yes, I am saying that a non-benevolent dictator (multinational) simply has not grown up. Being ruled by a benevolent dictatorship will, in my own mind, assist a consciousness that has no desire or will to grow up into adulthood consciously.

Yes, a democratic system allows one more freedom but when based on capitalism, where wealth rules over all else, wealth gives one more freedom to the point of being able to suppress the poorer people. Health and legal representation are much greater under this freedom for the wealthy than the poor. The greater the wealth, the greater the power over others less wealthier. It is as though democracy has been replaced with communism where certain dictators have the greatest of privileges which includes freedom, to do as they want to others of less freedom without being questioned.

So communist dictatorship based on capitalism is going to create what?

This is where a dictatorial system based on benevolence, not based on capitalism or communism, seems to be a better way to go for a consciousness that needs guidance to grow up. Human consciousness in my mind needs nurturing, the environment to mature creating a desire to mature. It is actually more of a need than a desire in my mind. What we are talking about here is about a nurturing dictatorship of guidance rather than a forceful dictatorship of policing.

Human consciousness needs a great deal of nurturing and determined guidance to mature, this is so evident to people like me.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Alien Intervention

Written by Mathew Naismith

To people like me, it is not just that all black lives matter or even all lives matter, it is that all living things matter........

A consideration of all living things doesn't just mean we turn vegan, it means that things like plant matter has just as much consideration. This means that one consideration does not override another consideration. Put in another way, the abuse of all energy is considered, not one energy being separate to the other therefore is more considered. Within this consciousness, cruelty (abuse) to the earth is considered in the exact same way as cruelty (abuse) to animals, there is no separation of energy in relation to preferences related to the ego. Something with a soul has no more consideration over and above any other existing energy, for it is of the same energy.

It would seem that the human race has had alien intervention from an early stage, also, some aliens are more of inhumanity than humanity. It would seem that the human race has indeed been influenced by aliens of humanity and inhumanity. The more aware a consciousness is, it would seem the more of humanity that consciousness becomes. The more of this consciousness of humanity a consciousness becomes, it would seem the more consideration we express over all existing energy without preference. A very enlightening state of affairs.

In Australia, we have, like in the USA, one side of politics that is dead against using hydroxychloroquine in spite of numerous studies clearly showing that hydroxychloriquine saves lives. This is the same with the degree of locking healthy people up in their own homes, at present.

Good gosh, we seem to have two distinctively different consciousnesses at play at present. Even though both sides of politics are of the same agenda but instinctively implemented in a different way, a consciousness of humanity exists. It would seem more on one side of politics than the other. Considering the intervention of different alien consciousnesses, politics will be of the same, a mix of alien interventive consciousness, this is unless a consciousness of inhumanity overrules all other conscious influences.

A consciousness of inhumanity can be quite knowledgeable and even technologically advanced, but at the same time express extreme degrees of preferences. In this case not all energy is considered in the same way, leading to energy being abused. Also, being knowledgeable is quite different to being aware. It is funny how certain alien species state that there is no creator, where other alien species make reference to a creator. The alien species that make out that they are far more advanced in every way, often state that there is no creator, this is interestingly very different to alien species that are more aware than knowledgeable but just as technologically advanced. Knowledge is restricted to the environment of what a consciousness is aware of, awareness has no such restrictions. In this state you become aware of environments beyond ego preferences. This is important to comprehend, becoming aware of environments beyond ego preferences.

As I have minimally experienced myself in this lifetime, a consciousness of awareness (humanity) has no need of war or conflict to overcome a consciousness of inhumanity, the presence of this awareness automatically dispels a consciousness of inhumanity. On the other hand, a consciousness of inhumanity will always see a consciousness of humanity as a huge threat to itself and will make war on any consciousness not of it's own, as to be expected.

Yes, this degree of awareness in the absence of preferences is indeed this compelling. It is wise to be aware of the influences that the human race has been subjected to, for there is a difference of influence of consciousnesses of preferences to consciousnesses of no preferences.