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Tuesday, 29 November 2022

No to Persecution, Altogether


Written by Mathew Naismith

People like me don't desire to persecute and even have people who have committed crimes against humanity prosecuted, there is no point to this except for personal gratification. Why not?

Firstly, the desire to persecute and prosecute other people is in line with committing crimes against humanity, both are based on personal gratification to start with. Secondly, personal gratification expressed on this level is a sign of an imbalanced psyche, and the more the psyche becomes imbalanced, the more distorted the psyche becomes, to the point of distorting consciousness therefore reality. It is understandable that consciousness (psyche) can often become lost within a distorted reality, lost within it's own creation. How do you get personnel gratification from persecuting a consciousness or psyche that has become lost within it's own creation?

To me, I could not exist within a reality that is more based on personal gratification if I wanted to, lets be honest, the present created human reality is primary based in personal gratification in just about every way these days. No matter how inhumane people become, they don't deserve to be persecuted or prosecuted for simply being lost within an imbalanced therefore distorted reality, even when it is of their own making. Again, the why not is to do with not being primarily governed by personal gratification, but also knowing that something lost does not deserve to be persecuted or prosecuted for simply being lost.

So does this mean that Ukrainian soldiers mistreating Russian prisoners in the most heinous way should not be prosecuted for war crimes, as with how children are being sold on the internet by high end clothing companies?

Are we, at present, able to prosecute people who have committed crimes against humanity in the absence of personal gratification, especially when a consciousness and psyche are conditioned to personal gratification?

So you can see why I say no to persecution, while saying yes to accountability, where people that have committed crimes against humanity are found accountable for their crimes for distorting reality even more. Again, how do you persecute a consciousness or psyche lost within it's own creation, especially in the absence of personal gratification, without expressing some kind of personal or even group gratification? Group gratification distorts reality even more so. Extremist groups, such as ANTIFA and the KKK, and political ideologies, such as communism and fascism, are of group gratification as is the New World Order or the World Economic Forum. Look at how religion and atheism become extremist, where they base religion or atheism on group gratification therefore persecution. Look for the desire to persecute to see the degree of extremism.

Human consciousness and psyche is simply not in the right mind, or more precisely of a balanced mind, to be able to persecute or prosecute anyone of a different personal or group gratification without distorting reality even more so. So in all, I say no to persecution, where persecution is the same as prosecution which we are seeing a lot of at present in the world.

As is said, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Being primarily governed by personal and group gratification is indeed of meekness. Being submissive to personal and group gratification is indeed of the meek, as meek is of submissiveness, but of any consciousness of this degree of submissiveness, time is indeed short lived as of the inheritance. Now look back in human history to see how long personal and group gratification have ruled humanity. I would say that personal and group gratification inheritance is nearly over.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Lead a Horse to Water

Written By Mathew Naismith

We have a saying in the west, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”

What this means as the image above states,” You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think.” This is in line with awareness, where, “ You can speak of awareness as much as you like, but it takes awareness to be able to comprehend awareness itself to accept this awareness as being of awareness in the first place.”

My wife and I are in awe, so many horses refuse to go to the water to begin with, and even if some make it to the water, be the water of knowledge or awareness, many still refuse to drink from this water.

So why the hesitancy to drink from this water?

How many religious people put religion and even their church before God? How many scientists put their careers and/or their employers profits before science? How many people put their own personal security before a nations security? How many people put political ideologies before all else, even family that can include a nation and even the human race as a whole?

At present, medical apartheid comes before other people's security and well being, even to the extent of outright abuse of the people on the receiving end of numerous kinds of embraced apartheid systems. So why the hesitancy to drink from this water? The answer is simple, security. An embraced apartheid system gives certain people a sense of security. What occurs when you try to take a security blanket away from an infant? Because knowledge and awareness have a direct relation to the truth, in a time when the truth is heavily censored, knowledge and awareness is seen as a threat to security, like taking a security blanket away from an infant. This is also at a time when so many people embraced a medical apartheid system, even to the point of outright abuse, as apartheid systems often lead to.

In spirituality today, how often is love put before awareness, when it is awareness that creates a true sense of love in spirituality? Try being of a true sense of love without first being in a state of awareness. So being aware of what for example? Putting God consciousness, be it that this God consciousness can be many things, even before a state of awareness. God consciousness to me relates to a conscious state of pure awareness and wisdom, be it that awareness in the absence of wisdom is not really a state of awareness therefore love.

Wisdom does not shun other forms of awareness, so to someone like me it is obvious who is of wisdom and who only speaks of awareness and love in the absence of wisdom. So many people censor what is not of their own awareness and love, a form of apartheid system put in motion!! In a real sense, people of wisdom are in the complete absence of the embarrassment of apartheid systems. Apartheid systems are not systems that are intentionally avoided, it is simply a state that cannot exist within a state of wisdom, I mean really.

So can you lead a horse to water, even to save it's life, a horse that has embraced some kind of apartheid system? Not when the horse sees the water as a threat to their apartheid system, a threat in taking away their security blanket.

So do you allow the horses to die of thirst, die due to the lack of knowledge and awareness, truth?

All I am going to say is that a certain number of horses can be saved, and if you wish to try to save these horses, so it must be. The water must be presented in a way so that the water does not seem like a threat to the horses security, knowing that each and every horse has it's own idea of what represents security and a threat to this security. What should come first, the good of the people of an apartheid system or the good of all of man kind, remembering many people have been coerced to think the embracement of an apartheid system is for the good of all, of course wisdom tells us something quite different?

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

 A Great Awakening Through Trauma

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting, I have been receiving a lot of hits on my freedom blog recently, seemingly due to a post written about putting consciousness before mind, like putting family before political ideologies and science before profits. So what happens when we put profits before science or political ideologies before family? How often is hate put before love or disunity before unity?

When profits and/or career come before science, science is governed by external element, leading to a science that is distorted by profits and/or career before science. Science should be only governed by an internal element, science itself. Should family be governed by external political ideologies? So when you have a family that is governed by political ideologies with different political preferences, a conscious distortion occurs, resulting in a chaotic family environment. This is the same with everything. As soon as an external element is allowed to dominate an environment, like a family or science environment, the environment often becomes distorted, as in chaotic, corrupt, criminal, etc.

Who started the war between Ukraine and Russia? To look at this in a different way we need to ask the question in a different way. What external element became dominant or influential within the region in 2014, the real date of the start of the war? Certain Ukrainian's simply allowed an external element to become far more influential in that region, the same external element that destabilised every other country it bombed and invaded, often leaving the common people in that country in the hands of people who are themselves excessively abusive and/or corrupt (criminal).

The Ukraine war is an awakening for a lot of people. Look at the external element in the Ukraine/Russian environment that does not want to put unity before disunity. Like with the covid pandemic, how often was the science governed by profits first and foremost, resulting in the excessive distortion of truth? Book burning on it's own is a sign of distortion, an element that only wants a certain narrative told, resulting in a distorted reality.

What is presently going on in the world is disheartening to a lot of us, but the awakening that can occur from this is phenomenal. It is very much in line with making the best of trying times instead of the worse, or the best of life instead of the worse. The deliberate distortion of reality presently occurring in the world at present can indeed awaken us as a collective to what we have been dominated by for a very long time now.

We have an opportunity for a great awakening, all we need to do is awaken to what external elements have created, a deeply distorted reality. Believe it or not, hate is an external element to all of us. Hating the Russians for starting this war in Ukraine is simply of a distorted reality in more than one way, especially when it was not the Russians who started this war, it was an external element to this region. NATO is not even of the region of Ukraine and Russia, NATO is an external element to this environment, this region.

When God is put before religion, science before profits and career, consciousness before mind, family before political ideologies, etc, is when we will create a reality far less distorted than it is today. Look at what external elements have politicised in the world today, gender, race, health, climate, etc. I could not think of a more distorted reality, but a distorted reality we can awaken to in a huge way. All we have to do is awaken to how distorted this reality really is and why this reality is presently so distorted. When a church puts religion before God, you have created a distorted reality. When profit and/or career come before science, you have created a distorted reality. When everything imaginable is politicised, you are now in a distorted reality. 


We just need to wake up to how distorted this reality has become, and what external elements are causing this to occur.

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Consciousness Before Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

My wife agrees. Often to the western mind what I write is overly complicated or over stated, while to the eastern mind most often what I write is not overly complicated or overly stated. I have often observed this myself. Overly complicating anything is in line with distorting reality, like profits come before science, religion and even church come before God, communism comes before family, mind comes before consciousness and so on. When you think of it, most spiritual practices practised in the west are of an eastern origin. Are we in the west distorting eastern teachings through taking out what seems to be too complicated for the western mind to comprehend and put into practice?

Should the tribe come before family, personal life? Not if having different views separates the family. Often in a reality that is not distorted, the tribe is thought of as family, where each and everyone's differences are allowed and tolerated, unless greatly distorted. In today's science, profits often come before science, meaning, the science has to be primarily of profits first, creating a distorted reality where profits come before science. Don't berate yourself for being a part of distorting reality, for an unseen consciousness that is distorted itself is coercing us to be of the same reality, more than ever.

We are presently experiencing a distortion of consciousness and are on the receiving end of a distorted consciousness, on the receiving end of an abstract portion of what consciousness actually is altogether.

Abstract: Existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment

The mind is often only expressive or knowing of a small part of what consciousness actually represents overall. No mind is expressive of what consciousness is altogether, in the process the mind only creates what the mind often only desires to be what consciousness is, like God exists or doesn't exist, full stop. Also, if the mind is conditioned to a certain mind set in relevance to the environment experienced, like being brought up as a religious person or atheist, the mind conditioned to this environment will only live by a portion of what consciousness is overall, in the process distorting reality even more.

We are not meant to be governed by mind but by consciousness, but by a consciousness that is not distorted. Because we are conditioned to primarily live by the mind, our consciousness is easy pray to any kind of distorted consciousness out there. Look at how often religion or even the church came and comes before God, in the process creating an abstract form of God, not of what consciousness is overall which is what many of us call God. God is simply a consciousness that is not distorted. No, God does not exist for or within a consciousness that is excessively distorted, God or a consciousness not distorted does not exist within this kind of reality, in saying this, there is not a consciousness in existence that does not have a spark of God consciousness within it. The reaction is amazing when you try to show this to a mind or consciousness distorted by a distorted consciousness, the expressed fear is horrendous, a fear they have themselves created by distorting reality.

Notice in a lot of eastern spiritual practices that the enlightened will always be of consciousness first before mind, a reality that is often brought about by practices that quieten the mind, not putting the mind before consciousness at any time. This is why people like me will never become what is known to be enlightened, as I often put mind before consciousness, but while being aware of this. The enlightened put themselves within an environment conducive to creating a reality that is not distorted or less distorted. My present environment is not conducive to wholly putting myself within this kind of environment and I am fine with that, but I have created an environment where I can create a less distorted reality than the reality around me. We just need to be aware of what reality we desire to live by first and what reality we should live by to create a less distorted reality. What we often desire for ourselves is often of what distorts reality the most.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Heaven and Hell!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

“You go on being

reincarnated until you

reach the actual Truth.

Heaven and Hell are just a

state of mind. We are all

here to become Christ-like.

The actual world is an


I should state that in the west Christ like for a lot of people represents a consciousness of enlightenment and illumination. Illumination means to be aware in the absence of what keeps humans unaware as I will explain.

Refreshing, don't hear this a lot, “Heaven and hell are just a state of mind”!!

Heaven and hell are a state of consciousness, a particular consciousness, where heaven and hell are perceived to exist. Often of what we desire or simply perceive becomes reality, a made up reality inline with what is desired or perceived. I worked as a social worker twice over in my life, I found that so many people often live by the reality they have created, making the created reality real for them. Now, is a created reality inline with what we desire or simply perceived to be real of actual reality?

Tricky, because now you have to perceive, in the absence of what we desire to be true, what is meant by actual reality. The more we desire as a collective, be it material, spiritual wealth or whatever, the less the reality we create to be of actual reality. Actual reality is not what we desire or perceive to be true, actual reality becomes apparent in the absence of what is desired or perceived. Like I said , very tricky, for a consciousness conditioned to creating realities based on desires, lusts and made up man made perceptions.

I should add that hellish like consciousness seems to exist, a consciousness created by distorting consciousness, usually in line with what is desired, perceived or has came about due to excessive trauma. What reality will the present created trauma create, or we will allow to be created?

A book titled, “ Universal Trust Fund Baby”, written by Tawnya Love, might suite some people. I have not read this book by the way, it is just that I am in indirect communication with the author.