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Tuesday, 31 January 2023

High Degree of Appreciation

Written by Mathew Naismith

A human attribute that seems to be lacking or waning in today's society, appreciation. So how does someone like me who has to live with significant pain 24/7 for nearly 54 years express so much appreciation? I will start with one on world example and finish off with quite a different off world example.

Firstly, we must go into what people like me don't appreciate, as such, but at the same time not virulent at being persecuted for not going along with the main narrative, like, covid vaccinations, medical apartheid, autocracy, Ukraine war, today's woke movement, etc.

Can one learn from being persecuted? As long as one does not suffer from being persecuted, like being of the absence of being virulent/bitter in one's expressions. As soon as anyone is expressive of virulent attributes, I know that these people are simply suffering from being traumatised, not learning from being traumatised. Today's woke movement, for example, is highly expressive of virulent attributes, not a good sign at all. Notice the lack of appreciation and more of acting the victim while at the same time victimising, expressive of the very same attribute they say they are or have been on the receiving end of?

It is not that people like me have never been virulent, it is that we have learnt from being virulent, an obvious sign of appreciation. You cannot learn from something you see yourself a victim of.

The second part to this topic of appreciation is probably the primary reason for my appreciation and not acting the victim.

There is no such thing as death, a construct many of us are not conditioned to, only a transition of time based existences. As science has even proven many times over, there is more to life than time based existences, existences based on starting and ending points. In other words we are all apart of an existence that is not time based. As known in science, you cannot destroy energy, only transform energy into another energy form, very much like when we die or reach the end point of our physical existence. Science has proven soles exist to start with, even though many people desire this not to be true. Just because we desire it not to be so, does not make what we desire to be so.

“Consider the famous two-slit experiment. When you watch a particle go through the holes, it behaves like a bullet, passing through one slit or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave and can pass through both slits at the same time.”

What this means is that what we desire to observe will only become apparent, when not in observation both realities become apparent, not only what we desire or only want to observe. Yes, this works both ways of souls existing and souls not existing, however, how can so many people explain what was stated and occurred while they were in surgery for instance!!

My appreciation is not of an eternal existence, it is of a mortal existence. Why? Because as of anything governed by time, it has a time limit therefore far more precious than that of the eternal. Imagine for a moment if humanity was conditioned to think like this, were everything based on time was appreciated, while this does not mean you appreciate trauma, it simply means you learn from trauma instead of suffering from trauma.

If humanity existed in appreciation of the immortal, there would be far less inflicted trauma and acting the victim while victimising. I don't appreciate my experienced trauma, but I do appreciate the opportunity of learning from my experienced trauma, mainly due to knowing that we don't actually die.

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Fracturing Stopped in it's Tracks


Written by Mathew Naismith

“Engage with the dragon that burned you.” At all cost avoid escapism.

In the west in particular, we could not live within a more fractured society, the implementation of an apartheid system, like a medical apartheid, certainly backs up this claim. This by the way is inline with today version of the woke movement that has fractured society even more, on top of Critical Race Theory and BLM/ANTIFA, etc. Heavy censoring of the truth also fractures society even more so, so how will this fracturing by authorities influence us?

This bloke is brilliant, the same bloke the authorities are trying to persecute. Why? It is all to do with this bloke being in the way of social and personnel fracturing that is engineered by authorities, be it government or multinationals.

Interesting, fracturing caused by trauma, which of course includes social fracturing.

If you have suffered trauma in your life and this trauma has obviously influenced you, this video could assist. Trauma could also stem from lockdowns, mask wearing, mandates, forced vaccinations, medical apartheid, etc, also from disinformation put out by MSM and governments. Why? Because as you will find out it is all about fracturing society even to the level of fracturing each and every person on a personal level.

Could fracturing of our consciousness cause us to lose a sense of reality in favour of a more desired reality?

You will probably find that this is inline with our reasoning process or lack of. An example of this is not going along with the present narrative of climate change/global warming, while passionately going long with what the same source that preaches climate change/global warming is saying about the war in Ukraine. The reasoning process simply states that, if this one source is lying to us about one occurrence, it is very possible that it is lying to us about another occurrence. You can see the obvious conscious fracture here that is caused by what reality is more desired. Some people desire that there is no climate change/global warming, while they desire the reality the same source pushes in relation to Ukraine to be true!!

Engaging with the dragon that burned you, thus dealing with the fracturing of consciousness, stops the fracturing process in it's tracks by avoiding escapism. Trying to avoid fracturing by escaping the dragon that burnt you will only lead to further fracturing of society and consciousness as a whole,as today clearly show us, not less fracturing.

The statement that, “as today clearly show us”, is not right actually, for it is only clear to those who engage with the dragon that burned you/us, in a real sense. The less fractured people have to engage with the dragon that burned you/us for the whole of society, it is this simple, even while being attacked by people with fractured consciousnesses.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

The Woke Movement and Wetico


Written by Mathew Naismith

Is the woke movement being sabotaged, distorted beyond recognition from what the woke movement initially represented?

Woke in simple terms; “alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice”, also, “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”.

To me, the initial woke movement was not about a witch hunt or destabilisation of society nor becoming communist or of any autocratic system, it was simply about awakening everyone to white oppression of coloured people. I should add that accepting child abuse socially as well was not part of the woke movement.

The woke movement to me has been hijacked, big time, by groups of people socially hateful, violent and abusing. This degree of hate, violence and abuse tells people like me that a consciousness has been severally distorted, beyond recognition to what the woke movement was about in the first place. Make no mistake, coloured people have not got this on their own, the reason why is interesting. The problem is not race, the problem is of a certain type of consciousness environment that does not discriminate what race it infests to then abuse and distort.

Now lets look at something that is called Wetico.

“More and more people are hearing about the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus. Wetiko—called by many different names throughout history—is at the very root of the collective madness and corresponding evil that we, as a human species, are collectively acting out on the world stage. Though wetiko is multi-dimensional, many-faceted and utterly profound, its fundamental essence is actually quite simple to understand.”

“Our true nature, our true identity—who we really are—is impervious to wetiko’s pernicious influence. Wetiko can’t take over, possess or have any effect on our true nature, which is not an object that can be manipulated or possessed by wetiko (or anything else, for that matter). For this reason, wetiko’s strategy is to set up a substitute counterfeit version—a simulation—of ourselves. It then tricks us into identifying with this fraudulent version of ourselves. Wetiko cannot stand it when we identify with our true nature as creative beings, for then it has nothing to sink its roots—and fangs—into.”

Our innate consciousness or innate collective consciousness or God consciousness can't be touched by this very real virus, but our consciousness that is created from a wetiko environment can be distorted beyond recognition once infestation occurs. The cure is being aware, not retaliation or victim hood, where a certain collective consciousness acts the victim or victimiser.

No matter what race we are of, we are all being seriously threatened by this wetiko virus infestation and the cure is not acting out or acting the victim, it is of learning from the trauma of this infestation, and not suffering from this trauma because that is what this infectious virus consciousness wants you to do.

What is the woke movement today doing? Acting the victim big time while lashing out abusively and violently, in other words acting the victim while victimising.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Truth and a Balanced Society

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth shall set us free, in turn create a balanced society one can only dream of.

As much as the truth can be discomforting, without a doubt truth binds society by creating an environment absent of lies and disinformation. Do lies and disinformation divide society and family units? Lies and disinformation notably divide society by creating an imbalanced environment, an environment often notably absent of truths and accurate information.

I can not think of a more divided society in the west, which infers or confirms the degree of lies and disinformation that is present within such an environment. The environment speaks for itself, meaning, the truth is in the structure of the environment. A well balanced structured environment would represent or naturally create a society of unity, not a society of division. Governments would not be trying to divide society but unite society. A good example of dividing society is the introduction of an apartheid system, be it of racial or medical apartheid. An apartheid system just does not work or can not be introduced within a balanced society, where society is united, not divided.

So you want to know were to look for lies and disinformation, how to tell a lie or reliable information from lies and disinformation.

Well, today we are in luck, for you need to look no further than the source of the created apartheid system and the supporters of an apartheid system, such as governments and MSM. Even if you simply agree with any kind of an apartheid system, you are most likely in an environment conducive to lies and deception and division. In this case become receptive or vulnerable to lies and deception and even conditioned to such an environment.

So is a balanced united society of a balance between lies and truths?

You can not have a united society where lies are present, in any sense, this is why a united society is so elusive. A lie within itself is to divide itself from the truth, the lie in the first place is of division to start with. Yes, a lie of division is to also desire a specific desired reality than that of an actual reality that we don't desire. I don't desire a reality that we are of a society accepting of an apartheid system but in reality we are as presently proven. This truth is mightily uncomfortable at times, but only in an environment conducive to lies and disinformation.

So do lies and disinformation always create an apartheid system, like when whites and blacks were segregated in South Africa under the Afrikaans?

Funny, the link here between apartheid systems, lies and disinformation is in the presence of an authoritarian or autocratic system, by no surprise. An accepted apartheid system does not create lies and disinformation, it is the lies and disinformation that creates an apartheid system, an environment of lies and disinformation most often created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, as proven.

Authoritarian or autocratic systems are not just linked to communism or fascism but capitalist systems as well, were one part of society is notably treated differently by authorities from other parts of society. You also have one part of society dominating the other, while in an apartheid, way looking socially down at them as a separate part of society to themselves, the rich parted from the poor in every sense. Authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation that then creates an apartheid system.

You should by now see why we are so divided in the west, especially at present, authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation to then create an apartheid system. You can't have an apartheid system without lies and disinformation that seem to be always created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, the true source of division and imbalance.

So how do we bring about a well balanced united society under the control of an authoritarian or autocratic system?

Tell the truth, even if that truth feels uncomfortable.

Don't try to live within your own created desired environment, while in an apartheid way, separate yourself from all other realities you don't desire exist.

You can't expel authoritarian or autocratic systems without first exposing their lies and disinformation. In regards to the related introduced apartheid system, living in truth will expose an apartheid system for what it is, knowing that apartheid systems are created and supported by lies and disinformation.

Just be aware and express the truth for what it is, not for what you only desire to be true.........

Sunday, 15 January 2023

L&G Community, what is it doing wrong!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently in Queensland Australia, an all boys netball team, a representation of masculine energy, beat an all girls team, a representation of feminine energy, in a state title, there was no competition.

So what has this to do with the Lesbian and gay community doing something wrong?

If I was on this boys team, I would have walked off. Why? Because all I would be doing is enforcing masculine energy dominance over feminine energy. The reason I don't support the woke movement is due to this and how, under the woke movement, paedophilia is encouraged.

What if I said to you that the woke movement is all about the masculine energy gaining total control and dominance over feminine energy. Considering that the woke movement, like CRT, critical race theory, has a connection to communism, a known masculine energy controlled autocratic system of governing, it is most likely.

I should state that not all of the lesbian and gay community are supportive of the woke movement, where you are supposed to have gender equality. I don't call total dominance and control over feminine energy gender equality, even when a male pretends or even truly believes they are female. Some of the L&G community are waking up to this, that a pretend feminine energy movement is at play, a movement that often has direct connections with a known masculine energy, communism or any autocratic system.

It looks to me that the feminine energy is being tricked into supporting the very thing that wants total control and dominance over itself. I am all for males becoming more of the feminine energy, where autocratic systems have less control over us, but all I can see is the masculine energy taking even more control in the world, especially when seeing that in the west we are more controlled by autocratic governing systems. Communism is becoming hugely popular again, as paedophilia is more accepted.

Could paedophilia exist within a famine energy controlled environment? No, because the feminine energy is nurturing. This is the same with autocratic systems of governing. There are so many signs that we are becoming more dominated by masculine energy, even when it seems the opposite is occurring. It is unbelievable so many people can't see this yet. Like I said, there are members of the lesbian and gay community waking up to this false and misleading gender equality movement, be it the woke movement or whatever, but there are many who are not, the same is with the opposite gender/sex community.

I am all for the masculine energy to stop acting as if it is on steroids that boosts masculine energy, but we are all being played the fool if we think any present gender equality movement is about encouraging famine energy growth, it is clearly not, in fact feminine energy is being undermined just like the western worlds economy and social structure is.

Really people, very little to what is being heavily pushed is on us is of what it says it is, quite the opposite.

Friday, 6 January 2023

Change is on the Horizon


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is indisputable that a change of great significance is on the horizon, but what kind of change?

You have a great push for communism/fascism which is of masculine energy on steroids, no different to autocratic systems of old, this is in line with we are, in a real sense, still in full support of throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Ukraine is a prime example of this. We also have a spirituality that is into building upon it's own personal security zone, building upon it's own desired created reality while denouncing all else, even the plain obvious truth, negative. To denounce all other realities not of your own reality negative is of a dark masculine energy.

As I wrote recently. “This is interesting but sad that a personal catastrophe had to occur for a couple of our friends to wake up, now they are telling us what we first tried to tell them in relation to the lockdowns and covid vaccines. They are now not listening to MSM.

Yes, it would seem that a lot of us need a personal catastrophe to wake up, and it would seem so does the collective human consciousness.”

Because my wife and I listened to real life health professionals, not bought and paid for one's, we were put into the negative category. Only the masculine energy on steroids puts everything not of it's own reality in a negative category. The feminine energy that is not governed by a masculine energy on steroids does not do this. The masculine energy on steroids is simply a consciousness lost within it's own desired lustful reality. How does one often become lost? Distortion, where everything within the reality one becomes lost in looks the same when it's not, like in a forest or desert, or, all you have within an environment is desired realities. To create a desired reality you have to denounce all other realities opposing the reality that is desired, a depiction of a masculine energy on steroids at play.

To someone like me, the most evil entity is simply a depiction of a distorted consciousness, a consciousness lost within it's own reality. I have to feel for something this lost, of course the last thing a distorted consciousness wants you to feel is feel for it being so lost within it's own created distorted reality. This consciousness does not want you to look at it as being lost, in fact it wants you to hate it, to fear it. Some members of my own family were and still are quite abusive, I just can't hate them for being so lost, even though I was left with permanent scars from their abuse. This is interesting, they firmly believe I hate them, they have to because otherwise their desired reality comes crumbling down. Do multinationals want their reality to come crumbling down? In a time of great change, this lost consciousness will do everything to retain it's distorted reality by distorting reality even more so.

So the fact that we are presently experiencing even more distortion of reality, is a sign that this lost consciousness is being challenged, exposed for being lost within it's own distorted reality, which by the way it wants every other consciousness to be lost in.

As Bill Gates stated, “We only have a small window of opportunity here.”

The window of opportunity to distort all of reality in line with their own desired reality is indeed very small. This dark masculine energy on steroids is indeed being exposed for being lost within it's own distorted desired reality, but of course it has even deceived itself to not being lost within it's own distorted reality, as this consciousness would of course do. This distorted consciousness only has a small window of opportunity, it's success totally relies on not being exposed for what it really is, simply a consciousness lost within it's own created distorted reality.