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Thursday 23 May 2024

Theatrics and Truth: A Perfect Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

The world is my stage, as I state it, William Shakespeare's states it as, "All the world's a stage".

Theatrical: Suited to or characteristic of the stage or theatre. Having qualities suggestive of a stage play or of an actor's performance : deliberately or exaggeratedly dramatic or emotional.

Never looked at it like this before, but my life is of comical theatrics. If I am not of being openly honest with the truth, I am being comically theatrical, both traits today seem to be socially and politically unacceptable.

"All the world's a stage" is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare's pastoral comedy As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 139. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play and catalogues the seven stages of a man's life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man.

Through these seven ages, Shakespeare captures the full range of the human experience, from the innocence and vulnerability of childhood to the wisdom and decline of old age. The speech serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of making the most of each stage.

So how do people like me face the truth repeatedly face on while avoiding dramatising the dramatics even more so, in the process becoming overwhelmed? You make the best of each and every stage of life, not the worse, or at least attempt to do so.

I am a believer in reincarnation, which is very different to a resurrection, however I don't go with each life is separate to the other, it is simply one life lived through different stages of life lived. Each reincarnation is a birth of a new experience, a different stage of life experienced from previously experienced. The human self mostly only experiences each life lived, the spiritual self experiences it as one life lived. Shakespeare speaks of a human life lived through 7 different stages, I am speaking of many stages of life lived or experienced.

In a reality based primarily on a multi-billion dollar war industry as well as a multi-billion dollar bad health industry, the comical theatrical industry and the truth being spoken openly and honesty is being heavily censored, which is quite understandable considering what the present reality is based on. It is really weird to someone like me that comical theatrics and the truth being spoken openly and honesty is shown so much disdain in today's society. These balancing traits are seemingly becoming a rarity, extinct, drummed out of today's society.

It is funny how my everyday comical theatrics irk so many people today, add also being open and honest with the truth, people like me, in a reality based on multi-billion dollar abuse industries, are expectantly going to be socially unacceptable. If you are aware that you will be socially unacceptable, being socially unacceptable within such an abusive reality is no big deal, in actuality we should embrace being socially unacceptable within such an abusive reality. To be socially acceptable one would have to be of this abusive reality, in fact it is a good sign that people like me are not socially acceptable.

So in an over dramatised dramatic abusive society, balancing out these highly abusive over dramatics with comical theatrics while being open and honest with the truth is for me a perfect balance of energies.

Wednesday 8 May 2024


Holiday Photo

Written by Mathew Naismith

This may seem at first to be an inappropriate post to post on a blog like this, however, considering that blogs like this are of recognising our own biases, prejudices, fixations and desires that hinder the advancement of wisdom, writing about NCIP is quite appropriate.

NCIP refers to Novel Corona-virus Infectious Pneumonia, the original name for COVID-19.

There seems to be two reasons why COVID-19 was used to promote the COVID pandemic and proceeding vaccines rather than NCIP, by medical authorities, governments and Main Stream Media .

One, NCIP is not a name one can market to profit from where COVID-19 was and is.

Two, which is the most important point, NCIP makes reference to pneumonia which can be treated by a pneumonia vaccine which I believe lasts for 5 years. Again, there was little profit to be made from this, however, COVID-19 makes direct reference to a virus, not to pneumonia, a virus science has been trying to make a vaccine to since the 1960's without success, leading to huge profits. Corona-virus is too adaptive for any Corona-virus vaccine, like COVID vaccines, to work effectively. While on this topic, MRNA technology was never developed to be used in vaccines for a number of good reasons as well. It would seem that COIVD-19 vaccines were developed to never work effectively or even safely.

Imagine for a moment looking at this impartially, where biases, prejudices, fixations and desires are not influential upon one's own thought processes and reasoning!! Now imagine a thought process that is of biases, prejudices, fixations and desires, none of this would be acceptable or even comprehensible. Notice that this prejudice thought process has banned the use of many of these words used in this post, to simply keep the people in the dark, unaware.

When you put yourself or create an environment of the absence of partiality, it is like a light being switch on in a dark room, where one becomes a lot more aware of the said environment.

Went on holiday recently, which included going through 3 states in Australia, the different thought processes in regards to COVID and the proceeding vaccines is amazing but also daunting. There is no way you can convince people who are notably partial of the obvious, of course the obvious can only be comprehensible and then understood by those of an impartial thought process. People who are of an impartial thought process the obvious is obvious, while realising that the people of a partial thought process don't know that there is a light to the dark room that can be switched on.

I should state that no state showed a more impartial or partial view to other states on this subject, accept in the state where you had the most locked down city in the world, the expressed partiality was more intense while of the same numbers of partiality and impartiality of other states.

So in a reality controlled and dominated by partial thought processes, to the point of being psychopathic, being impartial is going to be hard road to tread, while knowing the alternative, partiality that can often lead to psychopathic tendencies, is simply not an alternative. For myself, I am so grateful having the opportunity to being as impartial as I can be, it is a huge blessing even in the sight of a very aggressive opposing mindset.

Blessed are we the few.........

Saturday 20 April 2024

A Good Head Space

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I wish everyone to pass on, die, in a good head space, where one's own consciousness is at peace with itself and the rest of it's environment. It matters not how sinister a consciousness has become, this is my wish.

My wife's mother not too recently passed away. My wife does not become teary because of the loss of her mother, my wife becomes teary knowing that her mother died in a good head space. A good head space being a state of the absence of experiencing mental trauma or of inflicting mental trauma. My wife especially tears up while remembering what her mother said to me in her last day's on this Earth. Being in a weakened state, my mother-in-law embraced me tightly while stating I was one in a million. It was a blessing to both of us that she was in such a good head space, we could not wish for anything better for her.

Why would anyone choose to pass on, die, in a bad head space, where either you are in mental trauma or are of inflicting trauma to the very end of one's life? Imagine being of this type of consciousness or in a bad head space when passing on, this is why many people deny the existence of an after life to the bitter end.

The only reason anyone would choose to pass on, go into the after life, in such a state of consciousness is due to excessive ignorance, a deliberate unawareness of not just an after life but of a conscious state where fear, trauma and abuse just simply don't exist. In a reality, where it seems that every authoritative and controlling body is expressive of this bad head space, expressive of this dark consciousness, is an indication of how ignorant human consciousness is at present, the funny thing is, the more this bad head space is imposed on us all, the more obvious this good head space becomes.

Do these controlling dark entities know of a consciousness of light, where fear, trauma and abuse can't exist? They know of but are obviously not aware of such a state of consciousness, in fact they do everything to deny and enforce this denial on everybody else. A consciousness that is truly aware of this consciousness of light would not choose to pass on in a bad head space, this is due to it being impossible to do so within this state of consciousness. Imagine experiencing a reality where it is impossible to enter into a bad head space, a head space of experiencing trauma and inflicting trauma. Now, would a dark consciousness deliberately try to conceal the existence of this state of consciousness, a state of consciousness this dark consciousness fears the most? This dark consciousness lives in utter terror of the true existence of this light consciousness, no matter what you want to call this consciousness of light, a consciousness of awareness instead of ignorance.

It is in ignorance we do ourselves and everybody else the most harm.

This dark consciousness knows it can't become aware of this consciousness of light because it is within this awareness that negates the existence of this dark consciousness. Imagine cancelling out ignorance with awareness. it is like going into a dark room a switching on the light, for in the presence of light dark can no longer exist, now imagine the fear this dark consciousness must have of the light being switched on!!

My wife and I are always gleeful of people passing on in a good head space no matter who they are, why wouldn't we be? Yes, it becomes quite emotional for us when it is of someone close to us, as to be expected.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Living Outside the Square

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am as I do.

The garment shown here is a new acquisition of mine, it is an eastern dress garment as of a western dress suite. No, have not warn it at this stage. As I do so as I am, meaning, I live as I think as the way we all think depicts the way we live, in my case outside the square of what my immediate environments depicts. No, I am not woke or transgender, simply a person who is not governed to live and think in accordance with the present immediate environment.

Funny though, being brought up in a country environment you would think that I would do and think in accordance with a country style environment, but I don't, obviously. It is probably why I saw through western atheism, which is very different to eastern atheism, being that western atheism to me is of thinking within a particular square only. From a young age, thinking in such a limited way was just not going to occur. “So it does not exist unless proven to exist, which also means that under western atheist doctrines DNA did not exist until it was scientifically proven to exist, as of many things!!” I was never going to think therefore live by these limited standards.

I don't watch main steam media (MSM). I was recently in a situation that I watched MSM, I could not imagine subjecting my mind to such limiting factors on a regular basis. The influence of never ending lust and desires depicted on MSM to start with is of thinking within this square of lust and desires, now add violence, psychological manipulation and disinformation on a never ending massive scale. Yes, this means thinking within a particular square under these various influences is going to lead to a distorted mindset, of course anyone who is conditioned to think therefore live within a particular square like this is going to see anything outside of this square being of a distorted mindset.

So while living in a particular square, everything outside this square is going to seem distorted, while people who live outside the square see everything inside the square as being distorted in one way or another!! So which mindset is truly distorted? It truly depends on the mindset at hand, however, the ability to think outside the square leads to a mindset based more on honesty than of a mindset living within the square, in all honesty. To me, living within the square, whatever square that may be, is living a lie, leading to this kind of mentality seeing everything living outside the square living a lie. We have all done this to one extent or another while living within a particular square of influence.


 In the western square of influence, men wearing so-called dresses and skirts or anything remotely deemed feminine is not masculine therefore is deemed to be a distortion of the masculine energy, in truth though the opposite is true. The English had a hard time subduing kilt wearing Scots, the middle eastern people are not easily subdued either!! Apart from this, the feminine energy actually enhanced the more constructive qualities of masculine energy. Take the yin energy out of yang energy, what are you left with? People living in a square that is distorted beyond recognition.

Today's woke moment is all about the masculine energy dominating the feminine energy. Sports is a prime example of this, where males, the masculine energy, are allowed to dominate the feminine energy and not just in sports. Today's woke moment is not just about taking one energy of influence out of another energy, it is about neutralising these balancing energies period. Imagine dispelling night energy, which balances out day energy, which doing this would destroy many existing life forms. The woke movement is seemingly of this degree of destructive of energy, which is, in all honesty, of what energy? Primarily of the masculine energy that is not balanced by another energy, feminine energy.

If you live in a square of the present western woke movement of feminine energy domination and undermining, everything outside of this square is going to seem a wrong way to live, this is of the same mentality with a male, in a masculine dominated reality, living outside of a certain masculine energy criteria, even though it seem to be the opposite. If you go outside these squares we often fixate our lives to, the woke movement becomes a lie because it is of so many distortions in so many ways. So I am woke or transgender because I am conformable to dress more femininely than the average western male!!

My dress code, as of my mind set, is not seemingly dominated by the masculine energy nor this woke movement, I am not sure what square I am of if any. Are people like me actually living, to one degree or another, outside of all these squares we often find we live by no matter how distorted they are?

To come to realisation that we live within a square of lies therefore distortion, I think one has to look from a perspective outside of the square, otherwise we are not going to realise the lie we live by, which comes to reason. You can't come to reason and start living the truth instead of a lie unless you are able to observe yourself in an unbiased way. Once you learn to observe rather than just participate in life, the ability to look from outside of these squares we fixate our lives to is more likely. In all honesty, the western woke movement is all about participation in the absence of observation, otherwise they would see that the feminine energy is actually being seriously undermined. Look at how aggressive and dominating they can be, which is of what energy?

Living outside the square has not been an easy road to tread, especially when one is of telling the truth in an honest open way. My dress code is simply an expression of open honest living and yes, I have always lived in this way, which made it interesting when I lived in a small country town. Never expect, when living outside of these squares that so many people have become fixated to, that living an open honest life will be easy. It was never going to be easy to live outside of these squares within a reality fixated to these squares, in all honesty. I was never going to live a lie and state that I am not male because I dress outside the criteria of a western masculine energy dominated reality.

It is not an easy road to tread, looking from outside of these squares inwards and expressing this honestly, but to me this is far better than living within a square of lies, domination and distortions as many people are doing it would seem.

I think what is occurring in the world at present is awakening a lot of people, leading to many of us living outside of these squares of lies and distortions. Time will tell if this is enough to overcome what seems like a reality primarily influenced by endless distortions. No matter what occurs though, just stay true to yourself and forever live outside these squares.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Plato's Truth


 Written by Mathew Naismith

Out of the blue it just hits me,”Why are you choosing to live like this?” The reference to you seem to be making reference to the collective as well as myself.

They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth.”


So what energy today, as of ancient Greek philosopher Plato's time, is often deemed offensive, of bad vibrations, negative, etc? I will give you a hint, it is not lies and deception.

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”


Strange that so many of us actually choose to live like this to the point of persecuting anyone who tells the truth, especially when they tell the truth in an open honest way. I have lost count how often people like me have been deemed negative or even immoral simply for telling the found truth openly and honestly.

No, it would seem that human consciousness has not evolved, in truth, has seemingly degraded to the point of demonising the truth told openly and honestly to excess, while seemingly embracing or simply accepting lies told openly and dishonestly.

I have lost count how many people have said to me they just don't want to know, in other words don't want to know of the truth told openly and honestly, while quite happy to live with the lies told openly and dishonestly.

So is the truth, especially told openly and honestly, of an actual real life negative vibrations? Yes and no. To a person who has embraced lies told openly and dishonestly, yes, of course the truth is going to be of negative vibrations, as of people who don't want to know the truth told openly and honestly. To the people who embrace the truth told openly and honestly, the truth is anything but deemed negative or of bad vibrations. We can get ourselves into a situation where the truth actually feels physically and mentally of negative vibrations. Yes, it would seem that the human mentality has not changed or evolved from Plato's time.

In saying this, there are a lot of Plato type mentalities in existence in the world today and no, you don't have to be of some kind of great known philosopher to be of this type of mentality where you have a great feeling to know the truth above seemingly infinite accepted lies. As of in Plato's time, anyone of open honest truth is well and truly up against it.

In truth expressed openly and honestly, wisdom is certainly going to be present, the predominant energy flow.

So do I mind being deemed negative or even immoral in a society where so many embrace lies over truths?

Truth is it's own reward.”


I would state myself;

Truth is of it's own reward.”

Sunday 24 March 2024

The Communicative Subconscious

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I will at times observe how my subconscious mind is expressed through my body language, actually, I find it interesting how my subconscious mind forms most of my body language. Most of our body language expressed is of the subconscious mind. Numerous teachings or techniques are used to make us aware of the subconscious mind at play.

I find it interesting that a lot of people not in touch with their subconscious mind have no awareness of their own or other people's subconscious or conscious body language. Also, body language period can also be distorted or simply ignored by the conscious mind if it is not in line with what is desired, so acknowledging body language can take a lot of honed or practised observational skills. Yes, a number of spiritual practices hones these skills.

Recently, I had to back away form people expressing an aggressive body language they had no idea that they were expressing, in fact utterly deny that they were expressing such body language. This is understandable for people who are not connected consciously to their subconscious mind. In the end their own actions and inaction's confirmed what their subconscious body language was expressing.

I have stated a number of times that a person's inaction's can actually tell you more about a person than their actions, which is the same of governments and other groups alike. A person's subconscious inactive body language is as important to become aware of than a person's conscious active body language. In my case I was continually not physically shown the same physical acceptance or emotions than of a person who did very little for this person. The rubs on the back when embraced is a prime example, a body language I never received, even though I have physically been their for them for a number of years now, assisting them in various ways. So does being aware of this inaction and responding to it seem petty?

This is not just an ego hurt thing, it is simply being aware of another person's subconscious body language, which will often tell you more about a person than their conscious body language.

Conscious body language is often distorted, usually in line with one's own desires. Am I hurt by the lack of physical gesture when my own actions assisting this person for a number of years was not notably appreciated? Yes, especially when these inaction's perpetrated by their subconscious body language was confirmed by further aggressive actions by them and their family. Their actions confirmed their subconscious body language inaction's.

How many people, who even know of body language, know to take more note of people's inactive body language than their active body language? Sitting by idly while watching the world around you being raped and pillaged is of an inactive body language, which should tell you a lot about that kind of consciousness. It is a lost consciousness, in this case lost within a created global reality instead of a consciousness just lost within their own created reality.

I am so lucky when presented with an ordeal that is discordant. I most often make the best of it, usually through learning from such ordeals instead of suffering from such ordeals, of course to learn from such ordeals takes becoming aware as much as possible of all influential environments influencing you. In the way the subconscious mind communicates to the world is certainly a helpful tool in making the best of any ordeal, but it can be a curse if you desire to stay ignorant to discordant environments that are influencing you.

Friday 22 March 2024

The Greater Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

Like many people, my human self is, well, is distorted or out of balance due to experiencing a number of abusive or imbalanced environments, however, my greater spirit is a big WOW.

In my mid twenties I, by accident, came face to face with this greater spirit, thinking at the time that I had a most beautiful consciously connected soul. I was sort of right but it was more to do with a greater consciousness than my own personal consciousness. You see this greater spirit when experienced or made aware of is actually referring to a great collective consciousness.

The accident; occurred when I was about to experience the full force of a imbalanced distorted consciousness while within an abusive environment, in other words about to come face to face with a consciousness of a much greater sinister intent. I humanly accidentally left myself open to this greater sinister intent, I certainly did not do this by choice, however, this greater spirit had all intentions of me experiencing what I did at the time.

When you experience this greater spirit or greater sinister intent consciousness, it is not of one entity or of a personnel consciousness, it is of a collective consciousnesses. Yes, you maybe having a personal experience of this greater form of consciousness but it is of a collective consciousnesses. It is never a personal human experience but a collective spirit experience.

Greater spirit simply refers to a collective consciousness of a divine nature, where a greater sinister intent consciousness is of the absence of this divine nature. The reason I don't state greater sinister intent spirit is due to spirit referring to the vital principle or animating force within living things. This greater sinister intent consciousness is not of a vital principle or animating force within all living things, in actuality it makes up very little of what is of all living things, even though at present this may not seem to be the case. One thing this greater sinister intent consciousness can't distort is this greater spirit within all living things. I would actually state myself all forms of energy.

Another way to put this is that this greater spirit is the base core structure of all energy, including the energy flow of this greater sinister intent consciousness. This dark energy has to stay ignorant to this to exist. Yes, it is always living in fear of what it desires not to become aware of, which is what continually generates the energy this dark energy flow needs to exist.

Is this all simply a conjecture as of any blog post of mine?

You must see it how you feel fit to see it, it is really this simple.