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Sunday 11 July 2021

New Religion COVID


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am so saddened. An old friend of mine that I have had a good deal of respect for just blew me away. I am the one who is pushing their own opinions religiously onto other people, even though people like me have not been indoctrinated into the new religion, COVID, and it's many indoctrinating programs and enforced mandatory restrictions based primarily on, you guessed it, fear!!

It was the following that lead to a very sad moment for me.

Is this new religion COVID and it's indoctrination's based on fact, remembering that covid in no way came from a lab? Of course the so-called conspiracy theorists were right, it did come from a lab.

What restrictions do people like me impose on other people, but to look outside the square of this new religion? Yes, how dare people like me even hint at looking beyond the doctrines of this new religion!!

Literary thousands of health professionals, some now assassinated, are risking their livelihood, being persecuted and falsely prosecuted, risking their actual lives, etc, for speaking out. We are not talking about fools here but people of high esteem and moral values to the point of being Nobel prise winners.

Okay, if you want to become indoctrinated into the new religion COVID, that is fine, just leave the rest of us alone but we know this is not going to happen in regards to a religion gone extremist.

Should we have fear of this new extremist religion? No, but we should be aware of it's extremist indoctrination's, enforced restrictions and inhumane directives.

The following comes across as being anti-religion but is still worth reading the COVID content. I am not anti-religion/spirituality but very cautious of anything expressive of religious/spiritual extremism, as the COVID religion clearly exemplifies.

For thousands of years, religion has been used as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.”

I will rephrase this. For thousands of years, religion has been misused as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.

Actual spiritual religions are not based primarily on fear but this new religion is!!

Wednesday 7 July 2021

The Rise of Serenity

Written by Mathew Naismith

How could anyone seriously talk about the rise of serenity in a time of great pandemonium? Only a consciousness that has the insight to see what this degree of pandemonium will inadvertently create!!

How much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality built upon pandemonium? It takes many years of great effort and energy expended to create such a reality. Now as many of us know, how much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality of serenity? Serenity can come from the smallest of sparks and without effort, in fact the more effort expended, the less likely the spark will materialise. Yes, without effort the materialisation of this spark is inadvertently created by the very same consciousness that is trying to stop this spark materialising!!

This spark of great awareness and wisdom may seem to be in counteraction to pandemonium, like positiveness has for many people become a counteraction to negativeness. We are even at the point where anything that doesn't make us feel good is judged negative, something to separate ourselves from and even denounce. A counteractive response takes a great deal of effort in line with what is being counteracted upon, this spark is therefore not a counteractive response to pandemonium.

I would like to say something here in relation to awareness. Numerous times it has been said to me that I think too much therefore I can't be spiritually minded or connected, could it not be that when a consciousness enters into a certain state of awareness, this awareness just simply flows without effort!! What does take effort is putting this awareness into comprehensible human conscious format, especially when this format at times seems alien, unfamiliar. I am aware that a lot of aware people have experienced this same unfamiliarity at times.

So is this spark, this great spirit of awareness and wisdom, predisposed by the materialisation of pandemonium and trauma, created by a seemingly opposing force?

As positive and negative are not opposing forces, only in disdain or in forced separation do they seem opposing, neither is serenity to pandemonium, only through great energy expended is positive and negative, serenity and pandemonium, opposing each other. In all honesty though, like with a true state of positiveness, where the negatives are never seen as simply opposing forces, it is the same in a state of serenity where pandemonium is never seen as opposing serenity. There is a however. When in a state of pandemonium, as with a state of negativeness, it is the state of pandemonium that will see serenity as being opposing, not a true state of serenity or positiveness. Would a true state of positiveness see everything not of itself as being negative? No, it is the other way around. Yes, often the most positive people will express the most negatives!!

How much effort do we expend to be and stay positive or happy? It is within the lack of expenditure of energy we should be looking for. If it takes a great deal of effort to materialise, be it of serenity or possessiveness, it is not truly of serenity or positiveness. The sign of this is within the effort expended.

What scares multinationals the most? What are they in great fear of? The spark that can seemingly come from nothing, but the very same thing they are inadvertently materialising. Multinationals fear in being in a conscious state where they will give away a lot of what their expended energy on has created, for within this state of great spirit human consciousnesses selfishness and self-preservation will simply vanish. This is the multinationals worse nightmare, being in a state of consciousness of the absence of selfishness and self-preservation, I mean for real.

Is this great degree of expenditure of energy by a state of induced pandemonium inadvertently going to make the spark occur, the great spirit within all arise?

Cause and effect, not counteraction, where a cause creates an effect, naturally. The cause takes up a lot of energy but the effect the cause creates take no effort to materialise itself. There is no energy expended by the effect itself, the cause expends all the energy needed to create an effect. Look at it this way, what causes the negatives to be so negative? Negatives are only as negative as the energy expended by the positives. The negatives don't have to expend energy to be negative, they only have to not create good feelings for the positives to be negative!!

Sorry people, it would seem the cause, pandemonium, has to expend a lot of energy to inadvertently create an effortless effect, serenity. I am not saying that the cause pandemonium will inadvertently create an effect of serenity, all I am saying is that it is a big possibility. Nothing in the infinite is determined, decided to be the case, while considering infinite variable causes and their effects, but having some awareness of my past lives lived, it feels just right this time around.

Friday 25 June 2021

Atheism in Support of Religion!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I said to you that atheism is in full support of religion, so many people of course would say that I am mad, delusional. Think on this, could a disbelief exist without a belief being disbelieved in in the first place? Atheists believe or disbelieve that a God like consciousness could not at all, no matter what, have created the universe therefore everything within this universe. Either it be of belief or disbelief, atheism is to start with in support of beliefs, also, “no matter what” determines that atheism is of dogmatic principles as well!!

It is strange to think that religion, believing in a God like creative consciousness, also created atheism and it's doctrines, not that a lot of people, understandably, think this to be strange. Yes, atheism has doctrines. Apart from many atheists simply believing that all wars were religiously caused, and that we are all born atheistic, which is cognitively impossible, they also express a great deal of faith in theories of how the universe was created, like the big bang theory. There are actually several different types of theories of the creation of the universe for atheists to have faith in, the big bang theory is just one of them. To have this much faith in a simple theory, not fact, is indeed religious, to base an entire belief or disbelief system on faith is also indeed religious. Yes, by heart even atheists express a great sense of religion!!

Don't get me wrong, I think having faith and theories is cognitively healthy and vital for the good health of human cognition, I strongly believe this to be true.

I can't believe that people like me have become so controversial today, but look at how this has come about. Be it of extremism of religion, atheism, right and left wing politics, communism or fascism, black and white. etc, you can see why people like me are now looked at being so controversial. So many people are embarrassing extremist ideologies at a phenomenal rate, usually in counteraction to another extremism, be it that the extremism is made up or not.

We are indeed in an age of extremism, where even vaccines that are known to kill and maim people for life are not just accepted but marketed and even enforced onto everybody else by so many people. The question is, have people like me become more controversial or has the world around us become more of the embarrassment and acceptance of extremism, in the process making people like me seem more controversial!! Yes, even in new age spirituality extremism in counteraction to other extremism's, made up or not, abounds sadly enough.

Only in the absence of a balanced disposition will human consciousness fail itself.

Saturday 19 June 2021

Thinking in Infinite Terms

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was brought up in a dogmatic left wing atheist environment, as I found out I couldn't have been influenced by a more ignorant environment, very much in line with extremist religion, where it is only my way. As soon as religion or atheism dictates it is only my way, like with right and left wing politics, the credibility is shot with people like me.

So the big bang theory, remember it is only a theory, is right no matter what!! A truly rational mind would not primarily base doctrines or beliefs on known theorisations like this.

Theory: A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena.

Atheism is primarily based on a particular theory as many religions are primarily based on a particular belief. A rational mind thinks, “That if humans can create what they have created in the unwise and unaware state they literally shows themselves to be in, what would a far more collective wiser and aware consciousness create?” The atheist of course can't perceive a far greater wiser and aware consciousness but many spiritually aware people can. Why? Because most often spiritually aware people's consciousness are not limited to time and space perspectives, we can also think in infinite terms.

Saturday 5 June 2021

Avoiding Suffering From The Truth


Written by Mathew Naismith

If we were truly aware, all we would do is laugh at our own and the collective human trauma we instil on ourselves. Yes, I even sit back in observation of my own participation and laugh, but at the same time being aware of why the human collective has become so engrossed in it's own participative traumas. In all, it is but a human experience.

Even within my 57 years, I have observed how our own human collective consciousness is even more today suffering from truths instead of learning from truths. We today don't chastise our children because it creates negativity, so we allow the children to grow up without responsible guidance. I have never seen in my life as I am today how the truth is judged negative, instead desired truths are seen far more positive because they are far more placid, even when of deliberate lies and deception. In my days growing up, part of our learned behaviour was to avoid abusive actions like lying and deceiving. To people like me, desired truths in opposition to actual truths, even when these truths are painful in their awakening, are far more constructive than destructive learned behavioural desired truths.

How often do we learn from what we simply judge as negative? A negative is simply an indication that we have not learnt from but instead still suffer from. To people like me, this human created reality of immense trauma of suffering and abuse is not even negative, simply an indication of a consciousness lost within it's own creation. So in today's spirituality, it is judged as being negative for calling out a person or even the collective consciousness for what it's expressing, even if this realisation may help this person or collective consciousness to overcome their own destructive tendencies.

Observe yourself or simply imagine awakening the collective consciousness to it's own created traumas. Is this honest caring action going to be seen by the collective consciousness as something positive? No. The reason for this lays in the learned behaviour of suffering from the truth instead of learning from the truth. Even within my short 57 years, I have seen the embracement of desired truths and the growing disdain for actual truths, mainly due to actual truths, like chastising children to create a more constructive learned behaviour, becoming a learned behavioural negative.

For something to be judged a negative is simply a sign of suffering instead of learning. Really, you cannot suffer from learning from trauma, from judged negativeness, you can only suffer from what you don't learn from. As soon as spiritually aware people talk of and avoid what they have judged as simply negative, people like me know this is a sign they are in all honesty still suffering from the truth, in the process replacing actual truths with desired truths.

I wrote the following separately to this post but realised it was of this post.

Proficient Mind

People like me love philosophising. To a lot of people, people into philosophy think more when in actuality it is the opposite.

Philosophy: The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.

Any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation.

It is not that philosophers think more, it is that philosophers think differently, imagine for one moment extracting irrational thinking from the mind!! You are actually thinking more proficiently and effectively because the philosophers mind has extracted irrational thinking from the mind to one extent or another. As present circumstances have proven, irrational thinking abounds in human consciousness, of course it is the irrational mind that is the easiest to scam and control!!

And yes, the irrational part of our minds often takes offence to what the rational part of our mind is thinking. Why? Because the rational mind is not of desired truths but of actual truths. Today, it is obvious that desired truths are far more desirable and acceptable than actual truths, to a philosopher, this is disheartening. Why is it disheartening? Because it is a sign we are becoming more irrational, cluttering our mind with irrational thinking instead of uncluttering our minds with rational thinking.

And yes, the irrational part of our mind will see the rational mind as being too busy and complicated when in actuality it is the other way around, for a very good reason, the thinking process becomes less cluttered therefore more proficient and effective for the rational mind. No, I am not totally proficient in thinking totally in the absence of irrationality, probably never will be and this is the actual truth rather than a desired truth.

The mind is only as proficient and effective as the environment the mind resides in........Mathew G

Yes, it would seem the irrational part of our mind will suffer the most because it learns the least from suffering and judged negatives. And yes, the irrational mind may feel good within it's desired truths, but this state has always been finite in nature!!

Friday 28 May 2021

A Personal Touch


Written by Mathew Naismith

How often are people believed to be what other people are representative of, meaning, how often are people deemed to be of what other people are expressive of physically and/or mentally?

I was left with a fully dislocated elbow from the age of six years old, you could imagine the damage this caused as I was growing up. Today, my shoulder is actually weaker than my elbow, which means the damage was not localised to the elbow. By the time I was thirteen years old, the damage was set in concrete, in other words the damage was exacerbated, made a lot worse. At times it feels like a red hot poker being driven into my arm and run up and down the arm. Believe it or not, I don't take physical pain killers and I still worked in jobs able people thought too hard to do. When I worked in a national park, I physically fit footballer had a hard time keeping up with me carting wet gravel stone up a steep hill while building steps.

Because I have extracted myself from abuse, be it physical and/or mental, I am supposed to be hateful. I can in all honesty say I don't hate anyone that is abusive, hate is simply a total waste of energy. The part of my family that are still abusive today have had to make themselves believe I hate them. People do extract themselves away from things they don't hate or despise, however, truly hateful people will think you have to hate to extract yourself away from abuse. Make no mistake, purposely lying and deceiving is as abusive as psychical abuse, if not more so in certain circumstances, look at how the world is presently being abused through lies and deception in relation to covid!! How many people today mistakenly hate an abusive reality like this? Really, don't waste your energy like this.

Do people like me feel like a victim when subjected to so much abuse? Knowing of physical abuse/neglect, mental abuse such as lying and deceiving is as abusive as physical abuse, the trick is not to feel like the victim. When I extracted myself from family abuse, and it did feel like an actual extraction at first, my family members had to believe I hated as well. It is like they have had to tell themselves this and yes, this is self-abusive. Do they truly hate or despise me? The answer is clearly no, but they have lied to themselves that I do, they felt they had to. Yes, even an abusive consciousness will feel it has to be hated when their own abuse is rejected. People desiring the existence of lies is of abuse within itself, particularly self-abusive.

Make no mistake, mental extraction can create feelings of hate. The reason for this is that we have been put in a situation of extraction we didn't desire to extract ourselves from. How many spiritually aware people today hate or despise the present reality? It is not just to do with the abuse, it is to do with being put into a situation of extraction. No, I don't hate certain family members due to my own extraction from certain family members ongoing abuse, but realise that the true abusers have to think this is the case. To even make yourself believe that other people hate you when they don't is of abuse. My family members don't really hate me, they simply desire this to be the case, in other words they have lied and deceived themselves and yes, abused themselves. Sadly, it is endless unless one awakens to abuse, especially self-abuse of acting the victim.

This leads us to the collective abuse and abused.

“Poor me, I am stuck in this reality of endless abuse.”Does this sound like a person acting the victim?

Even when actually victimised, never feel like the victim, instead feel like it is a situation to learn from instead of suffering from. No, I don't sound like a hateful person but certain members of my family desire to believe this. A hateful person often feels victimised so avoid feeling like a victim and yes, extracting yourself away from hateful people will add to these people feeling even more like a victim. As I seemingly know, due to obviously learning from my experiences instead of suffering from my experiences, acting the victim in relation to your family or human collective can lead to exasperating hate. Certain family members obviously feel victimised due to my extraction from the ongoing family abuse and yes, this has exasperated the hate in the family only because they still today act the victim while actually being the victimiser, not just onto other people but to themselves in particular. Look at how humans often see themselves as victims of nature!!

Saturday 22 May 2021

An Exceedingly Vulnerable State


Written By Mathew Naismith

Experiencing three dimensional human consciousness is exceedingly vulnerable to other sources of existing consciousnesses, especially a consciousness that is malign in nature. To counteract or protect human consciousness from this vulnerability, religion or spiritual practices are implemented or instilled in human consciousness to help neutralise any consciousness of harmful intent. People like me are so lucky that we can go into a seemingly different state of utter harmony virtually at will. Imagine for one moment if I stayed within a conscious state of western atheism, the likelihood of me being influenced by a malign consciousness was evident.

Now I am not talking about a consciousness that presents itself as being of a devil, knowing how deceptive and misleading this consciousness can be. To the vulnerable, this consciousness is often seen as all controlling and powerful, no other conscious state comes close to it. Knowing that this consciousness has to use other conscious states to be seen as all controlling and powerful, always to conscious states that are vulnerable to it's influence, this malign state of consciousness is really quite powerless within itself. All it's energy is obtained from other sources, unlike benign sources of energy that produce it's own energy. Yes, that is right, the malign energy comes from other sources of energy vulnerable to this malign state of consciousness, it is not within itself all controlling and powerful, this consciousness has to feed off of other more meek forms of consciousness to even exist.

Think of it like this, can communism exist without powerfully and overwhelmingly taking full control of it's main energy source, it's people? This often takes keeping a people in fear, which everyone today should relate to. What is a globalists main source of energy? A monitory system that is extracted from a vulnerable and easily controlled consciousness. There is no real control or power in extracting energy off of vulnerable sources of energy, especially when this energy is benign, but that is exactly the source of energy the malign consciousness has to feed off of to exist as it presently does today.

People like me keep in touch, not just of what is consciously harmonious but what is also disharmonious to a certain degree. Very recently, I was presented with a consciousness that has no remorse, feeling of love, ethics, kindness, etc, it was a consciousness of utter detachment from the benign. Again this should sound familiar due to the malign separating itself from any source of energy that is benign in nature, while obtaining all it's energy from this vulnerable benign source. No, benign sources of energy that have kept in touch with itself, it's own regenerating source of energy, is not vulnerable to the malign, in fact quite the opposite as I will give an example of.

This malign consciousness that was presented to me, which this consciousness thought it presented itself to me, was a representation of the present consciousness controlling and feeding off of human consciousnesses. This consciousness feels invulnerable and yes, as this consciousness deludes other vulnerable consciousness, it also deludes itself, there is little real control and power in feeding off of the vulnerable. All I did was neutralise this consciousness in a very interesting way.

Silver is neutralising and a healing source of energy, at no time is silver a destructive source of energy or at no time should silver be used as such, the rebounding affects are serious if used in this fashion. All I did was consciously insert silver within this consciousness and this malign consciousness simply became neutralised, in the process disabling this consciousness from feeding off of other sources of energy. Make no mistake, this kind of energy is utterly vulnerable to any energy source it is unable to feed off of. Also, at no time did I desire to destroy this energy, simply neutralise it's ability to feed from other sources of energy. Remember, the desire to destroy an opposing energy is of being of the same energy you wish to destroy!!

Think of all physical energy sources as being primarily of consciousness, this will help in using physical energy. Everything physical you experience and are aware of in a three dimensional reality is minute to what this physical reality was created from, yes, the physical representation of consciousness takes up space and time, but is minute in relation to consciousness. A pure state of consciousness takes up no space or is governed by time, think on this, is a pure state of consciousness taking up space or governed by time therefore limited by space and time? Think of a infinite source of energy, an energy that is infinite in energy because it is not governed by limitations. The malign consciousness relies completely on consciousnesses governed by space and time, now take yourself away from this governing space and time perception. This act on it's own makes the malign consciousness exceptionally vulnerable to the influences of the benign. If on top of this we use psychical energy as if it was a conscious form of energy, the malign would have no hope in being controlling and all powerful over human consciousness.

Being physically fit or not, a consciousness subjected to a certain degree of stress will fall ill. It is the continuous high frequency of stress that causes illnesses even in physically fit people. To avoid this one must learn to remove one's consciousness from this stress. what this means is one becomes healthy, not just physically fit. My doctor of many years agreed with me, often physically fit people who fall seriously ill will consciously fall apart, become consciously ill. People into primarily being psychically fit often believe being physically fit is the same as being healthy, it is not. This is like removing oneself consciously away from a consciousness being endlessly subjected to the malign. The more we subject our own consciousness to this malign, the more of the maligns abuse we are subjected to, even to the point of becoming malign ourselves. Yes, we may have physical security but do we have conscious security!! Conscious security is at times avoiding being used and abused by the malign by taking your consciousness out of the maligns conscious influence.

I know what I have written here may seem all a little too far fetched for a lot of people, like a lot of what I write does, just try to look at everything as being consciousness instead of just physical, this is a good start for a truly healthy existence. Also, realise that we are in a vulnerable state when we primarily limit consciousness to space and time, a finite existence. When a consciousnesses perceives primarily of finite existence, we see that we have something to lose so are then too easily influenced by a consciousness of fear. There is nothing to lose in a state of the infinite consciousness, for the infinite is not governed by limiting factors, just stay true to the infinite while simply experiencing the finite, while remembering you don't have to become what you experience!!