This perpetual intimacy is truly beyond words.
Perpetual intimate energy is very different to the energy created by perpetual motion machines. Perpetual motion machines are based on time, a starting point therefore an ending point, where's perpetual intimacy is based on eviternal or eternal energy, an energy of no starting point therefore no ending point. The mechanism of perpetual motion machines, once in motion, has no starting or ending point but the creation and duration of these machines do. There is no wear and tare in relation to perpetual intimacy to start with.
Perpetual intimacy is beyond words, probably mainly due to words being more like a perpetual motion machine, an energy based primarily on physical and mental attributes. When we think of intimacy, we think of an intimacy based primarily on physical and mental attributes, time based energies. Perpetual intimacy is wholly based on infinite energies, energies that are of the absence of time based energy flows, like in regards to perpetual motion machines. You could say that all time based energies are of an abstract form or of distorted energy flows of perpetual energies, energies derived from perpetual infinite energies.
This now brings us to malign and benign energies.
Malign energy is simply an energy that has been distorted and the more distorted energy becomes, the more malign this energy becomes. Yes you guessed it, the less distorted energy becomes, the more benign this energy becomes. Malign energy has a starting point of abuse to begin with, but an abuse that can also be put into perpetual motion. This is important to note; that this malign perpetual motion, even though can become perpetual in motion, can never be of infinite motion, an infinite motion not based on limits, boundaries in time, space, levels or magnitude. In other words this kind of intimacy is not based on lusts or desires, traits malign energies rely on to exist.
Could a malign energy conscious flow even comprehend the existence of intimacy that is not based on lust and desires? This type of energy may know of this kind of energy but it doesn't truly get the meaning of or understand the infinite value of such energies. Why? Because every energy flow influenced by malign energy is distorted or is of some kind of twisted abstract form of infinite energy like perpetual intimacy.
Imagine for a moment experiencing an intimacy that has no boundaries whatsoever, now imagine being in a relationship that goes way beyond boundaries like lust and desire!!
Once you go beyond these boundaries, you are then able to have a truly intimate relationship with whoever, while realising this kind of relationship is in the complete absence of lusts and desires. I have myself experienced this but are not of this, like so many other people. Just having experienced this is a big WOW, now imagine being of this type of energy eternally. In truth though, we are never not of this eternal infinite energy, we are simply being distracted by other energies far less eternally infinite in nature.