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Monday, 29 June 2020

Children Lives Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation? Well, being a part of this kind of consciousness gives everyone a right and probably a responsibility to try to influence a consciousness away from further degradation. Look at the truly wise and aware in human history, they didn't just sit within their own space and do nothing.

Yes, to someone like me, children's lives matter, no matter what colour skin they are of and yes, more than black lives matter. Thousands of children go missing every year, and thousands of children are simply used as a currency or contraband. We are not just talking about one or even ten people who may or may not be known criminals being persecuted here because of their social stature, we are talking about thousands of people being enslaved and abused at an incredible rate.

Here we are destructively and aggressively tearing down statues of people who fought against slavery, while leaving statues that represent not just slavery but satanist slavery of a people of a certain social stature, children. Yes, we allow the most vulnerable people within society become the most abused, persecuted and enslaved without seemingly lifting a single finger, and we are even leaving these statues that represent this kind of satanist paedophilia representation in place. I can actually see more of these statues going up, and we are protesting and rioting over what!! How lost can a consciousness become within it's own creation before awakening to what it has created?

Should a group calling themselves children's lives matter receive social, governmental and multinational support in the same league as black lives matter? Are we protesting en mass around the world to the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society? Has a single person donated 100 million dollars to this cause like black lives matter, or even started up a group concerned about the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society, the children of that society?

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation?

“Without the health and protection of it's children, a consciousness will always stay unhealthy and insecure within itself.”~Mathew G~

The point is, can you save a consciousness lost within it's own creation, a consciousnesses that is knowingly allowing its future health and security to be abused, persecuted and enslaved at an alarming rate?

In reality, you may not in the end be able to save a consciousness of known degradation and self-mutilation, but is anything going to be lost by trying to do so? As of many wise and aware in human history, there is a lot to be learnt and achieved in trying to save a consciousness from it's own creation.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Good v Bad - Clarity of Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not into separating energy like this but the following will only make sense if I do so, considering the present energy flow.

Firstly, separating good from bad is like separating right from wrong, light from dark, negative from positive and of course, black from white. What occurs when we separate energy like this? We would be lying to ourselves if we didn’t know that separating energy like this doesn’t cause disharmony between perceivably different and often opposing variables of energy. Make no mistake, the black side desires to separate itself from the white side as much as some white sided energies desire to separate itself from the black side. What good person doesn’t want to separate itself from bad people and visa-versa? What rich person doesn't want to do the same in regards to poor people? The separation or division of energy will only create disharmony, as we are presently experiencing.

So the black lives matter is in relation to the separation of energy, but so are lock-downs and even the present infection pandemic is about separating energy even more. The separation from well people to ill people, young people from old people. If this covid-19 pandemic is deadly and infectious, why the endless close quarter riots and demonstrations? You see old people's lives seemingly don't matter to younger people as they are perceived to be a separate entity to young people, obviously. One obviously doesn't matter to the other in the process of separating energy.

So could you honestly say that the separation of energy like this causes chaos and destruction. I would myself say yes, so you could also say that the union of energy will do the opposite!!

Bad = disunion (separation), disharmony, chaos (confusion), destruction

Good = union, harmony, peace (clarity), creation

How many of us are confused to what is and is not of truth? Now imagine being in a reality based on peace, a clarity of truth instead of an obscurity of truth. Not easy to imagine is it? Clarity of truth creates peace, of course confusion of truth creates the opposite, as people like me are clearly seeing at present.

I would love to get into what the good side of energy actually is and what it would create but that is not advisable at present. What I will say is imagine an energy that is of pure clarity (awareness) that anything can be created. Of course when you imagine a energy that is of pure obscurity (ignorance), only destruction of what was created can occur, as we are presently experiencing.

A consciousness of clarity of truth doesn't see a good and bad, wrong and right, light and dark, black and white, it only sees a union of energy instead of a disunion of energy. All lives matter is a union of energy, black live matter and white lives matter of course create disunion. Who cares about older people, they are separate to us younger people!! Awfully lucky that this pandemic is not of the Spanish or even Hong Kong flu that kills indiscriminately unlike covid-19, at present.

Is human consciousness ready to accept clarity of truth?

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

New Governing System

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to make another prediction. The following is primarily of my own predictions, so don't take it to heart if you don't like what I am saying here.

As I read a few years now and of recent times, the US is predicted to fall from being a world leader of democracy and economically. If you are seeing what is occurring in the US at present, you would certainly assume this. Warlord, druglord, paedophilelord systems of self-governance seem to be the go as seen by the rise of districts like Chaz and globalist controllers/manipulators.

I actually disagree with this prediction mainly because of the diversity within the US racially, culturally and economically. What will fall by the wayside is the present governing system and not at the hands of lord like self-governing systems in the US. What will eventuate is a governing system never put into process before by man, a governing system impervious to corruption therefore persecution of itself or persecutory of other cultures and it's people.

The US will be a world leader in this new governing system which will take time for other countries and cultures to implement. It would seem at present a more fascist communist governing system is being implemented by numerous countries, this will not last as a new governing system will prove far more beneficial for the world as a whole. Hate groups like KKK and black lives matter will simply be seen as racist, anti-humanity, and never again in human history be tolerated under the new governing system soon to be implemented.

Russia will be the epicentre of wisdom for in the absence of wisdom intelligence, as we are clearly seeing at present, is not that intelligent in the absence of wisdom.

Yes, the empire of the USA will fall as it is, but replaced by a worldwide empire in the end and no, not a one world order of fascist communism. A one world order in a difference sense than what we know a one world order to be will prevail. This will certainly be nothing to fear under a completely new governing system that other countries and their people will take on quite freely without force, manipulation or deception.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Purest Form of Conscious Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

Nothing comes close to this form of energy, an energy that pure that anything within this energies environment is instantly transformed.

A lot of people who abuse energy brutely in physical reality can even be transformed within this pure form of energy (PFCE), in all honest truth, the most abusive energy in existence is receptive to this energy. Many people may think that the sinister nature of various people in the world is close to the most sinister consciousness in existence. What is ever sinister in this physical reality, is 1000 times more sinister in a conscious reality way beyond anything sinister in this physical reality. What this means is that people who think they are going to be at the top of the pile of this sinister consciousness, are actually going to be at the bottom of the pile. And yes, this is eternal unlike the temporary or finite in relation to physical reality. Their souls are in for a huge shock.

So could this pure form of energy go into the most sinister conscious energy in existence and transform it?

The more correct question is, can the most sinister form of energy go into this pure form of energy and transform this energy? The answer is empathically no, for ignorance cannot exist within the same environment as awareness, but awareness, as we are seeing at present, can exist within the same environment as ignorance. Well, sort of.

This sinister consciousness is always at war with it's opposite, but the opposite is never at war with sinister consciousness, it doesn't have to be to dispel sinister consciousness. As it is, the more ignorant a consciousness becomes, the more sinister it becomes. The opposite is true too. The more aware a consciousness becomes, the more of this pure form of conscious energy consciousness becomes. Awareness often humbles itself to ignorance, but ignorance never humbles itself to awareness, it is simply unable to for this sinister consciousness is unable to exist within the same environment as this pure consciousness energy.

Pure conscious energy is simply an energy that is not tainted by ignorance, as sister conscious energy is tainted by ignorance. So you can see why this sinister consciousness has to keep a consciousness in ignorance. Anyone who has delved into the misinformation of governments and main media around the world in recent times, will realise the extent of this ignorance, this sinister consciousness in the world. It is exceptionally prevalent because most people are kept unaware to serve something they have little awareness of. Even by keeping quiet you are serving this sinister consciousness. You are told to stay away from the negatives to manifest a positive reality of light and love. If you are aware of what is presently going on, you will realise this has worked for creating a more darker sinister reality. If a more purer form of conscious energy was expressed, nothing sinister could exist or at least you would see a diminishing of this dark energy but quite the opposite is presently occurring.

Try to remember, the more aware you become, the more of this pure form of conscious energy you become. If you were a part of this pure energy, no amount of negative energy could stop you from becoming aware even while surrounded by this dark energy. This sinister dark energy is simply an energy of pure ignorance, it cannot exist within a reality of awareness, especially within a consciousness of the purest form of conscious energy.

I should add that people like myself are focused more on the health of the soul, the infinite, rather than the human self, the finite. It is a collective consciousnesses at work trying to guide lost souls, after experiencing trauma, to the light. The light being awareness instead of ignorance, the dark. This is why people like me have to stay aware even at cost to the finite self. Just being aware of , for example, the plight of sexually and Satanist abused children, helps these souls find the light. When a traumatised person like this dies, they feel separated from everything, very alone and vulnerable. Within this state, even these souls can end up in a very sinister reality. No, you don't have to be sinister yourself to end up in this state often refereed to as hell by a lot of people, all your soul has to do is feel lost and separated. All we have to do is be aware of their plight and show an understanding of their plight, within this these souls feel whole again, it is this simple.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

All Living Things Matter

                                                  Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I am, a person who was brought up in an environment of extremist ideological atheism, where literature pertaining to religion/spiritually was strictly outlawed. Within this extremist ideological environment, the soul didn’t even exist. Gosh, knowing what I know now in how western atheistic ideologies could have lead to me never considering the existence of a soul is astonishing.   

Atheist science biased through atheistic ideologies and doctrines could not explain the experiences I had in my life, especially when I didn’t experience these experiences on my own. Yes, I had these experiences but I needed these experiences confirmed, but in the absence of atheistic or religious/spiritual biases. I would have to say that most of my research was in the absence of bias as mush as any human could be.

Like so many people, I can go into states of observation in the absence of participation, I can also observe my own participation. Yes, I can also go into a state of participation in the absence of observation which I have been doing since the covid-19 debacle and proceeding lockdowns. Within this time of participation, I have recently observed that human consciousness has change significantly since I last observed human consciousness. You may think I mean for the worse but I don’t, in actuality I have never observed human consciousness being so aware and together, even in past lives.

Yes, on the physical plain human consciousness has become even more divided and not just due to the lockdowns. Black lives matter, which refers to a certain coloured skin separate to other kinds of skin, especially white, however, all lives matter has also taken precedence in a lot of people’s lives as well. All lives matter doesn’t make reference to a certain skin colour, within this there is no separation. Even better still, like my wife and I, a few people have stated all living things matter.

Black lives matter actually makes references to the endless suffering from the past, where all lives matter makes references to learning from the past. All living things matter just goes even further still in learning from the past.

Non-physical related consciousness actually influenced the human physical side of consciousness to go from black lives matter to all lives matter and even to all living things matter. When a non-physical conscious state manifests a reality in physical form, it is done through stages. Think of it like the stages of a new born to adulthood, this growth is all accomplished through stages, the same with consciousness when manifested in physical form. Yes, in a non-physical reality there is no need of stages but there is in a physical reality, for starters, a non-physical reality is not determined by time. This alone makes a huge difference between the two distinctly different realities.

All this means is that a certain percentage of human consciousness is now learning from it’s past instead of suffering from it’s past.

If most of humanity truly believed that we all have a soul, and that if we abuse our own soul and other souls in life and this reflects on our own soul in the after life, would we abuse each others souls? If we truly believed this, we couldn’t do what many of us are doing today. What black lives matter has evolved from is the abuse of souls, in other words black lives matter is a derivative of abuse, an abuse many of us desire not to let go of for whatever reason, be it whatever the colour of the skin is. All lives matter actually goes on from an abusive consciousness to the healing of an abused consciousness. All living things matter goes further in healing all of what is, which includes the Earth itself.

Look at it this way, so many politicians are putting the health of the country therefore its people last on the list. If the country is not healthy, the people of that country, that environment, will also be unhealthy in some way. If the Earth is healthy, how will this reflect on all other living things?

So why are politicians putting the country and it’s people last on the list of importance? If they truly believed that souls exist, they wouldn’t abuse other souls like this. They obviously don’t believe that souls exist otherwise they would put the country and its people first on the list. To go even further, put the Earth itself first on the list, for all living things matter.

I will go even further with this, all of what energy is matters. While recently in observation, energy as a whole was simply coming together as one. Why? Once you take away abuse of souls and energy as a whole, all of what seemed separate before comes together as one. What is so amazing is this energy is coming together with the inclusion of human conscious energy, in other words human consciousness is starting to become part of energy as a whole once again as it lets go of perceived separation, therefore abusive ways, of souls and energy as a whole.

The separation between black and white is simply perceived as is our own human conscious separation from energy as a whole. If you like, separation from God as the perception of God is a good example of a true form of oneness in my mind.

Supplement: This does not make sense. So you enforce violence by the enforcement of violence, a great deal of violence, to forcefully denounce violence through whatever means!!

We are still suffering from the past and not learning from the past. A reality built upon violence will only be once again conditioned to violence. It is like conditioning society the paedophilia being the norm, and then on to Satanist paedophilia being the norm. This is already the norm in certain sectors of society today by the way.

Will we ever learn not to abuse energy? An abused energy will only create one type of reality, and we call ourselves intelligent. Stay away from all groups who are built and based upon hate, a hate of anything.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

All Lives Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith


I will tell you something, ALL LIVES MATTER, not just one group of lives over another. This is unless you are of the US democratic left wing that is, a left wing politics of obvious division. In Australia, both the left and right wing is of division it would seem. All lives matter be it black or white, rich or poor, atheist or religious/spiritual, all these lives matter and more but they simply don’t it would seem under our present governmental systems.


Take a look at our new rules for attending and playing sports in Australia, nothing less than draconian. Get this though, if you chant all blacks matter, not all lives matter, you can do as you please by law and by the new rules that are infinite in number it would seem.


At no time demonstrate about all lives matter or about mandatory vaccines, 5G and lockdowns, etc, if you do, you have to keep moving and social distancing unlike in black lives matter demonstrations. Yes, it would seem deadly diseases can’t be transmitted while demonstrating in close quarters for black lives matter, mind boggling!!


Do you love how our governments and main media of today are fully enduring division?


As it is, Obama has stated all lives matter as has democrat Nancey Pelosi which seems to contradict what I stated here!!


Playing politics, when don’t politicians say one thing to become popular to then do another? Warring for starters is not about all lives matter nor is the too obvious corruption. If all lives matter, how would corruption exist or thrive under this reality that all lives matter?  Why today would it look like the democrats are behind the riots in the US? You can be arrested and/or fined today in Australia for demonstrating in close quarters that all lives matter, but obviously not for only black lives matter over and above all other colours.


In all, you can’t tell me that covid-19 is not a scam, especially when so many elite have made billions from the covid-19 scam, or as other people put it, corona-phobia. Will they do it again to gain even more riches? As is the same, is the bad health industry worth billions?


So in all honesty, do all lives matter under our present governmental system? All the lives that don’t matter, including black lives matter people, are simply a pawn used for the gain of the very few. To the elite, only a small portion of lives matter, their own, all else is expendable.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

In Absence of Wisdom

"Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens"

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, instead of learning from our past, we are still so obviously suffering from our past.

When you take wisdom out of intelligence, this is exactly what you will create, lockdown of the healthy, fear, paranoia, hysteria and riots, etc. This simply shows the wise where human consciousness is presently at.

When you get to a stage where the truth is scorned, where fake science and fake news is accepted over and above real science and news, it is time for a different approach to life, obviously.

Has the desire for power and physical wealth overshadowed wisdom? Intelligence guided by power and physical wealth is going to lead us where we are at today. On the other hand, intelligence guided by wisdom will obviously create quite a different reality.

We are a consciousness lost within its own creation, while of the absence of wisdom.