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Friday, 17 September 2021

Time; a Reflection of Eternity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Titus:Eternity is not in a length, it is a briefer moment, it is full as much it can be.”

Me: “This is interesting Titus, we often look at eternity through the eye's of time, in the process giving eternity a perception of length as in time, volume, value, space, etc.

The definition of eternity; time without end.

We are relating and comparing eternity to time, now do the opposite, relate time through the eyes of eternity, you come up with a different perspective. Everything within time is a fleeting moment of eternity. Everything of time is a passing reflection of eternity.

You seem to have been guided well by your fathers wisdom Titus. You can read all you like in the absence of wisdom, within this only of what you desire can only be learnt.”

Titus: “Time/sequential time can never measure eternity. Humanity is engaged in envisioning eternity, it is usually somewhere far and distant, it is never here. Eternity is more a converging event, it happens as many wholes all around. Seeing it as somewhere far turns it all unreal.”

Me: “I find it interesting Titus how some of us can see this, that you can't measure or size up eternity at the same time seeing eternity all around us. Science; you can't destroy energy, which makes it eternal, but you can change what energy transforms into. Some of us can perceive to some extent from the eternal, scientifically and spiritually.”

What would have to occur to change the present situation of excessive focus on time based existence, where life itself is based primarily on time?

Without uttering a word, the eternal consciousness would just have to become present in time to us and all of what time based reality created would become non-consequential, leading then to a reality based eternal consciousness. The more intense a consciousness becomes focused on time based reality, the bigger the impact of an eternal consciousness presence. It is good to see so many people more of an eternal consciousness than a time based consciousness.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

A Weakened Mind


Watch your thoughts;They become words.

Watch you words;They become actions.

Watch your actions;They become habits.

Watch your habits;They become character.

Watch your character;It become your destiny.  

Written by Mathew Naismith

A weakened mind is simply of a mind that is unaware of what is beyond the boundaries of the physical mind, it is also of a mind where the ego is in control even when beyond the perception of the boundaries of the physical mind. It is also of a collective mind that thinks it is beyond a consciousness that created nature. In a real sense, this consciousness cannot even simulate nature, it can only mimic nature at best.

Yes, science perceives how to create a universe, this of course is only copying nature, science is unable to create anything remotely novel that is not a simulation or copy of the original creation in some way. Imagine a universe created by science. Would the consciousness, if a consciousness could be implanted seen as we don't even know where consciousness came from to begin with, be as diverse as the universe we exist in? The implanted consciousness would only be of what is of the creator, very limited due to the lack of awareness.

So what consciousness is so many people today in awe of?

Look at all the power, control and physical wealth of multinationals, which could only come about due to abusing a less malign consciousness, a consciousness not entirely true to what created something like the universe and nature itself from scratch. There was nothing to mimic or simulate from, only an awareness far beyond human perception. A malign consciousness is simply a product of being less aware and quite naturally so. Yes, a malign consciousness is simply a creation of nature, a natural development of a consciousness being less aware.

Today, the observer just smiles at what less aware humans have created and are trying to create, however, the participator feels great anguish and distress at what this unaware consciousness is creating. It is funny, because multinationals are only simulating a malign consciousness while trying to act like some kind of deity. The observer just smiles.

To the participator, we are suffering big time but to the observer this suffering is of nothing real or of great importance, for what is of suffering is nothing to what is not suffering. Our suffering is like a grain of sand on the beach. So what would I know about suffering? I know as much about suffering as I do about not suffering, yes, I often smile at my own literal life long suffering when I am not participating in my suffering. For starters, I have literary had a broken arm since I was six years old, I also have at no point taken pain killers for any amount of time. Yes, my pain killer has been the ability to simply observe my own suffering.

“Suffering is something entirely different, however. Suffering is what we think of the pain, not the situation that caused the pain. Suffering is the emotional energy we invest in pain. Suffering is a choice. You might just read that last sentence a couple more times, as well. If it is a new concept, it might just change your approach to life. If you are in the habit of really getting in deep with your suffering, it will seem impossible that you could choose something otherwise. Suffering is simply our attachment to our pain, our ownership of and identification with it.”

Sorry, the blog doesn't seem have a language translator.

In a real sense, if you want to suffer from what the multinationals are creating at present, you will feel much greater pain than you have to. Make the best of life instead of the worse of life, however, a no time suffer from not being able to make the best of life either, you won't if you are participating for this is a part of being the participator. Yes, Yoga as whole, not just the exercises alone, teaches you to become the observer as many spiritual teachings do. You can see why the multinationals and communists alike desire to rid the world of any teachings that help is lessening the suffering through becoming the observer. I smile all the times I think of the observer, I just can't help it, very lucky me, but I also suffer from pain at times as this is a part of being a participator as well.

The induced suffering could push people's consciousness to become the observer, as many traumas can cause an awakening of some kind. The malign can interfere with the psychical mind, but the observing consciousness is unaffected, in a real sense.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Thinking As One Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

It has occurred before in times of great persecution and trauma, where of one mind becomes apparent, obvious to many minds. The trick is to become of this one mind instead of simply aware of this one mind, in other words instead of participating in being aware of this one mind, observe through this one mind to become of this one mind.

As in science and religion, awareness is one thing, becoming involved in what you are observing is something else.

No, communism and fascism and alike are not of becoming of one mind, it is one mind set simply enslaving all other minds to a mind set. To do this persecution is dealt out in a way to give fear of being locked down, isolated from all other minds except for a particular mind set. Instead of being of a one mind, every mind becomes subservient to a mind set.

Now the difference between being of one mind and being of a mind set, is being of one mind is of the observer, where being of a mind set is being observed. As we are seeing today, especially through the degree of censorship we are seeing, observing this kind of mind set is heavily discouraged. The subservient to this mind set are not allowed to observe, simply learn to become subservient. Yes, you are then no longer of this one mind or even of your own mind.

To a person who has an interest in science and spirituality overall, not being able to freely observe what is observable is a travesty observer wise. You are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set and as any mind set, this is limited to the mind set, however, thinking as one mind has no limitations to what can be observed, in actuality it is of observation of what is observable within it's entirety. It amazes me today how many scientists are content in being subservient to this very limiting mind set, a state of mind often witnessed occurring through being subservient to religious fanaticism, being subservient to a mind set instead of being guided by thinking as one mind.

So we are thinking as one mind and one mind only, is this not very limiting?

If we were all going to just religiously think and not scientifically think as well or visa-versa, this is not being of one mind, one mind is the ability to think as of all minds, be it of different minds. I may think more of spiritual matters, others may think more of science matters, thinking as one they are of one mind. The mind set of communism or fascism on the other hand wants everyone to be of separate minds, within this mind set you are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set, thinking as one mind on the other hand allows all minds to observe all other minds withhold hindrance.

So being subservient to a mind set seems to be all powerful over the subservient mind, this is an illusion of being all powerful. We feel and witnesses the great power and control the mind set has over the subservient. What power and control? So it is all powerful making all other minds subservient to one mind set, minds that are vulnerable to the influence of mind sets like communism and fascism. Notice only in times of great peril and trauma can this occur!!

So this is what the mind set wants you to believe is all powerful and controlling, minds that are vulnerable. Now if this mind set was to hold power and control over an equal devious and immoral mind set, I would say there is some kind of limited power and control but no, having power and control over the vulnerable mind is not all powerful. On top of this, the mind set itself has to stay ignorant to everything else it is unable to control. For a particular mind set to exist takes a particular degree of observational awareness, all else that is observable is ignored or disposed of, as we are seeing today.

Would this supposed all powerful mind set actually hold up to or have some degree of control over a mind thinking as one mind? There is no comparison to begin with, this is why these very limiting and limited mind sets have to always gain control of the influence of thinking as one mind has on minds. Why the persecution of the Christians all over again, and eventually of any spirituality of teaching of one mind? Actually, I have seen science go the same way, the mind set that profits come before science, in the process creating profiteering science as opposed to real science, a real science that puts science before profits and any other bias. I am not sure why spiritual people and atheists are not coming together on this, where we all simply become subservient to a mind set of great limitations.

So you may look at China and see no limitations of technological advancements, the same China that has live organ harvesting, literal slave labour, filthy rich while the poor go hungry, degradation of forests like in Africa at present, the building of hundreds of coal driven power plants, etc. This is the minds set Chinese style globalisation of communism, a country that outlaws males being expressive of femininity in any sense. This is a mind set of communist atheism, where spirituality is only tolerated when under the strictest control of communist mind set, if you are lucky. Was atheism allowed to express itself freely under religious observation in the modern era? This globalisation of communist style mind set is not so gracious or moral, it is it's way or no way. This should sound awfully like religious fanaticism, because that is what it is as of any extremism.

So in saying all this, no, mind sets like this are not all powerful and controlling over this one mind Yes, over minds that are vulnerable but not over this one mind, where all is observed, not just of what is desired to be observed in accordance with a mind set.

You have today a leader of a communist country replacing images of Jesus with his own image, yes, they are this delusional, thinking they have any resemblance to the one mind. I know this one mind idea is hard to imagine for a lot of people, but when we are to freely as a human species allowed to think in our own way, altogether we think as one mind. Excluding one part of this one mind is not of one mind, simply a mind set which scientifically and spiritually we should avoid. Yes, religion once went down this track of mind setting, and now it's communist atheists turn it would seem.

Will we ever start learning from the past instead of suffering from the past as a collective species? Yes, when we start thinking as one mind. I am not just referring to the one mind of the human species either, but that is my preference.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

A Surprising Scenario

Written by Mathew Naismith

What happens to energy when oppressed, when constricted into a compressed dense form?

Before we answer this, what happens when you compress an energy form that acquires all it's energy from external sources? It simply folds in on itself, devours itself. It is in line with western atheism, where atheism could not exist without the existence of something to disbelieve in, or have a belief that an existence doesn't exist. Western atheism is totally reliant on an existence atheism simply believes doesn't exist. Sounds awfully irrational to me. Yes, they could be right within their own beliefs and disbelief but this is not the point, atheism totally relies on an external energy form to exist, this is not the same with a belief in an existence, due to everything being of this existence. It is not an external energy existence you devour or try to destroy, for this is impossible.

So what is going to occur when dark energy, that only exists due to the existence of light energy, oppresses or compresses light energy into a dense energy form? Like an old pressure cooker, when this light energy is compressed too much it explodes. Imagine light being compressed into a dense energy form to the point of exploding out from this restricted environment, light is going to shine everywhere.

The most illogical thing dark energy could do is compress/oppress light to the point of exploding out in all directions. Dark simply can't exist within the light. It is like if the beliefs atheists disbelieve in became apparent, atheism would no longer exist.

The wise thing to do for this dark energy is allow light energy to coexist with itself, of course the main driving force and control comes from the ego. As we are seeing today, mass psychosis exist all over the world and so do psychopathic tendencies, as explained in my blog COVID-19 Mind Control. 

The ego is in control wants total autonomy thus control over the light, in the process in a very unwise way compressing/oppressing light energy.

Donald Trump was labelled a Nazi, which is really irrational because he wasn't the one burning books, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech. Actually, it is the socialists /communists that are doing this today. Yes, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech, is obviously of this dark energy, a very oppressive energy and an energy totally reliant on fear to orchestrate it's desires. There is nothing wise about the dark energy, in fact it is an energy form that is of the absence of wisdom, for wisdom of course is of the light as we are clearly seeing today.

The last thing you want to do is compress light into a dense form to the point of exploding, but lucky enough for the light energy this is what the dark energy is doing and does all the times. As foretold, a 1000+ years of peace/light, created by the very same energy trying to stop this occurring.