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Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Thursday 7 September 2017

Intuition, a More Conscious Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith 

 Is our intuition more consciously conscious and aware than our human consciousness? Is our dream state more consciously conscious than our awakened state? Considering the dreams I have experienced myself, this could well be the case. In relation to intuition, I have not myself experienced any significant expansion of consciousness intuitively but I have read of a number of cases where you could definitely say intuitiveness is more aware therefore more conscious.

In saying that I have not significantly experienced an expanded conscious state intuitively is not entirely true, I have made a number of correct predictions in my life. This on it's own doesn't qualify for me to say that intuitiveness is more consciously expanded to what we know to be a conscious, an awakened and aware state, however, in conjunction with other people's experiences, I would be comfortable to say intuitiveness is far more consciously aware than what we normally deem as being consciously aware.

Of course in saying all this, intuition isn't known for it's reasoning or observation therefore consciousness, I of course don't agree to this view altogether. I wrote the following on a forum.    


Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation, also meaning, Having knowledge of, a knowingness.

Cognition; is the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.

When we have a gut feeling or intuitive insights, we are not being cognitive, we are simply expressing intuitive insights, of course intuition isn't suppose to be of observation as well as reasoning. I think intuitive observation is made on a different plain or dimension to the physical plane/dimension.

This is consciousness even if our human consciousness is unaware of this, in actuality intuitive states are probably more aware and even more conscious than our human state of consciousness.

What about the collective consciousness, is this not more conscious than our human state of consciousness? The human state is often referred to as a dream state for very good reasons, it's only aware of what it's aware of through observation and reasoning which limits it's consciousness. Is human consciousness truly conscious or is our intuitive state more conscious than our human consciousness?

The human psyche isn't conscious because of the limitations of human consciousness, this of course is governed by it's awareness which is highly limited. What would occur if we detached ourselves from our present human awareness? We would simply free ourselves, our consciousness, from these limitations, we would in turn be more aware not less aware. A number of spiritual practices prove this is the case.

So when I usually make reference to consciousness, it's not of human consciousness I speak of but a much more conscious consciousness. I am often aware of my consciousness observing myself observing myself in certain states of consciousness, the funny thing is my ego doesn't always like what is being observed, it's a laugh really.

I think the human psyche and it's consciousness isn't as conscious as it thinks it is.


Is our conscious more consciously aware than our subconscious? The following explains why it's not and in actuality it's our subconscious that is more consciously aware. 

Extract: What I find highly intriguing though, is the fact that our subconscious mind has access to a much faster and more detailed library of knowledge than our conscious mind does. Studies show that our subconscious senses at a higher resolution (Small Difference in Sensation, 1884) and at a higher sampling rate (Mere Exposure Effect, 1980) than we are aware of.

Within 1-2 seconds intuition can tell you if a person might be lying to you, if a chess game might be lost or if a situation might become dangerous. It tells you in the form of a gut-feeling, delivering the final conclusions of a long debate without revealing any of the rational behind it. It relies on your unconscious picking up on cues in the environment, on discovering micro-expressions on someone’s face, on comparing situations to hundreds and thousands similar ones housed in your memory and even digs into genetically and biologically hard-coded instincts. 


Now consider a consciousness outside human influence, outside human conscious limitations of the brain, now consider the intuition from a mind outside these human limitations. What we call our conscious state is far less consciously aware than we could ever imagine, of course this is going to be hard to imagine for a consciousness with so many limitations and so consciously unaware.

When spiritual people say they have become enlightened, they mean to say they are more consciously alive and aware than ever before, of course enlightened means becoming more consciously aware than before. You could also say enlightenment is also an awakening, an awakening from a conscious state that is in actuality anything but consciously aware. 

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Consciousness and Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We often hear the phrase conscious awareness, one not being without the other and one before the other by no mistake. It's like the perception of God or spirit; it's by no mistake that there is a lot of reference made in numerous ideologies to God and spirit before and in reference to man's consciousness. You don't have to be a believer of God or spirit to realise that one comes before the other and is in reference to the other.

However, there is reference or beliefs that awareness is the ultimate state therefore awareness comes before and is not in reference to consciousness in this ultimate higher state of non-consciousness. Ever heard of the phrase what is above is also below? Try being humanly aware of your environment void of being conscious, this is the below, the same is with the above. There is always a consciousness behind awareness no matter how still and silent this consciousness might be.

Because the ego is of motion and can only relate everything to motion to be able to comprehend it, comprehending a pure aware state void of motion is for the ego one thing, comprehending anything beyond this state would be insurmountably incomprehensible. Of course for certain ideologies to comprehend a consciousness beyond this pure aware state would be making reference to a God, a consciousness and a creator of all things. Being the ego the way it is when conditioned to certain specific ideologies, this of course has to be refuted or ignored by the ego.

I am not religious myself but I can see that the perception of God makes reference to a consciousness behind all awareness, no matter how still and silent that consciousness might be. The perception of God also makes reference to a true state of oneness, being that the perception of God directly relates to a true state of oneness and being that God is all of what is through the spirit within all things. It's important to note that this oneness doesn't exclude the ego, motion or time through denouncing them as simply being an illusion.

We ourselves are not able to create anything without being first conscious of what we are going to create, what is above is also below, is this not also for the above as it is for the below? Don't misconstrued me here, I am not advocating that everyone should now believe in a God or a consciousness before awareness, all I am portraying/advocating is that the perception of God makes direct reference to a consciousness before awareness, meaning, there is always a consciousness first and foremost before a state of awareness can exist. I think the perception of God or a consciousness before awareness is by no mistake.

When you look at atheism, do not atheists also believe/know that a consciousness comes before awareness? This is of course excluding Buddhist atheism where pure awareness or nothingness comes before consciousness. You could also question, what is consciousness without awareness, how can a consciousness exist without being aware?

Consider this, what is man's consciousness until it's physically expressed? It's not exactly motionless but it's not of full motion either until physically expressed. What usually make us aware? Motion, no matter how little or great that motion may be. All of man's awareness is brought about by motion, this is the below now is this not then the same for the above?

All this means is that awareness relates to motion but the consciousness behind awareness is not necessarily of motion. A state of pure awareness is motionless because the awareness of everything negates motion. Why is there so much motion around us? Because we are not aware of this motion before it's expressed as a motion, the only way motion can exist is through an unaware state of consciousness thus creating motion. In this case awareness or lack of full awareness has limited consciousness to a finite existence resulting in awareness becoming a motion.

A consciousness of full enlightenment/awareness negates motion by simply being aware of everything. Would we still be warring if we were truly aware? By being limited to certain awareness specifics creates motion where a truly enlightened consciousness simply neutralises the motion within awareness. It's the consciousness behind awareness that determines if awareness is going to be of motion or not.

So can consciousness exist without awareness?

How aware is a micro-organism of it's own existence and of it's environment as a whole? It's simply not, however, are we not more aware of micro-organisms these days? You see, a consciousness is still conscious of a micro-organisms existence, is it not also possible that humans are also in the same situation as a micro-organism, when only aware of themselves and their immediate environment to one extent or another?

Human existence (motion) is entirely governed by our environment, the environment comes first and then human existence, why then do we put ourselves above, our awareness above, our environment that determines our whole existence? Even within our own existence, a consciousness comes before and is the creator of our own existence.

Consciousness is simply unable to exist without awareness as awareness is unable to exist without consciousness, it's just that consciousness can either express awareness as a motion or not. It's consciousness that expresses awareness as a motion as it is consciousness that quietens awareness to the extent of awareness becoming totally motionless. It's the awareness within consciousness that creates motion; consciousness is completely motionless until consciousness becomes aware of awareness in motion.

As we can quieten our own consciousness through various techniques, consciousness as a whole is more likely to be able to quieten it's own consciousness through simply being aware of the motionlessness of awareness. All awareness is of motion until quietened by consciousness, within this, all there is, is pure awareness or a state of consciousness void of motion.                 

Friday 18 August 2017

Pleasure Centres of the Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

As the following explains, the pleasure centre is a part of the brain that gives us a feeling of enjoyment; this enjoyment is often referred to by the ego as a positive. Of course we can become so addicted to this enjoyment that we, the ego, will most often refer to everything that isn't of this enjoyment as being negative and even toxic; this is why in Western spirituality that there are more judged negatives at present than ever. Yes, to be honest, a lot of us are in this state.

Let's say we are into light and love or materialism or anything else that excites our pleasure centre. Everything else other than what excites our pleasure centre often becomes negative or we deliberately become ignorant to the things that don't excite our pleasure centre. What people like me write about is often critically judged as being negative and even toxic, mainly because it doesn't excite the pleasure centre, in actuality, awareness often takes away the enjoyment from our pleasure centre. Let's be honest, we are presently just as much if not more focused on what enjoyment our pleasure centre gives us than ever throughout human history.          

Extract: You may have heard that the brain has a pleasure center that lets us know when something is enjoyable and reinforces the desire for us to perform the same pleasurable action again. This is also called the reward circuit, which includes all kinds of pleasure, from sex to laughter to certain types of drug use.

How many Western spiritually minded people deliberately ignore everything around them that doesn't give enjoyment to the pleasure centre these days? Now, how often is everything not conducive to the enjoyment of the pleasure centre critically judged as being negative and even toxic?

Let's say I am an empath, a person who feels their environment, is everything that doesn't excite my pleasure centre negative? No, but to a lot of empaths and spiritually aware people this has become the case it would seem. To be truly spiritually aware, of a state that Buddhism calls pure awareness, a state of pure bliss to the ego, everything that doesn't excite the pleasure centre of our mind isn't negative or bad. Just because the feelings we get don't excite our pleasure centre, doesn't mean it's negative, it simply means it doesn't excite our pleasure centre. Of course the pleasure centre being about pleasure, the pleasure centre is often controlled by the ego, not just of the ego but controlled by the ego, it is wise to become aware of this in my mind.

Yes, as of any time in human history, we are controlled by the ego, meaning, the ego is in control of our reality just as much if not more than any other time in human history. Let's be honest with ourselves, it's presently all about exciting our pleasure centre while deliberately staying ignorant to anything that threatens the pleasure centres enjoyment. In actuality, lets' be truthfully honest even more, we are living more in fear than ever in regards to Westernised spirituality.

A state of pure awareness means we become aware of everything, not just to the things our pleasure centre desires. If I was to only become aware of the things that excite my pleasure centre, would I be truly and honestly spiritually aware? This state of pure awareness has nothing to do with exciting the pleasure centre, and that everything else that doesn't excite this pleasure centre is negative. Are we truly going to experience the kind of bliss found in this state of absolute pure awareness by only being aware of the things that excite our pleasure centre? There is absolutely no infinite bliss to be found in continually exciting the pleasure centre because the pleasure centre is pure ego, not pure awareness. Yes, we will find that by exciting the pleasure centre we will momentarily feel blissful and happy, of course the ego being the ego, it always desires more and more excitement, more and more pleasure.

Being truly spiritually aware has nothing to do with continually exciting the pleasure centre. Considering that to excite the pleasure centre all the time takes the deliberate ignorance of everything that doesn't excite the pleasure centre, this kind of state has nothing to do with awareness. There is no awareness in this, just pure and utter deliberate ignorance construed by the ego in control to keep the ego amused, happy and excited.

Can this state of pure awareness, a state where there is no separation and where one becomes one with everything void of the limitations of pleasing our pleasure centres, give us feelings of bliss and love? Going by my own experiences, I would say yes, but you must realise, it's only the ego that can feel pleasure, for it's only the ego that needs to feel pleasure to exist. So in all, in our present state of ego, we will feel pleasure, however, it is wise to be aware that it's the ego in control that desires to be only aware of what excites it's pleasure centre, not just of the physical brain but of the non-physical mind as well.

As usual, what I have written here will not excite too many people's pleasure centres, the actual truth about ourselves as a whole rarely does. Please, be aware that a true state of awareness isn't all about pleasing our pleasure centres, of course the ego in control will, as always, state otherwise. Simply, don't allow your pleasure centre, the ego; to control you while becoming truly aware as opposed to partially aware of what pleases the pleasure centre that is apart of  us all. Be aware that (all) pleasures felt are of the ego, also, don't try to control the ego and it's pleasure centre, but don't allow it to control you either.     

Thursday 8 June 2017

Awareness- A Process of Evolving

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote a post knowing that this post is going to be controversial for some people, however, I received a few replies from people who could see exactly where I was coming from. I don't favour extremism of any kind, even the kind expressed by my own people. All extremisms create terrorism of one kind or another; this is pain we need not experience. We simply ignored the whispers and are now being yelled at.

yes Mathew, it is all awful. There is a lot of sadness here and uncertainty. You are quite right about the background. I can't help thinking that governments need to at least begin to approach the problems with honesty and unselfish intentions. I wonder when they will stop looking backwards for solutions that don't work, and begin to look forwards for the benefit of the whole global family. humph!

My Reply
I certainly feel for everyone in the United Kingdom, this kind of thing just simply needn't happen.

I wish human consciousness would simply grow up/evolve, it doesn't look good though, however in saying this, this kind of thing might just make us evolve in the end.

Australia is right behind in terrorizing these people, I simply don't like it.

I really hope you and your own are never directly affected by this kind of thing. Keep well and safe, surely this can't continue for too long.

ahh thank you.
It is interesting how the upheavals happening all around the world seem to be completely at odds with the idea that we as a human race are now evolving at a faster rate ,,, I do agree that these terrible events may be catalysts but I would like to understand why good things so often come from pain and suffering. I wonder why good things can't just arise from previous good things? Building on positive feelings, thoughts and events rather than reacting against negative ones.Xx

My Reply
Are we truly evolving?

Growing up/evolving from infancy to adulthood usually entails a lot of pain at times of one kind or another. As I wrote a few years ago now, human consciousness is like an infant trying to evolve; it's going to go through growing processes.

As of any consciousness growing up/evolving, it will at times through the process stop evolving, basically, stay child like. To me it simply doesn't want to grow up so there is going to be pain involved. I think the quote, "What is above is also below", is very apt.

As of infancy to adulthood, it's the way we become aware that determines the pain we will go through; it's all to do with how we become aware. Becoming aware simply doesn't have to be painful. For any consciousness, awareness is it's growing process,

You can be loving without being aware but you can't become aware without being loving. Awareness simply creates love, the more aware we become, the more loving we will be. Spiritual awareness proves this, the more spiritually aware we become, the more loving we naturally become. This is very much like, the more of an adult we become, the more responsible we become; human consciousness seems to have simply stopped growing up, becoming aware, collectively.

However, there are people who are still evolving, this simply means that human consciousness collectively hasn't stopped evolving completely, in actuality, our present conscious stagnation has influenced a lot of us to become more aware. There is an imbalance of too much irresponsibility and immaturity within the collective consciousness so some of us have naturally reacted to this. Jesus and Buddha in my mind were a reaction to the consciousness in their time.        

What is negative and what is positive? If something like this makes us more aware, is it altogether negative? I try to stay away from perceiving in negatives and positives, this kind of perceiving can be too bias.

Because we have ignored the whispers, we are now being shouted at to become aware in my mind, this simply should not have been the case, we are simply acting and thinking too immaturely, too unaware to the extent of utter ignorance.

Much Blessings as always Carolyn

PS. I am going to turn our interaction here into a post for my blog.

Supplement: At no time am I bagging (Criticising sarcastically) any culture or people of a country in what I write at times, as of always, telling the truth will, sadly, always make you more enemies than friends. We simply don't like becoming aware of anything unbecoming about ourselves and our culture; we would rather point the finger at other people/cultures than ourselves and our own.

I am simply for peace and harmony, the truth, brought about by awareness and wisdom, supports this kind of truth. There is however another kind of truth, a truth that comes from knowledge and intelligence, this kind of truth noticeably doesn't support peace and harmony. In my mind, any knowledge or intelligence not supported by wisdom isn't truth but a desired truth rather than actual truth.

Also, awareness and wisdom isn't motion, however, the truth that awareness and wisdom creates is of motion, only because there is also untruths. It's these untruths or truths that are not of the whole truth that creates motion. At present, the Delai Lama is a prime example of awareness and wisdom not being of motion.                    

Saturday 8 April 2017

The Creations of Perceptions.

The perception of ascension takes
our focus away from being ascended

There is no ascension, only the ascended

In actuality, to be ascended means there
was an ascension process to begin with

So the very perception of ascension or the
ascended is counteractive as the  
perception of existence as a whole
 is a counteractive response to ascension
and the ascended self  

It is what it is.......

~Mathew G~

The perception of death is a lack of awareness
As is most thing in life......
~Mathew G~

Friday 31 March 2017


Written by Mathew Naismith

Wisdom is the observer of awareness's participation.

~Mathew G~

To become aware, even of your own awareness, is participation.
Awareness is the participator in life; it's the creator of all human developments.

To become wise, even of your own participation, is observation.
Wisdom is the observer of life; it's the observer of all developments.

Wisdom gives the awareness's participation balance within its motions, in turn, creating a more harmonious existence.

Where awareness will often only become aware therefore a participator of the dissimilarities or similarities, wisdom is the observer of both dissimilarities and similarities; this is where the balance lays.  

Sunday 26 March 2017

A Natural Process of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Throughout the ages, it is obvious that human consciousness is about awareness, spirituality, science and philosophy, are prime examples of our desire to be aware. Even human instincts are about being aware, it is actually our human instincts that inspire us to become aware of our environment.

Because human consciousness is plagued by a controlling ego, unlike many other conscious entities, our instincts have become self-centred and destructive, in actuality, our instincts have become our nemesis. When a consciousness becomes self-destructive to the point of causing misery and death, it's a sure sign that this kind of a consciousness is a nemesis onto itself. Of course it is obvious that human consciousness has always been a nemesis onto itself, however, intelligence void of wisdom has exasperated or hugely added to this dilemma. 

We have come to the point of the post where a lot of people would say I am just being negative; we need to be only focused on the positive to create a more constructive reality. The problem with this is, at no point in human history has this kind of approach worked, in actuality; it has created quite the opposite as is obvious today. Extreme actions and denial or ignorance does not create constructive realities; my own instincts/awareness tells me this.

It is wise to be aware that instincts are not necessarily about awareness as a whole, especially when instincts are primarily controlled by the ego. In this case, instincts are only about the desire and fear, for example, a desire for more wealth and power or of only being of a higher stature spiritually. Human consciousness so easily limited by these desires because it is plagued by the a controlling ego, of course if we were truly aware, we would realise that human consciousness doesn't have to be plagued in this way. Of course to be aware of this takes wisdom to realise this in the first place. For a consciousness that has obviously shunned wisdom in place of intelligence, this realisation is virtually going to be impossible, unless human consciousness is awakened to this.

The natural process of awareness for a controlling ego is to only be aware of what serves the ego first and foremost; this is the natural instincts of an ego in control. An ego not in control has completely different instincts which are usually influenced by a true sense of awareness and wisdom. Take away the natural instincts of a controlling ego, what you are left with, and quite naturally without effort, is wisdom and a true sense of awareness void of any ignorance what so ever.

We often make the mistake in trying to avoid the negatives and ego altogether, when in actuality all we have to do is become truly aware, and not just aware of what serves our controlling egos. The process of becoming truly aware naturally and automatically naturalises the effects of a controlling egos instincts, and yes, it is a natural instinct for a controlling ego to be destructive. We are presently worldwide going through a natural process in accordance with a controlling egos instinct; we are also experiencing what our truer being is aware of. All of what we are experiencing is what our truer being is aware of; our present experiences are not as negative as we might think.

What we are going through could well be the start of a golden age for man, in the end looking back from this age, we won't be as judgmentally harsh of the negatives as we are now of our present reality. Not all that is negative will create more negatives; more often than not these negatives prove to be very positive, and, more often than not the positives create negatives; materialism is a prime example of this and so is our self-preservation which seems to be prevalent at present.

We have always been apart of wisdom and awareness, it's like the spirit within all things is always present no matter how much we become unaware of this spirit. Basically, wisdom and awareness is this spirit within all things. It's an energy flow or source, like energy itself, that can never be destroyed but unlike energy that can be changed, this spirit within all things can't be changed or even discarded. However, a consciousness can become that unaware or even deliberately ignorant to this spirit that it can become highly destructive and corrupt in every sense. Take away the ignorance of the spirit within all things; all you are left with is awareness and wisdom which has always been present.

People like me are now being censored because we tend to tell it how it is and we think for ourselves. The last thing a consciousness wants you to do, that is created using ignorance as a platform of existing, is think for yourself and talk about a better way of existing. What we are basically talking about here is a system that is based on fear. How many people fear losing any part of their material possessions or fear being singled out by the creators of this kind of fear based system of existence? Of course keeping a consciousness ignorant of its spirit helps keep a consciousness in fear, especially considering that the spirit within all things is fearless.

A state of pure awareness and wisdom, the spirit within all things, has nothing to fear. The more we become unaware of this spirit, the more we fear for only in ignorance can a consciousness express fear.

Yes, fear is a natural state for a consciousness to express when living in ignorance of it's truer being, however, fearlessness is also a natural state for a consciousness to express as well while being of it's truer self. The truer self being this spirit within all things that can never be changed by any other force as this state is infinite within its being. Of course what this means is that anything not of our truer being is finite in nature, this of course makes perfect sense because fear is highly limiting therefore transitory. Being that the spirit within all things is infinite in nature, which is a reflection of our truer being, it stands to reason why a consciousness in this state wouldn't exist in fear. 

It is wise to realise that the present human consciousness is expressive of a natural process of ignorance. This consciousness in a state of ignorance is naturally doing what it's suppose to do, however, at no time are we truly imprisoned by this kind of consciousness, not when you realise that our truer being is infinite in nature. No matter how a consciousness existing in ignorance tries to destroy or change this spirit, even within itself, there is no way it can. All it can do is try to influence a state of consciousness to become unaware which leads to a consciousness existing in fear.

In a true sense, we have nothing to fear, only in truly realising this can we free ourselves of fear based existences. No matter what occurs within this reality, we have nothing to fear, and yes, it is this simple. Consider what you have to lose to start with, our life and our possessions, which are finite therefore transitory in nature to begin with, but you will never lose you spirit, your truer infinite being no matter what.