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Sunday, 26 March 2017

A Natural Process of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Throughout the ages, it is obvious that human consciousness is about awareness, spirituality, science and philosophy, are prime examples of our desire to be aware. Even human instincts are about being aware, it is actually our human instincts that inspire us to become aware of our environment.

Because human consciousness is plagued by a controlling ego, unlike many other conscious entities, our instincts have become self-centred and destructive, in actuality, our instincts have become our nemesis. When a consciousness becomes self-destructive to the point of causing misery and death, it's a sure sign that this kind of a consciousness is a nemesis onto itself. Of course it is obvious that human consciousness has always been a nemesis onto itself, however, intelligence void of wisdom has exasperated or hugely added to this dilemma. 

We have come to the point of the post where a lot of people would say I am just being negative; we need to be only focused on the positive to create a more constructive reality. The problem with this is, at no point in human history has this kind of approach worked, in actuality; it has created quite the opposite as is obvious today. Extreme actions and denial or ignorance does not create constructive realities; my own instincts/awareness tells me this.

It is wise to be aware that instincts are not necessarily about awareness as a whole, especially when instincts are primarily controlled by the ego. In this case, instincts are only about the desire and fear, for example, a desire for more wealth and power or of only being of a higher stature spiritually. Human consciousness so easily limited by these desires because it is plagued by the a controlling ego, of course if we were truly aware, we would realise that human consciousness doesn't have to be plagued in this way. Of course to be aware of this takes wisdom to realise this in the first place. For a consciousness that has obviously shunned wisdom in place of intelligence, this realisation is virtually going to be impossible, unless human consciousness is awakened to this.

The natural process of awareness for a controlling ego is to only be aware of what serves the ego first and foremost; this is the natural instincts of an ego in control. An ego not in control has completely different instincts which are usually influenced by a true sense of awareness and wisdom. Take away the natural instincts of a controlling ego, what you are left with, and quite naturally without effort, is wisdom and a true sense of awareness void of any ignorance what so ever.

We often make the mistake in trying to avoid the negatives and ego altogether, when in actuality all we have to do is become truly aware, and not just aware of what serves our controlling egos. The process of becoming truly aware naturally and automatically naturalises the effects of a controlling egos instincts, and yes, it is a natural instinct for a controlling ego to be destructive. We are presently worldwide going through a natural process in accordance with a controlling egos instinct; we are also experiencing what our truer being is aware of. All of what we are experiencing is what our truer being is aware of; our present experiences are not as negative as we might think.

What we are going through could well be the start of a golden age for man, in the end looking back from this age, we won't be as judgmentally harsh of the negatives as we are now of our present reality. Not all that is negative will create more negatives; more often than not these negatives prove to be very positive, and, more often than not the positives create negatives; materialism is a prime example of this and so is our self-preservation which seems to be prevalent at present.

We have always been apart of wisdom and awareness, it's like the spirit within all things is always present no matter how much we become unaware of this spirit. Basically, wisdom and awareness is this spirit within all things. It's an energy flow or source, like energy itself, that can never be destroyed but unlike energy that can be changed, this spirit within all things can't be changed or even discarded. However, a consciousness can become that unaware or even deliberately ignorant to this spirit that it can become highly destructive and corrupt in every sense. Take away the ignorance of the spirit within all things; all you are left with is awareness and wisdom which has always been present.

People like me are now being censored because we tend to tell it how it is and we think for ourselves. The last thing a consciousness wants you to do, that is created using ignorance as a platform of existing, is think for yourself and talk about a better way of existing. What we are basically talking about here is a system that is based on fear. How many people fear losing any part of their material possessions or fear being singled out by the creators of this kind of fear based system of existence? Of course keeping a consciousness ignorant of its spirit helps keep a consciousness in fear, especially considering that the spirit within all things is fearless.

A state of pure awareness and wisdom, the spirit within all things, has nothing to fear. The more we become unaware of this spirit, the more we fear for only in ignorance can a consciousness express fear.

Yes, fear is a natural state for a consciousness to express when living in ignorance of it's truer being, however, fearlessness is also a natural state for a consciousness to express as well while being of it's truer self. The truer self being this spirit within all things that can never be changed by any other force as this state is infinite within its being. Of course what this means is that anything not of our truer being is finite in nature, this of course makes perfect sense because fear is highly limiting therefore transitory. Being that the spirit within all things is infinite in nature, which is a reflection of our truer being, it stands to reason why a consciousness in this state wouldn't exist in fear. 

It is wise to realise that the present human consciousness is expressive of a natural process of ignorance. This consciousness in a state of ignorance is naturally doing what it's suppose to do, however, at no time are we truly imprisoned by this kind of consciousness, not when you realise that our truer being is infinite in nature. No matter how a consciousness existing in ignorance tries to destroy or change this spirit, even within itself, there is no way it can. All it can do is try to influence a state of consciousness to become unaware which leads to a consciousness existing in fear.

In a true sense, we have nothing to fear, only in truly realising this can we free ourselves of fear based existences. No matter what occurs within this reality, we have nothing to fear, and yes, it is this simple. Consider what you have to lose to start with, our life and our possessions, which are finite therefore transitory in nature to begin with, but you will never lose you spirit, your truer infinite being no matter what. 

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