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Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Extrication from Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is weird and can even be called hypocritical from a person who has been interested and involved in spiritualism nearly all their lives. Extrication sounds like excommunication, given that extrication means the release from a snarled or entangled condition, very simular to excommunication.

Spirituality pertains to the otherworldliness, basically the spirit within all things, spiritual reality, as being different to being interested and knowing of physical realities and entities, an interest in all non-physical realities and entities.

Hang on, how can one extricate themselves from the spirit if everything is of the spirit? As everything is energy, everything is of the spirit, same thing to someone like me.

This would be exactly like extricating yourself from being energy!!

Extrication is a release from a snarled or entangled condition, if the condition you're in isn't snarling or entangling you, there is no reason for extrication.

However, anything that creates bias and/or prejudice can be entangling in that bias and prejudice often creates untruths as opposed to truths. As all ideological isms create a certain amount of bias, it is fair to say that we are all entangled to one degree or another to untruths. Untruths of course can quite naturally create what we are experiencing today, a reality based on deception.

Who truly wants to become aware that they are themselves in an entangled condition? Very few people.

Because our entanglement has been occurring for centuries, we are well and truly conditioned to this kind of existence to the point of not knowing what condition we are truly in. It's come to the point that most people don't want to know and will do anything to avoid knowing.

However, there are a few people who do want to know, in my mind this is the predicted conscious change, a change from discontinuing the cycle of entanglement.

As like with species throughout the history of the Earth, species can and do evolve from other species. As man himself has evolved from other species, he will again evolve into another species, this is natural law. It is also natural law that the species that another species has evolved from will either perish or adapt to the new species reality. How many species of animals have had to adapt or perish in our reality?

To be honest to myself, spiritualism is but another ism, yes, maybe an ism that tells more of the truth but still an ism that can still expresses bias. Spiritualism is but one of the processes to the truth, it's a process, a stepping stone, to truth and knowing of all we are. Only when we consciously become aware of beyond the perceptions of spiritualism will we know the truth, all else is an entanglement.

In saying this, one of the traits of a spiritual person is to humble themselves to the ego, to the entanglement of what the ego creates, otherwise none of us would be experiencing what we are experiencing. In a true sense, we are also all beyond these entanglements as we are all a part of the consciousness that is beyond spiritualism, beyond all entanglements. We are of one while still being of the other.

Yes indeed, more people today are grasping onto atheisms and new age spiritualism, strangely enough, atheism and new age spirituality are totally fear based. Atheists fear the existence of a God or divine entities, religion and even the existence of consciousness existing outside the human brain. Atheism purely exists only because of it's supposed opposite!!

New age spirituality has fear of negative energy, of being too much of this reality and only exists because of it's supposed opposite that is also fear based. Would not the new conscious change be about extricating ourselves from fear based ideological isms altogether?

I have done some really silly things in the past, trying to guide people away from labelling, therefore motion, when anyone conditioned to labelling and motion is unable, and probably unwilling, to comprehend an existence void of labels and motion. This is exactly the same with a fear based existence, this is why what I write about is for very few people and people who are not conditioned to a fear based existence.

Spirituality, as of any ideological ism, has a purpose in life, when that purpose has reached the end of its cycle of use, we must learn to let go. Which ideological ism or religion exists in a true state of oneness with everything? All but none. Buddhism calls this state pure awareness and nothingness, all but none.

Pure awareness = all

Nothingness = none.

The all as one negates everything turning it into nothingness while still being all. We are all a prime example of this all expressed individually, in turn, creating fear of the other thus creating more of the other. As of anything of excessive motion, it will burn itself out, this simply needn't occur.     

Sunday 14 January 2018

New Age Spirituality

Written by Mathew Niamsith

Having had numerous interactions with the so-called new age spiritual movement, I have to ask myself, where is this westernised new age spiritual movement leading us?

For starters, a lot of the new age movement isn't new, it's on the back of and based on spiritual writings and practices that stem right back to the first spiritual movements. Light and love, peace and harmony, enlightenment and oneness have been apart of spirituality since the dawn of man, so what's really new?

To a lot of people, the concept of a one world order, one government, one religion and so on, is a fallacy. Considering that Adolph Hitler, with the help of Italy and Japan in WWII, tried to force a one world order on the rest of the world and that the Romans tried to do the same hundreds of years before, a one world order is certainly very plausible today. The point is nothing has changed from thousands of years ago; the mentality of human beings is as old as old, not having evolved for thousands of years.

However we must consider, just because human consciousness hasn't evolved, doesn't mean consciousness as a whole hasn't evolved. We must also consider the natural cycles of life as everything in time is influenced by these cycles, the problem with cycles is, if a consciousness goes against these cycles, it will perish for the cycle has moved on leaving a consciousness without a cycle to live by for a time. Perishing simply means a consciousness will eventually restart the same old cycle all over again, very much like humans have done for thousands of years. New age spirituality is still a part of this old cycle for it's primarily based on and influenced by ancient spiritual movements.

Imagine not perceiving in negatives and positives, bad and good, hate and love, light and dark, basically, not in separation, a state of true oneness. Of course the concept of oneness has been around for thousands of years, but how often has human consciousness as a whole embraced this oneness? It hasn't, not in known times.

How many new age spiritual people have disdain for this reality and of anyone of a different movement to theirs?

To me, an evolved consciousness will leave disdain behind in the old cycle, in actuality separation of consciousness through the perceptions of negative and positive, bad and good, hate and love, light and dark, won't be able to be expressed for all will be as one.  

So does this mean no expression of love?

Lets' put things into perspective in relation to human consciousness and the sun. Man is unable to be as violent and as destructive as the sun can and will be, why then is human consciousness felt as a bad vibration and negative but the sun isn't? Why don't we get bad vibrations from the sun as we do of human consciousness at it's most violent and destructive time? 

As we have an obvious bias perception and vibrational feelings towards human consciousness in comparison to the sun, we also have bias perceptions of love and light in comparison to hate and dark. We have separated one from the other; imagine no sense of separation, no bias segregation giving us false perceptions. It's hard to imagine isn't it while still experiencing a segregated reality!!

Sadly, through my own experiences, the following is a good example of today's new age spiritual movement. It's either ignoring everything not of what it desires to be of, or, it lashes out at anything not of its own desires. I should also say I have friends who are of the movement of love and light, they are themselves quite moderate within their being and expressions, nothing like the bellow example.                   

My Reply
"better yet, why would you continue a discussion after everybody already said goodbye?"

So now it would seem I am not allowed to continue a discussion on my own post, this is bullying.  If the discussion isn't on their terms, it can't be on any terms, especially mine on my own post. Go figure!!

Did John say goodbye? Why lie and deceive GS?

Our topic was about speculation which I proved you were incorrect with, now you are lashing out big time after trying to bully me in respect to speculation. What lie did I tell about speculation and a black and white mentality? I wasn't even allowed to express my own thoughts on my own post without a show of disdain towards me.  

The disdain from you towards me is insurmountable GS, you have proven this within your reply. Why so much disdain? Yes, I proved you incorrect in regards to speculation, why lash out just because of this? It's a very shallow response GS.

"I pray that justice for you comes swift and 7 fold."

What an ugly thought, I certainly don't wish this upon you, in actuality quite the opposite; I hope one day you are able to observe yourself void of so much disdain. When you do, I truly hope you are not too hard on yourself like you are to others at present.

Many Blessings GS, really.

Is this my ego facing down people like this? Yes, but it's to protect others, I am certainly not protecting myself from such vibrations but others.

To be spiritual is to also humble yourself, this includes humbling yourself to the ego.

Having worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life, you become conditioned to protecting others even while putting yourself in peril, it's this simple. You embrace so-called bad vibration as well as good vibrations for all vibrations deserve to be embraced in care.         

Friday 24 November 2017

Our Primordial Elemental State

Written by Mathew Naismith

When we talk about anything primordial, we mostly have a perception of an element or an existence that is ancient. Spiritually, the spirit within all things is primordial in nature as this primary element is perceived as the beginning of all things and is within all things. Physically, energy is the primal element within all things, so when we spiritually have a desire or a need to be of a higher self, we in-effect (in reality) desire or need to be of our primordial elemental being, our true being.

Scientifically, energy is the primal substance within all things, nothing can exist without energy, however, spiritually, energy is replaced by the spirit within all things, the essential substance or energy flow within all things. In my mind, when we talk about energy and spirit, we are talking about the same thing; they are not separate entities or elements.

We are also talking about a primordial elemental state, not a new state but a primordial elemental state. Many of us spiritually in-effect has a desire to go back to this state, a state of pure energy void of separation between energy flows. Before I go on, I think it's important to know what I mean when I say primordial.                          

Primordial; an ancient elemental or primary substance of all things, the essential or basic substance of all things, in other words a primary substance that everything stems from. Spiritually, this seen as the spirit within all things or the higher or inner self, the God within. Physically, primordial elements are seen as, for example, carbon, hydrogen and helium, in saying this, a 3rd dimensional sphere is also primordial in nature within time.

In actuality, anything of a 3rd dimensional sphere is not primordial when compared to the spirit within all things or energy as a whole when perceived through a time. Time gives the perception of primordial elements and existences, this means the new is of a 3rd dimensional sphere. The perception of anything new is 3rd dimensional and therefore of time. What is so new about going back (regressing), not forward (progressing), to our primordial elemental state?

This is the problem with perceiving in time, going back to our original state is perceived as a regression when it's a progression from a state of chaos. Chaos in this instance means energy that is separate to each other therefore energy reacts different to each other.

In actuality there is no regression or progression in timelessness, there is also nothing new. The perception of new is simply a 3rd dimensional perception based on time, that something is older or newer than another therefore separate to each other through time. However, there is simply no such separation through the perceptions of timelessness.

Timelessness simply means a state where there is no separation of energy flows, spiritually; this means there is only spirit void of the separation brought about by the soul for instance. How does energy become a different elemental substance? Simply through separation, very simular to our soul. You could in this instance say that all energy has a soul; this is probably why many people say that everything is of consciousness. Soul simply refers to an immortal or infinite state of being, not just within humans but everything. The soul also denotes separation or is conducive to the perception of separation of energies or spirits. Considering that you can't destroy energy, only change it, this makes sense.

In-effect, you can't separate the spirit within all things, this is simply a perception brought about by time. This also means energy as a whole is inseparable, only through time can energy be perceived as separated.

So in time, is energy or the spirit within all things truly separated?

Within time, it is obvious that the existence of different energies exist, they are indeed separated, very much like new age to old or middle age spirituality or consciousness, there is on obvious difference. However, the indifference is within energy itself or the spirit within all things, it's all connected by a primordial element within time, it's all of energy or spirit. Yes, within time there is an obvious separation of elements but at the same time there isn't. I am a white person, this is different to a dark person but there is no true separation for we are all human. The perception of separation is simply based on time, a finite factor when we are also of an infinite factor, timelessness, where nothing is separated.

Within time, the perception of our primordial state is to me an important element to become reconnected to, of course there is no true separation therefore anything to reconnect to, just a perception of within time.....                    

Thursday 13 July 2017

Pure Awareness verses Pure Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

For only the aware will desist in their destructive ways, all else will continue with being destructive, albeit in a different way, a way that makes us feel even more right while being destructive. As light is destructive to dark, positive to negative, the feminine to the masculine, yin to yang in this case, only that of what the ego desires will an ego controlled reality.  

Pure awareness; is a state that is motionless, a state that needs no further motion to become aware, for all motion is of ego. Think on this, why have motion when in a pure aware state? Motion simply depicts a state that is unaware, for all motion is of an unaware state and all motionlessness is of an aware state. The more aware we become void of a controlling ego, the more of this pure motionlessness we become, however, at no time can we become of this pure awareness while of the ego in any sense, all we can do is become aware of this pure state.

Pure awareness (nothingness) = motionlessness + aware

Pure ego (creation) = excessive motion + unaware

It is quite understandable why in Buddhism this state is also referred to as nothingness; there is no motion in this state, there is simply no need of motion. Other ideologies of course have their own explanations for this state.

Pure ego; is a state of excessive motions, you could say this state is the yang to the yin, the yin being of pure awareness or visa-versa. The more of this pure ego we become, the more controlled and controlling we become. Think on this, why would a state of pure awareness desire or even need to control anything?   

This state of pure ego is of an excessive while at the same time excluding all else, for example, this state being of all light with no darkness, all positive with no negatives or all materialism with no spiritualty or abstemiousness. It's basically a state of extremes, of course if this state sounds familiar; it's for a very good reason, we are simply becoming more and more of this pure ego.

Yes, the ego has made many of us believe that we are becoming more of this pure awareness, even while all the signs state otherwise like all the expressions of extremism, for example, being expressed in the world today. All motions or expressions of extremism depict a state of consciousness that is more of pure ego than pure awareness.

Spirituality: Until quite recently I didn't get why spirituality today is more of pure ego than pure awareness. All negatives are avoided and/or ignored or shunned and how many people desire to become totally spiritual or of this pure awareness and so on and so on it goes? The desire to become of one or the other, pure awareness or pure ego, depicts extremism. No person who is truly aware of this pure aware state desires to become of this state; the awareness within itself is all that is needed.

In actuality there is no state; it's simply awareness that can be used to balance out excessive motions, a controlling ego, or not. This pure awareness simply becomes a state so that the ego is able to comprehend pure awareness and fair enough too, it's basically using the ego against itself by taking away the controlling ways of the ego.

Realities: As of the universe, all realities are created from ego as it's all of motion. Now the type of reality that can be created can range from pure ego states of love and light (positive) to pure ego states of hate and dark (negative), of course what is positive or negative to one isn't to another and visa-versa. Realities are simply created by the exclusion of what is undesirable, for example, multinationals exclude negatives within their realities like being financially poor or the inability to control. On the other hand, spiritually aware people exclude negatives like being negative and of anything that is deemed dark by them, however, not all realities are created from excluding one from the other.

The ego in control simply desires an ultimate state, as of all deemed ultimate states, they exclude one or the other, basically, the exclusion of what isn't desired. This simply means the exclusion of yin from the yang or visa-versa. I find this funny when the ego still judges these kinds of states as being of oneness; the controlling ego certainly deludes us. Yes, these ultimate states are of oneness but only of the oneness we desire to be apart of, everything else is excluded.

However, as I stated before, not all realities are of the exclusion of one or the other, the yin from the yang. If everything of this reality was in perfect balance between each other, meaning, if yin and yang were in perfect balance between each other, a state of bliss would reside within the reality. Within this state of no exclusions, there would be no desire of an ultimate reality because a pure state of balance would reside. As there are states of pure awareness and pure ego, there are states of pure balance which create realties of pure bliss. There is simply no desires of an ultimate state within realities that don't exclude one from the other but have everything working in unison, basically, one not trying to control or dominate or destroy the other.

We simply don't need, as opposed to desire, to exclude anything to reach a state of pure bliss; all we need to do is become aware of the controlling ego and this state of pure awareness. Of course once we become aware of the ways of a controlling ego, we naturally become aware of this pure awareness. Pure bliss for all is all to do with being aware instead of unaware while under the control of the ego. Ego simply denotes an unaware state that an aware state of being doesn't want to exclude but simply needs to quell when out of control; this is where wisdom comes into it. Wisdom simply gives us an awareness of an out of control ego and the awareness of how to quell this kind of out of control state of existence.

The ego is simply unable to comprehend a true state of awareness for the ego is unable to cope with this kind of awareness. The inability to comprehend is all to do with self-preservation of the ego, what the ego doesn't understand or desire, it will denounce or exclude from it's own awareness. This is natural for the ego to do in a self-preservation mode. An ego in control will also perceive an ultimate state of existence, an existence that can be created, such as our present existence. To a lot of multinationals/materialists, the present reality is an ultimate reality for them. For a lot of spiritually aware people it's love and light or this state of pure awareness or being one with God. The ultimate reality is simply governed by the type of control used by the ego, basically, what the ego excludes to create ultimate realities that are imbalanced.

What is an ultimate reality for one kind of controlling ego isn't for another, this is why pure ego states don't even like to comprehend or are able to comprehend a true balanced state of existence. Even a true balanced state of existence isn't an ultimate reality; it's simply just another form of reality that doesn't exclude one over and above the other. A state of neutrality created, not by force or destroying as in light over dark, but by the invalidation of all opposing forces, a state where extreme expressions are simply unable to exist.

Is a reality created from love and light not also of the invalidation of hate and dark?  No, a reality of love and light is an exclusion of hate and dark, not an invalidation where hate and dark can't exist. How many people of love and light despise (hate) being of anything negative or dark? Also, light is destructive to dark, not a culmination of light and dark working in unison. In a true balanced existence, all works as one for the good of all as a whole without exclusions, a true sense of oneness brought about by being equally of pure awareness as of pure ego.                

Simply become truthfully aware void of the deception of a controlling ego, of course as always, this isn't for everyone. 

Thursday 6 July 2017

Save the Children through Humility

Written by Mathew Naismith

Indeed, save the children from realities of fear; realities and realizations primarily built around fear, of course most of this fear based conditioning is false.

In recent years, we have had North Korea expand on it's military might, this has instilled fear within the children of today but deceptively so.

How many countries have North Korea invaded or terrorised through bombing and other means? Now how many countries has the US backed coalition forces terrorised in this manner, and falsely so? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? To start with, this is deceptively and falsely instilling fear within the children; obviously this is OK to do as North Korea is an obvious bigger threat, even though North Korea isn't invading other countries to simply pilfer their resources.

What are we doing? So one form of fear, based purely on deception, is OK but falsified forms of fear are far more threatening!!

What kind of conditioning are we subjecting the children of today? Not a real threat but a falsified threat when the real creator of fear is the one falsifying and conditioning our children to fear.

What are we teaching and conditioning our children to? That it's OK that the right country, as opposed to the wrong country, invades other countries to pilfer their resources. That falsification of fear based realizations is normal and should be accepted. That all fear purely based on deception is the right conditioning for our children.    

Let's perspectively look at how else we are conditioning our children to fear and be in fear.

Modern day spiritually in the West is more based on fear today than it has ever been.

How many people fear expressing the egotism or judgement? If we express the ego or judge, this makes us look bad in the eyes of other spiritually aware people, and/or, we can't be spiritually aware if we express ourselves in these ways.    

How many more negatives are there out there today? It would seem even the word balance or moderation is negative these days, of course to extremist ideologies this is going to naturally be the case. Positive has become extreme to negative, light has become extreme to dark and love has become extreme to hate an on and on it goes.

What are we conditioning our children to today? 

The answer to this question is too obvious for people like me; it's all to do with control. What does a sense of control depict? Fear, fear of not having control or of losing control once we have it, and of course, one can never get enough control and empowerment. Is this like a multinational that can't get enough wealth and power, it's never enough? So if it feels good, it must be good so the more we feel good the better it is? 

We have completely based our whole existence on fear from the multinational point of view to spirituality. What are we instilling in our children?

It would seem we completely don't care what we are conditioning our children to and if you do care, you are dark or negative and even toxic. The amount of times I have heard toxic expressed towards other people, especially from so called positive people and people of love and light, is astonishing. To judge anyone toxic is an expression that is purely based on fear, it's as simple as this.

We first of all fear being toxic, then we avoid all people who we judge as toxic in fear of some of that toxicity rubbing off on us or we fear their presence. The fear of a toxic person having any control over us is huge these days. Consider this; would a truly humble person express this kind of fear?

What would have occurred if people like Buddha or Jesus were instilled with this kind of fear? Poor and diseased people would become toxic to avoid at all costs, and for the Romans, we ignore them because they are so negative (dark) and Buddha certainly wouldn't have faced he's ego face on.

So what is the answer, or more precisely, one of the answers?

First of all, in my mind, there is never a single answer but multiple answers to a particular question or situation; it's that the ego can usually only comprehend one or two answers at best at a time.  

One of the answers is to teach the children humility; this simply means accepting the control from others while not belittling yourself to this control. Yes, this means accepting control from people we find negative or toxic, the trick is, never see these people being above or below yourself. This is simply obtained by desisting in the extreme expressions of what is and isn't negative or toxic, simply avoid all extreme expressions, not in fear but in awareness of what extreme expressions create.

I hope the following furthermore helps in teaching our children humility.    

Extract: For example, you may have seen an athlete who scores a touchdown, drops the ball and goes down on his knees to give thanks for his achievement.  Or another player who scores but then runs around the field pointing at himself and calling attention to his or her achievement.  One of these people is being humble and grateful, while the other is being arrogant and boastful.

Monday 12 December 2016

Spirituality, Is There Any Substance To It?

Written by Mathew Naismith

For anyone who has had to deal with significant trauma in there lives, spirituality can seem hollow or fake at times. As I will indicate latter on in this post, it's worth evolving on from this. Yes, there are people who talk about love and unconditional love but only show it to who they choose to show it to. If you are slightly negative or have suffered significant trauma in your life, you are often judged as negative and are often ostracised or abused by many who claim to be, for an example, of unconditional love. As of anything we follow, there is going to be people involved who aren't what they say they are, this is quite a natural and normal occurrence in any following. Please accept this and move on from this, it's worth doing so as I will show latter on.

Here we have people who haven't gone through significant trauma, telling people to take control and be unconditionally loving and above all else, positive. Of course like a lot of fitness fanatics, you will be ostracised or abused if your judged as being negative in any sense. As of being over weight, being traumatised is negative to certain people who only see themselves as highly positive in some sense. I know I go on about being overly positive but I can see a huge contradiction in extremist expressions, as I will explain, balance between life energies is highly beneficial, especially to the traumatised. This includes any traumatised people who feel what is going on in the world. If you really do feel what is going on in the world, you will know exactly what I mean. 

I've come across so many people who are disillusioned and just as traumatised, if not more traumatised, while following certain spiritual teachings. This seems to be due to a truly traumatised person, being unable to step up higher in accordance with the teachings and with other people involvement with these teachings. For me, there is no negative and positive, especially to an extreme, there is also no true higher or lower, this is an illusion but an illusion that is real. Once we judge what is and isn't higher or lower, especially in relation to ourselves, the illusion of negatives and positives, higher or lower, what I call a black and white mentality, becomes real because we have created it. Within this creation, we create even more trauma, especially in relation to the people who are already traumatised.                  

If you haven't previously experienced significant trauma prior to following certain spiritual  teachings, you will most likely experience a certain amounts of trauma in regards to these teachings. If you are unable to bring balance back into your life, you could be worse off following these teachings, especially in regards to western style teachings it would seem. However, if you naturally have an ability beyond normal human comprehension, most teachings will bring balance into your life, making most traumas experienced less traumatising.

Be aware though, a lot of western style teachings, even if there origin is Eastern, can and obviously do cause a traumatised person to become even more traumatised in certain circumstances. Previously traumatised people, in my mind, need to follow teachings that are not of one extreme or another, basically, there is no true depiction of a higher or lower, negative of positive, especially to any extreme, as these are but human perceptions we create.

The following is in relation to me, it basically shows how a balanced perception can ease the sense of trauma, at times quite significantly, allowing us to function at our best. I wrote the following for my facebook friends.    

When I was six years old, I suffered from a fully dislocated elbow that was never put back into it's socket. I latter on worked up to eighteen hours a day at times with this injury void of pain killers.

I once badly tore a ligament in my ankle, after five days of walking on it void of pain killers, I decided to go to the doctor. I was lucky I did because I could have caused permanent damage.

One day I decided to slip off our back step landing and toppling down twelve steps, I ended up with my left shoulder torn 3 inches from it's socket. The soft tissue damage was pretty significant, I went back to work the next day void of pain killers.

No, I'm not tough, resilient yes but not tough, especially in relation to my forebears. I try not to allow pain to control me, this doesn't mean I control pain, it means I balance out pain with non-painful things. However, I do take pain killers in certain circumstances, this occurs when I lose this balance between pain and painlessness, a bad tooth ache is a good example. It's advisable not to over step these boundaries as significant pain can cause long term mental trauma. Take pain killers as required by you, not when required by the pain....!!   

I know spirituality to a lot of people seems like crap but science, including psychology, is proving otherwise because a lot of spiritual practices naturally condition us to balance. There is no hoogly-boogly involvement in conditioning ourselves to a balanced life existence.

Yes, I can't always handle the mental trauma of a long term chronic injury, but I know I would be a lot worse off if it didn't bring some kind of balance into my life. My best advice is, focus on balance, not control.

Some people might find the following articles quite interesting.

Spirituality in all, should give us a balance between our physical and non-physical self, it works on the whole self and not just part of the whole self. Basically, spirituality gives us freedom from the limitations of one extreme or the other, this also includes extremes that relate to the non-physical self as well. A balance between these existences, is to me, the key to freeing ourselves from ourselves and our created limitations.......