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Thursday, 22 August 2019

A Union of Souls

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please try to remember, the only part of us all that takes offence is the ego in control. If anyone's words and reflections are offensive to you, especially when their not abusive, just simply of an honest reflection, is a sign that the ego is in control. Honestly, this is in us all.       

WOW, how often is a union of souls today only represented by the union of couples, the union of a couple of people embracing each other, not a collective of people or souls embracing each other?

I see the union of souls somewhat differently. Instead of a visualisation of two people embracing in love and of unconditional love, I visualise children of all cultures playing together. A sense of desire in this case is absent and replaced by open honesty. You see, children are not totally conditioned to desire, bias or prejudices; their love is far more representative of a true union of souls in this case. So why do so many people today think of unconditional love, acceptance and the union of souls being represented by only two people?

To be perfectly honest, the visualisation of couples embracing each other and representing unconditional love and acceptance, is all to do with desire, a desire to also be coupled in this way in union with another person. Religion today is becoming unpopular, while at the same time the union of souls is only represented by couples embracing each other. I am not religious myself but I can see that a non-radical religion is the union of all souls without exception. A non-radicalised religion is simply a religion that is not used for desires of man but for the need of all. On the other hand, radicalised religion, or any ideology or ism, is used to fulfil the desires of man.

Non-Radicalised Religion = A religion not used and abused to primarily serve the desires of man.

Radicalised Religion = A religion primarily used and abused to serve the desires of man.

The radicalisation of religion is often of the disunion of souls, as human history clearly shows us. What is known as the religious Dark Ages, Christianity even turned on itself creating a disunion between people of the world. Of course this was purely based on desire, a desire based on desired truths rather than honest truths.

Even being of a western culture, I am aware that the western mind prefers a desired truth over and above honest truth, in all of us no matter what culture we come from. Why do you think dishonesty exists, because it doesn't have to exist, or more precisely, needn't be predominant?

Western mind in all of us = dishonesty, dishonest truths, disunion

Eastern mind in all of us = honesty, honest truths, union

Try to remember, western cultures were not always predominately of the western mind, in other words of desires above all else. A balance of the western and eastern mind once existed in western cultures.

In relation to desires, the eastern mind appreciation and creation of beauty is not of a desire, it is simply an appreciation of beauty. Yes, the western mind will often turn this appreciation into a desire; one need just be aware of this through the redevelopment and balancing of our own minds.

One more thing, there is a big difference between western atheism and eastern atheism, showing us there is an obvious difference between western and eastern minds. Often western atheists will only accept the material, where eastern atheism also accepts the existence of the immaterial. One desires there to be no immaterial existence, where the other is simply openly aware of an immaterial existence.

Material Existence = No God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness could ever exist immaterially. Consciousness is limited to a physical entity, the finite.

Immaterial Existence = God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness exists immaterially. Consciousness is not limited to a physical entity, consciousness is infinite.

The eastern mind in all of us always feels for a soul lost within its own creation....

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Living by Honesty

Written by Mathew Naismith

"While the benefits of and motivations for choosing “honesty” in life are many — including that truthfulness and honesty are integral to one’s sense of moral integrity — living a life of honesty ultimately means having little to regret."

After observing my own and other people's ego in control, importantly in the absence of participation, you realise that the western mind in all of us, of the west or east, is more of a desired existence than an honest existence. Just in stating this kind of honesty, the ego in control has become offended. Make no mistake; the ego in control is this feeble and the only way the ego can gain control over our lives is through living by desires instead of honesty. Living by desires, especially predominantly, is based on biases, the very same biases that feed our desires and destroys what's left of honesty in ourselves and others.

Recently, once again, a person of love and light responded back to me in a kind and seemingly genuine way. As soon as they realised who they were kind to, they deleted their response to me. Is my ego offended or emotionally hurt? I have accumulated a lot of detractors on the net by the way. No, because I am completely aware of how the ego in control is so easily offended. Any honesty remotely threatening the existence of desired truths over and above honest truth, is obviously going to be dealt with in an offensive way. I have lost count how many times I have been called negative, toxic, wrong, bad, etc, by so-called people supposedly of unconditional love and light. This is while I don't respond in the same manner but to these people I am far more offensive than they are!! Why?

I have lost count how many people I disagreed with that have become estrange from me or become yet another detractor. You do not get the same response from a mind balanced out with the eastern mind, mainly because the eastern mind is aware of how their own controlling egos are only of desired truths, not honest truths.

In recent times, I ended up extracting myself away from a person, who is of eastern origin. We agreed on some topics as we disagreed on other topics. At no time in our interactions did we disrespectfully state that the other person was of negative or toxic vibrations in any sense of the word just because our truths were different to each other. The honesty within our own truths was different though, which lead to me extracting myself from our interaction, especially when the other person started yelling at me by using a lot of high caps in response to me. You are not doing them any favours if you allow yourself to be disrespected in this manner.

Yes, it is known that the western mind is easily offended. Any honest truth to the western mind that detracts from desired truth is of an offensive act, far worse than any act of offensiveness orchestrated by an ego conditioned to desired truths over and above honest truth!! Is this view by the ego in control of honest truth? If we are honest with ourselves, we will find in human history that the western mind is highly offensive, while at the same time takes the smallest of things offensively.

Awareness in one's honest truth can never be offended,
where one's desired truth is often easily offended.......

Sunday, 18 August 2019

A True Warrior

Written by Mathew Naismith

A warrior is one of honest truth and reflection, against those who are of dishonest (desired) truth and reflection.

Living by honest truth isn't a fight, but a right, where living by dishonest truth is a fight with no rights.

A true warrior doesn't pick a fight, but simply defends a right.

My own words and reflections.

To me, it is obvious who is of the fight against those who are simply of a right, the right to be open and honest with one's own honest truths and reflections........ 

Saturday, 17 August 2019

A Truly Beautiful Moment

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are not a fan of Sadhguru, reading the rest of this post might not be for you. As I said to a person who is the owner of a group called Spiritual Peaceful Society On Earth on MeWe, "In certain circumstances I can drift into another consciousness. This is like when I use to be able to feel what a perpetrator and the victim of a perpetrator were feeling and thinking while a crime was being committed. In this case, this was beautiful.'     

In this case while watching a video by Sadhguru on the topic of awarding childless women, I became one with a consciousness of a sense of true oneness. I am not talking about talking about oneness, while at the same time not being one with all not of my own. I am talking about a true sense of oneness, where one person's child is of your own and visa-versa. You can go on from this which the consciousness I experienced did just that.

Where one person's child is of your own denotes; that all of what is, is of you as you are of it in the absence of division, but in the presence of union. Instead of, you are black, I am white, or, you are negative, I am positive, you have, you are me as I am of you. The perception of God or of a creative consciousness gives many people the awareness that we are of one source, no matter what our material (physical) differences and material creators might be. The immaterial, no matter what we call it, is what units us as what is material divides us.

I once had an interaction with an Australian aboriginal who had very little to do with white people. He lived in a part of the country where very few white people lived. These people had very little respect or time for white people. After a while, this bloke (man) stated to me that he couldn't believe I was white for two reasons. I treated this bloke like any other bloke, not like what most white people do; treat black people as inferior to whites. Also, being spiritually minded in the way I was, was likened to the spirituality of the Australian aboriginal, all is of you as you are of it. White people lost their spirituality long ago as they lost their connection to Earth and the universe as a whole.

I need not say more in this circumstance.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Our Humanity!!

Written by Matthew Naismith

We have a solicitor in the family that told me to stay with what I am doing. I was considering changing tact and become more tactful. Tactful meaning: Having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with other people.

Expressing a sense of honest truth, which is often the opposite of desired truths, is going to be offensive to other people who are expressive of desired truths, there is no way around this. The only way around this is to stop expressing open honest truth which I nearly did on a few occasions. Often being black is offensive to white people. How do you stop being who you truly are? Also, just because you are black and this offends whites, it is not you who is being offensive, it is them. Just because other people are offended by honest truth, doesn't mean you, the black, are being offensive and tactless.

This reminds me of the times I spent on youme, especially the group called Our Humanity on youme, that allowed name calling, endorsed people not to stay on topic, therefore show deliberate disrespect, endorsed, not only robust discussions /debates but argumentative exchanges, etc. Not everyone is treated like this on youme or our humanity, only those who are of honest truth instead of desired truths it would seem. Atheists of course desire that we are all born atheistic which I disproved. I am not against atheism, but I am not supportive of radical deliberate ignorance based on desired truths. I was treated as though I was black on youme, a man of honest truth as much as I can be.

Yes, our humanity also includes desired truths. In all honesty, desired truths seem to be the main stay of our reality at present, a more preferable truth in direct opposition to honest truth it would seem. So should have I accepted such a rebuttal, not just from the moderators of our humanity but youme as a whole?

Our humanity means our humanity as a whole, not just parts of humanity that are more desirable. I was often accused by the people of desired truths that I didn't like my views being questioned; this is while I was the only one presenting evidence to my claims. Of course the more evidence I supplied, the more prevalent the unsupported accusations become, quite excessively at times. They actually had no other recourse, in their mind. 

If you are expressive of honest truth in a reality primarily based on desired truths, being expressive of honest truth is going to lead to disagreements. Sadly, often these disagreements lead to a person of desired truths to turn on you, at times quite viciously. I would have to honestly say that the people who I have had a disagreement with and turned on me, are most often primarily expressive of desired truths. Why are they so offended, especially when I supplied evidence to my honest truths?

In my mind, no matter what, never stop freely expressing honest truth in our humanity, even when by doing so we have to sacrifice our own harmony for a short time.

It is not a fight, but a right......Mathew G

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Letting Go of Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

This particular post could assist a lot of people who meditate or wish to meditate or anyone who just simply wants their mind to let go. You will learn to let go of control, including your own control over your mind, before meditating. The way mindfulness meditation is often taught in the west is to take control of the mind first and foremost. In the east, one firstly let's go of control to meditate as meditation is about releasing the mind of control, not controlling the mind to meditate mindfully.   

For me, learning to let go of control is far more beneficial than meditation, especially mindful meditation where you have to take control of your mind. So many people can't meditate and/or don't feel comfortable with meditating, so just letting go, especially of control, might be their thing. However, if you are a control freak, as the author of the bellow article admits to, letting go of control, which also means letting go of being controlling as well of your own mind, might be just as daunting as meditation. I loved this author's self-honesty by the way, very rare these days.   

Extract: "I’ve noticed that things go much more smoothly when I give up control—when I allow them to happen instead of making them happen. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at this."

"Surrender literally means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality."

If you read the article above, you should have a better idea what letting go of control is all about, making for a more fruitful (beneficial) meditation and life period.

Letting go of being controlling can be as daunting as letting go of being controlled, in actuality, they are the same thing. We might think that by taking control, we are being controlled less. It matters not what is taking control, you or another force, it is still control that is in control. Usually, the only reason to take control is because we were being controlled. A fear of being controlled has fearfully made us take control. Fear has created a circumstance where we feel we need to take control instead of being controlled. This depicts that fear, an ego in control, is in control, nothing else.

Also, try not to think of it as them or me taking control, in other words try not to separate one energy from another taking control. It matters not what energy source that is controlling you, it is still control. We often separate them from ourselves, thus creating an environment of control of one over the other. "It is me, a positive, taking control, not them, a negative, taking control." I am also into oneness which gives me more of a one energy perception rather than numerous energies. Once you separate consciousness or energy period like this, one part of consciousness or energy will want to be more controlling. This is why I try to stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives which is the dividing of energy, not a union of energy. One always desires to control and dominate the other.  

I actually have no need to meditate these days. I can at any moment get into a state where my mind isn't being controlled or controlling, a state where 99.9% of the time a just simply smile. Yes, I allow my mind to wonder but this wondering isn't to do with what is or isn't human, it is to do with everything as a whole. A pure state of awareness is known in Buddhism as nothingness, only because when all consciousness is observed as being in union and not separated, there is only energy, not energies. Once energy is observed like this, there is no motion to observe thus the ego has a perception of nothingness.

In the west, the separation of negatives and positives, the disunion of energy, has become predominantly popular, like taking control of our mind and life has. So many people are meditating on this bases, and any bases that makes the ego in control feel good. If any kind of control makes you feel good, what part of you do you think is making you feel good and in control? If we are honest with ourselves, we would see that it is the ego in control. What many seem to be doing is conditioning the ego to control, not conditioning or freeing the ego of and from control.

If you think control makes you feel powerful,
you have experienced a minuscule
of what exists to experience.

~Mathew G~

As the image above depicts:

To hold, you must
first open your hand.
Let go

~Lao Tzu~

Friday, 9 August 2019


Written by Mathew Naismith

I came across the following on FaceBook which lead me to do more research on this.

My Reply: A desired truth is one thing as a desired truth is easily ignored. Honest truth is another thing, most unacceptable by quite a number of people. This is the same with being too positive or only focusing on what is positive, to you. Extensive research has found that being overly focused on being positive can work in reverse, is the very popular love concept at present the same?

So many be and end alls when consciousness itself is of unlimited potentiality and variables. 

I am not sure when honest truths, as opposed to desired truths, become disdainful to so many. The conditioning to desired truths over and above honest truth is evident, sadly enough.

As I have never been a person about taking control, rather releasing myself from control, I have never been a fan of mindfulness, especially the western version of mindfulness.


Extract: But as I pointed out in my recent blog post, these benefits don’t seem to have translated into society-level benefits. On the contrary, data about various social phenomena consistently indicate that on the whole, we are behaving more mindlessly (and often with serious negative consequences) than we used to.

“When meditators embrace judgment-free awareness and acceptance, their reality-monitoring accuracy may be impaired, increasing their susceptibility to false memories.”

“Some people use mindfulness strategies to avoid critical thinking tasks. I’ve worked with clients who, instead of rationally thinking through a career challenge or ethical dilemma, prefer to disconnect from their challenges and retreat into a meditative mindset.”

As I have previously stated, I have never been comfortable with mindfulness, not the way it is often practiced and used or abused in western society today. I simply release myself from control altogether which of course isn't for everyone.