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Wednesday, 22 March 2023

The Cabal Influence


Written by Mathew Naismith

Two very different topics with a very strong connection with the Cabal, what I call the global criminal cartel, a mentality of common criminality.

Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion:

“All these people are trying to do is to save as many lives as possible from a real life Cabal, what I call global criminal cartel, common criminals. Also, real alien visitors are not of actual physical form and that the government is lying to you on most topics, due to being under the control of this Cabal, global criminal cartel.

My own perspective on this is; all our global debts, especially accrued through lockdowns and covid vaccinations, are of criminality therefore we are not legally in debt to.

This type of consciousness, known at present as the Cabal, has no real power on an interstellar or dimensional level, the only acquired power it has at hand is from an unaware consciousness. The only control it has is again over this unaware consciousness.

It is trying desperately to hold onto this power and control at present, however, it is obvious that an interstellar dimensional consciousness, way beyond the Cabals reasoning, is present within our state of existence. The more the Cabal tries to hold onto it's power and control, the more it exposes itself. This kind of consciousness works more efficiently and effectively under cover. It is creating it's own demise and it is completely unaware of this.”

Excess deaths, correlation study:

“This is from a Doc who was right behind the covid mandates and proceeding vaccines at first. Study shows that higher vaccinated countries are also experiencing a higher excess mortality rate. Every time the vaccine intake went up 1%, the excess mortality rate went up tenth of a percent, 0.105%. This is way beyond a covid 3% fatality rate that we shut down the world for.”

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Progressive Dreams



Written by Mathew Naismith

I often have progressive dreams, where I start off from one point to end up at another point. Often these progressive dreams can go on for months, seemingly following a certain process in waking life. I don't always remember these types of dreams right away, at times only at the end of the progressive dream do I remember having a progressive dream. Recently, it was to do with an elaborate wedding, a union or reunion of two people. I was involved in the setting up of this wedding.

The wedding does not look like it is going ahead due to other people's involvement in the setting up of the wedding. These people were very unhanded in relation to people like me being involved, not realising that everything elaborate was on loan through people like me. Due to the situation, mainly the bad attitude, everything on loan was going to be withdrawn. People like me were to blame for the withdrawal of the loan, of course in a real sense they themselves were to blame for their own indiscretions.

When you think on this, what is not on loan to us!!

Can we relate this to today's abusive attitude, considering that I can't think of one thing that is not on loan to us?

Being speculative; I am all for a union between the western and eastern mind and culture, this union looks to me to be in peril at present. I woke up to news that Russia shot down a US drone, Russia now being accused of deliberately escalating the conflict between Russia and the US/NATO, of course the bombing of a vital Russian pipeline and expansion of NATO was not deliberately escalating the present conflict!! Reminds me too much of what occurred in the dream, not saying that there is a certain connection here between this conflict and my progressive dream, just pure speculation.

In this case scenario, it is not people like me being personally involved in assisting in this union, it is more to do with the same type of mentality at hand. I don't blame any eastern minded country now not wanting this union to go ahead, or wanting this kind of western mentality influencing their own eastern mentality. This union or reunion was important for us all, however, the biggest losers will be those who have expressed the highest level of indiscretion.

Indiscretion; expressive of being not prudent or wise in one's thoughts and actions.

Something else to consider here. Is there a more aware and wiser consciousness than what man is presently experiencing that everything is on loan from? It is going to be interesting if this loan is withdrawn due to mans numerous indiscretions!! Don't' wary though, only what is elaborate will be withdrawn, according to my recent progressive dream.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

So Sad To Witness, As We All Are

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is so sad is how movements are being hijacked today, like woke the and spiritual movement. If you went back into the 60's you would not recognise the woke movement back then to today, the same is with spirituality. We were not all about labelling everything not of our own vibrations negative and toxic, everything not of our own reality was simply another reality that to us seemed less in touch. Today, less in touch is replaced with a consciousness lost within it's own creation, nothing more, nothing less. When something like movements become more than what they were initially, it is a good sign of something being distorted to suite what is desired or to suite some kind of narrative.

Recently, I had an obvious transgender woke person laugh at everything I stated and posted about the obvious rise in and acceptance of paedophilia. Look at how right wing Ukrainians are raping children in the Donbass region, not only that, posting it on the net, showing them laughing while raping these children, children of a region of Ukraine that just wanted to part from the rest of far right wing Ukraine since 2014, for obvious reasons.

So how are movements hijacked like this, and how are so many people encouraged/coerced to support such inhumanities? The answer is psychological trigger points.

It is easier than most of us think to trigger a populous into being apart of human violations and of certain other groups being violated. Look at how so many people accepted medical apartheid, where people not covid vaccinated had their rights completely violated to the point of persecution. Look at how fascist Herman Goring in the mid 1900's boasted about manipulating the populous into yet another world war by simply using trigger points, mainly fear and national pride. The use of the trigger national pride is working on the emotions of people, this trigger is often used in unison with the trigger fear, now look at how fear and national pride was used during the pandemic!!

Yes, it is so easy to get people to do and think things they would have never thought of doing before being triggered. A lot of Germans in 1900's stated the same thing. Yes, a populous can be conditioned to the point they are no longer doing things and thinking without being triggered. It is like hypnosis, where a trigger is used to put something into a hypnotic state and bring them out of a hypnotic state. Within this state, people can be made to do anything, as often seen on stage with people being hypnotised. In regards to a mass populous being induced into this state, they call this mass formation psychosis, where, in a real sense, people are not thinking for themselves.

“Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue.”

What do psychological trigger points do to people? They make people focus on one small point or issue, like Russia is evil and Ukraine is some kind of hero nation. Imagine if Russia formed a NATO style takeover of countries, the west would have started WWIII years ago, has Russia!!

Yes, I am saddened that the woke and spiritual movement has been hijacked, understandably so. Look at how the colours and practices of the western 60's spiritual movement has been hijacked, misused, in the process resulting in the growth and acceptance of paedophilia in the west. As predicted, only the few will see through the facade.

Facade: A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant.

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Never Doubt Yourself


Written by Mathew Naismith

Never doubt, while enveloped by so much distortion therefore separation, your feelings and knowing of, put in an American Indian way, the great spirit and related reality.

As we are presently witnessing, the separation process creates distortion, not just separation from the great spirit but from each other and the natural environment. A good example of a separation process in motion is medical apartheid during the created pandemic, that sadly so many people embraced. The reason for this embracement was due to the use of fear, yet another separation tool used by a consciousness notably distorted. Getting the common people to eat bugs is also apart of the separation process, separating one class even more so from a bug eating class.

Most often I will wake up in the morning in bliss and as if I am in a reality that is more collective than the reality of distortion that envelopes all of us at present. In a time of such envelopment, it is wise not to doubt yourself, of course at times easier said than done but well worth the effort to stay sure of what you feel and know, however, when faith comes before the great spirit, we may still feel we are not separated from the great spirit when that is exactly what has occurred. A distorted consciousness has many faces, very few of these faces are true.

Right throughout human history there are many times faith and even the church has come before the great spirit, in accordance with this, literature, in line with this separation, is written and faithfully followed. When I say never doubt yourself, your feeling and knowing, I don't mean never doubt what is not of the great spirit first and foremost, always doubt what is of separation, of separation be it of the great spirit, humanity as a whole or nature. A distorted consciousness is never of union but of disunion, even though it may portray itself being of union. When this distorted consciousness unites one group at the same time unites this one group against another, like with covid vaccinated and not covid vaccinated, you know to have doubt of their fake unification process.

Never expect anyone of this distorted consciousness of disunion to be able to comprehend what it is truly like to be of connectedness and of a collective consciousness and related reality. You are of what you have become conditioned to, meaning, you will only feel and know of what you have become conditioned to, be it of unity or disunity, distortion or uniformity.

The question is, are we becoming less human through the embracement of the distortion of human consciousness? Lets look at the traits that make us human.

Clinically: Developed brain, speech, humans change the world, walking upright, creativity and self-awareness and compassion.

Spiritually: Unity with the great spirit, unity with man and nature alike, love, compassion, etc.

The question is now, if one of these traits are missing, like compassion and being connected to the great spirit, have we become less human?

The present inhumanity and disconnectedness, not just to the great spirit but humanity and nature, is without a doubt of a distorted consciousness. The more you distort human consciousness, the more likely the less human we become, clinically and spiritually.

In the end, if you know your consciousness is of unity and connectedness, don't doubt what you feel and know.

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Mortal Being Influence

Written by Mathew Naismith

So we didn't have to go through what we went through in human history, none of it?

The answer is, “No, humanity as a whole simply went along with what the environment around them dictated, an often very challenging natural environment, now add an encumbering often traumatising human environment!! The point is, don't be too hard on yourself for not being of what is the immortal being, the initial source of creation, the influences from surrounding environments were and are great.”

It is bewildering knowing that the human race could have avoided, for example, throwing rocks and sticks at each other as so many of us are in support of today. It would seem we have forgone our immortal selves in favour of mortal selves. Everything governed by time has become our primary influence, resulting in realities based primarily on time, the mortal. Imagine the reaction if the majority of humanity realised we did not have to go through what humanity as a whole has right throughout human history gone through. What I predict what would then occur is that we would change our ways of being primarily governed by the mortal, which means the material and related lusts and desires.

It matters not what you call this immortal source of creation, just being primarily governed by this immortal being is what will save us from the perils of living primarily under the influence of the mortal being.

It is not what you do that matters, it is how you react in what you do that matters, in the end.

Mathew G

Friday, 10 February 2023

Spirituality: In the Absence of Control


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most western minded people would say that martial arts is primarily about taking control, the same with spirituality as with meditation, in actuality it is the opposite, you release yourself from control. I will explain.

Everything around you can be distracting therefore controlling, it is this distracting controlling energy you want to avoid, in the process, in a sense, leaving you with a purer energy form. This purer energy form is more focused due to the absence of distracting energy. Many people would say this distracting energy is a negative energy form but that truly is not the case, that is unless the energy is distorted. Distorted energy, such as an ego on steroids that is all about lust, power and control, has an adverse reaction to focusing this energy, even though this energy can be used to focus on lust, power and control. In a sense, in this case distracting energy, such as morality and human connections with other humans, is avoided for better focusing of energy on lust, power and control.

Bruce Lee, one of the best known martial artists in the world, not necessarily the best, could send a person airborne by just pushing them, but by a push of focused energy. The question is, do martial artists also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy?

In a material lusting reality, the ego on steroids is used to focus energy by avoiding distracting energy forms that hinder the focusing of energy, like morality. In sports this is called the zone, where sports people seem to enter into a reality of the absence of external distractions, like lust, power and control, in the process are able to outperform other competitors, like with martial artists and multinationals. To answer the question, yes, martial artists can also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy, however, not all martial arts are into this energy that can too easily become distorted, erratic.

Look at where spirituality in history have been about control, where the religion or even the church came before God, in the process creating an erratic energy flow, a distorted energy flow. To me and many eastern minded people, it would seem control is not apart of spirituality, in actuality quite the opposite. Spirituality is not meant to cause or create an erratic energy flow, it is meant to create an energy flow of consistency, in the process create an environment and proceeding reality of the absence of extremes. In other words creating an energy flow consistent with harmony and peace with the surrounding environment. Yes, this means being at peace with other spiritual practices and teachings.

It has been said to me quite often that I am not spiritual, when I am not the one using spirituality and mediation as a controlling device. Just the other day a friend of ours visited and said how peaceful our environment is. It was obvious they wished they could create the same energy flow within their own environment and relationships with their partner and child. The problem is, not everyone is into extracting themselves from external and internal distracting energy flows.

I am also not spiritual because I delve into the often critically judged negatives of the world, often in the process losing some degree of focus. I don't try to stay focus, this is control, but what I can do is come out of an erratic environment in harmony and peace. You are not meant to try to be in harmony and peace with an erratic energy flow, what you are meant to do is not be controlled by this energy flow after leaving this environment. You need to make peace with what is erratic otherwise you become of what that erratic energy flow is. Avoiding this erratic energy flow because it is critically judged negative is even worse. Why? Critical judgement to start with is of this erratic energy flow, as is being fearful of facing this energy flow face on. There is nothing to fear as long as you stay focused, to some degree, by not trying to take control. Never try to control this erratic energy flow, even within yourself.

So you meditate or sing hymns, in the process focusing energy in the absence of distracting energy forms around you, like with sports people. I can delve right into this erratic energy flow and come out still focused where the people in fear of this energy will not. Why is this so? Because too many people want to control what they fear the most or avoid what they fear the most. In truth though, if you critically judge this erratic energy or fear being within this energy flow, avoid it because all you will do is become apart of it so yes, their fear is justified but living like this is not truly being spiritual.

As with mediation, you enter into a focused energy flow of the absence of mental controlling distractions, you are not taking control of anything, you are in actuality releasing yourself from control, especially controlling ways within yourself. You are in fact releasing yourself from the controlling ways of you mind, releasing yourself from your mind that is about control and being fearful of being controlled.

Yes, in the absence of control therefore this erratic energy flow, all you are left with is a purer form of energy.

As I wrote recently in reply to an eastern mind on this subject stating, “Well explained, big wisdom of East explained like few can”.

I have lost count how many western minded people say that mediation is of taking control, it is the opposite, in actuality meditation is about releasing yourself from the mortal mind. What occurs when people get right into singing hymns, you are no longer focused on the mortal mind, a very controlling mind.

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

High Degree of Appreciation

Written by Mathew Naismith

A human attribute that seems to be lacking or waning in today's society, appreciation. So how does someone like me who has to live with significant pain 24/7 for nearly 54 years express so much appreciation? I will start with one on world example and finish off with quite a different off world example.

Firstly, we must go into what people like me don't appreciate, as such, but at the same time not virulent at being persecuted for not going along with the main narrative, like, covid vaccinations, medical apartheid, autocracy, Ukraine war, today's woke movement, etc.

Can one learn from being persecuted? As long as one does not suffer from being persecuted, like being of the absence of being virulent/bitter in one's expressions. As soon as anyone is expressive of virulent attributes, I know that these people are simply suffering from being traumatised, not learning from being traumatised. Today's woke movement, for example, is highly expressive of virulent attributes, not a good sign at all. Notice the lack of appreciation and more of acting the victim while at the same time victimising, expressive of the very same attribute they say they are or have been on the receiving end of?

It is not that people like me have never been virulent, it is that we have learnt from being virulent, an obvious sign of appreciation. You cannot learn from something you see yourself a victim of.

The second part to this topic of appreciation is probably the primary reason for my appreciation and not acting the victim.

There is no such thing as death, a construct many of us are not conditioned to, only a transition of time based existences. As science has even proven many times over, there is more to life than time based existences, existences based on starting and ending points. In other words we are all apart of an existence that is not time based. As known in science, you cannot destroy energy, only transform energy into another energy form, very much like when we die or reach the end point of our physical existence. Science has proven soles exist to start with, even though many people desire this not to be true. Just because we desire it not to be so, does not make what we desire to be so.

“Consider the famous two-slit experiment. When you watch a particle go through the holes, it behaves like a bullet, passing through one slit or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave and can pass through both slits at the same time.”

What this means is that what we desire to observe will only become apparent, when not in observation both realities become apparent, not only what we desire or only want to observe. Yes, this works both ways of souls existing and souls not existing, however, how can so many people explain what was stated and occurred while they were in surgery for instance!!

My appreciation is not of an eternal existence, it is of a mortal existence. Why? Because as of anything governed by time, it has a time limit therefore far more precious than that of the eternal. Imagine for a moment if humanity was conditioned to think like this, were everything based on time was appreciated, while this does not mean you appreciate trauma, it simply means you learn from trauma instead of suffering from trauma.

If humanity existed in appreciation of the immortal, there would be far less inflicted trauma and acting the victim while victimising. I don't appreciate my experienced trauma, but I do appreciate the opportunity of learning from my experienced trauma, mainly due to knowing that we don't actually die.