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Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Deep Within Our Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Reference is made to BD and RD in the following. According to my friend I am presently in interaction with, BD and RD is referred to as below.

RD = God is the creator of the universe, as used by Christians and Hindus.
BD = “God is the spirit” as mentioned in the Bible and Samkhya (Vedas).
What you need to do xxxxxxx is go to a yogi, shaman or alike and ask to experience a timeless state and then come back to me. I can guarantee that your stance on freewill and God would have changed, of course you have to have the will to do this to start with. If you have written that freewill doesn't exist, point blank, this is unlikely to occur and understandably so. 

If you can prove the existence of any kind of God form in and through time, it is not truly a God form, for a true representation of God doesn't exist within a finite existence, only a perception of. You say you have proof of a BD God exists and that an RD God doesn't exist, I am going to suggest this is false. This is like saying that I can prove that water exists in the same exact space as extreme heat, or that light is as present within the darkness as darkness is. How about proving that a mountain is a flat plane!! To me, anyone who has unequivocal proof that a God exists within time, a materiel state based on the finite, I have to dismiss as being a human perceived falsity. 

Everything is written, meaning, that all scenarios that can be experienced is preordained, this doesn't mean freewill doesn't exist. Through the perception of time and a consciousness predominantly conditioned to and by time, freewill seems to not exist. This is like God doesn't seem to exist for a lot of people and understandably so. However, once our consciousness is conditioned to timelessness, the infinite, God and freewill perceived to exist, even though God or freewill can't be proven to exist in time, the finite, but only perceived.        

"There are many videos that say our technology came from the UFO-ETs."

Videos based on a consciousness conditioned to time, the finite, not the infinite xxxxxxx. As you have said yourself, it is all already written, this means everything is preordained way before the creation of aliens or of any form based on time. Our intelligence, awareness, wisdom, knowledge, technology, etc, comes from a source way before any forms creation, as you stated yourself, it is already written.  This makes no sense, as you say, our technology comes from aliens, while everything is preordained thus giving us no freewill!! You are obviously still not going deep enough, beyond the conditioning of time, this is too obvious xxxxxxx.

As I have stated before, get back to me once you have conditioned your consciousness to the infinite, while at the same time desisting in predominantly focusing on time based consciousness and existence.  You have proven to me many times this is exactly what you are doing xxxxxxx

My patience with you xxxxxxx is unquestionable is it not?

Monday, 29 July 2019

Freedom from Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are infinite scenarios that can be experienced. Infinite refers to endless numbers of choices which refers to freewill. If there are infinite choices, there is freewill. Time alone, which is based on starting and ending points, are limited to certain variables, even though these variables can be of infinite scenarios. Even when the subtle body and gross body are limited by starting and ending points, these scenarios that are able to be experienced are not really limited. As I have stated a number of times before, we have freewill but we don't, depending on how we perceive. 

Yes, destiny seems to only affect gross and subtle bodies as destiny can only be experienced in time, being that destiny relies on starting and ending points. Only in relation to time can freewill seem non-existent, because of the perception that time limits a consciousness to.  

Time = motion, space, finite consciousness, limitations, starting and ending points, separation. 

Timelessness = motionlessness, spacelessness, infinite consciousness, unlimited, no starting or ending points, oneness. 

Actually, in all, only the gross and subtle body limited by and to time can perceive that we have no freewill, even when infinite scenarios therefore choices therefore freewill obviously exist outside the limitations of time. 

Can a consciousness only conditioned to time perceive in a timeless mode of thought? Utterly impossible no matter what is presented, this is why it is pointless continually conducting ourselves in a one sided conversation. You have made the fundamental mistake that time conditions a consciousness to, especially when mentioning that I present evidence based only on time, limitations, and, that freewill is only perceived by the gross body.

Actual freewill is determined by states of timelessness, motionlessness, spacelessness, infinite consciousness, unlimited, no starting or ending points, oneness, not the other way around xxxxxxx. 

You seem to be chasing knowledge, where I simply allow for awareness to abode. You are well read, where I am simply aware. I have actually read and studied very little. I was told at a young age not to read and study, but to simply allow awareness to abode by allowing awareness space to abode in. Giving space for awareness to abode in simply takes one to release one from control of the ego and being in control. To be perfectly honest, reading and studying is often of taking control. Yes, read and study but do it in the absence of taking or being controlled by what you read and study. When a consciousness is primarily conditioned to time, this is virtually impossible to do. For starters, becoming aware of this in states of time is virtually impossible. 

You are milking me, in other words trying to gain knowledge through me to gain more control. I am not doing you any good in continuing this discussion, however, is this discussion really to do with you as a singular entity trying to gain more control?  

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Going Beyond Time Based Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Once you are able to perceive beyond time based realities therefore consciousness, having a discussion with people, whose consciousness is only of time based realities, about life as a whole becomes quite difficult or awkward. Should you expect to have a reasonable discussion with an atheist or a scientist conditioned only to time based realities, consciousness? Time limits our consciousness to only part of life as a whole, so discussing life as a whole, which includes realities and consciousness beyond time, is going to be difficult in some way at times. When you realise this, having a discussion with other people about life as a whole becomes a lot easier. At no time expect a consciousness, conditioned only to time based perceptions and perspectives, to comprehend what you are trying to relay to them.  

The discussion continues.......
Man naturally bases his perceptions and perspectives on bias, often in line with his desires, this is also of natural law in regards to bias and desires. Natural law isn't just to do with 100% pure, natural law is to do with everything natural, as it is natural for a bias consciousness to perceive everything around it in a certain way, often inline with its desires or conditioning. You seem to desire that natural law is only to do with 100% pure, or in this case 100% truth, a huge mistake in my mind.

I would prefer 5% honest truth, a truth in the absence of bias, to 100% truth based primarily on bias and desires. This is the big difference between you and me. Another big difference is that natural law to me isn't based on 100% pure only. There are deep sea fish that will deceptively lure their pray to their death. As of bias and desire that naturally creates human deception, so it is of creatures of nature. It is as natural to be of deception as it is to be of truth. The laws of oneness don't deceptively separate one from the other, just because one is desired to be 100% pure and the other not.

What you seem to be totally ignoring is a state of timelessness, where all of what is, is only in the present. Reason is only effective in time, not timelessness xxxxxxxx, therefore there is freewill, the will to choose which scenario one will experience, however, no matter what the scenario is, it is already written as the Koran points to.

As there are states of time and timelessness, there are states of freewill and states in the absence of freewill. You can't ignore or throw away yin in favour of yang, in other words ignore an undesired in favour of a desired 100%......

You can't also base natural law just on the material world or environment as a whole, no matter how natural the material world proves your points. You seem to be only basing your points purely on time, the material world. The material world around us doesn't prove too much of the immaterial, as it is of natural law that one can't be in the presence of the other, for one would neutralise the other. However, one is never not of the other!!

We exist in different worlds, but worlds not disconnected from or in opposition to each other, we really need to leave it at that xxxxxxxx.

OK, look at it like this in relation to freewill. Our motion is determined by our environment, this means our will is always determined by our environment, giving us a perception that we don't have freewill. Now, imagine that you are not a separate entity to your environment, no matter what the environment is. This is how Yogis, shamans and alike can influence their environment, they become aware that their environment is who they are, it is all of one entity making real choices, not separate entities influencing your choices. The external environment is seen as your internal environment as well, no matter what we desire our own separate environment to be of. I have lost count how many spiritually aware people describe their external environment being separate or different to their internal environment.  

If you perceive you are separate to your environment, that the environment you are experiencing is a separate entity to you, your choice is made up for you, giving a perception that you don't have freewill. If you think that you are a separate entity to your environment, yes, there is no freewill. 

So many so-called spiritually aware people today make this fundamental mistake, that they are a separate entity to their environment, often in line with their desires/bias. I have lost count how many people are trying to escape their present environment, or, refuse to become aware that they are their environment, even of environments they are unaware of. 

It comes down to this xxxxxxxx, you have to be aware of when to move on from a discussion and when to continue a discussion. 

You are not getting it xxxxxxxx, either not willing to get it or unable to become aware of where I am coming from. Yogis, shamans and alike are able to become apart of any environment, either that be of a past, present or future. When everything is of the present, destiny has no influence upon you, but you have an influence upon destiny, however, when you are influenced by all the laws you mention, destiny influences you. The laws you so often refer to limit consciousness to certain variables, however, a consciousness not governed by time therefore destiny is of infinite variables.  

"Can you give me an example of an action that is based on my freewill at any moment? An example like: I want coffee or tea now, do I have freewill? Do I have a choice?"

You still want me to produce material examples based, not just primarily on time but purely on time!!  Forget about time, destiny, past and future and all the so-called natural laws xxxxxxxx, and then come back to me. All that you are referring to time and time again is a consciousness purely based on time. Unless you can make reference to a consciousness beyond time based realities, this discussion is only a one sided discussion, as it always has been. I am actually showing you a great deal of patience, more than you could imagine. No yogi or shaman would continually become involved in a one sided discussion like this, especially with the same person over and over again on the exact same topics.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when after how long you still want me to produce examples purely based on time? I am either failing you or you are failing yourself, failing to go beyond time based reality!! As I stated before, once you can perceive past time based realities, come back to me, not before xxxxxxxx. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

It Is All Of The Same Source

Written by Mathew Naismith

Certain people inspire me, as of my present interaction with a physicist who is knowledgeable in the area of the Vedas and other ancient scriptures. The following is my reply to him.       

Something might be written from 100% truth, but how we perceive this truth as humans with bias changes this truth inline with the bias expressed. Being human and of a mind predominantly influenced by bias, no amount of 100% truth will stay at a 100%. The bible can be read in several different ways, one way is to read the bible symbolically which gives the bible a different perspective, the Vedas or any other written material is no different. We will read what we want to read in accordance with our own human biases, presently the way the Koran is read by certain groups is a prime example of this. The Tora is no different as of any ancient scriptures.

When I was in my teens, I could ask any question and get a correct answer as if out of thin air. Of course to get to this state takes a fair amount of time and effort, however, the effort expended was to simply take away the control of the ego. Bias is a sign that the ego is in control. Bias simply separates consciousness in parts, often parts of consciousness that now divided seem opposing each other. No matter what the knowledge or awareness is of, it all comes from the same source.   

I was brought up as a strict or hardline/extremist atheist. I had to give up the bias involved in atheism to get in this state, this is while not taking on another ideology or ism like religion or materialism for example. This also means learning from what each ideology or ism's wisdom and awareness portrays.

So the reason I am not into comparing one against the other is simple, no matter what the knowledge or awareness and wisdom is of, it all comes from the same source. You must realise that our egos in control will see it differently which includes our own biases. It all comes from the same source, be it through different channels or sources of bias. I experienced first hand souls that were lost, souls that many of us call evil. These souls were simply lost within their own creation based on their own biases. I frightened them because I showed no matter how much division from the initial source you exist under, the divine spark in everything still exists. The divine spark being of the initial source of all things, like all knowledge, awareness and wisdom. How many of us with our own biased desires desire to know this?

We agree on a lot of matters xxxxxxxx, but we must be aware that we won't agree on all matters and leave it at that. I am not here to search for truth but honesty within whatever the truth may be, seen as all truth initially comes from the same source. You seem to be looking for truth and 100% truth. Am I right and you're wrong? No, because searching for 100% truth does exist, just not on a human level of consciousness and understanding as you seem to be aware of. Our paths might cross xxxxxxxx but our journey is different while at the same time our journeys are not apart. Human bias often sees a difference as a division, and often an opposing difference. In the absence of bias, all that one sees is a difference with an underlaying sameness, like the lost souls I experienced.

The perception of God gives us a sense of one source, the spark within all things no matter how much a consciousness desires to separate itself from, or how lost within it's own creation a consciousness becomes. The ego, as always, desires to be its own creator as clearly seen in today's human consciousness. I think the perception of God, one initial source of creation, is perfect, giving us a glimpse beyond the egos controlling bias ways. Of course this perception isn't for everyone's acceptance and understandably so.

Monday, 22 July 2019

The Search For 100% Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would share my response to a physicist who asked my opinion on a few matters. As of a physicist will do, search for a 100% truth in a mind that is known to be primarily influenced or conditioned to and by bias. If you want a 100% truth, go beyond the human mind.    

It is often perceived that a white man represents positive and a black man negative, even at times by black people. Another example, often yin is seen as negative to yang which is positive. This is how we psychologically perceive, or, are conditioned to perceive xxxxxxxx.

I am not conditioned to a black and white mentality xxxxxxxx, where one is right or positive over the other, within this, my bias or dishonesty is limited. I don't follow a particular ideology or ism for this reason as all human created ideologies and isms are only of part truths. So are the Vedas of 100% truth? Not in my mind for bias is always present within anything created or perceived through human thinking.

Is this pure state of awareness vibrational, a state of motionlessness?

Through vibrations (motion) we have creation, when everything in a motionless state already existed. I wrote a post years ago about vibrations alive, where everything in motion (vibrative) is alive, including a rock, so does this mean this motionless state of pure awareness is not alive? To us, yes, but to anyone who has glimpsed this state, no. Buddhism, in my mind, incorrectly refers to this state as nothingness, only because this state seems dead, as motionless, non-vibrative.

When you glimpse or experience this motionless state, you realise that not everything alive or of existence vibrates. A consciousness of the awareness of all will not vibrate, but a consciousness only aware in relation to its bias or its conditioning will vibrate.

Am I endorsing BD because you agree with me in relation to your own views/bias? If you know anything about the psychology of the human mind, you will realise how bias is a primary influence in all our lives, including my own. The difference is, I am aware of this in the absence of bias.

xxxxxxxx, if you are looking for 100% truth and honesty in the absence of bias, you will never find it through human perspectives and perceptions. I suppose our own bias and the way this bias makes us think is what makes us human!! When you go beyond the bias of the human mind, only then can you truly see this, otherwise your own bias will bias you from truly knowing this. In other words it's pointless searching for 100% truth, even from a written awareness beyond the human mind, for the human mind reading this truth will always express a bias. Try not to be so human, and the truth will fall into your hands as if by magic.   

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Creating a Healthy Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

After watching a documentary called One Strange Rock, narrated by Will Smith, the realisation we are one with the Earth is slowly coming to fruition. Of course to go on from this is to realise we are one with the universe, not just the Earth, solar system or galaxy. What we are simply talking about here is in relation to our material self, the immaterial self is thought or known to go way beyond any universe or material being.

We now realise the material part of humans is simply a by-product of Earth. Of course this also means that humans and the Earth itself is a by-product of the universe. Humans are simply a by-product of the present environment, like any living entity is in accordance with their present environment. What we create materially, we become materially.

I found that the documentary wasn't altogether honest. Avoiding the degradation of man's influence upon the Earths natural environment was too evident. Also, stating how big our brains are, therefore depicting our intelligence in comparison to all other living entities, even in the universe as a whole, is also dishonest. No other living entity purposely destroys the very same environment that created it. How humans presently measure intelligence is quite amusing.

However, in our present environment, which we have created, any consciousness that is honest to a great degree will be scorned and/or ignored. This documentary wasn't altogether honest but it wasn't altogether dishonest either. Honesty was evident without being too honest within the present created environment of dishonesty. There are other astronauts, such as Edgar Mitchell, who realised and tried to comprehend and understand the existence of our material and immaterial world/environment without separating one from the other. A created dishonest consciousness will only accept honesty to a degree. Considering that a dishonest consciousness environment is of dishonesty, any honest consciousness will seem foreign to it and even seen as a threat to this created environment of dishonesty. How many spiritually aware people see other people's environment threatening to their own environment? It's the dame thing.

It is the same thing because all the environments humans can create come from the same source. Once you realise that any environment we create comes from the same source, the threat of other environments becomes neutralised and nullified. It just is what it is.

So does this mean we should just accept it is what it is?

If you are unable to influence an environment, accept by force or by deceit, yes, accept it is what it is, to do otherwise is to be of the environment you are trying to influence. However, this doesn't mean you can't live within your own created environment.  

Is it deceitful, like the documentary mentioned here, to only be partially honest?

As I have proven to myself, to be anything but partially honest within a created environment of dishonesty, is only going to create one kind of reaction, a reaction totally forcefully against any other environment remotely threatening the existence of the present environment.

So why be more than partially honest within such an environment, seen as being partially honest is more influential upon such a dishonest created environment?

To me, being partially honest isn't changing a thing. In all honesty, humans have always been partially honest such as, there is a God or a source of creation of all things but it is depicted to be of man's image, a material representation instead of an immaterial representation. Of course many of us have now gotten to the stage of refuting the existence of our immaterial self's altogether, no matter what evidence their is to depict otherwise.

A true sense of honesty isn't a threat to a created dishonest environment, but it can seem that way to a crated dishonesty conscious environment. A true sense of honesty has always been present within human consciousness, no matter what environment human consciousness creates. This honesty is present within an awareness of all and the wisdom this kind of awareness creates. If this kind of environment was a threat to the present environment of dishonesty, this created environment of dishonesty, or of partial honesty, would have long ago been enveloped or totally eradicated an environment of dishonesty and partial honesty.

So why isn't this kind of honesty more influential upon an environment not of it's own?

A dishonest consciousness has the desire to be only of one environment or the other, be it of a material environment or an immaterial environment. Being of an environment of honesty, no matter what our desires may be, is of all environments, of material and immaterial environments. Why would such an environment desire to force change upon one environment on the other, while in favour of one environment over the other?

As depicted in the documentary, Earth is our home, not just the place we live on Earth. This is forgoing, in all honesty, that the universe is our home, materially, but so is our immaterial environment.

An honest environment isn't by force or trickery, but by choice.....

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

A Re-Emergence of Wealth

Written by Mathew Naismith

When I look around our present environment, what I can see is a material re-emergence based on how good the ego feels. In all honesty, this is anything from materialism to spirituality. The accumulation of material/physical wealth isn't just to do with monetary gain and the power this kind of wealth gives us. Material wealth is also to do with how good a wealth makes us feel, for example, excessive compulsive exercising or always lusting after the feeling love gives us.

At no point do people like me expect to feel good all the time, of course if I was to become enlightened, feeling good would simply occur in any circumstance I find myself in, as such. It is completely impractical to think within a natural environment, such as Earth, our solar system, galaxy and universes, to feel good all the time when our main focus is on material wealth. I think if material man, the ego man, could change all the natural cycles to suite their ever lusting desire of material wealth, they would. This is while disregarding all other entities within the universe itself!!

While reading yet another article on a person who was an excessive compulsive exerciser, who nearly lost their own life as their cortisol levels were 20 times higher than normal, you realise stress is a big killer. I have lost count how many health fanatics have died of a heart attack or cancer. The stress exerted to obtain material wealth is often very expensive, if not to you, to someone else or the environment as a whole. Look around at how expensive the collective human conscious ever lusting for material wealth is upon our planet at present.

However, there is another kind of wealth that isn't expensive, in all honesty quite inexpensive except for the ego losing control, immaterial wealth. Yes, enlightenment is of this immaterialism that is stress free to an ego not in control, of course if the ego is in control, a huge amount of stress is exerted but this is transitory and of finite existence. Even a sense of enlightenment, not actual enlightenment, will create a balance in any environment no matter how material/physical the environment is.

So how many of us desire to fleetingly stress out our controlling egos, forgoing the lust for material wealth?

Yes, there is also another re-emergence of wealth, a wealth that is not material but very much immaterial, the material presence of people like me show this. It is simply to give an opportunity for balance between the material and immaterial. An example of this balance can be seen in, for example, Taoism or Hinduism, where the balance of material and immaterial wealth within a natural material environment is exemplified. Actually, a lot of ancient teachings not controlled, therefore distorted, by material wealth are of this balance.

It is important to balance out the material with the immaterial, and visa-versa, in a material environment, especially when the lusting after material wealth has created excessive imbalances in such an environment.              

Friday, 5 July 2019

To Seek or Not!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is said, "The process of seeking will not lead one to enlightenment/awareness, for to seek is of the ego, when enlightenment comes to one in the absence of the ego."

This is only partially true, for enlightenment is simply of a state of releasing one from ignorance which the ego creates. You can't become enlightened if you are still hanging onto any kind of ignorance, being that enlightenment is of becoming aware in the absence of bias and desire.

The seeking ego in an environment of deliberate ignorance will often become more aware, as the seeking ego goes beyond the boundaries of ignorance. Enlightenment comes when one no longer needs to seek, however, the process of seeking beyond set boundaries is needed to get to a stage of no longer needing to seek. In all honesty, you get to a stage when you no longer seek and become the observer. Of course for people like myself who desire not to be of any one state of being, one minute the seeker, the next the observer, my present ego is unlikely to experience enlightenment, or so it seems.

It is not of the process of seeking that stops us becoming enlightened, it is how we seek. If I was to seek to fulfil one's desires, as opposed to seeking in all honesty, going beyond the boundaries of ignorance is not going to occur. To seek only that which feels good thus feeds the ego desires, is still of ignorance, for to seek in this way one must become ignorant or of refusal of everything that doesn't make us feel good. However, to seek in all honesty often brings forth truth that doesn't feed the ego desires, this is why today honesty and the people expressing such honesty are so scorned and yes, deliberately ignored!! If you have to ignore anything to try to obtain an enlightened state, the odds of obtaining this state is exceptionally unlikely.

It is quite understandable that the ego at all cost avoids seeking in all honesty, for the ego to have any sense of control needs only that which gives it control, especially over it's present environment. Being that our present environment is of deliberate ignorance, the seeking ego will often seek that which defuses the present environment. In other words, the ego seeking to gain more control in such an environment, will unknowingly often become expressive of what the ego is trying to escape from. The ego seeking more control in such an environment will only produce more of what the environment represents, however, the ego seeking in the absence of desiring more control, will often find itself outside the boundaries of ignorance. This will often make the ego feel uncomfortable; this is why so many people revert back to trying to take control.

The last thing an ego seeking control desires, especially over its present environment, is honesty, for honesty doesn't feed the ego what it desires. Honesty simply produces what actually is, to what the ego desires what is!!

~For only the ego has a need or desire to seek~