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Friday, 30 October 2020

Releasing Yourself from Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are becoming aware of more that has been around for centuries, in turn feeling more of what is around us, of course our recourse is to avoid feeling pain from our present world. What if I told you that this feeling of pain is a very good sign and should be embraced instead of scorned and avoided. I will talk in perspectives of humanity and inhumanity. Imagine not feeling the pain which is very likened to a consciousness of inhumanity!!A person of humanity is suppose to feel pain, the trick is to not allow this pain to control you. I will say it again, the trick is to not allow this pain to control you.

Yes, this is releasing yourself from consciousness but a particular consciousness. Think on this, is a consciousness of humanity of control or of releasing oneself from control? Put another way, is a consciousness of inhumanity of taking control, in the process abusing energy? The last thing a consciousness of humanity wants to do is abuse energy. Yes, taking control of energy is equated to abusing energy!!

Yes, experience pain without allowing this pain to control you. So how so you so this? By not allowing pain to control you. Equate it to learning from life instead of suffering from life, you learn that the pain from inhumanity is evident without being of that pain. Being of pain is of the pain controlling you but simply being aware of the pain is in the absence of the pain controlling you. So how do you stop this pain from controlling you? Simple, perceptions of negatives and positives, wrong and right, good and bad, black and white, etc, is of pain in control. Even when of a consciousness of humanity, allowing these kinds of perceptions to control you is more of inhumanity. Control of energy period equates to a consciousness of inhumanity in one way or another!!

Imagine for one moment in desisting in controlling energy while of a consciousness of humanity, you simply have in this case an energy that is no longer restrained or controlled. It is like letting go an animal that has been caged, the energy expressed is awesome. However, now imagine an energy that is out of control while of a consciousness of inhumanity, it is like a animal being set free taking vengeance out on it's captors. This is why a consciousness of inhumanity has to keep control of energy around it. A captured controlled energy can simply turn on it's abusers in a reality controlled by inhumanity, this is why we have the present as it is, to control the captured caged animal even more!!

I would like to point out something that may seem irrelevant to this post. A Christian recently queried that Jesus spoke ill of Roman rule which is different to what is being said, that Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule. As I stated, Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule, he didn't have to when simply speaking of a rule beyond Roman rule reckoning.

A consciousness of humanity has no need to put themselves in a positive note over and above a negative note and yes, believe it or not, a consciousness of humanity does not put themselves above a consciousness of inhumanity, for to do so would be not of humanity. Yes, this is the same as putting lower 3rd dimensional vibrations below higher 5th dimensional vibrations. I know these perceptions are not very well understood therefore accepted, but people like me must tell it how it is, not how the ego desires it to be told. 3rd dimensional consciousness is never seen as being lower than 5th dimensional consciousness.

So does this mean that if we are not of humanity we are of inhumanity?

Ever heard of the middle road or a grey area, where both polarities abode, habitat together? Let's be honest with ourselves, most of us are not Jesus or evil, we are simply what the environment of this grey area between humanity and inhumanity creates. Within this environment, one can be predominantly of inhumanity or humanity but of course we can also be of both polarities as well of equal value. When humanity is predominant, a balance occurs in balancing out the traits of inhumanity, however, when inhumanity is predominant, an imbalance occurs. Inhumanity will always create an imbalance when predominant, as humanity will always create a balance when predominant. Numerous teaching of wisdom often try to teach us to create a balance out of life instead of an imbalance out of life. Again, it comes back to learning from life instead of suffering from life!!

Humanity has no desire to control inhumanity, as Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule, but inhumanity always desires to control humanity, as we are seeing, especially at present. Don't make the mistake in thinking that western atheists are automatically of inhumanity either, as don't mistaken that all religious/spiritual people are of humanity. Any controlling ways will often lead to an abuse of energy therefore of inhumanity.

Try to equate control to inhumanity and releasing oneself of control of energy as being of humanity. Yes, it is within the control of energy that abuse of energy is created. Look at the present during covid control, abuse abounds which shows the more control is implemented, the more abuse of energy occurs!!

A lot of spiritual teachings and practices are actually about releasing yourself from control of energy, not of taking control of energy. Martial arts is a prime example, where some martial arts focus on controlling energy, others focus on the release of energy. Imagine for a moment in releasing a pent up energy when of a consciousness of humanity, what occurs from this is astounding. Now imagine in releasing this energy while of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of control. I think covid and the proceeding lockdowns give us a glimpse of this, it is devastating to humanity.

This post is all about releasing oneself of the control of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of complete and utter control, as a consciousness of inhumanity will be. I can't stipulate this enough, let go of what I call a black and white mentality of opposing polarities and embrace all polarities as one. It is within the perception of me being positive therefore they are negative that is of control therefore of inhumanity. We really do need to let go of the control of this energy. As of Jesus, you don't want to control inhumanity, talk this energy down, you just want to talk about humanity energy without trying to control inhumanity by talking it down.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Drinking From The Well

Written by Mathew Naismith

I won't, as I often do, give a preconception in relation to what is meant by drinking from the well, you must perceive this as you see fit, not what other people like me see fit. Preconceptions often lead us astray, especially other people's preconceptions.

I have drunk from the well but not within this lifetime, but I have within my whole lifetime!!

Once I remembered drinking from the well in a previous life, at the very moment I realise that we don't actually live separate lives to each life we have lived, it is simply of one life lived while experiencing different environments. I will go even further with, no life is separate to other life forms. To go even further from this, no energy no matter how we perceive that energy to be of, for example either negative or positive, is not separate to all other energy, it simply seems separate because of the different environments that exists. Yes, a presently experienced environment can indeed nullify all other environments, the act of declaring all other lives lived, in other words all other environments experienced, as invalid to the present environment being experienced.

The point of nullifying previous life experiences is to experience the present environment how it is without interference from other environments not of this present environment. Each environment experienced has it's own energy, the trick is to not perceive a separation from all other energies therefore a separation from other environmental experiences.

Yes, this can be very tricky if we are not learning from awareness and wisdom that tells us of this connection. Numerous ideologies, in their own way, work at keeping us in touch with these other environments without separating us from the experiences from the present environment. It looks to me at present that this awareness and wisdom is being completely nullified, to make other environments to our own present environment invalid for example, materialism is all of who we are.

This is interesting because this degree of stance of invalidation can lead to human consciousness as a whole drinking from the well. As an individual consciousness can drink from the well, so can a collective consciousness. In a real sense though, no individual from all other energies drinks from the well on their own, there is no individual consciousness but it can seem that way to those who have not drunk from the fountain. If one consciousness has drunk from the well, so has consciousness as a whole, it is just we simply can not perceive an environment different to our present environment.

So if Buddha and Shiva, for example, represent enlightenment, we are all enlightened. It is like not remembering a past life because you are presently within a completely different environment. Enlightenment to unenlightenment are very different environments to each other, but not separate environments to each other once one has drank from the well, or in my case remembering drinking from the well.

I live by the present environment while being aware of other environmental presents.......

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Light Has Returned

Written by Mathew Naismith

I don't want you to take what I am about to tell you in a literal sense or give you false hope, but the light within human consciousness seems to be returning. Each aware person will have their own idea of what this light relates to but the light overall represents enlightenment, an awareness beyond a lot of people's purposeful knowing.

The purpose was to keep human consciousness in the dark as much as possible, while allowing those of the dark to become aware of each other and their purposeful intentions. They all have a one goal in mind due to this dark consciousness being of the same consciousness. Yes, they are at their worse when they become known to each other, as of present. Make no mistake, as I have recently been given insight to after all these years, we are talking about one consciousness here of immense sinister scope. It is amazing what has been devouring, feeding off of, human consciousness all these centuries. Now it is interesting observing how this darkness reacts to being imbued with light.

I can't tell you all the details for there is no point to this, but what I can tell you is that if we are of this light in a real sense, not in a fake sense set up by this dark consciousness, we need not be concerned no matter what occurs around us. I should state here that I am not a religious person, simply a person who takes in to what is of awareness and wisdom in my own mind. Yes, we will feel for those that are being fed off of but the time for salvation is near, as it would seem. Make no mistake, the dark consciousness will as always try to delay this occurring but they can only delay the inevitable.

Now for the event.

As my readers will know, I told of a choice I had to make in my late teenage years in previous posts, a choice between an easy road of focused spirituality or a life lived by the average human consciousness. I of course chose the latter for the benefits to human consciousness and not just to my own consciousness as this is evident today. Yes, there are a lot of people out their that still don't know they are doing just this, but that will change.

On and off all through my life I experienced, through my so-called dreams, a dark consciousness visiting me late at night. As it turned out, this visitation depicts the environment of this dark consciousness upon human consciousness overall. As through my life in so many areas of my life, I have had to personally experience physically and/or mentally the besetment of trauma upon human consciousness overall by this dark consciousness. You could say it is part of the job criteria.

This dark energy is of molesting mentally and physically in anyway it can. Within this process of molestation, an energy is given off that this dark consciousness feeds off of. It is like in the process of creating andenochrome physically, but in this case an andenochrome fix is created spiritually, non-physically or mentally. Most people would freak out if they had any idea how many people have and are being subjected to this kind of mental andenochrome extraction. Yes, the present deliberate created fear, hysteria and paranoia is a part of this extraction so try to avoid being drawn into this. Also, try not to be coerced by this dark consciousness into child molestation, this type of coercion is very strong at present.

Now for the fun part, the enlightenment.

One other person and myself could here of the arrival of this dark consciousness so we tried to awaken the rest of the people in the house to this menace. Now I can't tell you if we were able to awaken the other people but as the dark consciousness appeared for extraction of andenochrome type energy, a bright clear light appeared behind me which the dark consciousness coward from in utter fear. What was visualised quite interestingly was the effects of light upon this dark disfigured human like figure. This did not occur but a visualisation of this light entering this dark form transformed this dark form into a far less disfigured figure to it's original state. The transformation was quite incredible, it was as if a huge weight of despair, fear and anguish was lifted from this dark figure that was no longer dark or disfigured. This dark figure had no idea of it's true self, it's true being, and as of anything unfamiliar and threatening of our familiarities, fear of the unfamiliarity of the light was evident to this dark figure.

I have experienced this fear from this dark consciousness before. They fear the light because this dark consciousness thinks it will no longer be able to sustain itself without feeding off of other energy sources in the way it does. Any threat to this way of existing is rebuffed in anyway possible.

Look at it this way, how many people of the light fear the darkness? The fear of becoming a part of this darkness in anyway is great in a lot of people, as the dark prefers it to be. Something to try to remember, the light never fears being a part of the dark even when immersed in darkness. I should state here that I do have a fear of the dark in one sense or another, which of course only feeds the dark. People like me must experience what human consciousness is going through to one extent or another. The purpose to this is to confront this dark consciousness on it's own ground, within it's own environment. Ever heard of changing things from within? It is always the best approach, in the process hopefully avoiding a prolonged conflictive wrangle.

The dark figure doesn't represent a singular consciousness but a collective consciousness of dark consciousness. The same goes with one other person and myself trying to awaken other people up and me confronting this figure face on. People like me represent a collective consciousness of awareness, enlightenment, as so many people do if they know it or not and no, you don't have to be aware spiritually to be of this light, just simply aware in your own way.

Is it alright and even safe when confronting these dark figures if the light comes from within you?

It is alright if the light comes from within you but it is much better if the light comes from the back of you either through you or directly from the back of you. Try to remember, the light represents awareness, enlightenment, no individual person is entirely of this degree of awareness as this kind of awareness is of a collective consciousness, not of an individual consciousness. The light coming from the back of you represents a collective consciousness but also a collective consciousness of great awareness. Human consciousness is not adapted to this degree of awareness, anyone who states otherwise has simply shown how unaware they are, not how aware they are.

This occurrence is quite significant as it shows the progression of the light, however, please don't take what I have stated here as being necessarily true, the last thing I need to do is give people false hope. Just visualise all this light behind you as this in particular represents a collective consciousness of light. This dark consciousness is not afraid of individual expressed light.

Yes, the awakening of this dark collective consciousness to it's truer form was astonishing to say the least, very invigorating.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Humility within Humanity


Written by Mathew Naismith

Being of humanity is one thing, being of humility while of humanity is something else.

Humanity means being human and of being humane, but is being of humanity being humane?

How many people are expressive of inhumanity while being of humanity? There is one question to be of humanity and there is another question of being of humanity. One can be of love which includes desires and lusts, this is different to being of love. There is no lust or desire in being of love as to just be of love. To be of love relies on desires and lusts where's being of love is actually in the absence of lusts and desires.

What this means is even though you are of humanity, doesn't mean you are being of humanity. Why are some humans humane and other inhumane? The difference is between to be of humanity to being of humanity. There is no bonding in to be of humanity but there is a huge bonding in being of humanity. There is actually a separation of consciousness of to be of humanity, on the other hand there is a huge unity of consciousness when being of humanity. How many billion or trillionaires would give half their fortune to help humanity deal with a plague or pandemic? In truth quite the opposite occurred. Now, how many people are putting their lives on the line for the good of man kind at present? The difference being one group consciousness is simply to be of humanity and the other being of humanity.

Now this brings us to humility which is to simply be humble. I don't mean being of humility in looking down at yourself in the face of a greater being, I mean being of humility in being of humanity no matter what humanity is of. You can be poor without looking up at the rich, desiring to be of this higher stature. Once you desire as a poor person to be of a higher financial stature, you are no longer truly humble, just simply desiring.

Being of humility is actually of absence of lusts and desires again. So being of humanity and being of humility is simply the absence of lusts and desires.

Lately, a number of people of humanity want/desire retribution of the people being obviously of inhumanity, this includes the billion and trillionaires and paedophiles alike who have been obvious in their abuse of humanity. There is also another kind of person who doesn't want or desire retribution no matter what.

Should these people be incarcerated? No, because incarceration is simply of abuse. You only need to make sure a consciousness of humanity is aware of this consciousness of inhumanity, within this alone inhumanity will become an undesirable rather than a desirable unlike at present. Watch carefully how a consciousness behaves when in the absence of desires, especially lustful desires.

Should they have all their assets taken from them? Only what is gained through ill-gains, through criminal activities gained from the abuse of humanity, all other assets should not be touched. You need to show a precedence where anything not of inhumanity, and not necessary of humanity, is encouraged. Yes, anything of inhumanity, unlike today, should be simply discouraged in the absence of abuse. Today, we are discouraged in telling the truth and being of humanity as well as of humility.

Yes, understandably but not wisely, people of humanity while in the absence of humility desire to hang people of inhumanity, to desire retribution. Once you become aware of people of humanity and the people of humanity and humility, you begin to look at yourself as just being of humanity differently. You become aware of the lack of humility within your own humanity, the humility of understanding the plight of being inhumane. Yes, this kind of awareness takes a great deal of humility.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Avoiding the Gale

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I recently wrote, “It is the way of the wind that can feel like a gale when we don't bend to this wind.” It is the way of the wind in 3D as it is in 5D.

5D refers to what a lot of people as being a higher consciousness. I am not myself into higher and lower, negative and positive, but as of my bin in my last post, what we relate to humanly is what is presented to us. We relate to higher consciousness as being a more aware consciousness of humanity to a less aware consciousness of inhumanity. Yes, only in an unaware state can inhumanity exist. Like in my dream where the disposing of an unwarranted consciousness as the bin represented, a higher consciousness represents a more aware consciousness of humanity.

3rd dimensional = ignorance therefore inhumanity

5th dimensional = awareness therefore humanity

It is probably why I love this lass, there is no wrong or rights attached to 3rd dimensional aspectual realities. Yes, as we are participating in 3rd dimensional realities, these realities will seem negative and/or wrong in some way, especially if we are becoming aware therefore more of humanity instead of inhumanity. It is not wrong or negative to feel this way about 3rd dimensional realities, it is simply of 3rd dimensional participation to feel like this about a reality that can be of inhumanity than humanity.

Yes, once you become more of a consciousness of humanity, consciousness of inhumanity becomes more apparent and is often deemed negative due to negative feelings of this 3D state. This is completely understandable but it makes it easier when you bend with the wind. Bending with the wind is not hanging onto what is negative to what is positive, it is simply being aware of the differences of duality's and moving on from this.

3rd dimensional realities are a mix of humanity and inhumanity, of duality of consciousness. Duality of consciousness simply refers to negatives and positives, wrong and rights, black and white, etc. Look at how black and white people are once again being segregated primarily due to the colour of the skin, a duality of consciousness doing what it naturally does.

Is this segregation of inhumanity!!

This is why we have humanity, to give balance to inhumanity, and this is why there is nothing wrong with 3 dimensional realities, even an imbalance is needed to occur to bring duality into balance again. Yes, things can become quite chaotic when this imbalance is not balanced out again.

Yes, we will feel an unfamiliarity in regards to a duality when going into a state of oneness, where all is seen to be as one. This means negative and positive, wrong and right, black and white, etc, become as one.

When we don't expect to feel discomforted when going from one state of duality to a state of oneness, is when the wind feels like a gale instead of a gentle breeze. Feeling this gentle breeze within this transition is not easy so feeling the wind instead of a gale is quite acceptable. I can myself feel a gale because I don't bend enough to the wind at times and this too is acceptable considering the circumstances. In all honesty, you just need to be as aware as possible to make this transition go smoothly and not feel like a continuous gale.

I hope putting this transition into a different perspective helps.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Trash Binned Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Interesting. I take my dreams seriously.

In a dream last night I saw movement in a small whole in a roadside gutter. The whole became bigger and I could see a boy peering back at me in a cavern while some kind of ceremony was being conducted behind the boy. I was not suppose to see this going on so someone of adulthood presented themselves to me to make sure I was not going to tell anyone else of what I witnessed.

The ceremony is of a reformation of consciousness that is hidden from the majority of people above the ground. The underground cavern simply represents a consciousness of humanity not seen by many. I viewed trash bins being put out for the purpose of disposing any consciousness that no longer has any purpose in life, this includes consciousness of inhumanity. Once the consciousness is placed in the bins, the consciousness simply disappears.

By the way, this consciousness and ceremony has nothing to do with subterranean satanist paedophilia rituals and abuse, quite the opposite. The young where being conditioned to a more harmonious consciousness and no, this consciousness is not actually underground, just simply out of sight to many.

5D to people like me is simply of a consciousness more of humanity than inhumanity, put in another way, a consciousness closer to awareness than ignorance. Another way of putting this is a consciousness closer to God.

I need to add this.

Be very wary of getting involved in groups. Recently I was repulsed by people running a group who thought I was going to steal their glory/light, this was confirmed in my further interaction with these people. This is a very concerning reaction. People are feeding off of other people's ego or each others egos, yes, it is very much like actual cannibalism. What you physically see of this consciousness of inhumanity is nothing to the influence this consciousness has over people's consciousness. It is very intense and will entice people into situations that seem to serve humanity but instead serves inhumanity.

Look people, just be aware and don't simply shrug off people like me for a more glamorise consciousness, especially at the moment. I really wish you all love and guidance especially at the moment and no, people like me can't play up to people's egos to become more accepted for a very good reason.

Friday, 2 October 2020

Critical Mass

Written by Mathew Naismith

Critical mass; putting in the least amount of energy in to create a high level of self-sustainable energy creating a huge amount of energy. Financially; putting the least amount of capital in to create an economically profitable venture creating even more capital. Spiritually it is the same.

Firstly, you must realise that time is not a form of energy, time is simply a perception created by environments governed by time, day and night, birth and death, starting points and ending points of the transformation of energy from one point to the other. This aside, praying, chanting, meditating, etc, is of a least amount of energy, not the time taken which is not of energy, that can create a huge amount of self-sustainable energy. The universe is a prime example of what critical mass can create.

At present a huge amount of energy is being expended to hopefully create a self-sustainable reality of vast profits and gains. This brings us to chain reaction, where a stable reaction of energy is created to bring about a sustainable energy flow that is not just self-sustaining but puts out vast amounts of energy. Now, imagine if this chain reaction of energy is unstable. At anytime you have to input vast amounts of energy like this, is when the chain reaction between energies becomes unstable. Financial gains takes huge amounts of energy to first become viable. Once this viability is reached, creating further capital to reinvest from this initial capital becomes self-sustainable, but this energy is always unstable due to the initial energy expended.

All I can say is we have learnt very little from spiritual teachings and even from the creation of the universe. Imagine how small the consciousness is behind the small amounts of energy that created the universe!! Consciousness itself is minuscule which is what makes this consciousness so, if you like, powerful. I like to state creative rather than powerful because power is related to control. There is nothing controlling about this minuscule consciousness of vast creativeness, however, there are, if you like, laws that govern how energy is going to react. Using huge amounts of energy to create a sustainable energy flow takes a huge amount of control. This is the point, spirituality is not about taking control but simply to inform on how to use energy as a whole in a non-controlling way. Critical mass used in a creative non-controlling way can create huge amounts of self-sustainable energy. Used in a destructive controlling way, yes, a self-sustainable energy flow can be created but for a very short time before it becomes unstable and over-reactive. You should by now be able relate to this state of over-reactiveness, especially at present. So to stabilise this energy, we use even more capital investment of energy!!

How much energy is expended in staying positive? So why does being and staying positive take so much energy? Staying positive is simply in opposition to negatives, the more negatives that are around us, the more energy it takes to stay positive, often resulting in an over-reactive energy flow. If you have to expend so much energy to keep the energy stable, will this kind of energy flow really ever become truly stable, especially without pouring even more energy into it? It has to be self-sustainable, this means positive can never be in opposition to negatives. When you make the best of what is instead of the worse, there is no real negatives in opposition to your positives. Of course if you make the worse of what is, there is always negatives that we have to expend even more energy to stay positive.

Make no mistake, I am often drawn into expending energy like this to some extent when I become so involved, the trick is to be aware of your expenditure of energy. Yes, it looks like a person who pray, chants, meditates a lot is wasting energy as in the time taken in this state of consciousness, but time itself is not energy. Yes, even in these states energy can be abused/misused when using these techniques to gain control. Really, just let it go and remember, the smallest amount of energy used is often the most creative.